The foundations are lain for a police state in America.

Whether you know it or not, all the pieces are now in place for a police state in America. Some of it is already implemented and the rest is just waiting the command.

Obama has now signed the National Defense Authorization Act and it was Obama that insisted that it included the right for the military to incarcerate Americans without charge or legal recourse. The military can now hold American citizens for unlimited time in America without any charges being brought against them. I see no difference between this and what tyrannical nations do under a military dictatorship.

There is a knock on the door in the middle of the night and citizens just disappear (more likely they will break the door down). This act clearly violates the 6th, 7th, and 8th amendments to the Bill of Rights to the Constitution but they get away with it by saying it is an issues of national security.

The federal military forces were once not allowed to have police powers over civilians in America but now they do. By order of the President, the military can now detain and incarcerate anyone that they think is a threat to whatever that administration defines as a threat to security. That threat could be a terrorist attack, the next march on Washington or just some local effort to stop EPA or federal land grab tyranny. The threat will soon be whatever the administration wants it to be.

This act violates the Constitution with its Bill of Rights but few seem to care. This act was passed by over 80 percent of the Senate and House so you can blame most in both party’s. Apparently your representatives are either willing to give up any of your rights in the name of  national security or they only cared about getting themselves home before Christmas. Anyone who voted for this should be voted out of office.

When Obama signed this bill he clearly admitted the power it gave him to incarcerate Americans but he said he will not use that power. Of course, promises are not binding and we all know that Obama and politicians are really good at telling us one thing and then doing another. What Obama might of meant is that he has no plans to use it before the election.

Let’s face the facts. The Department of Homeland Security has grown to almost 1/4 million people and the head of Homeland Security thinks that terrorists are right-wing patriots and Bible believing Christians. The Transportation Security Administration is now at about 70,000 people irradiating or frisking everyone that flies, and they have big plans to expand all over the country anywhere that people gather. In addition, state and local police forces have been militarized and in the final analysis, they will answer to Homeland Security. Only a few county sheriffs might not obey unconstitutional federal decrees when they are ordered.

FEMA camps are now being contracted for in every state of the Union and those that get these contracts have to have these FEMA camps operational within days of the order. You might think the camps will be used by displaced persons in natural disasters, perhaps they will (at first), but all these camps are to be fenced and gated and all have separate fenced areas that will be off-limits to the other residents for some reason. That could mean the camps are being built for both temporary shelter and incarceration. In other words, they will be dual use facilities. After all, you cannot just build prison camps without raising eyebrows.

One would think that this new power given to the President to arrest people at will would be all over the news but with few exceptions nothing worthwhile is said. I see no occupying Washington movement developing over this unconstitutional action by government. The main people that are warning about this law are the ACLU, libertarian leaders and some Far Right alternate news sites. However, for the most part there has been little major reporting on this. For that matter, how much do you really know about the planned FEMA camps? Government actions that are done in secret does not exactly foster trust.

Meanwhile the Federal government is now monitoring all communication in the United States. That also was illegal. They are now trying to get the power to shut down websites based on copyright infringement that really can be expanded into shutting down any website that someone complains about. Your website could  be shut down until you go to great expense to prove that you are innocent. Once government regulates control over the corporations that run domain name servers, site hosting and search engines, there will be no assurance that there will be any free speech on the Internet.

The expansions of police powers are coming through the out of control Executive Branch in our federal government. There are few checks or balances coming from the other two branches of government. Some laws are not being enforced by the Justice Department and others actions are being enforced that are actually against the law. Selectively enforcing and not enforcing is against the oath they took to enforce the Constitution. Also, just about all bureaucratic agencies, regulatory agencies and tax agencies are establishing or are expanding their police powers of enforcement.

Don’t expect this to change even if Obama is replaced. Not that I expect Obama to lose. Certain Obama supporters are already setting up a third-party called “Elect America”. There is no reason for this party to exist since they have no candidate or agenda. It seems to be an obvious effort by supporters of Obama to nominate a populist candidate like Trump, Bloomberg etc., to remove some of the 25 percent independent swing vote from the Republican equation. Removing many of the independents will insure a victory for the larger Democratic Party. Obama could then be reelected with only 40 percent of the vote.

It has happened before. Don’t be surprised when these third-party players show up. Don’t think that it was not planned and don’t get sucked into voting for one of these third-party candidates because they will never get more than 25 percent of the vote. That is because 40 percent of Americans are solid Democrats that would vote for Beelzebub if he were a Democrat (as we see) and 35 percent are Republicans that would vote for Nancy Reagan if she ran. Only 25 percent of voters might vote for a third party nominee.

