Muslim people need to throw off their taskmasters and choose peace

The Muslim people need to hear the truth, for if they continue on the road that their taskmasters are taking them they will never have peace in this world or attain everlasting life from the Creator in the next.

Muslim leaders talk about Jihad and taking the world for Allah so that Sharia law will reign in the world where everyone will submit to Allah and everyone does what is lawful and right. Yet, even in the most Muslim of countries, is that a reality? I think if you are a honest Muslim you know that even where Sharia law reigns, so do the control freaks and the taskmasters. Even under Sharia law there is little true justice. Cruel men often prevail and you must always fear that someday someone will point their finger at you, even if you do your best to be a good man and keep the law.

Forget the West for a minute Muslim, and look at the conditions in the Muslim world. Brother is fighting against brother because even you cannot agree among yourselves which faction is speaking for God. The Shia have often been oppressed by the Sunni majority and now the Shia want revenge. You even allow your own female children to be treated like a half human possession because you are not allowed to think for yourself or question man-made traditions. Is oppression of woman, cruelty and lack of mercy really what the Creator speaks into your heart about His nature? Is this the Muslim world that you think can bring about peace on earth?

Do you really think that oppressive religion can unite the world in love in the name of Allah? I hope you realize that your religion was not the first to try to unite the world in the name of God. The control freak taskmasters of Christianity tried to force their views on the world and history tells us what happened. Christianity soon started fighting each other and everyone else in the name of God. Its a long story, but even today Christendom is divided into a thousand factions. Christianity did not take over the world for God because that was never God’s mission for Christianity. Jesus never told his followers to take the world by force for God or for himself.

Neither will Muslims take the world by force for Allah. You are making the same religious mistakes as the Roman whore before you. There are great divisions even among yourselves as there is in Christendom.

Did not your prophet Jesus tell you to love your enemies? But, you don’t follow what he said. Instead, you follow your other prophet Muhammad that told you to kill them. How are your prophets even prophets if their messages from God conflicts? At least prophet Jesus put his words were his mouth was, when he showed mankind that he would suffer and die for the sake of loving his enemies. Did Muhammad ever do anything like that? It is time that Muslim people compared the life that Jesus led with the life that Muhammad led. Let us look at the historical facts. Both men cannot be telling the truth, if prophets are contradicting each other one has to be a false prophet.

Jesus not only told us to love our enemies he healed the sick, cast out devils, raised the dead and performed many supernatural signs and wonders. He was crucified for nothing more than saying that he was the Messiah that the Creator promised to the Jews. No honest historian will depute what eyewitnesses recorded about Jesus. These same eyewitnesses of the life and resurrection of Jesus even died for not denying what they claimed. In contrast, what good did Muhammad ever do in his life to prove that he was really a prophet of Allah and where are the eyewitnesses to those events?

Other than writings that Muhammad claimed were given to him, what signs were given to others and recorded that tell us that Muhammad was actually speaking for the Creator of the universe? Compare Muhammad’s life of violence with the peaceful life of Jesus. The historical record indicates that Jesus had supernatural power like no other man on earth ever had. Yet, this Jesus, did not use the power he had for harm, he only used it for good. He was the most powerful man on earth but he made himself a servant of all. He never harmed anyone and he told his followers to follow his good example. This Jesus, even allowed his own physical life to be taken from him as an offering to God for our sins so that mankind could be cleaned from sin and enter the presence of a holy God. So who sounds like the real prophet of God, Jesus or Muhammad?

You might say that Jesus did not do all this, but as a Muslim you still do claim that Jesus was a prophet. You claim he went to Heaven and he will come back again. How can Jesus be a true prophet if he did not say the things and do the things that his eyewitness followers recorded about him? If you deny the account of the eyewitnesses of Jesus, then on whose witnesses do you claim that Jesus was a prophet? What eyewitness accounts do you have apart from those that actually were eyewitnesses to Jesus? If you have none, and still deny the eyewitness accounts, then why do you not believe them, but also still claim that Jesus was a prophet?

