The 2012 cult: End of the world hysteria and deception from Satan

Here are a couple of good articles for people that are part of, promoting, or want to know more about the rapidly growing 2012 cult that is fueling end of the world hysteria.

2012: Tsunami of Stupidity why the latest apocalyptic cult is a silly scam, by Ron Rosenbaum

The article is good but especially follow the links in the article if you wish to be deprogrammed from the 2012 cult.

My own perspective of this 2012 cult is that it is a sinister deception from Satan. There are just two many spokes on this 2012 wheel for this not to be a deception from Satan. The 2012 cult and end of the world hysteria also originates from Satan because all the pagan and “New Age” tie-in’s certainly cannot come from God.

Let’s look at some of the spokes of the 2012 cult wheel of deception.

  • The Mayan long calender cycle that ends on December 21, 2012
  • Supposed Nostradamus predictions about 2012
  • The return of Planet X in 2012
  • Bible code predictions
  • Time distance code theory
  • St Malachi predicts apocalypse in reign of next Pope
  • Muslim Mahdi Antichrist theories
  • Hopi prophecies
  • False modern secular prophets
  • False modern religious prophets
  • Illuminati conspiracy theories
  • Various ufology theories
  • Bible prophecy teachers with subjective date setting and interpretations

I am sure I missed some and there are others that point to the same general time period. For example, those that see a imminent paradigm shift into the age of Aquarius that will bring the world to collective higher consciousness with the help of  various ascended masters. Then there are also the Marian messages with its demonic deceptions.

All of the things I listed might be enough proof to some that there is some validity to the 2012 end of the world hysteria. Nevertheless, those who see any direction for their future by climbing on this wheel of deception will get run over by it.

So what is the real purpose of this 2012 deception?

That of course is the million dollar question. I do not think anyone knows where all this will lead in the short term. In the long term all this deception will help lead the world to the Antichrist. However, I think 2012 will be at least a decade before his time. This deception is not the great deception or strong delusion spoken of in the Bible. This deception has another purpose and the best I can do is speculate on what that is. I believe it really is just setting the world stage for a much greater deception.

First, let me say that none of what I listed above has any support from real science or from Bible prophecy. All false prophets have one purpose and that is to deceive.  God is not the author of confusion. He does not use pagan and occult sources to get out a message about the future or even to supplement His written message. God knows the end from the beginning. If He wanted to tell the world something it is already recorded in His written word.  So do not expect to find truth in deceptive lies that originate from Satan. One of the great problems I see coming from some Bible prophecy teachers today is that they use these pagan sources to support their Bible prophecy theories.

I have no doubt that this 2012 cult is going to grow into a full blown hysteria. People are making money on this and they will hype it for all its worth. We already have a major motion picture in the works named “2012”. All the major news channels are reporting on 2012 and these theories. I understand that the History Channel just did their bit to promote this deception. Expect this hype to continue and to dramatically increase as we get closer to the end of 2012.

I can only speculate on this deception from Satan and the purpose of this 2012 cult.  I think the West will be in a major world war with radical Islam by 2012. The signs are all in place right now. We are losing Afghanistan and Pakistan. Hezbollah has 40,000 rockets to use against Israel. Israel will not tolerate a nuclear Iran and Iran will not tolerate Israel. Europe is becoming increasingly polarized because of its large increasing Islamic populations and it is certain that this will soon bring a nationalist backlash from the natives. That will result in civil war in Europe.  I think the war against Islamic terrorism will expand after 2010 because of  Iran and/or major terrorist activities against the West. So by 2012 it will be defined as a major world war and all countries aiding the radial Muslims will become the enemy. So I am 90 percent certain that by the end of 2012 many people will think they have arrived to the Apocalypse . The Dec 21, 2012 hype will only increase the Apocalypse hysteria.

If the world war occurs like I suggest it will, Muslim Antichrist proponents will have a field day speculating on who is fulfilling the role of the Mahdi Antichrist and telling everyone that we are in the midst of the tribulation. Then as the war goes on there will be those looking for some sign to bring it to an end (perhaps a Marian deception). I would think that certain people will spin all these various theories and claim mankind can now achieve the new age of peace if they just stop killing each other and try to get along.  Then in the name of world peace Islam and all religion will become greatly modified into an all-paths concept.

