Preparing for coming global cooling may be critical to survival

I could get on the bandwagon and tell you that there will be global warming in the future, but even if it actually happened it will not have much of an impact on most that live on this planet today. Global cooling, on the other hand, does really matter to those alive on the earth today. If the earth cools, world food production will fall and many poor people would starve to death.

If the temperature falls just 3 degrees Centigrade, global grain production would be reduced by one-quarter. The U.S. would no longer be an exporter of grain and many nations of the world would be living in famine. Can you imagine what that would do to food prices and world stability?

There are many that are predicting such cooling, but they do not get much press. Global warming hysteria that has taken over science because ruling oligarchies choose to hype global warming as their means to gain further control over people and to redistribute the wealth of the middle-class to the poor. The fact that most of science still supports global warming should not surprise you. Science is now controlled by money and money is controlled by the oligarchs controlling government.

Most cooling projections come from models that are linked to solar cycles. The general climate on earth over the last thousand years or more can be determined by tree rings and ice cores and is recorded in various historical accounts.

This article titled A Cold Dawn Coming will give you a whiff of what I am speaking of. The article contains a number of charts that gets the point across. Our present solar cycle with low solar activity shows every indication that we are heading into a cyclical Grand Minimum (30 to 100 years of cooling) which could even progress into a Maunder Minimum  (little ice age) especially if increased volcanic activity were to aid in further cooling.

The following chart may or may not show solar minimums, it best shows the speed of climate change and how solar output and volcanic activity may have interacted in the past.



One thing this chart should tell you is that climate on earth changes rapidly and man really has nothing to do with it. Swings in temperature are actually the norm, climate change is always taking place on earth. Climate change is not occurring because of man.  The reality displayed in this chart actually makes the big debate about man’s role in climate change nothing but trivia.

It just makes no sense for man to think that he can control climate by regulating the little extra natural carbon gas that he is contributing. People need to get all this in focus before government regulations rob the middle-class of $trillions. Climate change hype is nothing but a lying scheme to destroy the middle-class so that the super-rich and those they empower can rule over all people on the globe.

We need to keep in mind that any global warming of the last warming cycle actually stopped in 2000. If the cold of 2014 is any indication, we will now be rapidly descending into an extended period of global cooling.

Don’t believe recent contradictory government figures that tell us that we just had the warmest period in history. People working for Government spin data and lie in case you have not figured that out yet. Employees of government tell their bosses what they know they want to hear. Their performance ratings, pay, and promotions all depend upon it.

Use your own observation skills. The Great Lakes had the most ice cover ever recorded last winter. There was record cold in the U.S. everywhere but in the Southwest. Globally the Antarctic ice sheet is about the largest ever recorded and the glaciers in the Himalayan Mountains are increasing in spite of the lies Gore and others told. The polar bears are also thriving. So don’t be one of those brainwashed saps that supports the global warming agenda based on the spin that they heard from the complicit lying “progressives” that are controlling most media.

That does not mean we will not have a warm year sometime in the next few years because climate is based on many factors. One year does not mean much when you consider the complexity of the atmosphere and the ocean currents that determine temperatures. However, the lack of Solar activity for the last solar cycle is observable and it indicates that a Grand Minimum has probably already begun. That makes it very likely that the overall temperature trend on earth will turn colder for at least the next three decades.

You might have heard the lies that the drought in western states  is caused by global warming. That is nonsense. Warm air holds more moisture. Warmer air would bring more precipitation not less. When the Pacific southwest of California warms above normal, California gets a lot of rain. Droughts in California and the Southwest are more likely the results of cooler than normal waters in the Pacific southwest of California.

The present drought in the West has not lasted anywhere near as long as many that came before it. Droughts have occurred regularly throughout recorded history in Western America. Just because fifty million people moved to the deserts of the Southwest in the last fifty years, does not mean that the desert climate should cooperate with their irrational exuberance for having enough water there.

Also, do not believe the hype you hear in media that ongoing global warming is causing an increase in local storms. We actually have had less hurricanes and tornadoes during the last decade than usual. Storms always will happen, but they have not been increasing in frequency or intensity because of “global warming”.

