Spiritual problems in America resolved through secular tea parties?

America has a national election coming up in a few weeks and many are excited about the change that they think is coming. I hate to rain on anyone’s tea party but spiritual problems in America cannot be resolved through secular tea party ideals. How do people expect any real change for the better in America, when America is still becoming progressively more amoral as I speak? For example:

  • The top box office hits are now movies about vampires, witches, sex and mass slaughter.
  • Parent allow their public schools to indoctrinate their children with textbooks full of lies.
  • The main stream media news is filtered through liberal spin doctors and the comedy and drama on the main networks are written to socially engineer gullible minds to conform to a secular humanist and anti Christian worldview.
  • Christian TV is mostly the habitat of greedy or presumptuous heretics. Many Americans receive and believe their messages because they want a religious shortcut to acquire more money and power.
  • Many teens in America live in rebellion because they received no discipline as a child.
  • Almost all in America are now sexually promiscuous before marriage and many remain that way after marriage.
  • The number of Americans that practice some form of paganism doubles every 18 months.
  • Half of Americans have used mind altering illegal drugs, most of the other half are hooked on themselves and their cell phone.
  • Tens of millions of men are hooked on visual porn and tens of millions of woman are hooked on mental porn that comes through soap operas and romance books
  • Many if not most of the mega churches in America are led by prosperity teachers, secular humanists, heretics, and no account control freaks.
  • The abortion abomination continues in America and is even exported to other nations with your tax dollars.
  • Islam is a religious of hate and violence by any modern civilized standard but it is called a religion of peace by politicians and media. But, true Christian teaching is often called hate speech. Muslims can now do just about anything they want in the West without fear of incrimination but Christian leaders and free thinkers cannot even talk about Islam without threats to their lives and threats of legal actions against them. Worse yet, some “Christian” leaders believe that Islam leads people to God.
  • Homosexual conduct is praised, favored and shoved on others in spite of the overwhelming medical facts that document that homosexual practice is spreading deadly diseases to the general populations of the world (AIDS, MSRA, various venereal diseases).
  • The Church is just somewhere where many Americans go for an hour on Sunday before they watch football all day.

We could go on and on, but you should get the picture. Most in America are spiritually dead. Many America’s went to a secular tea party but the brew given there is not the remedy for what ails America. There has been no spiritual change for the better in America because of the tea parties. American tea parties are full of people stewing in their steaming malcontent. They want to spout off at the politicians that they put in office but they offer no real solutions for America either.

The problems of America are just a byproduct of American amoral behavior since the 60’s and for every finger pointed to blame someone else for America’s problems another finger can be pointed at most of those that are attending these tea parties.

They say take America back. But, you can’t take America back to morality when it is entrenched in immorality. The only way America can be saved from itself is through God’s Savior. But who in America really cares to travel the Biblical road that our ancestors took to create this nation? That road has billboards telling about Jesus and that road is paved with a morality that few want to walk on today.

To get the tea party support Republicans just came out with their new “Pledge to America”. I remember their old failed “Contract with America”. Promises will not mean much if the Republicans do not have the will or the votes to get anything past a presidential veto. I guess they will point at Obama when he vetoes their legislation with the hope that Americans will elect a Republican President in 2012. But, I am not sure there will be much worth saving in America by 2013 and I don’t think the Republicans can fix the problems anyway.

The Pledge to America by the GOP is much too little action by the GOP much too late. If the GOP had done what they promised in other elections we would not have had the creeping Marxism and the Far Left radicals would not be in power today. So, who really believes the Republican Party establishment anymore anyway?

In this “Pledge to America” the Republicans said they would freeze spending, but of course they first exempt Social Security, veteran benefits and Medicare from their freeze on government. The reason they do that is because they know if they make cuts in these programs their own careers would be cut very short. So there are the obviously exemptions but you can be sure others will insist on being exempt as well. That is just the political reality of our system. So how do you get majority agreement on major cuts anywhere?

