Rick Warren politicizing religion and promoting moral ambiguity

Star Parker makes some excellent points on Rick Warren’s current political events at Saddleback Church that few have criticized.

While the political system is actively warring against Christianity in our culture some churches like Saddleback are enabling a political platform for the very same politicians that are warring against core moral beliefs of Christianity.

Thanks to the relativism of people like Rick Warren the church is getting its role all mixed up. Many now think they can join with the world and shape the political world system. The Bible indicates that the political system is under the administration of Satan and anyone who loves the world the love the father is not in him. Rick Warren is so concerned with world politics, world religion and world economics that he wants to give it a platform? What do you suppose the below passage is talking about if not the political, economic and religious system of the world?

1 John 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever

I would disagree with Star Parker that Rick Warren’s book “The Purpose Driven Life” flicks on the lights for people that life is more than just about themselves. It does quite the opposite. Rick Warren book might state that this is his intent but the contents of the book really makes their purpose in life all about what they do. I did my own critique of The Purpose Driven movement that has spread through the teachings in this book, so I will not repeat that here. Let me just say here, “The Purpose Driven Life” book is not proper Christian teaching for many reasons.

Does anyone really think that Rick Warren got to be a member of the CFR by presenting a gospel that the world system hates?

Having said all that, I have heard from others that Rick Warren’s political forum was excellent (I have not yet see it) and so I congratulate him on the excellent job that he apparently did. Hopefully the secular media will learn from his example on how political candidates really should be interviewed.

Pastor Warren: Stop politicizing religion

For whatever good intentions Pastor Warren may have, by posturing as a neutral broker between different points of view, many of which have profound moral and religious implications, he contributes to the moral ambiguity we’d expect a pastor to be combating.

We have institutions for civic and political forums. The press, universities, town halls, etc. If they’re not delivering well, let the marketplace work to improve what we’re getting. But this is not the job of pastors or churches. If it is, where do we go to learn about good and evil?

What exactly is going on in America when our obsession is to cleanse every inch of public space from religion, yet somehow we think it is appropriate to bring a presidential political forum into church?

Our kids can’t pray in public school, or read the Bible or learn to apply traditional values in managing their lives. The Ten Commandments cannot appear in our courthouses. A crèche cannot be displayed in a public space during Christmas.

Yet somehow we think a church is an appropriate forum for hosting candidates for president?

Our world is turning upside down. Rather than raising our public and private lives to a higher moral standard, we’re politicizing religion.

It’s actually worse, I think.

The pretense of neutrality is really a left-wing illusion. It’s a sleight of hand to buy into relativism, and somehow Pastor Warren seems to have fallen into the trap.

When a pastor hosts a political candidate that has a 100 percent rating by NARAL Pro-Choice America and a 0 percent rating by the National Right to Life Committee, he gives legitimacy to that candidate. When legitimacy is given to a line of reasoning that says that poverty and AIDS are symptoms of anything other than moral breakdown, the relativist views of the left are justified.

To a disproportionate measure, when we are talking about poverty and AIDS in America, we are talking about black communities. These communities are in disarray because of moral ambiguity. They not only need moral clarity and leadership, they crave it.

Partisanship is not our problem today. Healthy partisanship is vital to freedom.

Our problem is moral ambiguity. Anyone that thinks this ambiguity is helpful in addressing poverty, crime and disease is misinformed.

We need political leaders that are more moral. Not church leaders that are more political.

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One thought on “Rick Warren politicizing religion and promoting moral ambiguity

  1. Rick Warren is just another New World Order puppet doing what his masters tell him to do. He is CFR. His publisher is Rupert Murdoch. He was taught at Fuller Seminary that Jesus was just a man (not God) & that it’s man’s job to create heaven on earth (because Jesus can’t return until we do). He was taught by Robert Schuller that all paths lead to God & that God’s divinity is within us all (which is why all paths lead to God). So much for Warren’s qualifications to lead a herd of naive sheep.

    And the so-called “civil forum”? The purpose of a forum is to allow open discussion & debate between all participants in a public setting — including the public! This “forum” was closed (by Warren). It was controlled (by Warren). The participants were segregated (by Warren). And the public was not allowed to participate (by Warren). The press was hand-picked (by Warren, or his staff). And the protesters weren’t even allowed on the property (by Warren). So much for Warren’s qualifications to lead an open & impartial forum.

    Churches have traditionally been a sanctuary for those being persecuted by government. Warren has just turned this age-old function on its head (not unlike what he’s done with so many other church functions). Warren has now set the precedent that it’s OK for government to be coddled & protected by the church &, likewise, it’s OK for the church to force those being persecuted by government to take their chances outside with the storm troopers & the riot police …

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