New evangelicalism usually also means denying Bible inerrancy

I recently read the book “New Evangelicalism“, by Paul Richard Smith, founder of Calvary Chapel Victorville CA. Paul Smith is a leader in the Calvary Chapel movement founded by his brother Chuck Smith, who also wrote the foreword to Paul Smith’s book.

The book gives a brief history of modern Protestantism beginning with modernism where scripture became critically analyzed through the filters of the philosophies of 19th and early 20th century humanist intellectuals. This humanistic intellectual analysis of the scriptures became known as “higher criticism”. I took one of those silly “higher criticism” courses in college myself.

I will give you my own take on modernism; most of what I will say about modernism in Christianity does not come from Paul Smith’s book, but from what I read in his book, I think Paul Smith would agree with most of it.… continue reading

Revivals without relevent messages for Americans are dead on arrival

I guess you should expect articles like this once in awhile because part of the title of this blog is “Church Trends”. In case you do not know, a Blog is a personal journal. It is where I get to publicly express my views on topics that come to my mind. People are free to read them or not read them, and to agree or disagree.  If this post upsets someone they need to realize that there are other views in the world besides their own.

A pastor claims that he wants a revival in his church but he says he cannot find any evangelist that will teach a clear message of salvation every night during the revival.… continue reading

The Great Apostasy of the Evangelicals

I think the most shocking thing going on in our nation is not that Marxists are actively running and ruining America. After all, people that reject God in any nation are going to look for a human substitute for God. The most shocking thing in America is that heretics are now taking over the Christian Evangelical movement in America and few Evangelicals notice or care.

If you take the Bible believing evangelicals that give the gospel of salvation to the world out of America, a Christian might have to wonder if God has any good purpose left for this nation in the world.… continue reading

Compromising the gospel for church growth and American idol heretics.

I get no joy out of telling people that much of what is being passed off as Christianity today is counterfeit. Those American Idols that are pushing modern heresies on people may think they are being opened minded but they really have become a willing door of Satanic deception. Satan’s goal is to get people who identify with Christianity to doubt fundamental doctrines that uniquely define who a Christian is. Satan then substitutes Christian doctrine with doctrines of demons in order to create counterfeits of the Christian religion. These demonic bastardizations of Christianity are not true Christianity.

for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 

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More baloney piled high on Rutz Crackers for the latest NAR Megashift

I was dumbfounded when I read a WorldNetDaily (WND) exclusive that had this headline, “Christianity taking over planet?” The article was promoting the claims of Jim Rutz and his book named “Megashift”. Rutz said Christianity was growing so fast that the whole world could become Christian by 2032. He also claimed that many people were being raised from the dead all over the world and people were being converted by seeing signs and miracles from the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) anointed apostles, prophets and miracle workers.

I really was not born on a turnip truck so I put my hip boots on and looked into the Rutz claims and I found out that Rutz is just selling crackers piled high with more NAR baloney.… continue reading

The great chastisement of America will bring revival in this decade

During a moving message on judgment coming to America, my pastor described a revival in one small local church where 53 people accepted the Lord and were baptized in a local river in one week. That revival took place over 60 years ago when certain people prayed and believed God for a move of His Spirit on their community.

My pastor also expressed his own fervent desire to see a revival like that happen in our church before he dies. After the service I told him I believe that he will see it. But, as I said to him, I do not think it will happen until God shakes America to its core.… continue reading

Postmodern Evangelicals guilty of spiritual malpractice

What would you think if you went to a physician and he purposely make things up as he went along in regards to your medical treatment? He called himself a Board Certified Purpose Driven specialist. Whatever he think works is the best treatment.

What if you took a formal English course because it was a required course for your advancement and the professor taught you ghetto slang instead? He said you need to be able to be able to communicate with the underclass.

What if you were blind and the word scanner paraphrased the words out of your calculus text book because the program designer believed that truth is relative?… continue reading

Evangelicals are fleeing Sunday attendance!

According to Julia Duin evangelicals are fleeing their churches and not attending on Sunday. There are probably several things going on here besides Duin not counting some non denominational churches that are growing. Has anyone considered that maybe half of the people in the seeker friendly churches that are now so prominent across America were never Christians in the first place? They were brought in by hype and great expectation for a purpose driven life but they never believed or were given the gospel of Salvation that defines a Christian.

Let me make a few observations. I occasionally attended a large mega church in St Louis and the pastor realized that even through he was having alter calls and scores of people were emotionally coming to the altar each Sunday for salvation or renewal the church was no longer growing.… continue reading

The fall of Christianity in America

This article is a must read for all Christians. Are Christians going to allow the government to continue to indoctrinate their children and then wonder why none of them are coming to Christ?

Over half the Southern Baptists churches have not baptized one youth because the gospel is not being taught to them in church or at home and parents have almost totally lost control of their kids.

There is a Southern Baptist Convention this coming week and a resolution that will deal with this issue. Will the SBC actually take some strong action? My view is that they will not because most of the church in America has already lost its savor or they would not be electing amoral candidates to high office who promote this amorality.… continue reading

Rick Warren needs to preach the gospel of Christ clearly.