Where are Muhammad’s eyewitnesses to all the good works and miracles that Muhammad achieved in his life? Why do you Muslims believe claims that Muhammad speaks for God and is prophet greater than Jesus but then your religion cannot even offer eyewitnesses of works of God like we see that were recorded about Jesus that indicated that Jesus actually must have been sent by God?

So, if there is a conflict between two prophets of Islam which one should Muslims believe? This Jesus who showed that the Creator can be known and that He has a loving nature and cares about all of our lives and wishes that everyone would come to Him for life and salvation – this same Jesus that displays a Creator that does not force anyone to love Him but gives man free choice to hear and believe or to reject Him. Or, should we believe this Muhammad that claims that the Creator actually needs men to fight and hate each other so that all mankind will be submitted to Allah? The Muhammad claims a God that is all powerful but apparently still needs men to fight His battles on earth for Him?

I don’t know about your Creator, but my Creator does not need sinful man’s help to establish peace and righteousness on earth. His risen Son Jesus will establish that alone when He comes back to earth. God does not need man, but man needs God just to take another breath. So, if you agree, why do you think you have to take the world by physical force for Allah? You might say Christians tried to take the world by force for God also. Yes, some calling themselves Christians did and still do, but why do you assume that all calling themselves Christians are true Christians. Anyone can call themselves anything they want, but only the true followers of Jesus Christ are actually true Christians. Jesus did not tell Christians to take the world by force for God. He actually told Christians to go out into all the world and preach the “good news” to all creatures.

The good news true Christians are to preach is that the full price of sin was paid for by Jesus’ own blood sacrifice. You see, by one man’s disobedience sin and death came into the world (Adam) and by one sinless man’s obedience to even death on the cross for us, all sin was paid for. The “good news” is that now all can have eternal life by just trusting in the righteous Savior that God provided to save us. By the way, that man was Jesus. He was a prophet but He was also much more than a prophet. He was the pet Lamb of God that took away the sins of the world for all that will believe in God righteousness to save mankind from eternal sin and separation. He was the image of the invisible God made incarnate in man that took our sins upon His body and died and rose from the dead because death could not hold the only begotten Son of God that came from God and returned to God. This Jesus rose into a incorruptible new man and once again sits with His Father and intercedes against Satan for the people that God has given to him. When the full number given to Him by the Father comes into his presence He will return to establish His Kingdom on earth as it now is in Heaven.

This Jesus freely offers eternal life for all that place their trust in Him. You cannot earn it or work for it because it is all of God’s doing. What you must do to be saved is Believe God. The prophets spoke of Him. Just read what what just one passage says of Him before he was even born. There are hundreds that Jesus fulfilled perfectly.

Isa 9:6  For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
7  Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.

We could never be saved by our own efforts because people in the sinful nature of Adam could never be pleasing to a perfect holy God even through our own best efforts we fall short of perfection and are sinfully and God cannot  fellowship with the corrupted that would continue to corrupt His creation. The “good news” is that by trusting in God’s Savior, our sins are taken away and we are immersed into a spotless spiritual body of believers where sin was paid for by the blood sacrifice of Jesus. This spiritual body of the Lord’s is given the name “the Body of Christ”. We that are in this body will inherent all things with Jesus Christ because of what He did for us.

Ask yourself what is the logical end result if Islam tries to take over the world for Allah? You really should be able to see what will happen, I should not have to spell it out. There will be endless wars, because most people in the world will not submit to your Allah. Even if everyone converted to Islam factions would soon still arise and there still would be more wars. What you will actually bring to the world if you try to force the world to submit to Islam is destruction. That destruction will also fall on your own house.

If you’re living in reality you should know that non Muslim nations will have superior military power for generations. Why would you want to bring your own house down on your own head? Surly you have not become as deluded as your taskmasters? Islam can never take the world by force.

