Don Koenig’s World and Church Trends Perspectives Aug 2014

It seems that the mainstream press wants to make the news rather than report the news. They have dropped coverage of most crises in the world in order to make race in America the number one issue this month. And no wonder, the radical Left includes the leadership of much of mainstream media. They are doing all they can to divide America by race and class.

This is all part of the Communist plan to bring social upheavals that will destroy the Middle-Class and force more government changes toward statist Communism. In case you did not get it yet, the far Left in America is either Communist or is a very close socialist cousin.… continue reading

The root of America’s problem is its evolutionary worldview

America has been taken over by ideologues of the radical left that very much identify with socialist Communism or Fascism. They can also be defined as statists. They believe that big government controlled by elite “more evolved” individuals with a secular humanist socialistic worldview is the only hope for humanity to have any hope for survival as a species. They would be correct if there were no God, however, there is a God, and He is fully in control of human destiny. The evolutionary worldview is the root of the problems in America.

These secular humanist socialists are practicable atheists. They might give lip service to God but they are always found in opposition to His teachings.… continue reading

World and Church Trends Perspectives July 2014

The main event in world news this month has been the rocket attacks on Israel and Israel’s military response on the terrorists that are firing the rockets from Gaza. Unless there is some new major unforeseen offense by the terrorists, I think the response by Israel will be limited. Israel’s main mission probably is to find and destroy the rockets and the tunnels. I do not think Israel will launch the type of military campaign that would be necessary to take down Hamas.

Iran supplies the terrorists in Gaza with weapons and it is Iran that told the terrorists to reject the Egyptian brokered cease-fire and to continue to fire rockets at Israel.… continue reading

World and Church Trends Perspectives Jun 2014

The unforeseen election loss of Eric Cantor is one of the biggest political upsets in American history. The Republican Majority Leader was dethroned by a conservative unknown named David Brat. Cantor outspent Brat $40 to $1. He was still expected to win his primary by a landslide just days before the Republican primary election but Cantor lost by a landslide. David beat Goliath.

Apparently, people in Virginia were heavily influenced by the headline news of the dumping of thousands of children from Central America on our southern borders and Cantor’s insistence that amnesty and immigration reforms had to be pushed through the House this summer.… continue reading

World and Church Trends and Bible Prophecy Perspectives May 2014

As most of you know, I have been doing these monthly perspectives newsletters for a few years now. The title change this month was made to reflect the Blog name rather than my own name. It will continue that way. The newsletters will remain monthly until people that know that they will be going in the Rapture this year send me the million in cash that they will not be needing anymore. I would then hire creative staff to publish daily perspectives about world and church trends and Bible prophecy.

No, this is not a 501c3 tax exempt website and probably never will be.… continue reading

American Oligarchy rules nation with police state enforcement

You might not yet even realize that you are under police state control, but you will soon. Americans are now ruled by an Oligarchy that controls an increasingly powerful police state that has Big Brother surveillance capabilities.

Everything you do will be regulated and if you do not abide by the rule of the elite and their police state enforcers the little liberty and freedom that you still have will cease to exist. The huge growth of armed federal agents in the Department of Homeland Security and the militarization of almost all local police forces and the control of them by directives from Homeland Security ought to tell you something about where we are heading as a nation.… continue reading

Will America avoid the coming foreign wars or coming civil war?

If America gets involved in a major war in the Middle East or in Asia, the usual rallying around the flag might make it possible for America to avoid a civil war unless the war becomes unpopular or the draft is restarted. If a foreign war and the rallying around the flag does not happen, the future for America could be even more bleak than a foreign war because race baiters and socialistic radicals are fueling divisions in America that very well could lead to civil warfare.

The increasingly lawless unconstitutional government of the Obama administration with its Big Brother and anti traditional America agenda, socialist wealth redistribution programs, and anti Christian social activism could bring about civil warfare before the next presidential election.… continue reading

2013 update to the coming crash caused by world debt

I thought it was time to update my coming economic crash caused by world debt article. That article is still receiving a few thousand downloads a month, so updating it seems appropriate. Some think everything is fine now and we are on our way to economic recovery but this update should dispel that myth.

I can’t post the whole update or article here because it is posted elsewhere on this site and I would end up with a duplicate content penalty by the search engines. Therefore, you will have to follow the link at the end of this post to read most of what I said in the update and the original article. … continue reading

The Satanic world system is rapidly progressing toward Antichrist

With so many people calling themselves “progressives” these days you would think that the progressives would have made some progress over the years but it looks to me like this Satanic world system is now rapidly progressing toward the Antichrist and its own doom.

The hippie generation of the 1960’s thought they were about to  enter the age of Aquarius where peace would guide the planets and love will steer the stars. The old communist hippies and their progressive offspring are now ruling the world and these godless diehards are still singing the same utopian song. Even so, the reality coming upon the earth will have somewhat different lyrics than that old Fifth Dimension’s song.… continue reading

Analysis of the North Korean threat and America’s weak response

The world has been told by the Obama administration that Obama does not bluff. However, apparently leaders in North Korea, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan and elsewhere do not believe him. Many leaders think that Obama is bluffing because like Presidents Clinton and Carter he is so wishy-washy predictable. The “progressive” leaders of America always take the politically correct way that is blessed by the globalist progressive appeasers.

