Liberalism really is Nazi Germany’s Fascism dressed in a new socialistic, humanistic or pantheistic skirt.

Brannon House gives a very insightful list of 26 similarities to the views of those under Nazi Germany and the views of  liberals in America today. That is why I often say the United States is rapidly becoming fascist.

Actually, this list can be applied to much of the world and not just America. Most of the world has now bought into fascism wrapped in the skirt of liberalism, socialism and pantheism. In typical Big Brother doublespeak the liberals love to call conservatives on the right fascists. However, if you look at the actual programs the liberals enact it is quite obvious that liberalism is bringing America and much of the world to the same anti biblical philosophies as did Nazi Germany. That is because liberalism really is Nazi Germany’s Fascism dressed in a new socialistic, humanistic or pantheistic skirt and sneakers. The jackboots are still in the closest.

26 Similarities Between America and Nazi Germany

I’ve distinguished 26 benchmark issues that clearly define the intensity of the tempest that is nearly upon us. And yes, there are obvious comparisons with the growth of Nazism in Germany. I will point them out unabashedly because it’s only reasonable to say so if something that looks similar to an earlier, dangerous historical parallel actually is similar. After all, storm warnings, by nature, foretell bad news

If the church in Germany had truly acted like the Church of Jesus Christ, if Christians had understood and lived out a Biblical worldview, Germany would never have accepted Hitler. I believe he would have been rejected and overthrown within weeks of his true worldview coming to light.

Most American church members today are simply reflect the culture instead of correcting and changing it. If we are to quiet the brewing storm, apathy, political correctness, and intellectual laziness must be replaced with a passion for Biblical truth, sound reasoning, logic, and the desire to lead.

Becoming a leader does not mean you must be on the radio, give speeches, or even stand up in front of a group. An effective influencer leads through his or her actions and lifestyle. Lovingly defending and proclaiming truth in a world bent on political correctness is being a leader. Even in private conversation, leadership can take the form of lovingly correcting someone’s false beliefs or ideas.

America needs Christians now more than ever to take the lead. If not, the perfect storm is ready, and annihilation is what it portends.

Full Article

More articles that clearly indicate that America is rapidly going fascist under the guise of liberalism and the third way.

Liberal Fascism

Obama leader of a police state

It is getting very serious now (they are just waiting for some enviable high profile gun massacre probably that will take place in a gun free zone to push through these fascist gun laws. Taking the guns is not about public safety in spite of what they tell you. The criminals will still have guns. They want to disarm law abiding constitutional patriot Americans so they can have a overpowering police state to enforce fascism)

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9 thoughts on “Liberalism really is Nazi Germany’s Fascism dressed in a new socialistic, humanistic or pantheistic skirt.

  1. I just came across this quote of Hitler today, thought it might be interesting for others to read as well.

    “Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers – already, you see, the world had already fallen into the hands of the Jews, so gutless a thing Christianity! – then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism, that cult which glorifies the heroism and which opens up the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world. Christianity alone prevented them from doing so.”


  2. Hi All!!

    Re: the article…if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it must be…”well a duck” most of us would say. But most americans would say “it must be a pigeon” or at least it was before it evolved into a duck (dont even ask why pigeons are still here despite the fact that supposedly ducks evolved from them). And the “knowledge” abrubtly ends at that place because I have found too many people are too ignorant and lazy to go beyond the “reasoning” behind evolution. When humans are reduced to mere animals, no wonder we are in the mess we are in.

    As for any lessons learned from History, we can all give up hope for that, because the same people who buy into the evolution “facts” have failed to be taught History, or the History they are taught has been reduced to bullit points that only serve to enhance the liberal (fascist) agenda. Is it any wonder that the same society that has turned away from God and reduced man to mere animals would devalue true heroes, and minimize the crimes of men such as Hitler? And now the TV (media and personalities) have become the new god which keep it real simple for the inane. So much easier to fill a heart, mind and soul with worthless junk when it is nothing more than a void.