This article give some interesting insights. Rich Warren is apparently inviting certain critics to visit his purpose driven conferences probably in an attempt to tone down the criticism of him. He may also be genuinely trying to understand why he has critics in the Church (let’s hope so).

Bob DeWaay was invited and he challenged Rick Warren to preach Christ. By that, he meant that Warren should preach specific scriptural Revelation about Jesus Christ in public rather than just General revelation about God. I hope Rick Warren takes Bob’s advise and uses his huge platform to preach the gospel of salvation.… continue reading

Lost Christians is the greatest crises in America? What is the response to such a bazaar concept!

What a totally bazaar concept “lost Christians”? This is an oxymoron!  If these “Christians” have lost their faith in the Bible, the church and Christian beliefs then they are not “lost Christians” they are not Christians!

Thirty-one million people have left these churches because they were never believers they were just cultural Christians. It is happening in the U.S., Canada and Europe because many of the mainline churches in the West do not teach or practice biblical Christianity. All they have is denominational rituals. They baptize people into the church as babies and then they call them Christians. Then when they grow up and leave they say they are “lost Christians.… continue reading

Global socialism will lead to fascism and the Beast Antichrist

This is a really great article on socialism and fascism it should help you to understand it better, why it will fail and why it always end up in dictatorship. Then he begs the question, if the world is going socialist what will the global dictatorship it will evolve into look like? The answer of course is the Beast.

The world is already going socialist in many ways. If the US elects a socialist leader like Obama or Clinton the world will be well into the start of the global socialist cycle that he implies. If that is true the Beast Antichrist global dictator is not far behind.… continue reading

Are Those That Oppose The Purpose Driven Agenda Leaders From Hell?

The purpose driven leaders are teaching pastors to demonize Christian leaders that are against their purpose driven program. All that is documented in the link below.

Are Those That Oppose The Purpose Driven Agenda Leaders From Hell? : “Think carefully about what is being said in that statement. Southerland is encouraging pastors to think of those who may be their brother or sister in Christ as actually ‘leaders from hell!’ Why? Because they question the validity of a
church growth program which lacks Scriptural basis to support it. Talk about
demonizing your opposition because you don’t have a solid argument with which to respond to them except ‘Everybody’s doing Purpose Driven’ or ‘it gets results.’

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Something is drifting down Willow Creek

Willow Creek tells us there is a big paradigm shift coming but we can’t be certain of what that paradigm shift is all about until they come out with it. However, by looking at the guests that speak at Willow Creek I am not encouraged that they will now suddenly emerge with great biblical discernment. This link will give you some background information.

From the Lighthousecontinue reading

Re-Think Methodology or Repent?

The problem is even though Hybel’s now admits that they have been wrong for twenty years. They have no intentions of going back to church the way it was before they influenced the church to depart to a worldly methodology. If you check what they are doing at Hybel’s and Warren’s churches they are going head first into heretical Emergent Church doctrines and inclusive universalism with all Religion. Why would any church retain a pastor who has lead them down the wrong path for two decades as if he suddenly now learned how to lead people to Christ and pastor the flock?continue reading

Seeker Friendly Church Leader Admits They Have Done It All Wrong

I know some of you are going to find this totally incredible but the granddaddy of the seeker movement, Bill Hybels, has come out and said that the seeker churches made a mistake, it does not work.

“Perhaps the most shocking thing of all in this revelation coming out of Willow Creek is in a summary statement by Greg Hawkins:

Our dream is that we fundamentally change the way we do church. That we take out a clean sheet of paper and we rethink all of our old assumptions. Replace it with new insights. Insights that are informed by research and rooted in Scripture.

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Compromise isn’t just found in the Emergent Movement

Those with true Christian faith have a hard time compromising with the lies of liars and that speaks wonders for those who do.

Compromise isn’t just found in the Emergent Movement – CWN: “As W. Graham Scroggie said, “Light and darkness, right and wrong, good and evil, truth and error are incompatibles . . . when they compromise it is the light, the right, the good, and the truth that are damaged.”

The biggest danger to the evangelical Church is not false religion or atheism, but compromise; it has always been a tool of the enemy. When compromise occurs, we can have church growth but no depth; numbers, but no character; enormous buildings, but small hearts.

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What Happens When the Church Puts Primary Value on Attendance and Not on Discipleship and Doctrine

That is why I call the Emergent Church Rosemary’s baby of the seeker friendly movement. The leaders of the Emergent Church grew up in the seeker churches where Bible doctrine was downplayed.

The post-modern emergent movement along with Rome’s leadership fits to a tee the Harlot Woman who rides the Beast of Revelation. They most likely will be brought together in a war against Islam and it will hate fundamental religion of any kind and embrace all beliefs except those who claim to have absolute truth.

What Happens When the Church Puts Primary Value on Attendance and Not on Discipleship and Doctrine – CWN: “The Emerging Church Movement is about evangelizing the consumer.

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