Only Imagine Tolle and Oprah’s homonoeticus living forever in the Lake of Fire!

The quotes are some excerpts from Debra Rae on “Only Imagine Tolle’s New Earth, Part 1” It looks like it is going to be a very good series.

For those into Tolle’s recycled and refined New Age religion I want you to only imagine homonoeticus living forever in the Lake of Fire. Tolle and Oprah are only telling you a rehash of the same lie that the Serpent told Eve from the beginning, “That you can become like God”. No you can’t! You can become a very prideful deceived human like these two have become, believing that they are evolving into a superior race (homonoeticus). Believing Tolle’s nonsense will really only evolve you into a eternal place in the Lake of Fire.

If you read this article you will know why they hate Bible believing Christians and why they really want us dead and why people who think like them will be the force behind Christian and Jewish persecution in the future. Its because we will not worship them as homoneticus masters and we will try to stop them from deceiving others in the world by telling them the truth. – Breaking News, U.S., World, Science, and Mystery

Notwithstanding, secular and cosmic humanists alike actively reject and attempt to eradicate traditional theism. To Tolle, the sacred Name of God is attributed to a company of highly evolved masters (Jesus among them), each of whom claims transcendent consciousness and common divinity with all life—in Motulsky’s words, “fallible humans with total power.”

In Tolle’s misguided view, Christ is every man and woman. True, he references “universal law,” but Tolle ascribes the Ten Commandments as necessary only for those cut off from their own “I AM”-ness. Note that it was not Tolle, but rather co-Masonic Hierarch Alice Bailey who conceptualized and coined the term for this—namely, “Christhood.” This, my friend, exceeds folly. It is blasphemy. For such arrogance, even the angel Lucifer was cast in shame from heaven!

As evidenced in A New Earth, this burgeoning sect of evolutionary cosmic consciousness is allowed rigidity of expression that by no means is afforded traditionalists. For espousing absolutism analogous to those advanced by Tolle, Bible-believing Christians are to be feared. Their dogma allegedly represents a “mental dysfunction” perpetuating separation and conflict; therefore, Christians are (in Tolle’s word) “dangerous.” After all, he explains, the history of Christianity provides a “prime example” of how biblical dogma “corrupts to the point of insanity.”

Achieving mastery qualifies awakened adepts to act as “Custodians of the Plan” and to watch over and even guide all of humanity’s spiritual progress. In so doing, these work hard to extinguish forces of darkness/evil—i.e., Jews and Christians. The desired outcome is for the old “Piscean Age” with its obsolete traditionalism to give way to an anticipated “Age of Aquarius,” marked by promises of peace, harmony and brotherhood.

Said adepts comprise a superior species (homonoeticus) whose quantum leap to “consciousness” has fitted them for presumably higher levels of existence in the esoteric

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