Rick Warren there can be no P.E.A.C.E. while the world is dead in Sin

What Rick Warren, the New Evangelicals and friends are doing is thinking that if religious people of the world come together they can solve the social problems of the world. There is no such concept in the scriptures. In fact scripture warns against uniting in common purpose with unbelievers.

There would be no issue at all if along with the aid Warren was actually giving the gospel of salvation to the world. However, he cannot do that and still be part of an interfaith effort. They will not let him. By joining with all these antichirst religious he in effect gives them validity and is saying that it does not matter what you believe as long as we all do “good” social works. These people are under the delusion that they will make a better world together through the good works of man’s religions. No you will not!

The problem is sin. We are in a dead world alienated from God and until you deal with that issue and give the remedy for world sin, the best P.E.A.C.E. effort of man will just prop up the living dead. Meanwhile, you may have done a great social effort in the eyes of the fallen world but you did nothing to fulfill the great commission that the Lord gave you. In fact you just confused the issue and presented a false gospel by validating other religions that have no solution to the sin problem. It is amazing how anti christian concepts can now be subtly packaged in popular socialism so that few Christian’s will dare oppose it.

Is Rick Warren ignoring sin in search for ‘peace’? (OneNewsNow.com)

Pastor Warren will be hosting an interfaith meeting next month with 30 Christian, Jewish, and Muslim leaders “to discuss cooperation for the common good of all Americans.” Warren’s P.E.A.C.E. plan mobilizes churches to address global problems. But McMahon, president of The Berean Call ministry, says the popular Christian author is introducing evangelical Christianity to the social gospel that he learned from his mentor, social scientist Peter Drucker.

he’s working on the symptoms and avoiding the root cause, which is the sin nature of humanity. So how can you work with all kinds of people [who are] called ‘people of faith,’ but it’s not biblical faith?”

McMahon contends that only the biblical gospel can change the heart of man, and that Warren is compromising that by working with people who reject the gospel of Christ.

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