If the West falls through its own decadence, do you really think Islam will have a more receptive audience from the East? Will China and India submit to Islam and will they have a weaker military than you? You should know that they will be the new superpowers in twenty years. They will not treat you better than present Western world powers. In fact, they will be much more ruthless. If they want your oil they will just come and take it. Therefore, it is only wise that you choice peace with the West. Choose peace with all people while you still can. Soon, Islam’s control freak taskmasters will take you on a continual road to hell on earth if you choose to allow them to take you on a path to war.

I suggest that the Muslim people start getting minds of their own. With modern media your taskmasters cannot keep you in darkness. If you just examine the facts for yourself on these issues you can be enlightened. Perhaps you are content to be a mindless robot controlled by the control freaks of Islam or perhaps you are even one of the control freaks yourself. Nonetheless, one day all Muslims will answer to the Creator of the Universe for their lives and you will not earn points with the Creator by declaring your death wish for Him or showing Him your willing ignorance. You should have known that the Creator of the universe must be perfect, merciful and just. He would never have choose to work through cruel corrupted taskmasters that love to Lord over you. Jesus make that clear to anyone with eyes to see.

It is now time for all those that are enslaved by lying claims of religious control freaks to throw off the bonds of the cruel taskmasters that entrap them. Choose peace, and the forgiveness the Creator offers in Jesus or you will not only reap the consequences of your actions on earth, you will reap an eternity alienated from God. Also, do not say I cannot accept Jesus become of my family. Jesus said those that put family before Him are not worthy of Him. When the two prophets of God come as the scriptures foretell all people on earth will be told the truth and they have to make a choice to accept Jesus or deny Him. But, better you do it now so you can be counted in the body of Christ and escape the judgment coming to try everyone on earth.

By the way, Muslims of the Middle East, Why do you hate Israel? Most of you descend from the same father as Israel and if you cannot even have peace with your own half brothers on earth how can you have peace with anyone else in the world? Let Israel live in peace and you will live in peace. God promises a future blessing for the sons of Ishmael but those that oppose His will on earth will never see it. Unlike the Allah of the Qur’an the God of Israel and the God of creation does not need men to fight His battles for Him. Jesus is coming soon in the name of His Father. You do not want to find yourself fighting against God.

Bottom line is choose peace and stop following the hate motivated clergy that uses hate to control you Muslims.

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37 thoughts on “Muslim people need to throw off their taskmasters and choose peace

  1. Don
    With the happenings of today indicating unparalleled events in the Middle East in the very near future, your article is timely.
    We can only pray that it will be read by the Moslem world. May God open their eyes and their ears to know the truth – before the prayer of Psalm 83 is answered.
    It is almost certain that that event and Ezekiel 38-39 will lead many to repentance but nevertheless we pray for those that dwell in those lands – including Israel.

  2. True but Psalm 83 is strictly about Arab nations attacking Israel and Arabs are only about 1/5 of Islam. I think Psalm 83 will take place even if Islam somehow is scraped as a religion tomorrow, as would Ezekiel 38-39.

  3. I am of a similar opinion. It appears that events are lining up for the “War of Psalm 83” – which will set things up for Ezekiel 38/39.

  4. Yeah, but the Ezekiel war will not come right away. Israel has to be living in peace and security for awhile before the Ezekiel war.

  5. All can have eternal life? Just a matter of luck as to who gets the gospel or not? Doesn’t look like that has worked to well over time for the Jews or sons-of-Allah. Maybe spiritual death,human depravity,and satanic influence create a road block?

  6. Abba? Please quicken these words You’ve given Don to the hearts of all the Muslim people who read them. Please given them saving faith, drawing them to You. They are no better, and no worse the we are, and yet You want us all to be reconciled with You, to become Your Beloved. Thank You that You have gone (and go) to such *extravagant* lengths to snatch us from eternal disaster. Jesus? You have the words of eternal life; to whom else could we go? We cannot wait for all this to be finished, for us to awaken from this ‘dream’ of our lives here. Eternity beckons! We praise You Lord: Father, Jesus and Spirit!

  7. i must agree j w, so a billion of muslims are gonna perish in hell just because they we born in the wrong part of the world?

