Should Obama get a free pass when it comes to matters of national security?

Here is a Colonel with some real guts, He wants Obama to show proof that He is a constitutional commander-in-Chief before he obeys his orders. Did you know that someone in the military can be court-martialed for obeying unlawful orders? So if Obama is not a constitutional president and cannot give lawful orders those blindly obeying those orders have broken there oath to uphold the Constitution. But, all who do not obey Obama’s orders and dare to demand proof that he was born in America will be court-martialed by superiors that blindly obey orders. Why tell people to take an oath to swear to uphold the Constitution when most can care less if the Constitution is enforced?

Americans have  to come up with a real birth certificate just to get a passport, join the military, get a security clearance, drivers license, social security or a hundred other reasons. So, is to0 much to ask Obama to produce a birth certificate that shows his place of birth, the doctor, the hospital, and the parents like the rest of us have to? I had to go through more than one background investigation to get a Top Secret Crypto or SCI Clearance. Are top people in the Government now exempt from matters of national security? It seems that way if you look at the slime balls running things. So if there was an expanded background investigation on Obama tell me that those that investigated this did not find out the facts on his birth? I know one thing. If the investigators are covering this up they had better fear for their own heads when the truth be told. People elected to office do not get free constitutional passes on matters of national security.

It just does not make sense to me that If you had nothing to hide would you put yourself and others in this position when just producing a piece of paper would end it? It is costing people millions of dollars because Obama will not produce a long form birth certificate! Why Obama does not allow Hawaii to release a copy of the birth certificate and put a stop to all this makes it more than suspicious? It also does not make sense that a  human being would allow people under him to destroy their careers over a common legal document that he should have produced upon first request.

The only conclusion I can come to is that Obama is purposely hiding something. Only two things make sense to me. He either is not a natural born citizen and darn well knows it, or he is covering up something on his birth certificate that is embarrassing to him. Perhaps Obama cannot produce an America birth certificate because no American birth certificate was ever issued in Kenya?

I think the American people have a right to know and I think everyone working for Obama have the right to question his citizenship since he will not release to the public the same proof  that you or I would have to produce when we entered public federal service.

Now don’t come here and tell me that Obama released his birth certificate. The certificate of live birth that the liberals wave at us is not a birth certificate at all. It just proves he was born somewhere. Duh! So was Fidel Castro.

Having said that, if you took the oath to defended the Constitution then many more of you need to take a stand with this brave Colonel and we will get to the truth? Is it too much to ask, that people in this nation, get proof that Obama is even an American? Here are many of the arguments filed in court that question his US citizen status.

All the costs, the wreaked lives, and the divisive rumors can end if Obama just releases his birth certificate. Is proof that Obama is a natural born citizen or even an American citizen too much to ask when we see unconstitutional orders, bankrupting bail-outs, and radical appointments that bring big government socialist agendas that will divide and destroy this nation? Should Obama get a free pass when it comes to matters of national security and if so why?

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2 thoughts on “Should Obama get a free pass when it comes to matters of national security?

  1. Don,
    As usual, you’re right on target. We have elected a counterfeit to the highest office in the land, which doesn’t speak well for the electorate of this country. An aspirin and an exlax have certain similarities: they are both pills; both come out of a bottle in the medicine cabinet, etc., but they have very different effects. One will get rid of your headache, the other will get rid of your toilet paper, so you’d better know the difference before you take it. America thought she was electing an aspirin in Obama, and ended up with an exlax. That’s why things in this country are turning into poop.
    Corporately, as a nation, people can’t rise any higher than their leaders ( this is also true for a church), and as a result, we’re in a mess. I see God allowing America to be dismantled, partly because of Obama’s policy towards Isreal, and partly because of our own wickedness. The good news is : God is in control of these things, and HIS will is being done. The Rapture is getting closer. See you here, there, or in the air….


  2. Should it be found out that President Obama was born in Kenya, will it be constitutional for him to remain the president?
    If the constitution is waivered for him, what other parts of the constitution will also be waived.
    Civil Rights?

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