I opened this article suggesting that if there is any global warming, it is not likely to affect those living in America today in any significant way. However, if there is global cooling like I believe is more likely, it could impact our lives significantly real soon.

The first thing that will happen is shorter growing seasons and crop failures. That would bring shortages and higher food prices. Corn based ethanol would not be around much longer. Gas and electricity prices would also rise because there will be more demand than supply. During the unusual cold of last winter, people were paying very stiff prices for propane and natural gas prices doubled.

In one of the cold spells of last winter, the grid almost failed, because the power companies had problems moving frozen coal to power up more coal powered generators. With the wacko EPA plan that would shut down our coal plants, there would be no spare coal capacity, and the grid would probably fail in the midst of a future cold wave. Think about what that means to you. Because it will become your reality if those that hate coal get their way in America. Coal still produces more than half of all our electricity.

Look at the charts in the link above and notice how fast climate could change. By next decade, we could be going through cold that you have never seen in your life, and it could last for the rest of your life.

We cannot stop the cold if it is coming, but we can do something about how it impacts us:

1. Support more drilling and fracking so that we will have plenty of oil and natural gas.

2. Support keeping our coal power plants operational. Coal is still the number one fuel used for electrical generation in this nation by far and it is still the cheapest and most plentiful fuel. A little more CO2 is not going to make the earth warmer even though you might come to wish that it could.

3. Plant a garden and grow much of your own food. Food in stores is going to become very expensive. (more about what you can do is below).

4. If you are in a wooded area, place more reliance on getting heat from wood. Get a wood heat furnace or a wood stove big enough to heat most of your house. Buy or cut the wood and store the wood in a dry place

5. Well insulate your home. Bury any water pipes three feet below ground in areas that have long cold winters or sharp cold spells. You don’t want your pipes freezing and you certainly do not want them freezing below ground.

6. Before your power goes out for an extended period, figure out how you will keep warm and how you will keep the pipes in your house from freezing. I remember a time after an ice storm when we all camped out in the kitchen for days (we had a natural gas cooking stove there). Even a little heat from the kitchen and the heat of people in a well insulated house will usually keep the pipes from freezing if you also let all of your faucets drip. Likewise, jars and cans of food probably will not freeze in the house if you keep the doors where they are stored opened. If it is really cold, you may need to move them to the room where you have the most heat.

7. If the power goes out, and it looks like it will be out for days, like after a major ice storm or grid failure, move your refrigerator and freezer or at least the frozen food in a shaded spot outdoors (if it is mostly below freezing outside).

8. If you have a deep well. Get a back up generator that will output 220 volts that has sufficient capacity to start your well pump. For a deep well that might take a 6000 watt surge generator or more. Keep some gas around and don’t forget that there is usually gas in the tanks of your vehicles. You do not have to have the generator running all the time, the pressure tank will hold a number of gallons of water. If your pressure tank is in a small shack outside, you may need to use big candles or a kerosene lamp etc., to keep the pipes in there from freezing.

9. Most sleeping bags will keep you warm. Use passive solar heating as much as possible using existing  windows.

10. Get a large supply of big candles, they provide heat and light for a long time.

Tips for your own food production.

1.  I think one big mistake that people make that are new to gardening is that they make their gardens too big. If you do not have the time to maintain a big garden, it is going to become overrun with weeds and bugs. You can grow all a family needs in a 30′ x 60′ plot.

2. Grow extra of the vegetables that you will be able to freeze, can, or dry.

3. Spray, mulch, and fertilize. If you live in an area that does not have many bugs, you could go organic but that has not been my experience in most of the places that I have lived. If you do go organic, plant as early as possible. The bugs increase as the summer progresses.

4. If you are in a place that can grow sweet potatoes, do so. They will keep well over a year and you can really grow a lot of big potatoes in a small area. Cucumbers are very easy to grow and bugs don’t bother them. If you keep them picked, they will produce for a long time. They can be waxed and stored in sand for months. Tomatoes can be frozen, canned, or dried and who can’t grow Tomatoes? So why pay for the ones that taste like wax in the supermarket? Winter squash, carrots, beets, beans, and onions also are grown easily, keep well, or could be canned.

