Revivals without relevent messages for Americans are dead on arrival

I guess you should expect articles like this once in awhile because part of the title of this blog is “Church Trends”. In case you do not know, a Blog is a personal journal. It is where I get to publicly express my views on topics that come to my mind. People are free to read them or not read them, and to agree or disagree.  If this post upsets someone they need to realize that there are other views in the world besides their own.

A pastor claims that he wants a revival in his church but he says he cannot find any evangelist that will teach a clear message of salvation every night during the revival. My own view is that most real evangelism takes place outside of church building centered activities anyway. Revivals that just reach church goers and a few non attenders that came because they were pressured by friends or relatives usually do not bring revival at all.

That kind of revival is just not going to get much of a response from people in your community. If you really want to have a revival in your local church bring in someone that has a relevant message to people in America, as well as the gospel of salvation. It will attract both Christians and non Christians. Just bringing in a “saving” evangelist without a relevant message will mean that your revival will be dead on his arrival.

Real evangelists are gifted to present the gospel message in such a way that it will reach people that are being drawn by the Holy Spirit to hear. I can fill every seat in a church with an evangelist that has a relevant pertinent message for America. Of course, your church will need to pay the cost to get him there and give him a reasonable wage for his service so that he can support his family for that week. You will also need to do some local advertising so that the community will know the subject of his messages.

You will get plenty of people responding from outside of your congregation if you make known that someone is coming that will speak on a topic that is relevant to the interests of the people. I can give you a list of names that will fill your church with people, give the gospel of salvation, and also give a message that many in your church need to hear, and some in your community want to hear. However, if you think the list that I will give you will not shake up your own church you are wrong. It might even upset the whole church board of directors.

Would you dare have someone like Eric Barger, Mike Gendron, Brannon Howse, Dr. David Reagan, Ray Comfort, Dave Hunt, T.A. McMahon, Roger Oakland, Dr. Norman Geisler, Ken Ham, Ed Decker, Joel Rosenberg, etc., come and tell your community the realities of the times that we are living in and the real state of America and the Church today? Do you really want someone that will have a relevant message for those searching for real answers to the problems that they see in the world? Do you want someone that will preach the truth even though some of your own members might be offended and leave your congregation? I thought not! Then what you probably want is a revival for old time revival sake. In that case, just pull a name out of a hat.

I don’t think much of the latest revivals that I have attended. There seems to be this “have-it-and-they-will-come attitude”, or the pastor will try to pressure Christians to pressure people to come to the revival so they can be saved by the evangelist’s message. It gets more weird when pastors that claim to believe some of the main points of Calvinism, then lay on their congregation the guilt that people will go to Hell if the congregation does not drag people to the revival. Is God really sovereign, or dependent on our own performance?

It seems that all small churches must have their revivals and they must make it an evangelistic effort where somehow you pressure your friends, relatives and neighbors into attending your church so that maybe someone will hear the evangelist’s message and get saved. (Where is that example in the Bible?) Meanwhile, for years these same friends, relatives and neighbors rejected messages from you or the Christian message that used to saturate our country. So, because they reject the message, the answer seems to be to bring in a professional “saver”, that knows how to pressure people into responding to altar calls. That along with bullying your congregation into almost kidnapping them and bringing them to your church, is how you will convert unbelievers to Christianity??

If somehow we can get some to the “revival”, the professional “saver” might even get them to respond to the altar call out of emotion or peer pressure. But, chances are they won’t be around your church for long in the future. Most of those “saved” in these revival rallies and crusades soon disappear until someone else pressures them to come to church and get saved or recommitted. In some churches people are getting re-saved about as often as others are getting lost.

Revival could start outside of the church building if Christians actually spoke about Christian topics outside of church. Why is it that inside churches the leaders have a Christian message but when they get outside the church building the Christian message is totally lost in continual small talk about anything except the Christian message? It never ceases to amaze me that most American Christians talk about everything except Christian topics in all social settings outside the church building. Want a local revival? Christians should have one in their local conversations and then they might not even need to bring in the professional “saver”.

Polls tell us that the majority of the people in the United States have responded to some altar call or confirmation of faith some time in their life. However, only 25 percent of Americans even attend church regularly and we also know that more than half of the churches that they attend never give them the word of God. So it seems that the so called saved are not really saved, more often than not.

