The creative technical capabilities of man indicates the end is near

One of the sure signs that the end is near and that we are in the days just before the return of Jesus is man’s creative technical capabilities and increase in knowledge. Man now has the ability to create complex inventions that can be used to help the world or destroy the world.

One example of the more recent creative technical capabilities of man is his complex inventions based on acquired knowledge of nuclear physics. We know that this nuclear technology can be used for either good or evil, but obviously without God’s intervention man would have already destroyed the world during the era when the USSR and America had 10,000 hydrogen bombs pointed at each other.

It has now been more than 65 years since man developed atomic weapon capabilities but I am sure that man is now actively developing even more deadly capabilities in the various government black projects and in the labs around the world. Sooner rather than later man would destroy life on this planet if God were to allow man to continue on his present course.

The course of man to sure destruction will be cut short when Jesus comes back and rules the world with a rod of iron for man’s own good. Had the lord not cut the days short with His coming no flesh would have been saved on earth.

I do not know what we are developing in secret government black projects and in labs. I do think that we are developing weapons that will make most atomic weapons obsolete. For example, there are experimental airborne pulse weapons that soon would be able to duplicate the War of the Worlds movie in real time. We know that powerful airborne lasers have already been mounted on large aircraft and tested successfully. That is what we know, but what they don’t want us to know is probably nearly as strange as things written about in science fiction.

Who is to say that these huge V shaped UFO’s are not top secret airships that have sufficient lift to carry extremely powerful airborne lasers? Lasers will probably soon make long and medium range missiles obsolete. Maybe that is why we are not getting all worked up about the new missile developments of our adversaries?

This morning after a weird dream about computers. I thought about the potential of the genetic and cyber developments of man. Man is already manipulating genes to create new life forms in the lab. Will man soon even be able to create a new gene from scratch? I think so. A gene is a DNA string sequence. It is sort of like the ultimate computer program.

Until computers were developed by man none of our latest technical capabilities could even be remotely possible and now our computers are about to go to a whole new level. Within the decade fifth generation computers will arrive and this new generation of computers will be using quantum computation and biological chips that will radically change computer capabilities.

Like it says in Daniel (12:4), the end will come when knowledge greatly increases. Last I heard, the knowledge of man now doubles every 18 months.

We know that man will learn how to change himself physiology as he gains knowledge about what each of our genes do, and as man learns to activate or deactivate these gene (programs) biologically. But we also know that the Bible says that man’s lifespan in this dispensation will be 70 years or 80 years for the strong. Further, we also see that the lifespan of man is already closing in on 80 years in nations where people tend to be more healthy (or stronger). Therefore, knowing that the Bible is true and man in general will not exceed the decreed lifespan in this dispensation and also knowing that man will continue to advance in knowledge and find ways to extend his lifespan, it is only logical to conclude that this dispensation will end very shortly.

We know that in the next Kingdom Dispensation people will live very long lifespans but the Kingdom dispensation only comes after the physical return of Jesus Christ. So logically either Jesus will come soon or something radical will happen that will shorten human lifespans. Both are certain events spoken about in Bible prophecy.

I also was thinking this morning about the feasibility of someone giving computers a virus or disrupting the computers in our brains through some sort of wave frequency technology. America’s H.A.A.R.P. technology might be just one example where this experimentation might even exist. Can a computer type virus be introduced into our brains without the need for a biological agent or by coming through our senses? Who really knows?

It all probably seems a bit far fetched to you, but I bet there are people out there now thinking about such insane ideas. In fact, I bet if you knew about all the black projects taking place in the world you would be quite convinced that us earthlings live on an insane asylum that is run by a warden that is a hateful control freak (An example of just one wing of this nuthouse is Islam).

Could it be possible to put a genetic chip or gene in man that would enable him to become transhuman and communicate with the collective consciousness of other transhumans by thought? Perhaps without that genetic modification from human to transhuman you might not even be able to buy or sell anything?

I really do not know how all this will fall out, but I do know that the creative technical capabilities of man is one of the signs that tell us that the coming of the Lord is very near.

