Rick Warren is still speaking out of both sides of his mouth.

Rev Ken Silva is a former Catholic as I was. The means of Salvation in Roman Catholicism is twisted to say the least and the Protestant Reformation was the end result of their many heresies. So the question becomes how can Rick Warren embrace the Protestant Reformation and Roman Catholicism at the same time? Many saints gave up their lives to proclaim the true gospel but now Warren thinks we should get over creeds and have a reformation with Catholics on deeds?

Rick Warren is an expert at doublespeak, all in the discernment ministries are well aware of that. People need to hold him accountable for what he says and people like Ken Silva, Bob DeWaay, Roger Oakland and others do that. There may even be some cracks starting to appear in Warren’s own beliefs. There may be signs that he may be questioning himself on some of what he taught. You may understand this a bit better if you read my previous post today.

So I say to Ken, Bob and Roger keep his feet to the fire. You are making an impact and pray for Rick Warren because if his heart is right, God can still reach him and turn him around. Just think of the force Rick Warren could become for getting out the true gospel of Jesus Christ if quit speaking out of both sides of his mouth.

Rick Warren Reversing the Reformation

I have previously pointed out that in addition to being a Southern Baptist pastor I also happen to be a former Roman Catholic whom God graciously delivered from apostate Roman Catholicism into the glorious liberty of the sons of God. And that’s why, as one of the critics invited to a recent meeting with Rick Warren, my main concern remains his woefully wrong position regarding the Roman Catholic Church.

here’s the question that we need to ask: How is it that one of the most powerful and prominent pastors in the Southern Baptist Convention—the largest Protestant denomination in America—flatly contradicts the doctrine of the Reformation he says he believes in and no SBC leader has stepped forward to call him to account for his sin?

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One thought on “Rick Warren is still speaking out of both sides of his mouth.

  1. I wholeheartedly agree with your thoughts regarding Rick Warren. I do not wish ill on any person and I do strongly believe that no one is exempt from redemption. Having said that, however, Mt Warren needs to understand the words he speaks, understand the effects they have and how they are being perceived by his listeners BEFORE any redemption and salvation can begin. This is the step that concerns me about Mr. Warren. I don’t see even in his current words and deeds (it is now 2011), any change from when you first wrote this post.

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