Things are going to get even more nasty in the world and when that happens human rights go out the window. Our government is planning for the inevitable, but you will not like the end result because that will be a police state.

I think this article by Chuck Baldwin called Bill of Rights no more helps fill in the blanks.

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53 thoughts on “The foundations are lain for a police state in America.

  1. Don what do you think about Rick Santorum? I like his postion on the social issues; But I am not sure about the rest of his platform. That is… I don’t know exactly about his stance on Ecomomic and Foreign affairs. You have any insight?

  2. And to think that “would be” president John McCain was a big proponent of the NDAA (and a bunch of other unconstitutional garbage) makes me wonder if we’d be any better off right now if he were President.

  3. Since I never use airlines or other public transportation, I didn’t get my first real encounter with ‘police state’ procedures til went to drop off papers for my son’s social worker at a Cuyahoga County Jobs & Family Services building for the 1st time. I expected to walk thru the metal detector, but before I even got to that, a female security guard demanded to seize my handbag & proceeded to paw thru all of its contents- extracting a pair of sharp manicuring scissors & a small canister of mace attached to my keys. I was surely a terrorist threat if I entered with those items, after all? The fact that someone can invade your privacy so blatantly without probable cause & justify it as “homeland security” was sure a wakeup call, to me. And on another occasion, I passed a random police traffic stop from the opposite side of the street as I passed- this being a quiet suburban neighborhood on a regular weekday afternoon. Needless to say, I returned home by another route! What you describe Don, is chilling. I do not know my own country anymore. From the very beginning when Obama was wooing America in campaign ’08, I had a ominous premonition as to what evil that man would be ushering in to our nation as we know it. I am completely convinced Obama is undermining & dismantling the U.S. tier by tier… And my instinctive sense is we won’t even make it til November before a major terror incident of devastating magnitude occurs (as Don has predicted already)…sometime this Spring, after Israel decides to make a pre-emptive strike against Iran. I’m not expecting much more time for life to go on as we know it. But I DO know Jesus Christ as my Savior, & ultimately there’s no other “security” greater than that! 🙂

  4. Don,

    This gets me so frustrated that most people can’t see what’s right under their noses. Now good people have to suffer cause the majority are useless idiots who can name every player in the NFL but don’t even know a thing bout their elected officials or government policies. This is how I see this thing playing out. Obama wins the next election and becomes increasingly dictorial and anti American. He will step too far and true patriots will say enough and rebel or have mass protests. Obama then decrees that these true patriots are a danger to his government and will detain them. Either that or we have massive economic collapse or WMD attack and everyone is going crazy looting and rioting. I see this nothing more than a way to control real Americans who see this man as the dictator he is.

  5. Don,
    I only found your blog a few weeks ago, having spent some time reading your thoughts; I tend to agree with lot of your comments. My question for you and your readers, if the USA is going to a police state becoming antichristian, why not leave? And if you’re thinking about leaving, where would you go? Is there safer country left to live free? I agree that at some point God will end this time and come back to rule this world, however that could be this year or a thousand years from now. Until then I need to protect my children and give them the best options for freedom and a Christian life, but where? Love to hear your thoughts.
    God Bless,

  6. Jim, you seem to be hitting the nail on the head but I might add that the rioting or any rebellious activity may give him just cause to declare Martial Law and therefore allow him to remain in office indefinitely as all voting stops under Martial Law. He could use that to become the true dictator of the land ChristineInCleveland mentions as “I do not know my own country anymore.”

    Keep up the good work, Don and hopefully you wake up this sleeping giant we once knew as our beloved America.

  7. Bob,

    Our forefathers left other nations so they could live free in America and they formed our system of government so that it would not happen here. Several times I swore to God when I took an oath on the Constitution to protect this nation from all enemies foreign and domestic. We now have both foreign and domestic enemies. Now is not the time to cut and run and there is no where to run anyway. Now is the time to continue to fight for the freedoms that many of our fathers died for. They did not intend to live under a Godless foreign emperor or a European dictator and neither should we now allow ourselves to be put under a rising evil American dictatorship.

    The best place for Christians to live a Christian life is wherever God puts them. If a nation where over 80 percent of the people identify with Christianity but allow and even enable the evil that is happening in America today, then the nation deserves judgment. If America does not truly honor God as a nation, freedom, prosperity, and physical security will cease to exist. Even so, keep in mind that tyranny never stopped true Christianity. There are 200 million Christians living in Fascist China today.