What might any of you know about any of this, or what might you want to add to this?

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14 thoughts on “The creative technical capabilities of man indicates the end is near

  1. The brain is like the hardware of a computer. There are specific areas that control specific shores. For example, there is an area of the brain that makes it possible for us to articulate the language and when it is affected we cannot speak. That is called Broca’s aphasia. There is another one next to it enables us to understand spoken language and when it fails we cannot understand what other people are speaking, and that is called Wernicke’s aphasia. Actually,a persona can have a Broca’s aphasia (cannot speak) but can understand what others say, and someone else can have a Wernicke’ aphasia but can be able to speak, but cannot even understand himself when speaking. The brain is the more complex piece of mass man has ever studied.

    I think that at this moment it is easier to create a chip that people can put inside the brain to control any area than to create a genetic change in that could affect the brain. The problem with this last one is that brain cells do not reproduce (specially after 2 yrs old) and any change in its genetic info would not affect all the brain. So it has to be done in vitro, and that would require many many trial and error embryo experiments. Of course, there are many crazy people who do not respect the sanctity of life and would proceed to those experiments, but even if they do, the idea of making a genetic change in an adult form an injection of some kind is rather impossible.

    I think change will come as small artifacts to enhace our senses of actions. Our DNA is old and crippled, it has many defects. Changing it is difficult, not to speak about the supercomplex biochemistry of a simple human cell…

  2. What if the genetic change to a specific gene in brain cells was done through a virus? For example you do not alter the hardware of a computer when you introduce a computer virus you just alter a software program.

    In a Human cell that might be compared to making some change in the DNA of a gene. I suppose that even occurs naturally now. For example XRays can damage the DNA in a cell and the end results could be cancer.

    When I ask if the brain can be changed by some wave technology I am thinking more in the line of changes coming through some advanced knowledge of quantum theory rather than anything biological.

    What is human thought and self awareness anyway? Perhaps it is a God designed quantum level software that becomes self aware (also know as the soul). But in our fallen human nature this sofware is running on a very defective biological hardware platform.

    If we are software, can a self aware software program reject the creator of it. I think so. And could a virus called sin influence this software on a quantum level if there is no built in virus checker called “Divine Election”? 😯

  3. Don,

    Have you been updating your “return” table? I haven’t checked recently; I think you moved the front rapture projection from 2019 to 2017, but I could be mistaken (that was, say, back in April?); Just figured I’d ask.

    As a software engineer, now going on 30 years, frankly, I’m unimpressed with the state of software development; Most recognized “process” is still back in the 1990’s; Bring in GOV and bureaucracy and it can shut down productivity to a stand still – trust me, I have first hand knowledge of this; The best “process” is to let a small team of 4 or 5 “do their thing” and leave them be – only pockets of this phenomenon exist here and there; I refuse to be on any project that has a “structure” to it – avoid that like the plague; I wrote 67,000 lines of code last year (a personal best), only to be eclipsed by a little more than 70,000 lines and counting; I wrote 16,000 lines of code in January of this year – also a personal best; This is clearly the exception;

  4. I have not updated anything on that second coming projection table since the last entry on the table and that was over a year ago. I have not adjusted any dates since I wrote it and still see no reason to.

    I was a government employee myself and for much of my government career we could have accomplished twice as much if we had half the people. It also would help if promotion was given to the best, not cronies and brown noses.

    I would think that in the Government black projects that they use more contract employees and that these people are on another level.

  5. Very interesting article Don. Along the lines of this article, about a year ago I read one gentleman’s take on the subject of “Countdown to Singularity.” The actual article by Ray Kurzweil is called “Law of Accelerating Returns,” can be found here In this article Mr. Kurzweil lays out a compelling case for the theory that the acceleration of computer technology WILL in just a few short years reach the point of Singularity as a result of computers self-actualizing (i.e.-become smarter than mankind)and begin the process of self development similar to what was laid out in the Terminator movies. The point of Singularity will be reached when the progress of technological advancement can no longer be calculated and basically explodes outside calculable results. It’s kind of like the process of “compound interest” (something that Einstein once said was the most powerful thing on earth) applied to technology!