The great commission is to tell the gospel to all creatures through word and deed (salt and light). Those that will hear and see what we say and do and believe the salvation message will be saved. The Church is an assembly of believers by definition. What may happen if you pressure or gimmick unbelievers into your local churches is that the unbelievers may soon take over if you become really successful at it. Seeker churches just get them in the doors by every trick and program that can be conceived by man and somehow that brings them to Christ? No, it does not. It opens the door for that church to be overrun by Christianized heathen.

Every single large seeker church that I am aware of, has now gone beyond “whatever works” to bring them in, and postmodernism with its downplaying of biblical doctrine, to now also promoting either religious plurality, social justice (socialism), contemplative spirituality (find the Jesus or Christ consciousness made up in your own mind), or the health and wealth gospel, or dominionism. How did that happen if unbelievers did not take over??

Besides, we all know that it will be mostly the same people that attend almost all services, that will also attend your traditional church revival. So the “saver”evangelist is mostly preaching to the choir and maybe a few that the choir dragged in. Houston we have a problem. These revivals in every local church are not really reaching the community for Christ at all.

While I am on this unusually pretty broad rant about how or how not to evangelize the community, I will tell you that the Church should not be pressuring little kids to get saved either. They do not have the capacity to be able to make a rational choice. Children are easily convinced to believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy and they will confess it just like they will confess Jesus. However, we should not assume that they will believe in the things that they were told as a child when they can rationalize for themselves.

Where in the Bible are children talked into being believers? Until they reach the age of reason they are under their parents. I suggest a simple test be given by all churches before children claiming to believe that Jesus is Lord are made voting members of a local church. Ask them if they believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, Obama or in other fictional fantasies. If they say yes, then they are still too young to make a rational commitment to Christ.

I am not saying that we should discourage and not encourage kids to confess that Jesus is Lord, but we should not think that teaching them to say the right words saves them either. Heck, why not go all the way and become Lutherans and have the faith of their parents save them at their infant baptism? What you are doing is really much the same thing. That is why most of these kids that become members of your church before they can even reason for themselves are often not seen in your church once they are allowed to make rational choices for themselves.

Even the Catholics and the Jews do not confirm children in their faith before their instructors in doctrine, their parents and the child believe they have reached the age of understanding where they can make such a serious confession of faith. Usually that is shortly after puberty or about 12 years of age. On the other hand, in most Baptist churches they often see how early they can get kids to say the magic words and rack another one up on the big membership scoreboard? Who is playing games here? Certainly it is not the kids.

Why don’t people come to your revival? Because some people are just fed up with “evangelists” that generally are not very successful pastors that cannot even grow their own local church, if they still are the leader in one. Some often play evangelist without the gift of evangelism just to make some spare change.

It is not that real evangelists are not out there. The problem is that the box your church is in only allows someone that came from the same litter. You say you can’t afford the people that have a message that will attract outsiders? But somehow you can afford to bring in Christian bands to entertain?

No. It really is not a matter of the cost. Someone with a relevant message that will really attract people will also attract donations to pay most of revival expenses (although you might not want to call it a revival because people have already been turned off by the abuse of that word and they might get the wrong idea). One problem is that many churches now think that evangelism is an altar call.

God forbid, if someone came to your church with a meaningful evangelistic message that is relevant to this generation. Yes, that message very well might include some Bible prophecy teaching. Bible prophecy conferences are packed because people want to hear what these people have to say. People know that the world is in big trouble and they are looking for Christian answers. Many unbelievers get saved through Bible prophecy — believe it or not.

Even so, you don’t want to take a stand on anything as controversial as premillennial Christianity, the Jews, the Harlot of Revelation 17 or the evils of demonic cults and Islam. It might offend someone. You also would not want someone to inform your church or community in your revival about the evils that the government and social education agenda has brought upon us with its abortion, homosexual promotion, sexual promiscuity, destruction of marriage, religious pluralism and postmodern relativism. Its all prophetic but these issues are not something that you think your community or church should reject in order to have a true revival?

