Nobody is giving Christian children Christian education

It is eye opening to realize that 80 to 85% of pastors support keeping kids in our demented public education system. Now you know why the Southern Baptist convention will not take up the issue even though Bruce Shortt tried to bring it to the floor. Most Christians parents are not teaching their children Christianity anymore either they leave it up to their church to educate their Children and most churches are doing a terrible job at doing that. So the kids get very little Bible teaching except for going over the popular Bible Sunday School stories. The children are then bombarded with anti Christian postmodern brainwashing day after day in the public schools that attack religious doctrine. Then we wonder why we lose almost all the youth as soon as they go off on their own.

The author suggests that even if they pass a marriage constitution amendment in California this year that when the next generation grows up in 25 years it will be repealed. I suggest that it will not take anywhere near that long. The next generation will have all the votes they need in five years if the church can even get this amendment to the Constitution passed this year. People calling themselves Christians are almost as postmodern as their children and most do not know the bible, nor do they believe in Bible absolutes.

We are reaping the consequences of what started happening 50 years ago and unless someone evangelizes the lost “church” in America there will be no U.S.A. in a decade.

Dobson may have warned us 6 1/2 years ago but nobody did much about a movement to take kids out of public schools including Focus on the Family. Since 85 percent of the pastors are not even getting the message out about the public school problem we have today, you know as well as I do that the end of the downward slide is not going to happen. The days when children will rise up against parents to enforce world hate speech laws and religious pluralism are just about upon us (Matt 10:21, Matt12:13).

Christian Worldview Network – Brannon Howse – Dr. James Dobson Warned Us Six and Half Years Ago About Today

Bruce Shortt in his book the Harsh Truth about Public Schools says, “About 85% of Christian children attend government schools, but the message that Christian parents are obligated to provide a Christian education is seldom heard from the pulpit.”

With 80 to 85 percent of Christian children attending public schools and roughly the same number of pastors supportive of public education, it is easy to see why Focus is reluctant to criticize public schools. Times are tough for parachurch ministries, and with the struggling economy, giving may be hurt.

Focus must call for the removal of our precious children from public schools, especially in California. Perhaps this will spark a national exodus. The new school year is upon us. The time to act is now.

It’s time to heed Dr. Dobson’s prophetic words, and focus on your family education.

“Those who control what young people are taught, and what they experience-what they see, hear, think and believe-will determine the future course for the nation.”

(Children at Risk, p.27) James Dobsin

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One thought on “Nobody is giving Christian children Christian education

  1. This is really chilling. IF our nation survives the next decade, the next capable leaders may well come from the home schooled.

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