  8. Why do you speak for God? Only God knows who will perish in Hell. All will hear the good news about Jesus before the end. That is the role of the 2 witnesses and the 144.000 so then is God any less concerned about peoples salvation before that?

    God gave the Church a great commission to tell the good news but God can also reveal Himself to anyone He pleases. He did to the ancient Israelis, the prophets and He did to Paul. Nevertheless anyone hearing the truth of God’s love for the world through the sacrifice that Jesus made cannot then deny God in His Son when they hear of it just to continue to be part of a lying man-made religion. That also includes so called Christians that claim Jesus by family tradition but deny Him with their life.

    I suppose J W is really implying that there is a special predestined Elect and that only they can be saved. That may be true to be part of the Bride of Christ (or it may not) but Christians should not assume that the Jews or others that did not know Jesus will not be saved. Are you telling me all the people of Israel that gave their lives for God and His anointed kings in battle missed the salvation boat because they did not know of Jesus? Should I believe that those that live for God and show their faith In Him by their works for Him will not be saved but Christians that do nothing for Him are saved by their lip service?

    Perhaps all given eternal life will not be those sitting in Christian pews like some Christians like to think. Perhaps those who have God in their heart and just never heard the gospel of Jesus life and resurrection are also His people.

  9. “Nevertheless anyone hearing the truth of God’s love for the world through the sacrifice that Jesus made cannot then deny God in His Son when they hear of it just to continue to be part of a lying man-made religion. That also includes so called Christians that claim Jesus by family tradition but deny Him with their life.”

    Don,that’s profound.

    Thanks for a little mid-winter dispensationalism.

  10. Not looking for a fight Don,but not sure what you intend. I never made the claim I speak for God.Let me guess as to what you believe. If wrong,please accept my apologies: God loves everyone equally;Everyone has an equal chance to be saved,with or without the gospel;Men control the distribution of the gospel;When Jesus died,He intended to make it possible for all men to be saved,even those in hell when He died;God votes for you to go to heaven;the devil votes to take you to hell;You have to break the tie. Majority vote wins.I agree with you one one thing. God most certainly can reveal himself to whom He pleases. Jesus stated that very clearly in Matt 11-27.In fact,they are the ones who will actually be saved.As far as Israel goes,you don’t seem to believe God mostly confined His word and ways to them and not to the surrounding pagan Nations.Finally,the cross does operate back in time. The old testament saints were saved by trusting in the coming Messiah and they were regenerated just like you. They knew the same Jesus,only by the name of Yahweh or Jehovah.Let me ask you a question. Does God know before something happens that it is certain to happen? If so,what makes it certain. Who or what guarantees the certainty. I believe God has,from all eternity, freely ordained all events that come to pass. Do you disagree? Here is something you might be interested in.There was a survey by the Home Missions Board of the Southern Baptist churches. They surveyed 350,000 members baptized in 1993. They found out that more than half cannot be found by the churches that reported the baptisms. Only nine percent of the adults responding to the survey said they joined the church for spiritual reasons.Statistics seem to indicate over time that almost 90% of the decisions for Christ for all churches turn out to be bogus.Just maybe the gospel today is more deceptive than real.I wonder how many of those decisions would be made if the sinner was told that He did not have the power to spiritually believe and the Holy Spirit had to enable him to do that. The fat churches might not be so filled with the goats today if that were told.

  11. i’m just trying to say that the muslims are brainwashed into only believing in allah[fake god],you cant even mention jesus to them or otherwise you will be burned alive, stoned, hanged etc. Jesus is a nobody to them, and if a child is born in the middle east these days, he will be thought to worhip allah and muhammad. I can understand that the angel is gonna proclaim the truth in the end times that jesus is the only way but what is that good if the child is already brainwashed from an early age.Most likely he is not going to belive the message and continue in his destructive path to meet muhammed and allah in hell.

  12. J W,

    You want to know my position. I stand by my statement of beliefs on my homepage. “The Prophetic Years Ministry will not be classified as either Calvinist or Arminian. We find truth and error in both views. If you think that is a contradiction, so be it. We believe that man’s knowledge on the nature of God is imperfect, since man is severely limited by his brain and the four dimensions he lives in.”

