Pantheism is rapidly replacing Secular Humanism

The postmodern generation is shifting into the belief that they can create their own humanistic utopia by just harnessing collective powers. Man creates His own reality. That’s “The Secret”, The “Word of Faith” movement, it is postmodern thought moving into the Emerging Church and it all originates from Eastern thought where God is everything.

Collectively mankind becomes God and all religions are paths to cosmic consciousness.

The distinctions between the children of light and the children of darkness on the earth are becoming well defined in these last days. One family on earth claims to be children of God because of what God did for them and the other family claim to be self evolving god’s.

The Great Enemy of the Church and America Is Not Secular Humanism As Once Thought But it is Pagan Spirituality – CWN

What has killed secular humanism? People are beginning to realize that, far from creating a humanistic utopia, secularism has produced two devastating world wars, a series of mounting ecological disasters, and a “disenchantment of the cosmos.” The West has begun to lose its faith, not in religion, but in human reason.Oddly, the death knell was sounded not by robust Christian witness, but by the “atheistic” postmodern children of secular humanism. The withering barrel of the postmodern laser gun has been aimed not so much at Christianity as at the ideology of Enlightenment secularism, at the belief that reason could deliver objective truth. This postmodern, relativizing of all truth has undermined the faith of modern man in his own rational abilities. This “postmodern” thinking is taught in the vast majority of philosophy departments throughout the world as “gospel truth.”

Alister McGrath asks, “What will replace atheism?” Here is my answer: atheism will be replaced by pantheism. Logos (word) will be replaced by mythos (myth). The conclusion stares us in the face. Postmodernism has brought an end to secularism. But this raises a further question: where does Postmodernism lead us? Lutheran scholar Frederic Baue answers: “[to] a phase of Western or world civilization that is innately religious [emphasis mine] but hostile to Christianity…or worse, a dominant but false church that brings all of its forces to bear against the truth of God’s Word

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