It is quite easy to talk about making cuts and making changes but it is quite another thing to actually accomplish it. How do they even get any cuts in social programs past the presidential veto? So a pledge that cannot be accomplished until there is a Republican President is nothing more than politically correct words for tea party consumption.

I will venture to say that the only thing the tea party influenced Republican Party will actually achieve in the next 2 1/2 years is to stop major new socialist programs. In spite of the pledge to America they will fund just about everything that Obama has already set in place. Otherwise, Obama has the power to veto critical defense and appropriation bills and even shut down the government. When that happens and your government check does not arrive you are going to blame Congress. Don’t for a minute think that Obama and Congress do not know this. This has all been tried before in history. The President will get most of what he wants funded.

So, what about 2012? It probably would be suicide for the tea party people to desert the Republicans, start their own Tea Party and split the vote three ways. That would insure that Obama would get reelected even if he only had votes from government dependents, immigrants and racists (It seems that I am being redundant).

What many do not realize is that the only real unity among those that identify with the tea party is the desire for a smaller constitutional federal government, less taxes, and a balanced budget. They would probably split on most other issues. A real Tea Party would have a convention that could get bloody, and if they picked a candidate that did not have broad support on many issues that candidate would be unelectable. When the Christian conservatives venture into religion and social issues you would lose the libertarians and fiscal conservatives.

My guess it that a separate Tea Party would peak at about 20-25 percent in the polls and then most conservatives would see that they could not beat Obama by voting with the Tea Party so they would make a mass exodus back to the Republican Party just before the Presidential election. But, those that go back at the last minute will be stuck with a Republican choice that they had no say in. That probably means they will be stuck with Newt Gingrich or Mitt Romney. One is a CFR shape-shifter with his own amoral problems and the other is a Mormon cult Bishop that would be under demonic control.

On the other hand, if the tea party people stay in the Republican party they will have to compromise with the Republican establishment, so once again you would get a choice of six or seven candidates that range from the middle to the far right. However, you know the establishment would make sure the successful candidate will be someone that is no further right than most of America. I would put my money on the CFR candidate named Newt Gingrich or if he screws up that cult Bishop named Mitt Romney. So it seems to me that all roads either lead to the Grinch or the anointed one of the LDS Church. If the tea party actually takes over the GOP then there is a good chance that you will get a candidate that would be unelectable in America and Obama would finish his job.

Even if the tea party people could get their person in, how in the world would many in the tea party movement achieve what they want anyway? They would still inherit at least a trillion dollar a year deficit. So how will they achieve a balanced budget while still maintaining a strong national defense (that most conservatives will insist on) and while paying interest on a 20 trillion national debt?

All non-defense government programs would have to be cut in half to balance the budget but you cannot politically touch Social Security, military, veterans programs, Medicare and the interest on the rapidly increasing national debt. So, realistically to achieve a budget balance all other other government programs would have to be eliminated.

That obviously cannot happen. So there will be no balanced budget in our future before the dollar collapses and the whole system is scrapped or our taxes are doubled. The very Republicans that are saying they will cut taxes might pass a huge tax increase. There is the precedence for that. It was set by H.W. Bush–read my lips–no new taxes!

Here is how the tax increase could come. They will decide to go to a consumption tax so that they can tell American’s that they will do away with income tax. But, what they will not tell you is that the price of everything you buy will suddenly go up by 50 percent. They will claim during the elections that it will only go up 28 percent but they will be lying through their teeth.

Perhaps it could be 28 percent if we had a balanced budget and we had little debt. But we will have a budget shortfall of at least a trillion and we will also be paying interest on a $20 trillion debt. So the consumption tax would have to be more like 50 percent but it does not stop there.

Many will  insist on exempting food and other necessities. When that happens then the tax on everything else will double. Then others will certainly want to exempt houses otherwise nobody but the rich would be able to buy one. But If houses are exempt from the fair tax everything else taxed would have to triple. So who will be buying anything at those prices?

