Aww…Poor God!

Some claiming to be among Christianity would have us think that the universe that God spoke into existence for His own purpose is not really under His control. They have a God that dwells in creation wringing His figurative hands just hoping that someone will love Him and be His friend. Aww…poor God!

Although many “Christians” may deny that they see God in the above terms, their theology and what they say about God indicates otherwise. I will give a few examples but it certainly will not be all-inclusive because this anemic concept of God is exceedingly widespread and is subtly interwoven in “Christian” concepts about their Creator.… continue reading

2Th 2:3 and other teachings of Paul indicate pretrib Rapture

Those crusading against the pretribulation Rapture really need to get a life because their arguments do not have a biblical leg to stand on. Every week I get emails or comments from some crusader wanting to inform me that the Bible does not teach a pretrib Rapture. They tell me that my pretrib Rapture teaching will send people to hell, so I need to repent of my teaching or I will be going to hell myself.

They make the unfounded claim that those teaching a pretrib Rapture are leading Christian people to hell because they think that many Christians that were expecting to be taken in the pretrib Rapture will then lose their faith when they find themselves under persecution in the tribulation.… continue reading

Blood moon of Joel and Revelation not about eclipses of 2014 2015

The various end time speculations of 2012 never panned out, so it really should not surprise anyone that a replacement theory would now arise in order to sell new hype to people looking for a tribulation that fits their impatient unrealistic schedule. I am talking about the new hype that the blood moons of 2014 and 2015 could fulfill the blood moon talked about by Joel, and Revelation.

Pastor Mark Biltz of Tacoma Washington first came up with the theory and now Pastor John Hagee is running with the ball with his new book, “Four Blood Moons: Something Is About To Change”.… continue reading

Obama plays one-on-one with Assad but loses control of backboard

I thought that President Obama would order an air strike on Syria as soon as this Labor Day weekend, but as I completed the first draft of this article, President Obama surprised me and announced that he would seek congressional approval before he ordered a strike on Syria. I previously was thinking that Obama would just ignore the Constitution and the Wars Powers Act and just go it alone against President Basher Assad of Syria and that is the reason for my “Obama plays one-on-one with Assad but loses control of backboard” title.

Now I just read that Obama said he will go one-on-one with Assad even if Congress votes against an attack.… continue reading

Rabbi Judah Ben Samuel of 1217 tips Jack Van Impe on 2017 tribulation

I recently watched two of the latest Jack Van Impe’s TV programs. I probably had not watched his program in almost a decade for a number of reasons. Van Impe fell out of favor with me when he started quoting mystics and pagans to support his end time speculations about how soon the Lord would return. Of course, Jack would always say that he is not setting dates, but then he would go ahead and set an outermost date for the fulfillment of the Rapture. Over the years, Jack Van Impe has proven that he can be wrong on his date speculations.… continue reading

Seventh millennium in two decades, these are the prophetic years

What if you knew that at most you had about a decade left on earth to accomplish whatever you will do in your mortal Christian life. Would you do anything different? I have good reason to believe that we are living in the prophetic years and ten or fifteen years is about all the time that those in Christ have left to work. Even if the Rapture were delayed for more than another decade, at the rate that world societies are decaying and growing openly hostile toward true Christians, we will not be allowed to work much longer to get out the Gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ anywhere.… continue reading

Fabian Push For Global Governance Means The Day Of The Lord Is Near

If Christian think that Jesus is going to return in the next two decades, and many of us do, then it should not surprise us that nations will now align and the world will become like the prophets in the Bible foretold about the end days.  In fact, Jesus told us that we are not of darkness that day should come upon us like a thief (1 Th 5:4). If we are to be aware when the Day of the Lord is near, there must be things that are uniquely observable to us Christians before the Day of the Lord arrives.… continue reading

Less quickening means more compressing of end time bible prophecy

Art Bell, on his radio program of the late 20th century, used to say that the earth had entered a period that he named “The Quickening”. Many in the late 20th century thought that we were at the end of the world or age as we knew it. Bell had one late night guest after another, telling his Dreamland listeners what would be coming upon on us in the next couple of years.

The guests ranged from secular prophets and remote viewers, to people that claimed to have various kinds of insider information about high level secrets. It made for great fiction, but the fantasy that was so often suggested, did not become reality just because some claimed it would.… continue reading

Isaiah 17, Psalm 83, or end of world prophecy won’t occur in 2012

It appears to be a near certainty that NATO will soon get involved in the action in Syria. They will probably get directly involved within a matter of days or a couple of weeks. The United States, France, and Great Britain have aircraft carriers in place and they have thousands of special forces ready to move into Syria to secure the Syrian WMD sites.

Syria was warned about not using WMD but reportedly they have loaded chemical nerve agents into bombs and is now walking on the red line that NATO placed in the sand. NATO is now responding to the deliberate provocation by Assad.… continue reading

Petrus Romanus: an exercise in finding the future in the demonic

In 2009 Tom Horn gave us his theory in his book “Apollyon Rising 2012” that the Antichrist would make himself known between the year 2009 and 2012. Three years later Horn has followed up with a book that has the False Prophet coming to power in late 2012. This book seems designed to complete his theory based on many private mystical and pagan prophecies that the Great Tribulation starts near the end of 2012 and ends in 2016.

Last month I gave a review on Apollyon rising 2012. In brief, I thought that Tom Horn assumes that unregenerate man has power over the spirits that humans do not have, and that Tom Horn gives demonic pagan prophets way to much credit to be able to foretell the future.… continue reading

Apollyon is not Rising in 2012. You are being Hornswoggled.

