The Christian movement shifting toward apostasy

If you are buying into a “Emergent” or “Emerging Church” you are going to be shifting toward the apostasy of pantheistic monism and universalism. Everyone in the Church needs to know about this rapidly growing movement because this is the apostasy that we were told would come in the last days.

Are You a “Shifter”? Does the Historic Gospel Message Need to be Repackaged? – CWN

Are you a “SHIFTER”? Do you follow Oprah Winfrey in her swooning free-fall into “planetary consciousness”? Do you “feel” the Christian message and belief system must be “repackaged” in order to be “relevant”, especially to the youth?

If you have answered “Yes” to any of the above, then you may be a candidate for the pantheistic and neo-pagan “Emerging Church” being promoted by authors like Tony Campolo, Jim Wallis and Brian McLaren – all of them extreme political liberals.

And since this group has redefined Jesus as a social activist, you may be on your way to HELL, which incidentally is a subject this “church” believes needs to be rethought and, probably eliminated from discussion.

Now a similar assault on historic orthodox Christianity is underway that’s gaining momentum. Some Christians believe a paradigm shift is taking place in the Church and as a consequence ‘everything must change.’…Professor Peter Jones of Westminster Seminary warned listeners that the Christian theistic West has been turning back to pagan, pantheistic monism. Many in contemporary western culture now hold to a pantheistic belief in the unity of nature and God, of body and spirit — all is One… The movement is largely eclectic with inspiration drawn from all the major world religions, which include Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Shamanism, Wicca, the metaphysical New Thought movement, and Neo-Paganism, to name a few. The goal of NSM is a shift in ‘planetary consciousness.’ Their focus is not only on the West but also on the entire planet!…We are in the middle of the biggest social transformation in history, THE SHIFT.’”

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