Obama bluffed North Korea by sending a few ships and nuclear bombers and having a joint exercise with South Korea as a show of force that we will not put up with their nuclear weapons development program.… continue reading

Looking back from the future at an Obamanation that led the world

You say you wanted an Obamanation? You thought he was the answer for all your problems because Obama was black and intended to play Robin Hood? You say he would give you things like an Obamaphone, so you voted for him six times? You say you always vote democrat because they care about the working man and the poor? Okay fine, now you low or no information voters and fellow travelers will live with the obvious consequences of electing a radical Marxist to lead America.

I do not say this lightly. Those that voted for Obama, voted for judgment on this nation.… continue reading

The godless cannot take away liberty with a God fearing military

Have you noticed that every time someone goes crazy with a gun, the humanistic “progressive” people want to take guns away from the sane people that could stop other crazies from shooting people? Are they afraid of the crazies getting guns, or are they really afraid that sane armed people might oppose the evil tyranny that many of these godless progressives promote?

I wonder how many Jews would have been spared, if they did not trust the Germans and armed themselves instead of giving up their guns to the state? You might think that with all their world history that they would have learned a thing or two, but even now, most Jews in America think that people should not own guns.… continue reading

Reasons to believe why Jesus will return before 2050 AD

In various other articles, I have given my rationale why the coming of Jesus in glory will not occur during this decade but now I will explain why I think that it is almost certain that Jesus will return before 2050 AD.

Let me first say that Paul said the true Church would know the general season of the Lord’s return. He said, that we are not in darkness that this day should come upon us like a thief (1 Th 5:4). We are told to watch for the Lord’s return and we are also told to fellowship with other Christians even more as we see that day approaching (Heb 10:25).… continue reading

America chooses judgment through the fascist tyranny of Obama

The 2012 election makes it clear to me that the majority of Americans have already been brainwashed by media and the “educational” system to accept fascist tyranny and socialism. The ruling Far Left will now try to force their Marxist globalist ways on all traditional Americans that abhor their godless communistic and fascist socialism. America is now doomed to experience accelerating division, economic collapse, tyranny and self-destruction.

America is now a people with two distinct incompatible ideologies. Some say that Obama will bring judgment on America. Sure, but what they fail to see is that Obama and the Far Left is the prime means being used to bring that judgment on America.… continue reading

Utopian humanist socialist globalism and issues in Bible prophecy

This article might kick some sacred cows of conservative Christian Americans and the Bible prophecy “experts” that many follow, so you have been warned. This article is also very long (over 5000 words), so if you have no attention span and cannot critically think like most in this sound bite generation, then this article was not written for you. On the positive side, that would also eliminates 99 percent of the people who would be critical of this article and all people hired to read  blogs by government spy agencies. 😎

This article has six sections that I call points and it also has a brief summery.… continue reading

America chooses between Marxist and cult leader in 2012 election

I think the proof that President Obama is a Communist and a fraudulent phony is overwhelming but America has left itself with only one other choice in the 2012 presidential election. We can either have four more years of Obama, or we can trust our fate to a Mormon cult leader named Mitt Romney. That is one hell of a choice that Americans have in 2012 (pun intended).

When I was living in the 1950’s such choices for President in America’s future would be labeled science fiction. Nothing like this could really happen in America. After all, Marxism was the deadly enemy of America and Mormons were believed by all Orthodox Christian denominations to be an antichrist cultist religion.… continue reading

True and pseudo Christians living in post constitutional America

Most within Christianity in America today continue to live in blissful ignorance. They have become like the Laodicean Church found in Revelation chapter 3 that was living high on a hill with a false sense of security. On the other hand, astute Christians and some true patriots are aware that we are now living in a post Christian influenced America and a post constitutional America.

If these astute Christian and patriots are correct – and I believe they are – how will the American Church have to change its focus to be effectual salt and light within a nation that will be reaping the consequences of its own evil ways?… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues May 2012

The economic and political picture in Europe is rapidly changing for the worse. The recent elections in France will put the Far Left in control for the first time in over thirty years. That means that democracy has already produced a tyranny of the majority in some European countries. The majority have decided to continue their liberal worker benefits and cradle to grave socialistic program even though there is no way that their nation can pay for them.

It is now clear that the majority of people of Europe will just vote out leaders that try to save them from themselves.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Feb 2012

The Republican Party establishment continues to be predictable in the 2012 presidential nomination. Every time a conservative pops up the Republican Party establishment shows up to play Whac-A-Mole. Rick Santorum was the last conservative that popped up the hole. He is also the last conservative left in the game that has not been whacked, so you can be sure the Republican establishment will now focus their big hammers on him.

Mitt Romney is the only acceptable candidate for the Republican establishment because the establishment is as center left as he is. Does it even matter anyway who Republicans make their candidate?… continue reading

Christians of America accept demonic choice for President in 2012?

America claims to have over 80 percent Christians but yet most of them will accept Obama, Romney or Gingrich as their choice for President in 2012? The leaders that Americans are choosing reflects the nation and that is a very sad statement for America. It seems that most Christian conservatives in America talk about electing a Christian conservative but then promote and vote for people under control of the Devil. On the other hand, most of the liberal Christians in America just vote for whoever promises them the most material comforts even if he is the Devil.

At this point in the 2012 election, Americans have the choice between an obvious globalist Marxist, a progressive Mormon cult Bishop, or a manic narcissistic – possibly psychopathic – Third Wave – CFR – statist – globalist – wind bag that changes directions with the breeze.… continue reading