  6. The idiocy we can think a slight portion of our creaters mind is enept, even at the final stages. The fact is that that einstien shrugged off e=mc square as not note worthy until a German scientist actually explained it to him but could not warn the U.S. government of how close Germany was to making a bomb becuase only einstien was respected. As he says about the word of God it is “childness”. Einstein was an idiot praised only by man. As the same as Sigmund Freud who says ” There is no such thing as god and demons”. Any man or woman putting themself educated in the prophocys of God, His son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit should pray every night to become a fool in order to become wise. These words spoken by not myself becuase i do not belong to me anymore…….And trust no earthly mans speculation.

  7. Don,

    I absolutely agree with you. I have been thinking the same thing as it relates to man and technology for the past 5 to 10 years. I am reminded of Gen 11:6 where God says:

    “Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language, and this only the beginning of what they will do. And nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them.”

    Although we are not one people (yet! shouldn’t be too much longer before we have our one world government) and there are still langugage barriers for individuals, from a technological/scientific standpoint, the language barrier is essentially removed and we are seeing the result. God knew what the result would be thousands of years ago and we are using it rebel against him just as they did at the beginning. (God’s brilliance never ceases to amaze me.)

    This is a clear sign that we are in the last days and the Lord’s return is soon upon us!


    I’m a developer too and I completely agree with you. It is amazing what a small team of competent developers can get done if the bureacracy can just get out of the way.

  8. Hello Don,

    You wrote…
    “Can a computer type virus be introduced into our brains without the need for a biological agent or by coming through our senses?”
    I say that’s already happening. Has been since day dot.It’s a program driven by he who would be ascendant.
    But we know, ONLY our Almighty God, His Son and Holy Spirit, can change THAT which matters – the human spirit. Praise the Lord!
    “And do not fear those who kill the body,but are unable to kill the [spirit]” – Mat.10:28,Strongs 5590.
    Somebody tell me how science or technology is going to imbue an artificial intelligence with that which makes us human, let alone ‘born again’.
    Now having said that I have often thought that mankind reached a critical mass when the first electronic computers appeared center stage. The combined applied
    ‘thinking/computing’ power of the human brain oversaw this development and as a natural consequence we have those who would continue in their quest to become ascendant gods – the me too’s.
    Yes, you’re right Don – the whole world is going crazy – exponentially fast.
    Somebody said…’the heart of man is evil continually.’ I wonder Who that was?

  9. Interesting…..
    years ago a pastor had meetings where he taught about the end times/
    he taught that information was mutiplying/in the last twenty years
    there has been a huge multiplication of information/
    also, technololgy has advanced/

  10. They have introduced viruses into the brain already. Just look at what most mind numbed Americans believe through collective thought brought to you via TV, radio, internet, the media, schools, Corporate training, and all of pop culture. The views held by most Americans would not have been possible 10 years ago. When large groups succumb to group think (virus), it always ends in death.

    As far as genetics, just look at the descriptions of the creatures/machines in Revelation to know how things are going to end. No tank/airplane/weapon looks like the creatures described. Their experiments are going to get out of control and it is going to be ugly.

    Collective man shakes his fist in the face of God more forcefully every day, therefore, the Lord might either chastise us by sending us back to the stone ages or he might return. Either way, thankfully, he is in control as opposed to these pinheads that want to reach the new age of enlightenment.

  11. Yeah, it is obvious that our brains can be programed through our senses. I was musing over the possibility of it being done at the gene level or through some quantum wave technology and such.

    Those stinging locust like creatures in Revelation probably are not a creation of man. These creatures are limited to five months and we are told the angel of the bottomless pit rules over them. I would think they come out of another dimension called the bottomless pit. They are also creatures that are commanded and that can be told to only hurt those that have not been sealed by God. They probably are of supernatural or angelic design and not a creation of man gone astray.

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