    The fact is, that no one has God’s ways all figured out. Anyone who claims there are not good arguments on both sides of this issue are not paying attention to the other side of the argument. Everyone clearly has a chance to be saved and it makes no difference if I think it is a equal chance or not. It is what God decides that rules. Those given ears to hear will hear when they are told the gospel.

    Those that never yet heard the good news and yet are drawn by the Spirit of God will somehow come to the knowledge of God’s Savior. The name Jesus means “Jehovah is salvation” but Jehovah means “I Am” or in other words He is the eternal ever existing God. So Jesus was given His name to indicate that “Salvation is in the eternal God”. That is why the OT called “I AM” “Emmanuel” meaning “God with us” People get too hung up on the name Jesus rather than the God the name represents. By whatever one calls the Savior sent from God “He Is”.

    David just calls Him the Lord or his Savior and that is what He is. He is God’s Savior and all coming to Father God will come through Him.

    Some fundamentalists seems to think the name you call the Savior by is more important than the God the name represents. David and Israel did not know God by name. They knew “I Am” or the Angel of the Lord or what the prophets of the God of Israel said. What is common of all in the faith is that knew that the God of creation is a merciful God that wanted to save them from their sins and they knew if they trusted in this saving God with all their heart they would be with Him in Heaven for eternity. They did not know the details of how God would make that possible. They believed by faith. Centuries later when this Savior was born into the world in Israel those waiting for God’s salvation to save them could not deny His salvation when He stood before them. Yet, there were many prophets and people of God in Israel generations before the Savior came to make atonement for their sins.

    As for decisions for Christ in Baptist Churches, part of the problem is pressure from parents and peers. People often do what is expected of them. But you are also reading way too much into this survey. Baptists are well known for changing churches and they also move to new locations like everyone else in this country. So, it should not surprise anyone that more than half will not be attending the church that they were Baptized in. I would say that is true of most denominations. In fact many Christians today do not even attend the same denomination that they were Baptized in. The population of Southern Baptist churches is rather stable so its not like everyone is just dropping out as you seem to imply.

    I also would not jump to the conclusion that joining a church and making a decision for Christ is one and the same thing. Further, I know people that are Christians that do not attend a congregation because they are feed up with what occurs in these congregations, that does not make them bogus Christians.

    I suppose if people were told what you suggest Christians could just do away with personal evangelism and just run a TV commerical. After all, if you are one of those destined to be saved you have no choice in the matter and you will come to believe. On the other hand, if your not one of the elect it is an exercise in frustration.

    Sorry, I do not find that kind of selective gospel taught in the Bible.

    Really, where you want to go with this with your Calvinist viewpoints is getting this post off topic so I am not going to go any further down that rabbit trail here.

  13. Bob,

    I expect Islam to fall some time before the Angel gives the everlasting gospel.Muslims will see God’s intervention for Israel in the war of Ezekiel 38 39 and also Remember that the whole world will be hearing from God’s two witnesses for 1260 days. They will have supernatural powers. Then there is the 144,000 as well.

    Frankly the only reason people will chose to believe a lie after all this is because the Antichrist will be given power to kill the two witnesses and claim to be above anything called God. It not like he is going to give them the gospel of Muhammad. He and His false prophet have their very own agenda.

  14. Don & JW. If I may be so bold as to stick my big nose into this discussion. And please Don hear me out and I’ll try to bring it around to the issue on topic.

    I was thinking about the discussion you two were having this afternoon and I was drawn to Acts 10:34. Peter was asked by Cornelius to come to Caesarea and after arriving into their company Peter starts right off telling them, (paraphrasing) “you know, it’s not lawful for me a Jew to keep company with Gentiles. But God has shown me not to call any man common or unclean.” And then after Peter is told the story of how he came to be urged to come. He speaks. And he says, “…of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons…” I looked at the word for “respecter of persons” and it basically means that, God doesn’t take people at face value, (I thank God for that in my case) he looks into the heart. That’s how it can come to be said, “out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.”