5. Deep water the garden only when necessary (1 or 2 inches of water). Don’t water more than once a week if the garden has a layer of mulch. If you do little more than just get the ground wet more frequently, your plants will have shallow roots and they won’t be able to take the summer heat. Once your garden droughts it seldom will fully come back to what it could have been.

6. Stake everything that can be staked and use fence for climbers. Keeping vegetables off the ground helps keep the bugs out and keeps rot to a minimum. Raised small garden areas are much easier to work on for the elderly but they have to be watered more frequently because raised gardens dry out quicker.

7. Get some light plastic or light cloth for early or late frosts. Often you can get another month of growing between the first frost in the fall and a hard freeze.

8. Get a big wheel garden cart for hauling all the stuff to and from the garden. It will be good to move wood as well. You will be very glad you have it for many reasons.

9. Mature fruit trees can keep you in frozen, canned or dried fruit all winter. And chickens can give you meat and eggs where the zoning allows them.

10.  This can all be done in a small backyard in just about any city in the United States (except for the chickens). We did it for a family of seven living in the cold of Buffalo NY. We never lacked produce from May until November and in the colder months we ate what was canned. With proper planning and canning you can do the same where you live.

There are many things that “the powers that be” want us to believe that are based on nothing but junk science, politics, and lies. In spite of this, there are still areas of your life that you still have complete control over. You can take achievable action to deal with the global cooling danger should it arrive as the models suggest. If it does not happen, you will still live well and eat better.

If you are going to rely on our infrastructure, and world food production, you might even experience famine in our time. If you become more God reliant, and grow much of  the plants that He provided to feed us, famine for your family becomes unlikely.

By the way, the Bible talks about great times of famine occurring in the end times. If you look at one chart in the link above, it indicates that the U.S. would stop exporting food around 2025 due to cold caused crop failures. That just so happens to be about the time that I expect the tribulation to begin. We know from scripture that famine will play a part in the last days. We know from Ezekiel 38 that in the latter days Gog (Russia) comes down against Israel to take cattle and goods. Do they want cattle and goods because of their own crop failures brought about by the global cooling of the next Grand Minimum? Now, that is food-for-thought.

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11 thoughts on “Preparing for coming global cooling may be critical to survival

  1. You may be right, however I was beginning to believe this recent warming might continue and tie-in with Revelation 16:8. Regardless, storing extended shelf life food, gas (that you rotate), fire wood, candles, water purifier, hand cranked radio, etc… is prudent and leaves one with a good feeling that you are prepared for whatever.

    I am a city boy who hasn’t the first clue how to grow food. However, I recently purchased properties in a very rural area, as well as long shelf life food from Costco, water purification system with enough filters to last 2 life times, years worth of organic seeds – in the event I attempt to dig a hole and grow something, etc…

    Whether it gets really cold or hot in the coming years, we need to be ready to take care of ourselves when the s&$t hits the fan. Economic collapse and WWIII are a certainty even if global warming/cooling is not.

    Time to spend our time and money on things that are important – the newest electronic gadget or whatever can wait! Relationships with solid people are more important than ever – find committed Christians and others in your area and make time for them!!


  2. Wayne,

    Thanks for your input, I agree with some of your points but not with your use of Revelation 18:6.

    The Revelation 18:6 event is not a natural earth event and it certainly is not tied into a rise in greenhouse gases. The vial judgments are not phased in. They only come after the Trumpet judgments. It is part of the wrath of God, they are sudden events delivered from God by angels. Since it is toward the end of the tribulation and part of God’s wrath on the unbelieving world the Church will not be here to experience it. The description makes is quite clear that most on earth will not escape the great heat. It is a taste of hell. It probably is a mini nova and that could be the reason for the great darkness that follows.

  3. I don’t have Don’s prophetic timeline memorized, but looking at the cold cycle projections it sure looks like things are lining up.

