The negative influence on America from the social and economic perversions of John Maynard Keynes

The hard left that has hijacked America with flattering lips and lies is now following the economic ideas and even the social beliefs taught by the atheist pervert named John Maynard Keynes. So you really ought to know something about what Keynes taught and believed and where those following Keynesism will take America.

Keynes opposed the free economic system and his views helped form the ideas of the Nazi and Marxist socialist systems. His views today are held by Fabian socialists that now control the Democratic Party of our nation. People who believe in Fabian socialist Keynesism control many of our universities, national media, foundations, and government bureaucracies. Now with the economic collapse they are also rapidly taking control of our big corporations. Did you know that some of the same Fabian Keynes socialists that brought about this economic collapse are now running the show to fix it?

This article will give you 30 points about John Maynard Keynes. I quote several points from the article below. So do you really think this administration will solve the economic crises following the economic perversions of this man? Do they even want to? Or like Keynes, do they really want to keep the nation in debt and to create inflation? Keynes thought inflation was a good thing because it secretly confiscated the wealth of its citizens and gave it to government. If knowing our leaders would follow such a perverted man does not make your blood boil you are probably already dead.

John Maynard Keynes

“Veritas [foundation] feels that without doubt the following study will prove that the Keynesian ‘system’-if it can be called a system-is the primary economics system being taught in Harvard. Veritas also feels that “Keynesian economics’ is a misnomer. It is not economics. It is a leftwing political theory.” Zygmund Dobbs, Research Director, Keynes at Harvard. New York, NY

No matter what phase of left-wing infiltration we study, be it in government, in information media, in foundations, in labor unions, or whether we deal with Keynesian socialism, neo-Marxian socialism or with Bolshevik communism, the tracks lead inevitably to Harvard University

Today [British] Fabians use the teachings of John Maynard Keynes as their catechism of political economy. The American Fabians have slavishly installed Keynesism as the new faith, both in the Universities and in Government bureaucracy. To lay bare and dissect these premeditated deceptions is the true task of the political science of our day

Keynes was characterized by his male sweetheart, Lytton Strachey, as ‘A liberal and a sodomite, an atheist and a statistician.’ His particular depravity was the sexual abuse of little boys.” Zygmund Dobbs, “Sugar Keynes.” See Goggle “John Maynard Keynes: Lavender & Bolshevik.

The entire Keynesian apparatus is based upon the principle of control and regulation by government…capitalism should now be regulated and controlled by a central authority…One of the central themes in Keynes’ system is a condemnation of the principle of ‘savings.’ …Here is [Keynes] General Theory in a nutshell, with its trans valuation of all values. The great virtue is Consumption, extravagance, improvidence [not providing for the future]. The great vice is saving, thrift and ‘financial prudence

Keynesian leftists…are confident that a great national debt and continuing inflation plus enormous internal and foreign commitments assure the continuance of Keynesian operations for generations to come regardless who is in power

The line between fascism and Fabian socialism is very thin. Fabian socialism is the dream. Fascism is Fabian socialism plus the inevitable dictator.

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One thought on “The negative influence on America from the social and economic perversions of John Maynard Keynes

  1. One of the best articles I’ve read recently. I totally share your opinion and that of the author on Keynes. Few people appear to be aware of the true nature of this man and his ideas. Most self-declared right-wing parties in Europe are really just moderate Keynesians. Ironically, right-wing governments are sometimes worse than the Socialists in that they spend even more and adopt the same Socialist practices of supporting businesses and other interests that should not get any support and should be governed by the market mechanism by itself. If people don’t want to work, why should the government force them to accept any job offer they get? That’s the kind of policy even right-wingers support these days. Let them starve if they refuse to work! They wouldn’t do their jobs right anyway without any motivation to work and earn money by themselves. The only reason they want to force them to work is so they can tax them and claim they solved unemployment, even when most of these people won’t ever really contribute to the economy anyway. And if big businesses mismanage their enterprise, let them go out of business even if it means that many people get laid off. That will teach greedy CEOs about their responsibilities in society and it will teach other businesses to think on the long term instead of short term interest.

    The Netherlands is (or was, rather) a fine example of entrepreneurship and capitalism. Lots of converts to Protestantism (over half a million to one million people) in what used to be the Southern Netherlands moved to Holland because of the heavy Spanish Catholic persecution at the time. Many of them were merchants and later had particular influence in Holland. Calvinist Protestantism encouraged the Dutch to not to be wasteful but to spend wisely and to save money and invest later. It taught people to work to provide for their families. Although Calvin argued that usury was not wrong for Christians, easy credit and excessive interest were rightly frowned upon. That is what capitalism is really about. Production, saving, investing wisely. Government needs to provide a legal framework to protect individuals against fraud, and to ensure that people can easily start their own business. Now all it does (in Western Europe but I see it happening in the US as well) is supporting fraudulous businesses, encouraging excessive credit and consumption so it can get a lot of revenue to re-invest in mostly government-owned and heavily regulated sectors and unproductive governmental institutions. And the best part of it – they call it “free market capitalism” while it’s basically Keynesianism! Because of these policiies, a lot of people who might have been entrepreneurs themselves are now laborers and dependent on government services who vote for the Socialist policies that keep them in that position since they frown upon individual success and economic unequality and prefer equal economic backwardness instead.

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