Most young American Jews resent Israel and most Israeli Jews do not have any interest in Judaism

We should no longer wonder why Israel elects leaders that will destroy their state. Frankly, with their secular humanistic atheist views Jews do not deserve God’s grace to live in His land. The Majority of Jews today are worse than the ones that God threw out of the Land twice. These atheist cowards actually will side with those trying to destroy them. Jews once said, never again, after the holocaust. Most of today’s Jews resent Israel. By their cowardly appeasement of those who wish to eliminate them as a nation and race they guarantee another holocaust.

Now we see why Bible prophecy says God will bring a time called Jacob’s trouble for Israel where the unbelieving Jews will be cut off and only one-third of Jews will be refined through the fire. Only then will their promised kingdom be restored.

Lest some Christians gloat about this, most that call themselves Christians are denying the faith and they shall have a similar fate in the tribulation.

Jonathan Rosenblum: The End of the Bargain The majority of young American Jews and the majority of young Israelis share in common a lack of interest in their Judaism. But that shared negativity provides little basis for a relationship. Shared gene pools won’t do it either — that smacks of racism. And ethnic identity, it turns out, cannot be passed down, or survive the breakup of ethnically homogeneous neighborhoods.

What young Jews under 35 feel towards Israel goes beyond apathy to outright resentment. Israel complicates their social lives and muddies their political identity. Only 54% profess to be comfortable with the idea of a Jewish state at all. In Europe and on elite American campuses, internationalism and a world-without-borders are the rage. The Jews of Israel, with their stubborn insistence on protecting their nation-state, are, as always, out-of-sync.

Young American Jews do not wish to be tarred with their atavisms. On campus and where enlightened folk meet, Israel is scorned as a colonial oppressor. Who wants to be identified as a sympathizer with apartheid? Once Reform Judaism disavowed Zionism for fear of being thought disloyal to their host countries, and young American Jews today share similar fears of being out of step with their enlightened peers.

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4 thoughts on “Most young American Jews resent Israel and most Israeli Jews do not have any interest in Judaism

  1. Shaikh,

    I am busy. You can find what I have said on Jacob’s trouble by using the search box on the bottom of my website homepage. If you are looking in the Bible it is Jer 37:7

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