    This might be hard to explain, but I seem to have a more urgent feeling inside to whitness / proselytize (by any other name) — which is very frustrating (if not disheartening) because I sure seem to be dealing with a LOT of fools (and the older fools are the worst).

  4. Hi Don,

    No need to post,just wanted to be subscibed to this articles comments.

  5. Once again, a very thought provoking commentary, Don. I wish there were some way the powers that be in our Congress would listen to this and act accordingly. If for no other reason than to discount the nonsense of global warming. Those of us who know our God is sovereign know there is nothing man can do to affect such a drastic change in climate. As usual, they have nothing biblical to defend such nonsense. We have a basic supply of “just in case He tarries” items–not going overboard and we have an above ground garden which produces greatly each year and we start planting in early April where we live. We will try sweet potatoes next year and I sure appreciate the info on cucumbers–we have gobs of them and I didn’t know how to preserve them other than pickles! We keep trusting in our Lord and know without a shred of doubt that He will keep us from the day of trial that comes upon the whole earth! Sometimes I think the hardest trial to go through these days is to see the deception that has been upon the body of believers and the different interpretations of the gospel along with the “agreement with the world and its ways”. Usually they are too lazy to study scripture and compare verses–they just take someone’s word for it. Too lazy for something so precious–will they be too lazy to take care of these details as you suggest?

  6. Hi Don,
    I remembered reading about the year without summer so I did a google search to refresh my memory. April9,1815 Mt. Tamboro in present day Indonesia erupted. It was 10 times more powerful than Krakatoa in 1883. Following the Tamboro eruption America, Europe and Asia experienced the coldest winter in living memory. It produced an entire year of cold rains, crop failures, hunger, disease and economic collapse. It produced a new strain of cholera that decimated tens of millions of people in the Bengal area. People sold their children or killed them out of mercy.
    The effects from that one volcano were devastating. There really is too much information for me to write here but it validates everything you wrote about.
    If any of your readers are interested in this subject they can type in ‘volcano the year without summer,’ and read all about it.

  7. Hi Don,
    Last winter was so cold and so endless I thought I might psychologically crack. And I’m someone who is used the cold. As a young girl when I lived in Alaska (around 30 years ago) I would complain of the cold and the old timers, those in their 60’s and 70’s would look at me like I had two heads and say, “It doesn’t get cold anymore.” Climate cycles explain why they thought that. They remembered a time when they (or their parents) had to practically walk in their sleep to keep from dying in the night. When I think about these clowns in Washington predicting global warming with this great air of authority, and the opposite actually happening, I’m reminded that God will always have the last word. Whatever happens, Christians need to be wise, help each other, and getting back to basics is a must!!

  8. Very interesting, I think you’re on to something. I work professionally in the energy industry and I think there are big problems with fracking so I don’t support it. The rest of your suggestions are great. Energy from coal is very clean. I work directly with power plants and have seen the actual numbers myself that monitor the incredibly low amounts of pollution, there is much misinformation about this energy source. Those that know, support coal. What has my attention is what seems to be worldwide draught. Also the massive die off of pollinators such as bees, butterflies, etc. I read an interesting Bible study that showed where physical bees are symbolic of the Word of God. Psalm 119:103 “How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” The death of bees parallels the death of the teaching of the whole Word of God. Just like it’s becoming harder to find healthy bee colonys, it’s harder to find a church that teaches the whole Word of God. Colony collapse disorder – indeed!

  9. Myra,

    Fracking has been around since oil wells. It is cracking the rock in the oil and gas layers so the oil and gas can come out. Without fracking we would all be riding bikes. Methods have changed and you may be against some of the methods used but you can’t be for having oil and gas and against fracking.

    So if the bees make a comeback would the word of God be taught again?

  10. Don, I was really tickled with our recent cooling. I immediately thought of you.
    Re gardens: I was visiting an Israeli agriculture website. You can use a mist of canola or other inexpensive oil to kill bugs-it clogs their systems. I also use 1 tablespoon of banking soda per gallon sprayed to get rid of mold on tomatoes etc.
    I so appreciate your love and dedication. Shalom!

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