    As Christians we need to be salt and light and work to spread the gospel even if many in this nation want to persecute us for doing that.
    Coming to trust in God is their only hope. We who believe are already secured in Christ even if the tents that we dwell in also receive a predetermined physical fate.

  8. RELAX!

    I’m sleeping better these days. Ever since President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (supported by 80% of the U.S. Congress) I know that we’re all safer from those who want to do us harm.

    The fact that the act gives the government and the military the right to incarcerate American citizens without charge or legal recourse doesn’t bother me in the least. Why? Because I know they’ll never come for me.

    I refuse to lose a wink of shut-eye fretting about those camps FEMA has set-up all over the country. Every right-thinking person knows the camps will only be used in case of natural disasters or population-displacing terrorist attacks. I mean, can anyone point to any time in American history when citizens were rounded up and interred for anything but damn good reasons? The incarceration of Japanese Americans during WWII and German Americans during WWI was needed to help save the world from the racist tyranny of oppressive forces that wanted to destroy our freedoms!

    I completely trust our government and military to only use their new powers to root out the bad apples that lurk among us, waiting to inflcit great harm upon the Republic. They would NEVER arrest people and hold them indefinitely for purely political reasons. That only happens in weird dictatorships and in countries with hard-to-pronounce names. So I’m going to chill out and relax; If you’re one of those worry-warts, you need to do the same! Get a grip! We’re in safe hands!

    I gotta go now. My dog is barking her head off; someone’s knocking really hard at my front door. REALLY hard. It almost sounds like someone is trying to kick it in.

    Wow. They need to chill out. Like me.

  9. Now this is why I love Don’s blog…not only for Don’s Biblical based knowledge and teachings but also from the great follow ups.

    I think you defined the future and shared with us a very real here and now.

    In my opinion, you described the majority of Americans who don’t have a clue…and don’t want to know, until it affects their daily lives…and their NFL Sunday.

    Yep, I agree Magnolia, with riots and looting by the shocked masses who will then wake up to government tyranny, only chaos, death, and martial law will occur.

    I agree with you on what must be done as far as standing strong for Jesus Christ individually and if the U.S. truly wants to heal its wounds, it MUST turn to The Lord with all its heart, no other option, however, we are seeing the exact opposite in our land.

    What I don’t understand, and we’ve talked about this before, is what can Americans really do about what is happening by Big Brother ? We’ve talked about electing those that would have our best interests, but in the end, government is its own entity and I don’t know how anything can/will stop them.

    Now that was clever, good job : )

  10. Follow up from my first post.

    Good night last night for Santorum!

    For the most part I like the man’s stand on the issues; however when I see an action that differs from one’s language on the matter, I get worried.
    Santorum’ campaign slogan is “Faith, Family & Freedom”
    He then comes out and thanks his wife first.
    THEN God second.
    Then Iowans.
    I don’t recall hearing the name Jesus though. Just “the God of our fathers”

    I remember Sarah Palin do the same thing as well. Claim God first on the stump, and then place God second or third whenever giving public recognition and gratitude.

    Like I said I like the guy, but if your going to have ’faith” up front and center, as part of your platform & Slogan, then you better be sure you give it the TOP priority it deserves. All the time. Consistently. Else it’s just lip service.

    Maybe a Freudian slip on Ricks part… maybe just a mistake.

    But in the future I hope Rick is mindful of his own slogan.
    Else he should change it to “Family, Faith & Freedom”
    But then as a true Christian I would definitely notice God second in that new slogan.
    And walk past Rick as an option for me. I guess that’s my point.

    Walk what you talk! Stand on the Rock! Otherwise you are a Crock!

  11. ~David,

    You can support those that are opposing federal government control over everyone and you can help by getting the word out to others. What you can’t do is force Americans that only care about bread and circus to even give a damn.

  12. Al,

    He had a pretty good speech about the grace of God helping him in his efforts so I would not put too much weight on that one statement. His wife was probably by his side at that point. He said a whole lot about God in his 20 minute speech. If you walk pass Rick Sanatorium who do you have left? Bachmanm is out?

  13. Don,

    I Can’t argue with your points. And I should be (and am) gracious and charitable to Rick on this issue. I pray our Lord is his council, and that Rick continues onward and upward with this wave of momentum… getting a bounce going into NH and certainly into SC… from this very, very strong showing in Iowa. I agree that there is no other true social conservative apart from Bachman. And she is not doing to well at the moment. And America so desperately needs a Christ believing social conservative in the W.H

    “before a Kingdom can change’ men’s heart’s must change” …by turning to God

    Rick can certainly be a tool in God’s hands in this.

