World and Church Trends Perspectives Jun 2014

The unforeseen election loss of Eric Cantor is one of the biggest political upsets in American history. The Republican Majority Leader was dethroned by a conservative unknown named David Brat. Cantor outspent Brat $40 to $1. He was still expected to win his primary by a landslide just days before the Republican primary election but Cantor lost by a landslide. David beat Goliath.

Apparently, people in Virginia were heavily influenced by the headline news of the dumping of thousands of children from Central America on our southern borders and Cantor’s insistence that amnesty and immigration reforms had to be pushed through the House this summer.… continue reading

Electrical grid down could kill most in America within the decade

I have addressed this issue several times over the years but apparently Americans are still not getting the message about the grave danger of an extended electrical grid down situation. If this should occur, most Americans probably will not survive this decade. (See the related posts at the bottom for previous articles.)

This is not some danger that I am pulling out of thin air. It is no conspiracy theory. This is a grave danger to our nation that is established in scientific fact. All the experts that have looked into the grid down possibility have warned our leaders of the dire consequences.… continue reading

Will America avoid the coming foreign wars or coming civil war?

If America gets involved in a major war in the Middle East or in Asia, the usual rallying around the flag might make it possible for America to avoid a civil war unless the war becomes unpopular or the draft is restarted. If a foreign war and the rallying around the flag does not happen, the future for America could be even more bleak than a foreign war because race baiters and socialistic radicals are fueling divisions in America that very well could lead to civil warfare.

The increasingly lawless unconstitutional government of the Obama administration with its Big Brother and anti traditional America agenda, socialist wealth redistribution programs, and anti Christian social activism could bring about civil warfare before the next presidential election.… continue reading

Millennial Kingdom led by Jesus begins within twenty years?

If I could convince people that the Millennial Kingdom led by Jesus begins on earth within twenty years, would they change anything in their life? Keep in mind, that the great trial for everyone living on earth even begins some seven years sooner. First, God will send His two witnesses to first tell the world the truth but the world will hate them and wish to kill them but any harm directed toward them will fall on their own head.

These two prophets of God will have the power to smite the nations as often as they wish (Rev 11:6). That being true, the reality than is that those not in Christ will experience the start of this great trial on earth within the next 10 to 15 years.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Sep 2013

Just about everything in the news since late August is about the Obama administration plan to carry out an air attack on the Assad government forces in Syria for his alleged use of chemical weapons. Unless there is a terrorist attack on America, the Syrian affair will dominate the news for the entire month whether the U.S. attack is actually carried out or not.

The overwhelming majority of the American people do not want any U.S. attack on Syria. Most Americans are fed up with us intervening in Muslim nations and think we should stay out of the Syrian civil war.… continue reading

Choosing sides in Nations indoctrinated by Islam a religion of hate

With the rise of violence that we see taking place in most Muslim Middle East nations, conditions on earth are obviously taking a  radical turn for the worst. These military and mob actions in the Middle East are not going away anytime soon, and there really is nothing America can do about them but get out-of-the-way. What America does have to do, is to stop the Islamists from ever getting nuclear weapons because it is pretty obvious that they would use them if they had them.

All sides are blaming America for the bloodshed and there is even some degree of truth to that claim because we should have kept out of the affairs of Islamic nations as much as is possible.… continue reading

The Satanic world system is rapidly progressing toward Antichrist

With so many people calling themselves “progressives” these days you would think that the progressives would have made some progress over the years but it looks to me like this Satanic world system is now rapidly progressing toward the Antichrist and its own doom.

The hippie generation of the 1960’s thought they were about to  enter the age of Aquarius where peace would guide the planets and love will steer the stars. The old communist hippies and their progressive offspring are now ruling the world and these godless diehards are still singing the same utopian song. Even so, the reality coming upon the earth will have somewhat different lyrics than that old Fifth Dimension’s song.… continue reading

Looking back from the future at an Obamanation that led the world

You say you wanted an Obamanation? You thought he was the answer for all your problems because Obama was black and intended to play Robin Hood? You say he would give you things like an Obamaphone, so you voted for him six times? You say you always vote democrat because they care about the working man and the poor? Okay fine, now you low or no information voters and fellow travelers will live with the obvious consequences of electing a radical Marxist to lead America.