Of course, who wants to hear that evolution is a crock and our education system is a satanic indoctrination system in your revival? Then with the psychology courses that you probably have under your belt you really would not want anyone to teach against the the evils infiltrating the church through philosophies and psychologies of demonic men, now would you? We cannot upset some professional members and big givers.

Yet, you think your church is going to have a revival?? Do you really think that there is going to be a big revival in your church, or your community, or America without dealing with the evils that the once Christian majority allowed to happen because they either also wanted these evils or because they were apathetic?

Then pastors you wonder why people in your community and church could care less about your type of revival with your type of “saver” evangelist and your altar call? Some of the best pastors/teachers that I have ever known never had altar calls at all. They and I can’t find any such practice in the Bible.

These pastors did not need an altar call to give people the salvation message and people still got saved. Where is the altar call even found in New Testament Church instructions? And you know as well as I do, that most people got saved before your altar call, but you want to give your altar calls the credit. I cannot even find where elders (yet, pastors) are suppose to be preaching from podiums in the front of a church building that they claim is God’s altar? It all sounds like something out of Rome rather than the Bible to me!

And while I am digressing about many church practices. I think you pastor’s need to start using proper exegesis. You remember, they taught you a course in Hermeneutics in most conservative Bible schools, where I would think they would also have told you to use the historical-grammatical method of interpretation of scripture. Instead, scripture is used out of its proper context to fit whatever it is that you want it to say to the congregation.

Many Old Testament passages are directed specifically at the nation of Israel or have nothing to do with the New Covenant Church, but they are being applied all too often to Christians without any good reason to do so. Try interpreting the Old Testament through the New, instead of digging through the Old Testament to try to find something out of context to justify your message. The instructions for faith and practice to the New Covenant Church are given in the New Testament. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, but when it is incorrectly applied, it becomes whatever “truth” that you teachers want it to be.

I think some head pastors need to get over themselves. You are not on a higher spiritual level than the rest of the Church, and in a congregational church you were chosen by a vote of the membership to be the conditional leader in a local assembly of believers. There is no instruction in the New Testament for just having one elder over the local assembly anyway. When the New Testament was addressing the leaders of the Church in any local assembly in the New Testament it is always addressed to the elders (plural). Pastors are not the congregational infallible vicar of Christ in the local church. We should not be kissing your ring.

It used to be that pastor/teachers were the most knowledgeable in the scriptures. However, today that is no longer true in many churches. Most today coming out of Bible Colleges are programmed to drive out leaders and members that do not see things their way, especially those in the congregation that are inflexible about literal historical-grammatical biblical interpretation.

Did you know that in order to even get accreditation, seminaries and Bible colleges now must have required courses in Contemplative SpiritualityAKA Christian Formation (how to become more Christ like through the practice of mystical spiritual disciplines rather than through Holy Spirit regeneration). Ever wonder why the youth group with the new young Bible school graduate or the lay minister copying the other modern leaders, are leading the youth into the postmodern emergent church contemplative spirituality methods?

There certainly is no reason at all to assume that those coming out of Bible college have become spiritually mature and that they should be put in charge of a local assembly of mature believers. But, what the heck, pimple face can itch ears and get people to attend, so just let him spiritually lead thousands of “Christians” into heresy and apostasy?? Then you wonder why the Church in America is so screwed? The churches in America are way too pastor centered. Many have made their pastors idols and these idols in some cases are as dead as the Old Testament idols crafted by craftsmen (or now called seminary professors).

But I will digress from my digressing and get back to the subject that was here somewhere…..Oh yeah.., it was about the dead on arrival revival that cannot come to your local church because local pastors and church boards will not allow anyone radical enough to actually reach and teach their people anything that would bring real revival.

Therefore, Christendom continues down the road of apostasy and those that do not, just become stagnant. So, that part time evangelist you hired without a relevant message and your planned revival will be pretty much dead on arrival in your community because there will be no revival without someone rattling the cage and waking up the slumberers. There will have to be local and national repentance before any major revival.