    Now, JW, I know from where you come, ideologically, for I too am Calvinistic. It took me awhile to realize that I can’t see into other peoples’ hearts. And please don’t misunderstand me I’m not accusing you of this. I just mean that I had to come to the understanding that it’s not my view that counts, it’s God’s. There’s just no way I can know who the elect are. (nevertheless, I do believe in the election of the saints) I can only witness as to what Jesus means to, and has done for, me. In fact if you look at Acts 10:41 my Calvinistic tendencies show me that God himself chose to show the resurrected Jesus only to certain ones. And they were to witness as to what Jesus had done.

    This same passage spoke to me with regards to Don’s article. This is exactly what the Muslims don’t get.
    Verse 35:But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.
    36 The word which [God] sent unto the children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ: (he is Lord of all:)
    37 That word, [I say], ye know, which was published throughout all Judaea, and began from Galilee, after the baptism which John preached;
    38 How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.

    The thing that has always gotten to me about Muhammad, and in fact all the worlds “religious leaders” is that they’re all dead. Walter Martin said once, “The glory of Christianity is the living Savior. Religious leaders of the earth share a common factor, they died and they stayed that way. But the message of Jesus Christ went forth into a world of unbelieving men, Jews and Gentiles, with an incredible message. He’s alive! And because He’s alive, we will live also.”

    Anyway, at the end of Acts 10 Peter says in v41 “To him (Jesus) give all the prophets witness, that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins.” And then the Holy Spirit fell upon all them which heard the word. What a scene it must have been. I apologize if this was to long but to quote General Patton, “This was on my mind”

  15. Dear Ken: This is Don’s blog and He has the right to say whatever He wants. It has been said that men are born Pelagian,including ourselves. After all,we deal with people based on merit and we assume so does God.Calvinism is tough theology. It is not egalitarian. It holds for a Divine discrimination that is definitely not the American way.We refuse to recognize that men are born hostile to God,and really are God-haters of the Biblical God.We insist that if God is favorable to one,like David,then He must be favorable to all,like Goliath.He must either destroy all,or give the same,or at least sufficient, grace to all. Otherwise He is unfair and unjust.So my theology is different from Don’s. But I do agree with him on most other topics.It does seem likely that a Psalm 83 war is coming. I could not find anywhere in history where an alignment of Nations happened in the past that are described in Psalm 83.So I was not surprised to hear that Egypt and others are likely to become Islamic. There has to be a reason why Israel is at peace in Ezekiel 38.But when the fight comes,the same fearsome God Of Israel that guided the stone from David’s sling to the head of Goliath,as David slew the Giant,will guide the Israeli defense forces as they slay the sons of Allah.Don did mention that he has a statement of His beliefs on His Blog on His home page but I could not find a statement.Have you found such a statement?

  16. Don, you mentioned earlier (and I understand if this is off topic and deleted) about the name Jehovah. The names of God are a great study. As I’m sure you are aware, the name Jehovah coming from the Hebrew “Yaweh” with the vowels added. But the interesting thing is, the Hebrew being a “picture” language, we really can’t do it justice in translation. I once had a teacher describe it as, imagine a pinched water hose being released. That releasing describes what “Yaweh” means. For what it’s worth.

  17. Its not that your theology is that much different than mine. I just see both views are correct in what they affirm but I also think they both deny certain revealed facts about God. I believe that 3 maybe 4 of the 5 points of Calvinism are true. I think 5 point Calvinists miss what Jesus personally displayed about the nature of God.

    I also think 5 point Calvinists like to put Christians in classifications. Either you agree with them or you are against the truth of divine election. That simply is not the case. There is something that we cannot understand about how God can be sovereign yet also gives free will to beings to obey or disobey, or believe or disbelieve. The problem cannot be solved with our limited knowledge yet the Bible teachers it, and that is why Christianity has had the best minds on both sides of this issue debating the points until the cows come home and they cannot come to any agreement.