    For me it’s just that when I do notice things are not quite right, I am compelled to voice the facts. I thank the Holy Spirit for helping me to be discerning in many areas. In the end consistency in what a man says and does (either way) will show the heart of that man.

    Go Rick Go!

  14. I’m with you, America is the best country in the world, and I believe it was created by God for freedom, but we’re losing it. You make a good point about being the salt and the light, but I think about the Jews in Germany. Was that where God wanted them? To be shipped in cattle cars to be killed, and if so did those that had common sense to leave Germany do wrong? Don, don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to leave this country, and I am ready to fight for the truth and our faith, but I also know that I will also answer to God if I don’t protect my children.

    The pressure of the America is getting greater, it’s not outright like China. So I ask how do you fight “morals” of today? Many that say, save the world from us humans, save the animals from us humans, allow those who “love each other” to have their freedom to live their life has they see fit. On the surface it has morals and seems right, but it’s all about doing better on the outside while not changing the person on the inside.
    My children see all the commercials that show pets in awful conditions, asking to help save them. We’re a country that is outraged when a football player has dog fights, all the while we kill 50+ million unborn children! I could swear like a drunken sailor, it gets me so mad, we have so many things backwards.

    I wonder if anyone stops to think that right now in heaven, there is 50+ million Americas screaming for justice for being killed before they had a chance at life!

    I want America to be the city on the hill, where those that need help can find it. We’re not the Savior, but I want to be a place where you can get rest/food, and find Jesus. I believe Jesus first took care of human needs, then fed and saved souls. If we don’t even value our unborn children, how are we going to be a place of help for the world?

    Don thanks again for serving Jesus and taking the time to have this blog.

  15. Thank you Don, for another insightful article. All I can add is that it should be obvious to
    Christians that there IS NO POLITICAL SOLUTION. Christians who are counting the days until the next election make me very tired. Man with his ballot box is nothing compared to a sovereign God and his law of sowing and reaping. Ahh, well, we can’t say He didn’t warn us.
    Brethren, pray, and pray for those in authority, and father and mother, be in your rightful places and be salty Christians. The days are evil, so redeem the time.

  16. The people are to blame. They enabled it to be so. They will be judged with extreme prejudice, particularly for being luke warm, if not spoiled rotten brats who have no need for truth. What are they to be saved from? Their current judgment comes in the name of Obama (beelzebub).

    I just past a car that had both an Obama ’08 bumper sticker plus a “Spill Baby Spill” bumper sticker. That defines the clientèle – sole-less, without a conscience. The #666 is already tattooed on their foreheads.

    What are we to do? Watch and pray.

  17. @ Anna

    Anna you say that:

    “ it should be obvious to Christians that there IS NO POLITICAL SOLUTION. Christians who are counting the days until the next election make me very tired”

    And then you say:

    “ Brethren, pray, and pray for those in AUTHORITY”

    Notice something?

    Obviously true Christian know that the real Peace & Paradise, and a righteous government will come only though our Lord and God Jesus Christ,
    However Anna, if you actually went and exercised your RIGHT to VOTE… and VOTED for someone who prayed to Jesus him/her self. Voted for someone who wasn’t ashamed of uttering the name Jesus. Voted for someone who at least attempted to do something about abortion, etc. …Well I think that’s a good thing. I think God would approve!

  18. Al,

    I notice something…

    Through much of recorded human history, there have been corruption and evil from leaders and kings, even so, during the time of Timothy’s writings, it was written…

    Timothy 1:2 (NAS)
    I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

    I, personally, share Anna’s belief, that there IS NO POLITICAL SOLUTION, but despite what we think, it is written in the Holy Book.

  19. ~David

    In a Democratic Republic Christians can live peaceful and quite lives in all godliness and holiness when our intercession and prayers and our faithful actions put and keep godly men in office. So doing all you can to put and keep such people in authority is the political solution for Christians living peaceful and quite lives.

    Also the prayers of the saints in early biblical days did not stop the persecutions so God does not have to answer according to our wishes.

  20. Great points Don. What’s insane is if the government is so concerned about “copyright infringement”, why is youtube still online? lol

    That site has more bootlegged music and video than you could ever police, and should be shut down by the government. According to their logic.

  21. Hi ~David,

    Why do you say this to me?

    I never ever said that man would or could provide a political solution.

    Did you miss where I said: “Obviously true Christian’s know that real Peace & Paradise, and a Righteous government will come only through our Lord and God Jesus Christ” ( I corrected my spelling only)

    David, are you saying that should a candidate pledge to pursue anti abortion legislation, or even something that will reduce the number of abortions, you would not RUN to the voting booth to give him/her your vote?

