Religion, child abuse, and the fifth seal of Revelation

Do you want to know what Secular Humanism thinks about religion? They equate it with child abuse. The UN rights of the child, treaty signed by every nation in the world except the U.S. and Somalia are now saying similar things. This world treaty basically takes the rights of parents away from them. Is it any wonder then that the Bible says in the last days Children will be against their parents?

The system is already being set up for the State to dictate how you raise your children and if you don’t raise them according to their standards that will not allow fundamental religious indoctrination you will be turned into the State by your own children who will be brainwashed to do so in the State educational system.

Ever wonder why the fifth seal of Revelation takes place with persecution of saints by a Harlot religious system riding on a Beast? Go down this road a couple of decades and it becomes rather obvious.

Council for Secular Humanism: “Such abuse begins with the involuntary involvement of children in religious practices from the time they are born. All religions, through ritual, preaching, and religious texts, seek to bring children into day-to-day religious practice. This gives holy books and scriptures, as well as those who teach them, an early grip on the developing minds of young people, leaving an indelible impression on them. In many cases, most notably in the Catholic Church, this forced and prolonged exposure of children to religious institutions has also been a key factor in the physical, mental, and sexual abuse of children by religious leaders.

This early grip is so strong that very few people, once grown, ever get an opportunity to change their minds, despite being exposed to science and rational thinking, or even other religious systems. Religious beliefs thrive by imposing themselves upon impressionable minds and gaining their blind adherence to certain dogmatic practices. In some ways, this lays the groundwork for sustained psychological abuse of young children by allowing adults the use of religion as a pretext for various other forms of abuse”

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