The blinded elite advance towards the “New Age” “New World Order”

I guess we have all heard about the terms “New World Order” and “New Age”. But have you every wondered what the elite of the world really think about when they use these terms? This article will give you some views of where the elite think mankind is heading in the very near future.

As you watch current events and the actions of world leaders unfold in the next two decades just remember that the crises and transitions that the world will be going through is not a human conspiracy because there is no cabal of illuminated men in some back room planning this all out. At best the elitist think tanks only have bits and pieces of satanic inspiration for this unfolding master plan that is designed to deceive humans to believe they can evolve to be like gods. Not until the Antichrist is revealed will Satan’s “New Age” “New World Order” plan even be allowed to be fully implemented.

The elite have many ideas but they do not really know how the plan will evolve to bring mankind to their imaginary evolutionary leap forward into a new world. In the time ahead the fear generated by each real or imaginary crises will be used to brainwash man to give up traditional religious beliefs and nationalism for “New Age” global governance concepts. It will get so deceptive that even killing Christians and Jews will be thought to be a good service since people will be taught to believe that we are hindering mankind’s evolution.

The elite of the world really do not have a clue where they are taking the world because although they like to think they are enlightened  they are quite often blinded by Satan. The one thing they will all have in common in the end is the belief that man must have universal positive thinking so that mankind by his own united efforts can evolve to become like god. They do not accept the truth of God intervening in His creation and providing salvation for man. Therefore, the only savior of the world and the only hope for the world that is left for them is man.

Notice in the article that by 2035 some see an implantable information chip that will have direct access to the brain allowing over the air communications between everyone and everything. I suppose when we get to that point we will finally understand how this all fits in with the meaning of the “Mark of the Beast” spoken about in Revelation.

The Great “Global Crisis of Maturity” and the New World Order

“Although technological powers will be vast and progress will likely be made, the normal level of social resistance and political stalemate is likely to oppose change. Thus, it may take an occasional environmental collapse, global wars and terrorism, or yet unknown calamities to force the move to global consciousness.” — William E. Halal, Emerging Technologies and the Global Crisis of Maturity

The technological revolution that will re-shape humanity and our world is well underway. A cacophony of crises, both real and manufactured, are being heralded as birth pangs of a new global order. Some analysts say that we can no more fathom the political, technological, and social world that will emerge as “…chimpanzees in the forest can comprehend what goes on among humans in a nearby village.” [1]

The current and ongoing technological revolution has – as shown with the above example – a whole array of implications attached to it. Advancements in brain-machine interfaces provide one of the most startling examples. Fred C. Ikle, former undersecretary of defense for policy under the Reagan administration, and author of The Ultimate Threat to Nations: Annihilation from Within, is anticipating the development of advanced brain-machine interfaces. It is this development that Ikle sees as the most revolutionary. He writes,

“In my judgment, the greatest, most profound transformation of the human condition will not derive from the prolongation of life, or from the anxiously debated – and probably vastly overrated – possibilities of human cloning and “designer babies.” Instead, I see an effective synthesis of the computer with living human brains as the agent that will lead to a truly revolutionary upheaval for the human race.”[5]

The United Kingdom Ministry of Defense report DCDC Global Strategic Trends Programme 2007-2036 is also anticipating the use of this technology.

“By 2035, an implantable information chip could be developed and wired directly to the user’s brain. Information and entertainment choices would be accessible through cognition and might include synthetic sensory perception beamed direct to the user’s senses. Wider related ICT developments might include the invention of synthetic telepathy, including mind-to-mind or telepathic dialogue. This type of development would have obvious military and security, as well as control, legal and ethical, implications.”[9]

“Man’s conquest of Nature, if the dreams of some scientific planners are realized, means the rule of a few hundreds of men over billions upon billions of men. There neither is nor can be any simple increase of power on Man’s side. Each new power won by man is a power over man as well.” — CS Lewis, The Abolition of Man

The influence of wealthy and important interests in shaping current and past events cannot be ignored when studying what the future may hold. Elites have always sought to project their dominance into the future, and this modern world is no different. Trends can either be products of an organic process or a deliberate method.