    So maybe he/she then loses because many feel like you & Anna do, and someone else (a candidate that is OKAY with pro-choice) wins the office and continues to lead the nation down the slope of evil… but then from your home or wherever you’ll go and pray for that person. What exactly will you pray?

    What about doing?
    Faith without works is dead.
    Works don’t save, yet if one’s Faith bears no fruits there is no real faith to begin with.
    I have read on this blog where professing Christians are prepared to bear arms in order to defend their God given rights. I think before we stoop to that level , we should go and vote… don’t you?

    Imagine if all the martyrs down the centuries, that died for Jesus said… “hey we can’t do anything about this, we can’t change anything by trying to convince these lost souls… lets just go home and pray”
    Even if, (let’s say Santorum) keeps saying the things he does, avows Jesus… yet still loses.
    BUT has a great showing and many people hear his beliefs and convictions… Isn’t that alone worth it?

    I’ll go and vote (since 1776, many men & women died for that right) In the end, whatever candidate wins… I can still pray….

    “Lord thank you for allowing me to live in a nation that still allows it citizens the freedom to choose its own government. Thank you Lord you that someone who is unashamed of you, ran for office and affirmed your Holy name. And though he lost the election, he truly is a salty one, for many will have seen your light in him and they will be moved to seek you. And Lord, this lost soul of man that won…please convict his heart to turn to you and change his views. But more than this Lord convict the nation so our people will choose to elect someone who want your will to be done. IN THE END Lord your will be done. Lord, thank you for your light in me, that I can see the light from the darkness, and choose your light within myself and where I see it in others. Though the whole world is dark , if another brother in you Lord Jesus shouts… I AM FOR THE LORD…I will join with that brother and do the good that your laws, your truth, your ways have shown me… and I will pray and always seek to hear your council through your Holy Spirit. Amen.

    I you feel differently we can just agree to disagree.

  22. Hi Frank,

    If they get this bill passed they probably will tell Youtube and other such sites to police their sites or they will take them down. That’s the real danger. Then every ISP, Domain registrar. Webhost, search engine and index of information becomes the police and when they take you down you do not have any legal recourse.

    I read that this just happened on a big WordPress site. The site was posting negative information on Islam and they got taken down. The owner of the site claims it was because CAIR pressured WordPress. WordPress said they were going to take them down anyway for some unknown reason. The point is that once anyone can take you down for just about any reason there will be no free speech on the Internet.

  23. Out of 535 elected members of congress, only 40 object to this treasonous bill. The other 495 sorry members of congress ought to be fired. What a despicable group of traitors to the United States! Any politician who supports anti-American agendas after taking a sworn oath of office to defend and uphold American sovereignty is a liar and thief. President Barack Obama broke nearly every campaign promise that he made to the American people to get elected. Most of our leaders are dirty, rotten lying criminals. And saddest of all are the spiritually sick, arrogant, self-styled, apostate and wicked pastors of churches who support such criminals, hiding behind a convenient perverted interpretation of Romans 13. God help us!!!

    Romans 13:1, “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.”

  24. Hi Al,

    I believe the “Titanic is sinking”.

    Even so, I do hope and pray that our “captains” will make the right decisions in its final hours and minutes.

    Personally, I chose the lifeboat (Yeshua) a long time ago and am letting people know that they can come aboard also.

  25. Al,

    My analogy is probably not good enough so let me say this…

    I feel that Americans have been burned in every direction they’ve voted.

    Personally, I gave my support to George Bush I, George Bush II, & John McCain with much chagrin in hindsight.

    GBI – “Read my lips, no new taxes”, the agreement of NAFTA (though Clinton signed it, GBI is the one who agreed upon it), and a lackluster reelection campaign that brought us Clinton.

    GBII – After 9/11, I think GBII was right in my opinion in launching the offensive in the M.E., though, fighting a politically correct war and not fighting it to win it is insanity. GBII U.S. border protection also had much to be desired.

    John McCain – Aside from McCain’s “other” nonsense since the election, it is my understanding that the NDAA is also the “Levin/McCain bill”…thank you John McCain.

    I doubt we would be any better off than where we are today, even if McCain would have won the election.

    So, which “used car salesman” should the American people vote for this time ?