It is a recipe for a depression or mass civil disobedience. Are you willing to pay $100,000 for that $33,000 SUV or truck? How about $15 for that pack of smokes, or six pack, or gallon of gas? They pay it in Norway. The point is that any consumption tax is not going to solve the problems of any nation deep in debt. Don’t buy that consumption baloney because they will put in a consumption tax and for the reasons stated above they will also realize that they will have to retain an income tax. So then you get the best of both world like Europe. A consumption tax on top of the income tax.

Tea party or no tea party, it is already too late to balance the budget. We are going to default either by not paying our bills or through hyperinflation, thus making all debt held worthless. That is our future and it is not going to change just because some think they can take over government and make American’s responsible spenders.

Our housing crises is a prime example of what I am talking about. Once a home payment becomes more than your income you simply cannot just change your other spending habits so that you can keep your house. Not only are many homeowners in this nation already in that situation our whole nation will soon be in that situation and any magic rabbit of the wonderland tea party is not going to change that fact.

So after the dollar dies will the immoral, the materialistic, the criminals, and the greedy that brought America to this rather predictable end, suddenly see the light and become moral and abide by our original constitutional system of government with personal responsibility expected by all? Or will we once again make government (this time world or regional government) our moral guide? If the morals in America do not change for the better that outcome is rather predicable.

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6 thoughts on “Spiritual problems in America resolved through secular tea parties?

  1. I agree.

    Don, what do you think about the idea that a handful of people secretly (or not so secretly) run the world (ie. the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc.) and these people put candidates from both parties (Republican and Democrat) into power. By this I mean that it doesn’t matter whom the people pick because either candidate serves the secret rulers.

    To give Obama any kind of credit for getting elected or for creating these policies is a stretch considering he can’t even speak to a group of 6th graders without teleprompters in the classroom.

    Just a thought.

  2. There are more like thousands of elitists that run the world and they have far less power than people think or that some of the elitists would like to believe about themselves.

    This will have to be last comment until Oct 5th. See top of blog.

  3. Agree! Agree! Agree! However, I think “amoral” should be replaced by “immoral.” I believe America has breached the event horizon that separates virtue from evil and there is no escaping the gravitational “suck” zone–I hope I’m wrong.

    Also, your comment: “Christian TV is mostly the habitat of greedy or presumptuous heretics. Many Americans receive and believe their messages because they want a religious shortcut to acquire more money and power,” while right on the mark is not going to convince those trapped in this false religion (these people are not Christians). Have you ever tried witnessing Christ to a follower of the “name it, claim it” cult? It is more difficult than witnessing to Mormans and JW’s.

    By the way, I really dig your Blogs.

  4. Apologize, but a little sarcasm thrown in, if for no other reason than to maybe cap off all the above, for which the prognosis is equally as bleak: “Where’s that EMP / CME when you need it?”

    Deep breath.

    +1: “I really dig your Blogs”

  5. I hope this is an appropriate question for this topic.
    I have a question/dilemma for Don and all the great commenters here.

    I need to preface this first…

    I quit listening to secular music & watching TV (except Fox News, History Channel,etc.) long ago. I quit watching Hollywood movies about 2 years ago. I consider most secular music & TV programs to be an insult and abomination to our Lord Jesus Christ. I find most Hollywood movies have a very humanistic message. Even if the content isn’t anti-Jesus, the mostly liberal “Hollywood elite” actors too often verbalize their humanistic nonsense with their somehow ‘promoted to politician’ voices.

    I hear some supposed Christians say they separate the two. Really ? I don’t see how one can love the Lord and watch this garbage.

    My dilemma/question is…what do my fellow Jesus Loving Christians (on this blog) do with these “forms of entertainment ?
    Is there a fine line or is this an absolute ?

  6. As little as possible, but you pretty much have to actually leave the world to leave the world. Take the Amish for example, they left the world but who are they getting the gospel message out to?

    The key is that whatever is not of faith is sin. I believe I can take a drink and not sin. I believe I can watch a movie and not sin. I believe I can just discard a lot of wordly trash that is thrown at me in the course of my life but maybe others can’t.

    This is our objective:

    Php 2:12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
    13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
    14 Do all things without murmurings and disputings:
    15 That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;

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