Many calling themselves Christian join a Revelation Harlot

Most people who claim to be Christians in this postmodern generation say they follow Christ. However, their world views and beliefs display that the Christ that they claim to believe in, is not the Jesus Christ that the Bible defines. These pseudo Christians have worldly humanistic world views. They do not have a biblical Christian worldview. They are usually found on the wrong side of most moral and biblical positions.

Christianity is just a religion that they were brought up in or talked into. They follow teachings of religious men, but do not follow the teachings of God. They do not even know what God said, because they show little interest in learning the Bible at all.… continue reading

Emasculated men and their women let LifeWay replace Bible Studies

Ten years ago while in a LifeWay Sunday School group I challenged some of the points of theology of the “teacher”. He whined to the pastor and the pastor told him that he might listen and learn from me. He got so upset that the pastor did not get on my case that he went into a hissey fit and quit the church. The pastor did tell me that I could be more tactful. I agree. Tact never was a strong suit of mine. Emasculated men often have the emotions of women. I should keep that in mind when dealing with them.… continue reading

Is Jesuit Pope Francis the Antichrist or the False Prophet?

This Blog deals with world and church trends and Bible prophecy so I would be remiss if I did not write something about the first Jesuit Pope ever to take the throne. Pope Francis now rules over half of what is called Christendom with its 1.2 billion Roman Catholics. This Pope will also have great influence with other world religious leaders and world governments.

I recently have already written on the supposed prophecy attributed to St. Malachy. The prophecy says that Peter the Roman will be the last Pope before Rome is destroyed and judgment comes on the world. This present Pope is the 112th Pope and last Pope on the Malachy list.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Dec 2012

Obviously the world did not end on Dec 21, 2012. Once again the prophets of Baal were wrong. Researchers can analyze every pagan prophecy that exists anywhere and they still will not know anything about the timing of future events.

Everything Christians need to know about the future is already written in the Christian Bible. The Lord God does not reveal the future through ancient pagan writings, or through modern men and woman who learned to tap into the occult, or through those that hear the imaginations of their own minds and claim that the message came from Him.

It appears that we will be here for a while longer, so let me wish everyone a Merry Christmas and an interesting New Year that is full of joy in Christ.continue reading

Evangelicals and Apostates Together: Warren Osteen and Oprah

Can you imagine any of the Apostles appearing before millions of people but never giving the gospel message to them? Yet, the pastors of two of the largest churches in America, did just that, when appearing on three hours of Oprah’s Lifeclass program.

Forget politicians, the real reason for America’s problems become more evident in the churches Americans go to and the religious leaders that they follow. Evangelical leaders don’t even know what the Christian message is anymore, or else, they cannot or will not express it. I think Joel Osteen, Rick Warren together with Oprah and all their followers represent the real problem in America among those that still identify with Christianity.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Jul 2012

Do you realize that there is not one Protestant on the nine member U.S. Supreme Court? There are six Roman Catholics and three Jews. Over one-half of all Americans are Protestants and most of those are Evangelicals, but there is no one representing this large segment of Americans on the Court. Apparently justices were selected to represent skin color, sex and political views but they ignore candidates believing in the inerrancy and sufficiency of the Bible. What does that say about the Evangelical Christian claims of all the Presidents that appointed them? They gave lip service to Evangelicals for votes but their deeds in office say they were not one of us.… continue reading

New evangelicalism usually also means denying Bible inerrancy

I recently read the book “New Evangelicalism“, by Paul Richard Smith, founder of Calvary Chapel Victorville CA. Paul Smith is a leader in the Calvary Chapel movement founded by his brother Chuck Smith, who also wrote the foreword to Paul Smith’s book.

The book gives a brief history of modern Protestantism beginning with modernism where scripture became critically analyzed through the filters of the philosophies of 19th and early 20th century humanist intellectuals. This humanistic intellectual analysis of the scriptures became known as “higher criticism”. I took one of those silly “higher criticism” courses in college myself.

I will give you my own take on modernism; most of what I will say about modernism in Christianity does not come from Paul Smith’s book, but from what I read in his book, I think Paul Smith would agree with most of it.… continue reading

SBC and Evangelicals seekers shift toward mystical emergent church

“Christian” leaders that appeared on the church platforms of Saddleback, Willow Creek, Crystal Cathedral and other mega churches told us that a “big shift” was coming in Christianity and it has. This shift has been from following the written word of God to following mystical beliefs. This will eventually split the Evangelicals and their largest denomination.

The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) and other Evangelicals are slowly but surely being led by the seeker friendly gurus toward embracing the postmodern relativistic mystical concepts and leaders of the Emergent Church Movement.

This danger is greater than the division in the ranks of the SBC some years ago when liberals had unduly influenced the SBC leadership.… continue reading

The Great Apostasy of the Evangelicals

I think the most shocking thing going on in our nation is not that Marxists are actively running and ruining America. After all, people that reject God in any nation are going to look for a human substitute for God. The most shocking thing in America is that heretics are now taking over the Christian Evangelical movement in America and few Evangelicals notice or care.

If you take the Bible believing evangelicals that give the gospel of salvation to the world out of America, a Christian might have to wonder if God has any good purpose left for this nation in the world.… continue reading

Rick Warren picks pagans to lead “Daniel Plan” in his “decade of destiny”.

I believe I have about 43 posts on this blog that either are about Rick Warren or his name is mentioned in the article for some reason. I also wrote articles that reside on my website about Warren’s seeker sensitive church growth model and Rick Warren’s Global P.E.A.C.E plan. I have been disagreeing with Rick Warren’s agenda for a better part of a decade.