  26. Hi ~David,

    I wouldn’t tell anyone who to vote for. But I am certain you are now clear on my criteria. To your point… I’ll give you this… If there is NO clear candidate that stands for something Good and Godly, even if its just a mere campaign promise (and yes I know they are just promises that they mostly don’t keep) then your right don’t bother choosing a lesser of 2 evil’s. But I don’t feel we are there yet. Almost… but not yet. There still are some Godly politician who are trying to make a difference. In the examples you point out maybe you could make your point appear spot on. However I could easily choose a few modern day Presidents of my own who have done some Godly good for the nation… starting with Reagan, Eisenhower, JFK. Certainly not perfect in EVERYTHING they did, and certainly not perfect men (private life) …but are we. You also know its scriptural that God sets up Kingdoms. So if God is “setting them up” shouldn’t we as His bride participate in keeping them standing and holding a light against the darkness that threatens them. Like I said, in the end God is in control. Yet as Christians, even in the darkest moment (just before the rapture even) do we just stop with our Christian deeds because we say “oh well it’s over” let’s just pray. If there is still anything we can do – then we must. If it comes to where there is nothing we can “do” to hold back the darkness, then we only pray. Until then I say pray and act and pray again. I think we as Christians should always BE like He who we have been conformed to – and by grace called to. Salt & Light… right until the end. Believe me, I am not trying to convince you to go vote. Or who to vote for. But neither should we be critical of Christians who feel it is important to cast a ballot. Maybe the following will be a bad analogy, but I will try it. Just as some Christians drink a cup of wine to the Lord and some drink a cup of grape Juice. Neither is a sin. So long as one does not drink to get drunk… it is certainly not a sin. In fact someone could drink too much grape juice to the point of being a sweet tooth gluten… and the man who drinks one cup of wine to the Lord keeps himself Holy… while the former doesn’t.

  27. Hi Al,

    I mostly agree with you.

    And yes, regardless of my agreement with Anna that “THERE IS NO POLITICAL SOLUTION” & “Christians who are counting the days until the next election make me very tired.”

    …it remains incumbent upon all of us and our duty to go vote.

  28. ~David,

    I appreciate getting to a place of a harmony with you brother.

    Just know that its not me you mostly agreed with, but with your own common sense and logic. Through the understanding of scripture and what should be our conformity to our Lord. I Merely shone a light on what you and me already know.
    You show to be a reasonable man.

    Grace of our Lord be with you.

  29. Brethren, because for generations we have lived under a representative form of government, we are inclined to think that these are the means by which God brings restoration and renewal.
    In the days of Esther it was not circulating petitions, phone calls, or voting booths that saved the Jews from extinction, but rather fasting and prayer and holy boldness. When Peter was in prison it was a prayer meeting that won him his release and not an appeal to the high court of the land. And we see that appealing to Caesar did not spare the life of Paul although one might argue that he did not hold his life dear to himself but sought further opportunity to preach the Gospel. The early church did not have the freedoms that we enjoy nor the political clout that Christians have wielded in this country for a long time, but they turned the world upside down. We have been fighting through legal channels to abolish abortion for over 30 years and we all know what that’s gotten us.In the public schools we put out little brush fires here and there but our public schools have become slaughter house. NOBODY CAN CONVINCE ME THAT A DIFFERENT MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE IS GOING TO CHANGE THAT.
    That being said, voting is a serious and solemn privilege. And one we should not take lightly.
    But the “arm of flesh” has failed us and I fear will continue to fail us. What would be as Christians be doing if we could not vote? If we found ourselves in this exact situation without an election coming up, what would we be doing? I still maintain that moral and spiritual problems have no political solutions. If you face each problem squarely, that is what we are facing. For those who disagree, I have no wish to argue. Let’s just wait and see…

  30. Sister neither do I wish to argue.

    I agree 100% with you… that before a nation can change men’s hearts must change and turn to God.
    America IS doomed I agree. So is this World.

    I do not disagree with God on this eventuality. It is written.

    I am just disappointed with myself that I can’t seem to articulate the correlative point in this discussion that speaks to what a Christians active deeds should be right up to the END.

    Grace of our Lord be with you.

  31. Al,

    Re: articulating your thoughts: Don’t sweat it. I prefer short posts of thought fragments and let the interaction of everyone twist and turn. Otherwise, I’d be writing some major long thesis trying to hit every point and angle as if I’m some lawyer making a summation – and that doesn’t really serve anyone except maybe myself. The problem with commentary and more so small posts of thought fragments is that you can’t really get everything you want to say out there. Ultimately, this forum requires everyone to have some patience and understanding – I think it takes a period of time for everyone to get the feel of each other. Frankly, I usually skip over the big posts (other than the original blog, of course).

    Grace to y’all (we’re gonna need it).