Some in Christian media have been doing interviews with Thomas Horn so I decided to read a couple of his books. I recently read “Apollyon rising 2012” and I will soon read his latest book “Petrus Romanus”, which God willing, I will comment on sometime in the future. The title “Apollyon Rising 2012”, implies that Apollyon of Revelation 9:11 will be rising in 2012 but If you believe that you probably already have been hornswoggled.

First let me say that there are quite a few errors and shoehorning of scripture as well as some hornswoggling in Tom Horn’s book. Dr. Cathy Burns points out many of the problems in her critique of Tom’s Horn’s Apollyon Rising: 2012.… continue reading

Illogical reasoning: brain virus pandemic creates postmodern nation

Many people in America seem to have caught a mind virus that causes illogical faulty reasoning. Sometime after 1960 young American minds caught a bird brain virus and as they aged their brains continued to get more and more defective. The result is the postmodern nation that we now live in where bad is good and good is bad. The brain virus is part of a demonic communist plot to bring down America. Here is the proof that the bird brain virus exists and that it now infects many American minds:

The ability to reason has almost vanished in most of the nation.continue reading

The real Christmas story is about God’s righteousness to save man

Its Christmas time but I am sure that most people in the world do not understand why Christians celebrate this time of the year or what happened over 2000-years ago. Most people in world religions think that their eternal future depends on their own performance or in sojourning over and over again until they get it right and their soul reaches perfection through their own efforts.

However, It is not possible that imperfection can ever achieve perfection no matter how many attempts are made to get it right. Throughout human history the elite of the world have led people down deadly dead ends, or else they are sitting around contemplating themselves while taking handouts from the poor and doing nothing at all to help the human condition.… continue reading

Savers lose and borrowers win under U.S. Federal Reserve policy

Do you want to get a loan that will actually make you more wealthy? Do you realize that such loans are now available on home properties if you have good credit? Mortgage loan rates are now lower than the inflation rate and if you lock in a 30 year mortgage now your interest rate will most likely remain lower than the inflation rate for the foreseeable future. You will indeed become wealthier in the long run just because you took out a 30 year mortgage loan. Strange but true, thanks to the Keynesian insanity of the Federal Reserve Bank of America.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Nov 2011

By looking at the gains in the stock markets over the last couple of weeks one would think that the European debt crises was resolved. I cannot believe that people are that stupid so I think financial managers are really just gambling that others will bid up the price of stocks based on the recent European agreement. In other words, the 2000 point swings that we are seeing in the stock market in the last couple of months is due to speculators that are gambling on the rise or the fall of the stock markets and not on the fundamentals of the companies that sell stock in the market or the European debt.… continue reading

The restrainer of 2Th 2:7 is not the Spirit filled Church

One of the great controversial mysteries of Bible prophecy is the identity of the restrainer of 2Th 2:7. This issue came up in a recent post and I took the standard view given by most dispensational Bible prophecy teachers that the restrainer mentioned in 2Th 2:7 is the Holy Spirit within the Church. Since then I decided to do a more in-depth study on this passage and to try to think things through logically.

First let me give the passage in question in it’s context. I am using the American Standard version because I think verse 7 there is a bit more true to the Greek than the King James and it certainly is clearer.… continue reading

High oil and gas prices exist because of speculation and government!

Right now we obviously have a stability problem in the Middle East that drives speculators to bet that oil prices will go higher. The speculators create a spike or bubble and that is why gas is now $4 a gallon. If we can get the Middle East to settle down (fat chance) and get our government to start developing our own huge oil reserves, oil could soon fall to $50 a barrel. That would mean that in most states gas would be under $2 a gallon.

I know about the Hubbert peak oil theory. It is not entirely wrong but it is based on conventional oil and he had no way of knowing the advances that would come in the technology.… continue reading

Muslim people need to throw off their taskmasters and choose peace

The Muslim people need to hear the truth, for if they continue on the road that their taskmasters are taking them they will never have peace in this world or attain everlasting life from the Creator in the next.

Muslim leaders talk about Jihad and taking the world for Allah so that Sharia law will reign in the world where everyone will submit to Allah and everyone does what is lawful and right. Yet, even in the most Muslim of countries, is that a reality? I think if you are a honest Muslim you know that even where Sharia law reigns, so do the control freaks and the taskmasters.… continue reading

Farah: The House not raising debt limit will insure fiscal calamity!

Sometimes I just have to laugh at the harebrained ideas about how to deal with Obama and our increasing national debt. For example, there is one idea that is now being pushed by Joseph Farah of WorldNetDaily (WND). Farah’s solution to save America from fiscal calamity is for the Republican House to not vote to allow any raising of the national debt limit.

At the end of Farah’s various featured articles on this subject, Mr. Farah asks, “where am I going wrong on this? Can someone enlighten me?” Yeah, I will enlighten Mr. Farah because not raising the national debt limit is a recipe for national suicide.… continue reading

The creative technical capabilities of man indicates the end is near

One of the sure signs that the end is near and that we are in the days just before the return of Jesus is man’s creative technical capabilities and increase in knowledge. Man now has the ability to create complex inventions that can be used to help the world or destroy the world.

One example of the more recent creative technical capabilities of man is his complex inventions based on acquired knowledge of nuclear physics. We know that this nuclear technology can be used for either good or evil, but obviously without God’s intervention man would have already destroyed the world during the era when the USSR and America had 10,000 hydrogen bombs pointed at each other.… continue reading