I have been writing about “America’s pastor”, since his Purpose Driven Life was thrust in my hands to read. I found problems with the book and had bigger problems with the churches that adopted his seeker sensitive methods and his gospel light sermons.… continue reading

Shepherds on a mission to appease often have sheep dung on their boots

I had a discussion yesterday with more than one person about the plight of pastors today. It seems that some pastors feel if they openly preach on certain Biblical topics, they believe they will offend some people that carry past or present baggage and lose a portion of their congregation.

We blame pastors for the gospel light inclusive pluralistic universalistic teaching that many of them are now spouting from their pulpits but we must also consider that there are many people sitting in the pews that will not endure sound doctrine anymore. Many are brainwashed by the liberal progressive message that prevails on all media.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues, Jan 2011

Last week brought unprecedented spam and hack attacks to this website so I spent many hours since then making this website more secure. I even overdid it on the security because I found out that I was not allowing some valid users access. Yesterday I took out a script that I know was blocking some people from viewing this website. I still retain 3 spam checkers and 3 other powerful security checkers and a .htaccess file that is designed to block most bad robots.

The security I set up might inadvertently still block a few valid viewers but the security is also quite necessary. … continue reading

Rising Christian Imperialism Fueled by Dominion Theology

Most Christians might think I would have to be nuts to warn others about the possibility of rising Christian imperialism at a time when Christianity is under oppression by the secular Far Left and Islam but apart from my mental condition I try to stay one step ahead of the curve.

One thing that I have learned over the years about politics is that political action on one side of the political spectrum soon produces a counter-reaction from the other side of the spectrum after a short time. The reason for that is that any political system that man tries always ends in failure due to man’s depravity.… continue reading

The spirit of antichrist and Christian dominionism is alive and well in America.

One of the things I deal with almost everyday are trends in the world and the church and how it all relates to Bible prophecy. I try to be balanced and not join with all those Christians on the fringe who are convinced that there is some Satanic elitist conspiracy to immediately thrust the Antichrist upon us all and fulfill their fantasy of the world ending this decade. The spirit of antichrist is already alive and well in America but the Antichrist figure of Bible prophecy is not coming as soon as some seem to think.

I just do not see the evidence for this imminent Antichrist like some think they do.… continue reading

Willow Creek leadership conference: The making of a Harlot

An interesting article was written by Jan Markell of Olive Tree Ministries. She talks about the 2009 leadership conference or summit lead by Bill Hybel’s Willow Creek Association. Two of the guest speakers for this “leadership” conference will be Tony Blair and Rock Star Bono.

Why would any Christian go to a Christian leadership conference to hear from Tony Blair and Bono? They both are all-paths pseudo Christian heretics. Seems to me that Bill Hybels job was to first dumb down Christianity with his seeker friendly program and then steer the pseudo Christians under his influence into the end time one world religion Harlot of Bible prophecy described in Revelation chapter 17.… continue reading

The emerging emergent threat from postmodern Christians

While some Christians still get upset enough with government to contract their congressmen and talk about throwing the bums out of office, it seems that many Christians do nothing about the wolves in sheep’s clothing that have infiltrated their own churches.

The threat comes from postmodern leaders with its redefining of Christianity and the Bible. The threat is also known as the Emergent Church. The Emergent Movement now threatens to subvert once evangelical denominations. The Emergent movement is now a major emerging threat in the Nazarene denomination and is also a big threat in Baptists churches and others.

If you do not know what the big deal is about from this Emergent threat click on the link above and read the articles from Eric Bager and find out.… continue reading

Rick Warren apologizes to homosexual leaders because some thought he was against homosexual marriage.

Seems Rick Warren was not against California’s Proposition 8 and homosexual marriage after all. Quoted below is the exact words Rick Warren made on “Larry King Live”.  Also in the same article that I quote and link to at the bottom of this post is Joseph Farah’s appropriate view of this wishy-washy pastor.

Why is Rick Warren always in the news? If he was actually preaching the gospel of Christ he would not get on the worldly media. He is CFR member for a reason and he has a Global Peace Plan because it conforms with the CFR globalist socialistic agenda.… continue reading

Rick Warren the said Billy Graham of world socialism and religious pluralism brings in harlotry and the Beast

Its enough to want to make any true missionary of the gospel of Jesus Christ puke. Religious pluralism and world socialism is Rick Warren’s answer for the world not Jesus Christ.

Most “Christians” in this country just do not get it because I am not sure they understand the gospel of Jesus Christ themselves. Christians are told to give the gospel to the whole world so they can die to the bondage of this world and live for Jesus Christ. Instead, people like Rick Warren tell Christians to join with world demonic religions so they can be kept in religious bondage.… continue reading

Postmodern Evangelicals guilty of spiritual malpractice

What would you think if you went to a physician and he purposely make things up as he went along in regards to your medical treatment? He called himself a Board Certified Purpose Driven specialist. Whatever he think works is the best treatment.

What if you took a formal English course because it was a required course for your advancement and the professor taught you ghetto slang instead? He said you need to be able to be able to communicate with the underclass.

What if you were blind and the word scanner paraphrased the words out of your calculus text book because the program designer believed that truth is relative?… continue reading

Coach Dave Daubenmire chides Rick Warren for using the wrong playbook

I was waiting for someone to go on the biblical offensive and get it right about the political forum at Saddleback led be pastor Rick Warren. Coach Dave Daubenmire single handed takes out the whole defensive line of Rick Warren in this article. The Coach really defines in this article the whole problem with this superstar and his whole team.

All I heard from most Evangelical leaders was how great this political forum was but few mentioned that “America’s Pastor” is not even using the Christian playbook, he is using the playbook of the losing team. What gospel was heard from “America’s Pastor”?… continue reading