  32. Al, I kinda think we already have a fairly good clue as to what our active deeds should be right up to the end – Pray constantly, be willing and prepared to help any potential person who needs the Lord but not sure how or what to do, be a good example of a Christian and Pray some more. Probably some have talents that can be used to promote Christianity but for us who have no particular talent we can always pray and even ask for guidance. Try not to be disappointed or afraid and keep faith, if God wants to use you He will certainly guide/lead you if you let Him. Remember that the End of the Times as we know them is a part of the Master Plan as outlined in the Bible. Through prayer we may be able to encourage God to heal America, but if it is part of the plan for this nation to not recover I doubt it will recover. But we can always ask!

  33. God used the Puritan Oliver Cromwell and his Roundheads to keep England free from Roman Catholicism. But at the time England had a viable opposition in its parliament.

    If the US had a strong viable opposition, military engagement if found to be necessary, might be something Christians could embrace. With no viable opposition however, armed resistance would almost certainly be futile and more destructive to the gospel than going underground.

    Fighting for the freedom of one’s nation is not unchristian, but one should not be foolish. Every one of us must exercise wisdom and discretion in times of extreme pressure and it seems obvious that such pressure is coming upon the world. May we all be mindful of God’s leading in the days ahead, up to the day he calls us home.

  34. Dear Al,
    Your words really touched me (as did David’s) because I believe you articulated very well your zeal to do what is right, even as you say, until the very end. So whether, voting, paying taxes,raising a family, etc., Christians ought to be the finest and best of all people.
    As it gets darker, we can shine brighter!! God bless you.

  35. i sometimes think about how quickly this Constitutional Republic has folded. and how ideals such as property rights, privacy and limited government are good ideals, but that satan will use anything, even good ideals for his purposes, and it happens extremely quickly when the focus is shifted off of God and placed on man.

    it is my personal belief that God, although he has blessed the people of this nation greatly, He has also allowed the United States to be THE nation that has kicked the door open for globalism through our own blood and treasure (US dollar as the world reserve fiat currency and global militarist imperialism). i think that is how the US “fits” into prophecy.

    the US may not be mentioned at all in Scripture, but, by golly, this country sure has been the nation to open the gate for most of the key aspects of end times prophecy to just be able to fall right into place. when i think about that, it saddens me on one hand but it gives me a deep sense of hope on the other (i am a citizen of heaven, after all!).

    i’m a “Chuck Baldwin Romans 13” type of gal (Constitution/Rule of Law is the authority)… but i KNOW one thing i can take from studying history (of this country and many others) and current events: ain’t any government going to last– all will be corrupted and decay– until The Benevolent and Perfectly Righteous King Jesus steps into His Rightful Rule.

    as for the NDAA (and don’t forget SOPA all my internet savvy brothers and sisters in Christ!), it is a reminder for me to “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.” Ephesians 5:15&16

    God Bless!!

  36. as for Rick Santorum, i say this with all due respect: i do not trust him, nor do i agree with his “social conservative” platform. Judge Napalitano revealed a few of his statements (you can see the show on his website) and he seems to be very much for the legislation of morality (which takes as much as a police state to enforce, if not more, than we currently have) and he is as much as a sycophant as most in government. also, i do not wish to see this nation go from fascism to a theocracy. i prefer, if it were possible, to see it return to a Constitutional Republic.

    i think voters really need to be digging deeper into the candidates. i already have my mind made up who i will vote for, and i feel the candidate whose platform best represents the strictest adherence to the Constitution and who is steadfastly principled is my choice. i feel that Ron Paul is that candidate. regardless of how “unelectable” the talking heads say he is, i will only vote for him. the lesser of two evils still gets you evil. all the being said, it has been quite amusing to watch the main stream media “surge” the different candidates.

  37. Thank you brothers and sisters I appreciate your tender and encouraging thoughts.


  38. Regarding the possibility of Ron Paul as the Republican candidate, I gotta disagree. Strongly. Ever since he came out stating we should not have fought Hitler (when my own father fought for three years overseas against that monster), that Iran should be allowed to have the bomb, that all drugs should be legalized, that the US was responsible for 9/11, etc, I can only ask when he is going to allege that the Holocaust didnt happen, and that the Church replaced Israel. The only guy I can see as even remotely votable for Christian conservatives IS Santorum, and he isnt perfect either. He is also not THE Saviour either. None of them are.

  39. I have heard about these FEMA camps for many years. I guess I would have to see them myself to believe. Do the “Global Elite” really desire to kill off 3/4 of the human beings in the World? It is a good point that having Americans submit to “terror” is a good way to achieve a police state as terror isn’t a real person who can ever be captured.