As we progress into the future, prominent analysts see a trend toward global government and a “global consciousness” as a natural, logical, and organic process of evolution. What these experts often fail to mention is the fact that it has been a prime directive of institutional schooling to prepare and condition youth to accept world governance for decades.

Futurists and government analysts often point to global warming and terrorism as defining crises of our time, as a natural part of the “global crisis of maturity.” Today, these issues are often presented as a justification for a system of world governance. William E. Halal writes,

“Intercultural conflict, weapons of mass destruction, and threats of environmental collapse are likely to force the move to some form of global community as the best means for managing such nagging problems.” [2]

Again, what we are not being told is that these issues were identified by powerful interests many years ago to serve as a pretext to prepare the way for “global solutions.” In a 1991 report titled “The First Global Revolution”, published by the Club of Rome, we find the following statement:

“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill…. All these dangers are caused by human intervention… The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.” [3]

Halal continues in his Futurist article, praising the Club of Rome for its anticipation of these events,

“The major conclusion from this analysis is that the world is facing a global crisis of maturity, the most salient example being the near-collapse of the global banking system in October 2008. Warnings of massive transformations have been anticipated for decades by the Club of Rome and many others. Today, however, the acceleration of change seems to be producing a mounting series of severe global disruptions – energy shortages as oil supplies peak, impending climate change and environmental decline in general… continuing terrorism… as globalization inexorably strains old systems to the breaking point.”[5]

As these crises develop amidst the rising technological revolution, we are entering an “Age of Transitions” in which the elite of society – who have foreseen, and in many cases manufactured these crises – hope to emerge on top.

“It will be necessary to replace today’s cumbersome social systems, religious dogmas, heated emotions, partisan ideologies, and other commonly outmoded forms of thought and consciousness that now form the major obstacles to progress.” — William E. Halal, Emerging Technologies and the Global Crisis of Maturity

There are several futurists, think tanks and high level government analysts that are both eagerly anticipating and warning that there will be great social conflict during this “great transition”. They are nearly uniform in calling for a casting aside of “outmoded forms of thought” to pave the way for a new era. By holding on to “ancient ideas” of government and religion, people are holding back the progress of the great technological revolution and a resulting “planetary civilization”. Some have compared the potential impact of this transition to the social and political impact of the Industrial Revolution. This new revolution, however, is on a much grander scale.

Some call it the “Age of Transitions”, others the “Global Crisis of Maturity”. Zbigniew Brzezinski called it the “Technectronic Era”. However it is labeled, it brings with it major change and upheaval to humanity.

William E. Halal stated in the March-April 2009 edition of The Futurist that, “Some new form of global order is needed to avert disaster.” He continues, “The transition could happen anytime, but it is hard to conceive of a future in which today’s systems could survive much beyond 2020, let alone 2030.” Halal writes,

“It will be necessary to replace today’s cumbersome social systems, religious dogmas, heated emotions, partisan ideologies, and other commonly outmoded forms of thought and consciousness that now form the major obstacles to progress.”[2]

Halal cites prominent pollster John Zogby’s new book The Way We’ll Be as he discusses the rise of a new “global generation.” His description of this generation fits current economic trends that point to dramatically lower standards of living, but frames this as a “sustainable” lifestyle. The “First Globals” as he calls them will be “…intent on living sustainable lives in a unified world.” Zogby writes,

“…we are in the midst of a fundamental reorientation of the American character… away from wanton consumption and toward a new global citizenry in an age of limited resources.” [3]

In an earlier 2005 BBC interview Kaku said,

“…look at the economies. NAFTA, European Union, Trading blocks, the birth of a new economy is taking place.

Now there are people who don’t like this transition, who feel in their gut feel more comfortable being in a Type minus 1. They’re the terrorists. They in their gut realize that a Type 1 civilization has flowing ideas, challenging orthodoxies, new bigger, wondrous ideas popping forth. That’s Type 1.” [5]

It is vitally important that everyone, especially young people, gain their own understanding of what we are facing. The school system may prepare you for the future, but only in a manner that is self-serving to the establishment and kept within safe confines to prevent organic change. This study must involve not just a study of potential technological developments, but an understanding of the nature of power and the elites that wield it. Social engineers and opinion molders will be working overtime to shape society during this “Age of Transitions” as societal norms are broken and reshaped, and the political battlefield is thrown into chaos.

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