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27 thoughts on “Revivals without relevent messages for Americans are dead on arrival

  1. Don,

    This is the first time I have written you; though, I have been reading your blogs for quite some time. My wife informed me of your website when her and I began our prophecy studies about two years ago. At the beginning of this year, I was led to the decision to attend seminary. I can tell you that this decision was laid on my heart after months of prayer; I begin in January. My intent is to not become a pastor. I would like to be an informal leader in my church but we are having difficulties finding churchs that aren’t acting in the exact manner that you described in your latest blog. Hopefully, God willing, we will find one that behaves in a way that a church should. Regardless, my real intent is to gain a greater knowledge of the Word so that I can become a full time missionary. Like you, I believe most evangelism occurs outside the church and this is the area that I would like to focus on. Thank you for your blogs! They are a consistent motivator in my life. I understand you becoming weary but I hope you understand how impactful they are.


  2. Don ,
    Is there is a professional saver , He is THE HOLY SPIRIT. I amazes how anyone can say they led someone else to Christ. God in His wisdom does allow some of us to be an influence or factor in the salvation of someone sometimes , however , He saves people , we don’t. There is no such thing as politically correct Christianity. We are called to be salt and light which means to me standing up for “The Truth of Scripture ” Jesus said a lot of things that were never intended to make his audience feel good about themselves. There can never be revival without THE HOLY SPIRIT being ” THE MAIN ATTRACTION ” and HE always points to Jesus as ” THE WAY ”
    Great article !!!!!!! , BLESSINGS!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Don Fritts,

    Well said as usual 🙂

    That is certainly a big truth you just said, The Lord Jesus Christ certainly did say some things that were not politically correct and were not “feel good quotes”.

    Don Fritts, it is amazing to me how humanity typically wants to reject uncomfortable absolute TRUTHS but will be attracted to comfortable blatant LIES.

  4. “There can never be revival without THE HOLY SPIRIT being ” THE MAIN ATTRACTION ” and HE always points to Jesus as ” THE WAY ”

    Amen to that. These megachurches try to be “relevant” and they are only country clubs for carnal Christians. The gospel message is all that is needed for true salvation according to Christ and the disciples.

  5. Frank , You are so right on , too many churches have become social make me feel good gatherings
    I call them church goers , not real Christians. Just like the Church at Laodecia that Jesus said would exist , both then and now. BLESSINGS!!!!!!!!!

  6. Some believers have found their way to Sovereign Grace Baptist Churches where the doctrines of grace are taught – there is a plurality of elders and things are usually more biblical.(I said usually)

  7. Bruce,

    Thanks for the information. That was the first time I heard of that association of churches. I see from their website that they are only located in a few states. There are none in the state that I live in.

  8. Bruce Jeffers,

    I searched the SGBC website for their position on “the Rapture” and could not locate what they believed. Do you happen to know their stance?



  9. time has come we are not to be moved by what we can see and touch but people be grounded in the word of God

  10. Don,
    This is a great article and right on target (as usual). I don’t comment often, but I truly value and appreciate this blog and all your effort to keep us informed. Thank you. 😉
    Also wanted to add to what Bruce said above:
    One of my favorite Sovereign Grace churches (don’t know if it is Baptist or not – they believe in a believers Baptism and The Pre Tribulational Rapture, but I think they are independent) is in Smyrna TN. The website is:
    Pastor Jim McClarty over there is fantastic! I listen online – they have a plethora of resources. I think you’d enjoy it.

  11. Shauna,

    From what I read of their statement of faith. I would say they are a Independent Baptist church that holds to all 5 points of Calvinism and Dispensationalism.

  12. It’s funny that you wrote about revival. we just finished up a week of revival with our speaker Richard Coyle. While, my church did ask to invite people, we are always asked to invite people. On another note, I was glad to hear Brother Coyle discuss currnet topics and the lack-luster state of Christians. His sermons were a true wake up call to our church (at least to me). I am glad that I still have a church that tells it “how it is”. Thanks for the continued hard work and dedication. Have a great Thanksgiving.

  13. Don,

    I can’t locate your email post from Nathan Jones @ Lamb and Lion Ministries. I wanted to refer some folks to it – but forgot where it is located.

    Could you direct me to it when time permits?



  14. Hi Don ,
    I am surprised by the lack of comments on this article. Anyway , I just wanted to wish you and your wife a BLESSED and Happy Thanksgiving Holiday . Stay Safe!!!!