    Saddam, his sons, Qaddafi, 20-30 Al Qaeda #2 men, etc. are good enough to be shown in the media being killed or dead but Bin Laden has to quietly dumped overboard a Navy Ship with no proof? Yep, makes perfect since.

    I don’t own a gun, but it seems the government would have to confiscate weapons before trying something like rounding up Americans in the middle of the night. I imagine there would be a resistance. “Those who cling to their guns and religion”.

    At least we have Jesus.

  40. David Henley,

    My understanding is that the FEMA camps are being contracted to corporations that prefabricate them so they can install them in a matter of days in an emergency. To get the contract they have to comply with the specifications for the FEMA camps in the contract terms. Those camp specifications are for compounds that can house anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand people and the plan is to be able to set up these camps in all 57 states. This is not secret stuff. You probably can even bid on prefabricating them yourself if the bids are still open and your company can meet the contract requirements.

    Do the global elite really desire to kill off 3/4 of the human beings in the world you ask? Your not going to hear “kill off” except from some radicals and the number of people the global elite think the earth can sustain long term varies. Generally the figures are from a few hundred million to a couple of billion. Most expect the population will be reduced by birth control and that is a logical assumption because almost all highly developed countries birth rate have fallen below the replace rate. That is one of the real reasons why they want rich nations to spread the wealth around to poor nations. They expect that will result in less people and more riches for themselves.

  41. The Praetorian Class is formed and grown to defend the Political Class and in time becomes the dragon that rules its master. It represents a highly disturbing trend because it foretells the decline, not the advance, of a society.

    I recieve these newsletters as I have found they (from a secular view) contain a certain perspective that lends support to what we see happing from our Christian World View. That is that things are not ok and likely to get more ugly. Part of the article contains a topic relevant to this topic regarding the rise of a police state. Enjoy

  42. David Little,

    You might also read the “Fourth turning” according to that cycle theory we only just entered year 5 of a 20 year cycle of depression and disaster.

  43. Don,

    I actually have a PDF on file that is an interview between Doug Casey and Neil Howe a co-author of the “Fourth Turning” in about 2009. (I’m of the Nomad Gen, lol) I read it probably a year ago, but such thoughts remain in my thinking as I continue to view the world events. I think it is just a witness to how events of the world are not totally hidden they just miss a spiritual persepctive. Thankfully one doesn’t have to toss your brains out the door to consider the spiritual side of things in this world. God has left a witness in our hearts, minds and events of this world. Sometimes we get so caught up in the details or over spiritualizing things that we are blind to the obvious… it’s the old can’t see the forest for all the trees eh.

    So you think are are past the Unravelling and into the Crisis?? I guess I would have to agree.

  44. On a further note to that it would make sense to see the First turning “High” follow the Crisis Turning and we come out of this with a new world order.
    quote from the Interview.

    “The First Turning we call a High. The most recent American High was an era defined by the presidencies of Truman and Eisenhower and John Kennedy. Highs are periods in which institutions are strong and individualism is weak. During this First Turning, society has a strong collective consensus of where it wants to go, and minorities and individualists
    feel a little bit outside the mainstream.”

  45. David Little,

    That next first turning high that is due about fifteen years from now under that cyclical theory, might be the high of trusting in a new age savior.

  46. Don,
    I’m surprised no one has called you names for this post (maybe they have)…the global elite (or satanists) want a 1 world government, want Christian morals gone…mainly because of the love of money and power (pride, Satan’s sin, fits in there as well). I think it has gotten to a point were we don’t have a “real choice”…I think McCain would have done as much harm as Obama. I feel Romney or Gingrich will too. Our nation is headed down the wrong path, but thankfully God is still in control! Someone said earlier pastors were wrongly interpreting Rom 13…I’m not sure were that statement orginates, but I tell the folks at the church I pastor to vote. Of course, the sovereign Lord of the Universe, the Creator is in control; but go ahead and research the candidates, pray and then go vote! As an American it is our duty and obligation to vote!

    Notice, I didn’t say it was a Christian’s duty to vote.

    As far as FEMA camps, I was under the impression they were contracting out various services to be performed at said camps…like catering, laundry, cleaning. I hadn’t heard there was contracts out to “fabricate or build” camps. They already have some set up, primarily at old military camps or bases. A man from church has personally seen a prison up at Camp Grayling in MI. He thought it was training facility, complete with fence, razor wire, and guard towers; but it is entirely too large for a training facility in his assessment.

    I plan on prayfully protecting my family as the police state continues to ramp up its efforts and persecute Christians and all freedom loving Americans.

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