    We live in sad times indeed. And the sun hasn’t shone here in days in PA, so I am really feeling depressed, disgusted and grumpy: can you tell? But I continue to pray for the lost, our country and our world, and hold out with knowledge that some day our Lord and Savior will come again! I give thanks for His incredible grace in saving me from the void that was my existance…and pray I may continue to serve Him with a heart of gratitude.

    Nasrani, that quote brings to mind “All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men (and women) to do nothing”. Christians everywhere should remember that. Today is Our National Day of Prayer (or more accurately humiliation, fasting and prayer*) whereby we should all be confessing the sins of our nation and humbly asking for God’s mercy on our nation for turning its back on Him. Because we will face his judgment.

    *Lincoln’s Proclomation:
    Really worth reading in its entirety, especially when you consider the heathen who sits as our President actually compared himself to this man. Oh, if only we had been so fortunate.

  3. vance von Leivanfelds was a nazi prophet that Hitler loved so much he followed through with all his prophecies that he had already written. Over the years people have associated his prophecies were about Hitler. THEY WERE NOT ABOUT HITLER. He said the antichrist would be raise a battle of between the races know as the aryan race – this 5th race was to be know as the “race of HOPE” sound familiar? He said it would be a war the light ones and dark ones – sound familiar. He published his findings in a book called OSTARA and spoke about how this race was physically built differently and how their techiques in war were very differenent – sound familar. he had a chart showing the physcial differences in the races at war some were colored in totally black and other were not colored in so they were white – sound familiar. He signified this antichrist as Mabus – Bama US sound familiar. How many signs do we need to see the end is here. Remeber Noah was put on top of the mountain to start a new earth on July 17 – Jesus resurrected on July 17 – July 17 this year would put us right at 3.5 years from 2012 dec 21 – SOUND FAMILIAR. Find Christ and REPENT REPENT REPENT! May God Bless you ALL and Keep you safe!

  4. Yeah it sounds familiar, What are you date setting clones going to do with yourself after 2012 comes and goes? Better start thinking about it.

  5. it’s not about the date – it is about the events taking place. It’s about knowing the truth and preparing for whatever may come whenever it starts. It’s about being prepared and not setting anything in stone be having a plan – a purpose – a focus. Faith is the key and having your lamps filled with oil is our duty. Don’t Dimiss an informative comment because it has a date – so what if there is a silly predicition a date a guess – so what – the comment is about the heart of the matter not the silly date. That date is for the miss directed that love to degrad those with any wisdom by saying OH YOU SET A DATE SO YOU ARE AN IDIOT AND CRAZY. Good think that and while other will read the comment a realize there might be a reason for them to finally pick up a bible and fulfill their destiny.

  6. For some its all about dates because it all has to happen according to some interpretation of pagan prophecy. Others then look for hidden Bible codes to confirm pagan prophecies. Still others that look for 2012 dates do it because they put a new spin on the same subjective interpretion of the “parable of the fig tree” that date setters have been using to set dates since the 1970’s.

    When 2012-13 comes and goes all these date setters will either will be gone from the Christian scene like many before them or they will tells us they made an error by x number of years and then come up with a new date.

    Problem is that your informative comment sounds familiarly like date setting to me.

  7. The other thing ive noticed about verious prophacys, dates and whos likely to fullfill whatever is they often have those attributes and coincedences that would make one think wow, maybe there is some truth to that, but since they are saying different things and yet showing convincing dates and similaritys that means they can’t all be right thus proving you can come up with convincing dates and similaritys for things that are not truth.

  8. date setting…hmmmm.

    Anyone ever hear of “88 reasons why the Rapture will happen in 1988”?

    I was only a christian for 3 years and I didn’t buy that then and I certainly don’t buy into the whole 2012 thing now, especially coming from a pagan society.

    Some can hold their breath on Dec 21, 2012. As for me I’ll be breathing God’s good air as this round of date-setters passes into history like many before them.

    I tend to looks at things simply. It ain’t over, till Jesus says it’s over. Until , that time, I occupy and watch.

    ‘Nuff said.

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