    The truth is that we cannot understand God’s ways in our human limitations. It is like Lucy of Peanuts claiming to know the mind of Charles Schulz because she sometimes gets the role of a comic pop psychologist. God is not limited by His creation and He has options unique to Him that we cannot even grasp. This controversy is not going to be settled while we are still in the flesh. I actually think God wants it that way so nobody will be so smug to think that they are elect and cannot miss the boat, but on the other hand no one should speak for God claiming that He made souls just to assign them to a fate of eternal condemnation.

    However, like I said this post is not about Calvinism, so unless there is a Muslim connection I won’t be posting any more on this issue here.

    There is no record of Psalm 83 being fulfilled so it is yet future. We can now see the players coming together in real time. The only mystery is why Iran is not mentioned as being among them if we are on the brink of the fulfillment of Psalm 83? Perhaps there will be a revolution in Iran also.

    My statement of faith and beliefs is found near the bottom of my homepage. Here is the link to that.

  18. the protests really do prove that the psalm 83 war is really near now because egypt is one of the nations attacking israel and i also cannot understand why would iran sit back and not attack. One question that i got is, will damascus be destroyed in psalm 83 war or some other war after it?

  19. My thought is that Iran would prefer to use proxies rather than use its own people/resources due to the unrest among the population in Iran.

    Then, when the IDF prevails in Psalm 83, the Iranians will feel compelled to demonstrate that Allah is greater than the God of Israel. They will lead what remains of the Islamic nations into war with Israel and drag (hooks in their jaws) a reluctant Russia into the war.

  20. So then where is the peace and security in Israel that has to be in place before the Gog war of Ezekiel can take place?

    Besides, Gog comes down to carry off a great spoil that first has to be available. There is no indication from scripture that religion has anything to do with it. It seems the reson for the God war is very secular. Also the Saudis do not come with Gog and they would if it had anything to do with Islam.

    More likely. There is a world famine and crop failure in Russia and other areas of the world and Russia’s military is feeling unopposed because the United States is out of the picture due to our own internal problems.

  21. Don: I respect your views on Calvinism and no more comments from me on the issue. But I want to talk about something else. The 800 pound gorilla in the room is a WMD attack on the US.With our current President,I do not believe there will be any retaliation. So what happens when this Nation finds out they will be slowly destroyed with no return action on our part. I can see things getting nasty very quickly. What are your thoughts.

  22. I agree, I wrote ten posts on the EMP threat for America. They can be found by clicking on the EMP category on the sidebar. I think my thoughts on the EMP danger are best expressed in those articles and in my followup comments there.

  23. i heard kissinger [the puppet master of the elites] talk about how this unrest in egypt is only the beginning, i mean if he is saying this then we might ought to listen cuz the elites control him and they are always one step ahead of us. The bilderbergs are planning all of this in advance and as don said, iran might be next!!

  24. It is only the start of a Islamic takeover in Egypt but I hardly think the Western elite have any control over Muslim fundamentalists or events in Iran

  25. I think Don is right in calling Muslims to believe in Christ as thair Savior. Many of them do not get any christians to testify to them. They live isolated from the gospel of grace because of the Sharia law. I think this blog presents many arguments for the Muslims to hear and et interested in learning more about Jesus Christ.

    Don, have any Muslims gotten in contact with you after this blog?

  26. Not at this point. Muslims generally do not read my blogs. My hope is that some will someday find this article by a keyword search in Google or elsewhere. So far there has only been about 400 views of this post.

  27. Don, I have wondered about two things pertaining to Muslims for a while. One, if the only “JESUS” they ever heard about was the fake one from Islam, have they ever really heard about THE REAL JESUS, and are they cupable for having rejected Him; two, whether they if fact have heard about THE Jesus or not, are they in fact so reprobate and unbelieving in Him that its too late for them anyway? I really don’t have a satisfactory answer for either points, and don’t want to judge them based on ignorance or misunderstanding.

