Swine Flu over your head?

Seems to me that all you hear from the media and government these days is hyped hysteria to sell more snake oil. They say the Obama administration is trying to save the world from an economic meltdown but their snake oil solution is enslaving the whole nation to debt and socialism. They say the Obama administration is trying to save the world from the threat of global warming as well. Do you really think that the snake oil salesmen do not conspire to lie about gobal warming? This little conspiracy to lie is only the tip of Al Gores snout. The swine intend to impose a huge hidden tax on energy (meaning a huge tax on everything) and plan to keep stupid Americans in the dark, literally. Guess what that snake oil solution will do to our economy? Did you know that where they actually kept tract in Europe, for every green job they created at least two other jobs were lost? Now the latest hype coming from government and media is this Swine Flu threat.

All this Swine Flu hype makes me wonder what the snake oil salesmen really have up their snouts? Is it a diversion, a means to an end, or a convenient test for something that they really fear is coming? Or maybe all this is just the tail waging the pig and mainswine media  needs to hype this flu to keep their viewership up? Who really knows? I do know the global governance control freak swine will not waste a good crises so we have to make sure we do not get trampled.

I think what the people really need to worry about is some new disease created in a test tube by evil swine called terrorists – you know – the human swine our government no longer wars against and calls enemy combatants so that the swine will not squeal. The real threat to the world is not another natural flu as long as the people of the world practice fairly good hygiene and have healthy immune systems.

How come you do not hear from mainswine media about the diseases where government policies helped kill millions of people? For example,  the government policies that helped spread Malaria and AIDS? In fact, maybe HIV is the real reason for the World Health Organization’s panic about this flu? Had people with HIV been quarantined from the start like people with a deadly disease should have been, they would not be human incubators for all kinds of super bugs.

Why are governments in Muslim nations ordering the killing of swine? Are they really that stupid to think people are catching this virus from swine or are they really doing this to oppress Christians and to further their well known swine laws? Seems to me that government and media are hyping these crises because it creates a pig pen environment to breed their prize hogs.

Anyway, its time people got a grip and got a proper perspective on the Swine Flu. I highly recommend that people read the full article quoted in part below. The article will give a proper perspective and some history of past virus scares. This year has not been a bad year for flu and it will not be. Thirty-six thousand people die of complications from flu each year, as of this writing we have one known death from this Swine Flu so lets put this in proper perspective. Colds are more deadly right now. What you really need to fear about this “crises” is the swine that probably flu over your head.

American Thinker: Swine Flu in Perspective

Swine Flu, known since the 1930’s, has now returned. Again, the WHO sounded the alarm, raising the “threat level” to 5. To be fair, the disease will be more of a threat in underdeveloped countries and we see the higher death rate in Mexico as evidence of that. It is, predictably, being compared to the flu pandemic of 1918. Medical experts fill our television screens, talking about “N” this and “H” that urging that the federal government spend more money to combat this new microscopic doomsday monster.

Look at the facts in the light of the other potential disasters described above. Remember that a good crisis means that somebody is spending money and somebody is making money. Rahm Emanuel advised never to waste a good crisis. In the case of a public health crisis, it is the government, hence the taxpayer, that is spending money. When you hear an influenza research scientist raising the specter of a possible pandemic, you should also visualize large sums of money going from your pocket to his.

Finally, 36,000 people die from Influenza every year in this country. That’s 100 people a day on average! Sadly, a baby from Mexico died in Texas from the Swine Flu. There will likely be more deaths here, but not in the numbers some would have you believe. However, about 100 people in the US die from the typical flu every day. Swine flu is a flu! Of course, every life is precious. But more Americans die from car accidents than the flu. Do we need to be vigilant? Of course. Should we foment panic? Absolutely not.

Full article

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