  15. Bob,

    I am not sure what you are asking? Go to the home page of my website and near the bottom of the page you will see a search box. Type in Nathan Jones and five articles will appear. One of them is probably what you are referring to.

  16. I keep reading Revelation and commentary and I really don’t see anything, at this juncture, and at this geolocation (Americas) that would suggest “revival” (not that I’m an expert).

    Revival just seems almost surreal. Back in the promise keepers period, revival seemed like it was a final push versus anything else, which is possibly fitting (?).

    I guess the reason I bring this up is that I want to be doing the kinds of things that the moment calls for, where “revival” seems out of place. Now, I could be wrong. It’s just my gut here. And, that is never to say that you don’t take an opportunity to witness and reap or sow, if that opportunity presents itself of course.

    I dread being out on the roads for the Holiday. I have to work tomorrow (WED) and I’m not thrilled with the commute prospect. Yes, “Stay Safe!” indeed.

  17. @ Don Fritts. There isn’t much to add to what Don said about revival in his blog. Churches can’t whip it up, it only comes by prayer and the Holy Spirit. Personally, I have a real heavy heart when I think of this nation and the state of the visible church. A light came on for me when the parables of the kingdom were interpreted by the scriptures, from a Jewish perspective and not by the typical dominion, amillennial skew. We are on coarse (corruption of the whole) ie; yeast in the meal. Matt.13:33 I wish that it wasn’t true that bad company corrupts good rather than the other way around. The Gospel is such GOOD NEWS, how can people continue to reject Him? The spirit of anti-Christ is strong in the U.S.A. and the world. Come Lord Jesus. Enjoy family and food and the manifold blessing of Christ everyone.

  18. Referring to your comment — Craig — about revival being surreal. I do not attend church at this point in my life. I attended a “country club” church and did very well with my clothes for less while some of them were broke buying too much clothes for more. Some of you will get this. Then I left a mega church that did not work out for me. A month ago I saw a friend of ours at the store and she had left the country club church and had been attending the mega church also. The mega church is so big I never — ever saw her and her husband at church. As far as real revival in Chicagoland it will take nothing less than a giant move of the Holy Spirit. Chicagoland has a legacy of spiritual dividedness going back to the Indian tribes who were very divided but they would trade with each other. In 1996, there was multiple prophecy that at some point giant and huge revival would start in Chicago and go around the world. So a move of the Holy Spirit would get peoples attention. The Lord has me in his care and protection. So this blog including true believers is a safe place for me.

  19. Don – please excuse my mis-spelling of Dowie. It is pronounced dewey…
    The two pastors from the 1880’s and on are John Alexander Dowie, who went on to minister in Zion, Illinois and D.L. Moody, of Chicago. The churches of Chicago have been known for being very divided. For a revival to happen in Chicago it would take a major fire of the Holy Spirit. At least a fm radio station is now playing gospel music again after having a hip hop or whatever format. That is a good thing. Chicago is a challenge. Faith Tabernacle used to have the legacy of being a church where you could bring your unsaved loved ones. Many people did come to Christ there when the gospel was clearly told at the end of church services. The Holy Spirit did do a work there but the pastor fell……

  20. “wherever sin aboundeth, grace much more aboundeth.”

    i keep hoping the current status in this country will lead to a true revival-a Holy Spirit led gathering of the body of Christ.I will keep praying for that!


  21. hi. I would like to invite you to study or explore the topic of revival of the Gospel or Church
    looking how a Colombian church is growing amazingly in only 40 years from Colombia South Am. to other parts of the world.
    We do not hire anybody. The secret is a woman, Sister Maria Luisa, who with her love for the Gospel and her moderate voice is teaching
    the truth with power and not human persuasive words, as Paul noticed to define who is a real instrument of the God will following the Holy Spirit Gifts and guidance. This Church is a phenomena that has being studied in a Florida and in Harvard university. more than 800 churches following a woman in the unity of the holy Church without the paraphernalia of the denominations but just the God voice.

  22. Carolina,
    Oh Great, you just lectured me that we will not know the season when the Lord will return but then you indorse an outright heretic. I removed the link that you provided. People that read my blog do not need links to information that will deceive them.

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