I do not say this lightly. Those that voted for Obama, voted for judgment on this nation.… continue reading

Muslims rage over the false prophet that promotes a demonic god

I for one, have had enough of the endless Muslim rage against the West. The militant Islamic radicals will always find something to incite people who seem to have nothing better to do than to with their lives than to spew hatred against anyone that does not respect their demonic false prophet with his demonic god. The first thing we need to do, is to get rid of the Muslim appeasers in our own countries, and the second thing we need to do, is to tell the Muslims the truth about what will happen to them if their violent actions drag us into World War III.… continue reading

The West needs to see the present world realities

It’s time that people in the West opened their eyes to the present world realities that they live in. The present economic threat to the West is caused by socialism, living beyond one’s means, high energy prices and trading with China. The present military and stability threat to the West is Islam. The primary religious threat to the West is not Islam, it is secular humanism, religious pluralism and New Age spirituality.

Most in the West will learn to find a job if the West stops paying people to do nothing, and stops giving people entitlements that they have not earned.… continue reading

Osama Bin Laden could be on a ship with Jack Bauer spilling his guts.

If something like the raid on the Bin Laden hideout in Pakistan took place on the “24 Hours” series or the “The Unit” series I would be saying that this is good fiction but I don’t think it is very realistic.

After ten years the President of the United States suddenly finds the most wanted man in the world and then instead of bombing the place takes the very high risk of sending in special forces to get him. You would think if they decided to send in special forces it is because they wanted to take him alive. After all, Bin Laden would know if al Qaeda had access to nukes or some other weapon of mass destruction, so why would you kill him?… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues, May 2011

Rev. David Wilkerson died in a car crash late last month. He was best known nationally for the book “The Cross and the Switchblade”. He was pastor of Times Square Church in New York City. Wilkerson also has warned this nation of coming judgment on this nation for over thirty years. Whether his highly published visions of judgment were actually coming from God like he claimed or just from his own mind because of his fear that God would judge this nation is debatable. (Even Wilkerson said the failed prophecies that he made probably came from his own fears.) Nevertheless, what Wilkerson generally perceived that would happen in this nation becomes inevitable if people in this nation continue the downward spiral into wickedness.… continue reading

A world war is brewing next decade because of Islamic extremism expanding in Pakistan and elsewhere.

Pakistan is probably going to become the catalyst for the next world war and it will take place within the next decade. The leadership of Pakistan is corrupt and has little popular support. There is now no political remedy that will prevent Islamic radicals from taking over the nation. Islamic militants are now taking over more and more of the countryside and there will be no stopping them by the Pakistani military because the military is already infiltrated and also obsessed with India.

India today is being attacked by Islamic terrorists supported by Pakistan and is probably only one or two more major terrorist attacks away from taking military action against Pakistan.… continue reading

U.S. Intelligence is worried that Pakistan may fall to terrorists.

Apparently our own intelligence agencies now believe that the situation in Pakistan is grave and that Pakistan may fall into the hands of terrorists. Rick Moran in this blog questions what Obama or what the U.S. would do in such a situation. I do not think there would be any choice. We cannot allow terrorists to get their hands on scores of nuclear weapons and we cannot allow a terrorist state in Pakistan, nor will India ever allow such a thing.

Here is what I believe would happen. The nukes will immediately be taken out or fully protected by U.S. special forces because if we did not do that right away India will take them out with a nuclear first strike on Pakistan.… continue reading

Cutting off the head of the snake in Pakistan

After the 9/11 attack on the trade towers Bush said the terrorists would have no sanctuaries to hide. I believe Bush meant what he said at the time but real world conditions cowed him from actually carrying out that promise. Seven years later Osama Bin Laden the mastermind of the attacks is still hiding in Pakistan.

Pakistan’s government and army is completely infiltrated by radical Islamic terrorists and our government knows it. Osama Bin Laden, al Qaeda and the Taliban have sanctuary in Pakistan and Pakistan will not deal with the terrorist problem and they also will not allow NATO forces to go in and deal with the terrorist problem.… continue reading


I agree with what Joel Rosenburg is saying that Pakistan is just one coup d’état from the radical Islamics taking over the government. If this happen it will just make World War III more of a reality than it is now. Neither the US, India or Israel is going to allow Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal to fall into the hands of al-Qaeda. You can take that to the bank. Nonetheless, an Islamic controlled Pakistan will end up in a ground war with India in the South and NATO on the North and a civil war in the middle. People in Pakistan might consider that scenario before they support radicals to take over their government.… continue reading