  28. Based on the clear teachings of the Koran,I don’t see any possibility Muslims will change their behavior or goals. To do so,would defy Allah.No doubt the destruction of Israel is their prime goal.Only force can hold them back.

  29. J W,

    Salvation is not based on the clear teachings of the Qur’an! I am not even sure that there are any clear teachings in the Qur’an. It is a very contradictory book.

    To say that a Muslim cannot hear the truth and be saved is saying the same thing about anyone now lost. Remember you also were once lost in your sins until you heard the truth and believed. The facts are, that some in Muslims nations are now hearing the truth about Jesus and they are rejecting the Qur’an. Some in these Muslim nations are now risking their lives for the gospel.

    Its true that it is just a trickle now, like the Jews, but when God shows Himself to them through Israel many in the 10 x 40 window will come to Christ. Many others of all Religions will come to Satan and his Antichrist. There really are only two choices for all mankind. You either come to Jesus or you reap the same fate as Satan and his angels.

    Michael Angelo,

    Muslims will not come to faith through their religion or know who Jesus really is through Islam. They will have to hear and believe like all saved. But, I do not think that anyone should assume that all Muslims will be damned because most are now deceived. We Christians were also deceived at one point in our lives. You can’t broad-brush everyone now in bondage to religion or anything else. You do not know what God will do in the future to get the truth to people. Actually, come to think of it, to some extent we do,there will be the supernatural deliverance of Israel from the forces of Gog in the Ezekiel 38-39 war, there will be the Rapture, the two witnesses, the 144,000 and the angel. The everlasting gospel will be told clearly to the whole world.

    I think those that are broad-bushing 1/4 of the people on earth and claiming that they are damned and cannot be saved are playing right into the pseudo Christian world war against Islam that will bring in the religious whore, the revived Roman Empire and its Beast/Antichrist.

    Some people claiming to be Christians seem just too eager to love to hate their enemies.

  30. “The only mystery is why Iran is not mentioned as being among them if we are on the brink of the fulfillment of Psalm 83?”
    And why is it that Iran and Turkey align themselves with Gog? Other than existing economic ties is there anything on the horizon that would keep them from entering into the fray.
    Perhaps there is truth in the report about the Stuxnet worm setting Iran’s nuclear program back two or three years. She may not feel herself ready for any immediate enterprise against Israel and if the hot head Arabs precipitate a war Iran may sit back to see what happens.
    Whatever does happens 2011 will be an interesting year I think.

  31. Don
    I was not referring to salvation.Merely that the Koran requires Muslims to subdue lands for Allah.I believe the Koran sanctions lying,as long as it is done to furthur Islam.I don’t think they can be placated or turned from their goals. I would be delighted to find out that I am wrong.I believe that Israel is in great peril and is being deserted by the current President. He has just stabbed Egypt in the back and I see no reason why He won’t do the same to Israel.The Lord will bring Israel through in some way.Pray for wisdom for the leaders of Israel.

  32. I do not think Muslims will change their views until the wars that are coming lead to great destruction. But, I also think there is more hope for a Muslim’s conversion to Christ than those on the Far Left. Muslims are blind people led by evil leaders but the Far Left says it sees but willfully unites with every sort of evil.

    Israel is in peril only because they rejected their Messiah. When we see what God said would happen playing out in that area before our eyes we should not be so surprised.

  33. To answer J.W. and Bob; I’m sure God has no problem getting the word out to the world as to His plan of salvation through Jesus Christ. Where a person is born means little other than the degree of persecution one might suffer. To think otherwise, simply shows a person’s idea that God has limits. If you believe God is the Creator of the universe, it shouldn’t be a stretch to believe he can get the word out. Additionally, we know God is fair and just and knows what is in each man’s heart. Furthermore, look what’s happening in the Muslim nations today with the ease of global communication through technology. More of them have heard about Jesus than you can probably imagine.

  34. If it is true that in bin Ladens hideout was found bunches of porn…shouldn’t this send a message to the Muslim people about their leaders ? Or no, maybe Allah wants his servants to seek porn in preparation for their 72 virgins.

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