The Emergent Manifesto for a new age religion

I think it is fairly clear from scripture that true Bible believing Christians will one day become the targets of other religious people who have played the harlot with “new age” pagan mysticism and an all ways lead to God mentality. Frankly, they will be glad to get rid of us if we do depart in the rapture. If we do not, or if some are left behind they will certainly want to eliminate us from the earth thinking they are doing God a favor.

Revelation is clear that persecution will come when the fifth seal is opened and it is also clear that all the blood of the saints of the earth is found within the woman who rides the Beast of Revelation 17. This harlot is all false religion who claimed to know God but who actually play the harlot with the false God of this world (Satan). It certainly now looks like the culmination of this woman foretold for the last days are those who are now buying into the emergent church movement. It will at the time of the fifth seal emerge with Rome and with all the other major false religions in the world.

This persecution happens after the wars of the four riders of the Apocalypse. I believe those wars are wars against Islamofascism. The death and destruction through religion will leave people with no tolerance for those who claim to have any exclusive truth that leads to God. Therefore, it will not tolerate Bible believing Christians who hold to the fundamentals of their faith that Jesus is the only way to God.

We already see this intolerant movement against true Christians shaping up today. Imagine how radical this movement will become after a world war against Islamofascism. Also know this, the time to get the message out is growing short. The riders of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse is in your not to distant future. Most living on the earth today will see these things happen.

Choose now whom you will serve, for the times of Christians walking on both sides of the fence are now over.

From the Lighthouse
In Ray Yungen’s upcoming book, For Many Shall Come in My Name, he discusses this very thing and shows how New Age leaders have been framing a social mindset that will eventually become hostile to Bible believing Christians. Yungen explains how it will all be justified as doing humanity a favor by getting rid of them, and when he quotes the words of New Ager Neale Donald Walsch as saying that God believes Hitler did the Jews a favor by killing them, it sends chills up the spine. And whether they realize what they are doing or not, Dan Kimball, Brian McLaren and other emergent leaders are framing a similar mindset for people to climb into.

While it is sad to think about persecution that may be coming upon believers, it is even more tragic to realize how many unsaved people will never hear the gospel because so many Christian leaders have given the emerging church a thumbs up. The publishers and editors at Baker Books should be ashamed of themselves for exalting such anti-Christ teachings or at the very least stop calling themselves a Christian publisher. For those who are still skeptical about the Emergent Manifesto’s message, pick up a copy sometime of Alice Bailey’s The Externalization of the Hierarchy, or Al Gore’s Earth in the Balance. And when you read those words by those “change agents” see if you notice that the message is the same, just dressed in a different outfit called Emergent.

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