Many in the world will probably think that they went through the biblical tribulation during this world war and that they have arrived on the other side in a new age of enlightenment. However, the reality will be that there will only be a short period of world peace followed by the real tribulation outlined in the trumpet and bowl judgments of Revelation.

Here lies the real deception that will result out of the aftermath of this 2012 cult. Those that understand that the war, the  peace plan, and the religious pluralism are just facades for stopping Christian evangelism and for setting up tyrannical world government will be persecuted as dangers to world peace. Most of those who are led to believe that  the Mahdi myth of Islam was the Antichrist will soon embrace the real Western Antichrist as a world hero.

Many just do not understand that Jesus is not coming when the world expects Him. Expect Jesus when the world thinks they no longer need His coming.

Mt 24:44  Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.

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7 thoughts on “The 2012 cult: End of the world hysteria and deception from Satan

  1. Don, every time I hear about this Mayan 12/21/2012 calendar thing I think of a smoked out/coked out medicine man that was so high that that was as far as he could count, then his brain had a melt-down! I mean come on this race of Mayans were so violent, and this term is putting it mildly, that they are not even around anymore. The only way you know there was even a Mayan culture is from the ruins, over-grown with jungle plants in southern Mexico.

    We have the Word of the Ancient of Days why bother with other so called mystics. Where were these mystics when God set the foundations of the earth?

  2. Don, the thing that leads me to believe this 2012 thing is a deception is the Hollywood and media attention, among the other points you made. Since when do they have an ounce of scriptual discernment? They wouldn’t know their apocalypse from a hole in the ground.

  3. I highly recommend Mark Hitchcock’s book, “2012 and the End of the World” I read it this weekend while camping and he does an excellent job of deflating this 2012 ballom thusing the lens of scripture and clear logic.

    2012…just another hyped Y2K type event for people to make money off of those who don’t take the time to research this garbage.

  4. The muslim Mahdi/antichrist (dajjaal) theories, r not theories nor r they satanic or pagan, every prophet warned their people about this, muslims also believe in the second coming of Jesus Christ. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (sallahu alaihe wa’allihi wassallam) even discribed what the antichrist would look like in human form, and how he would decieve people through magic. This is already happening, and the dijjal has not even made himself known yet in the physical form. Look at your public figures of today behaiving in strange ways, it is because they r influenced by the dajaal and his scroonies.

  5. Your not getting it. Christians do not care what Muslims believe. If Muslims they had any real truth from God they would not be Muslims. Most religious speak of some end time savior figure but there is only one Savior that God gave and that is Jesus the Christ. There are many antichrists in the world but that does not make any of them the Antichrist figure of the Bible. The Antichrist cannot even come until Satan is cast unto the earth and his spirit indwells a man. There is no reason to think that this man will claim any certain religion since the Bible clearly says he will claim to be above anything that is worshiped as God. He is not going to put Himself under submission of any earthly religion.

    Christians do not base there eschatology on the beliefs of of pagan religions. Satan does not know the future and cannot give the future through false religion.

    2Th 2:4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

  6. My thoughts on the 2012 hype is that it meets all of the definitions that we are told to use to discern false prophets from the real ones. I have yet to see one that does not include some scriptual reference. What they are doing is attempting to use God’s words to give them authority, however they were not provided with the word, and instead are twisting the words that were given from God. This “prophecy” does not benefit people. A true prophecy would include a warning as was the case throughout the old testiment to lead people to Christ. They prophesise by using the teaching of false Gods. They are using the Myans, The Hopies, The Egyptians and anything else that they can find to create the deception. God really didnt take it too well in Jeremiah 23 9-32 which included prophesies of Baal. This new age of enlightenment that is suppose to be ushered in as a result is very concerning if you sit and think about it. How many can be led astray by the enemy, not strong enough in doctrine and watered down teachings that we fail to stop and test everything.

  7. All of this is crazy go back to the bible Jesus said and I quote nobody knows the day or time not even him but the Father.

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