The New American National Pastime: Telling and Believing Lies.

Not too long ago the American pastime was baseball and more recently football but it seems to me that the real American pastime today has become telling and believing lies. lying is a national movement contaminating all sectors of our society. Telling and believing lies is the infallible rule for living in national politics, the scientific community, our educational system, national media, business, and even in religion. It seems most everyone either wants to believe lies or they are deceptive themselves. There seems to be a codependency between liars and their receptive enablers in America.

Our government representatives peddle lies one after another. There is no end to their deception. They say they want to stop government spending but continually increase it. They say they will not raise taxes but raise them anyway through the back door. They say they will be open and accountable but then they do everything in secret. They say they will have a moral administration and then appoint the most immoral people in the nation to positions of power. They swear to uphold the Constitution of the United States but continually subvert what it says. The list is endless.

The scientific community lies when they claim to use the scientific method but their “scientific method” is really controlled by politics and money brokers that give grants to those that promote lies about evolution, AGW, uniformitarianism, keynesian economics, etc. If truthful scientists do not agree with the ruling lying mafia they will be marginalized at best.

The educational system is controlled by secular humanist and Marxist liars that brainwash and indoctrinate the minds of children. Your children cannot get through this lying system without coming out with a lying mind. Even if your children were told and believed the truth they will still have to lie on tests to even get through the system. For example, a person cannot get thought the school system without outwardly agreeing that sex perversion is normal, that they descended from apes and that truth is relative.

National mainstream news media has become the fourth leg of a left wing radical government. They tell people half truths and lies as a means to their end. They do not fairly cover or they downplay anything that might be embarrassing to the administration or their secular humanist Marxist cause. For example, one of the biggest marches on Washington just took place by disgruntled Americans last weekend but you hardly heard a peep about this movement from the national media. If those that marched on Washington were homosexuals or Obama supporters it would have been prime time special news coverage. Other than Fox News, if reporters do not tote the liberal party line and bow at the teleprompter of their anointed ones they can forget about any lasting career in national news media.

In business dealing there is one sure truth. Most everyone that you are talking to are lying through their teeth for their own gain. I do not think I really need to give examples although I could compile a book filled with examples from just those I dealt with in my own life. I think today we have all experienced those who will lie and tell us what they think we want to hear to our face in order to screw us behind our backs. Don’t expect special treatment from most who call themselves Christians either.

Liars tell us that Islam is a religion of Peace while our men go home in body bags because many in Islam take the Qu’ ran literally. Liars tell us all religions contain truth and that all religions lead to God but the truth is that they lead to deception and eternal separation from God. Liars claiming to be Christians tell us that biblical doctrine is not important and that Christian biblical truths needs to be redefined. Liars tell us that God is a force we are part of and we can speak our own realities into existence. Liars also tell us that the Bible is not the word of God, that Jesus was not God, that we do not sin and that Jesus never died for our sins. The list of lies even in American Christianity fills volumes.

The bible says that in the last days people would believe lies. It says that people would say that good is evil and evil is good. We have  certainly arrived. If you have not seen a liar today you probably have been home all day (and have not looked in the mirror). 😯 After all, who does not love America’s new national pastime of telling and believing lies?

So I might end on these notes of caution from scripture. But the good news for believers is that all found in Christ are forgiven liars in spite of the new American national past time of telling and believing lies.

Pr 29:12  If a ruler hearken to lies, all his servants are wicked.

1 Ti 4:1  Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
2  Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

Re 21:8  But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

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15 thoughts on “The New American National Pastime: Telling and Believing Lies.

  1. hey don i got an off topic question but i was thinking that if the second coming is indeed no more than 2-4 decades away then the war of psalm 83 must be very very close. if Israel does strike Iran most likely that will trigger this war and vice versa if Iran attacks Israel or the USA. i as listening to a conservative talk radio host that was talking about what if the USA pulling its missile shield plans in Poland and the secret meeting with netanyahu with Russia can be related. maybe Russia giving israel a green light to attack Iran. if the second coming is soon then this war must happen very soon in order for things to quiet down so that the Gog and Magog war can happen.

  2. Since it is off topic on this post I will just say here it sounds plausible. I think a major regional war in the Middle East is certain within months unless Iran does an about face real soon. If the Arab nations use the attack as an excuse to try to cut off Israel it will be the war of Psalm 83.

  3. And don’t forget that porn and taking drugs are part of our pastime. Also there was an article on the ICR site about scientists admitting they lied

    Well people are deceived these days. And I have been around some that think evolution makes sense and I still have not figured out why it makes sense to them. And plus most people in my generation thinks that the people in the US are the smartest people in the world.

    It is sad that most churches today could care-less about defending the truth.

  4. Talk about lies. Just finished reading, “Wide Open Spaces” by Jim Palmer since it went on the bargain books list at Amazon and I like to keep up with the so-called Postmodern/Emergent/New Age/New Spirituality movement. How this man has mis-represented the Bible is unbelievable. He never tells outright lies, just uses 7 different Bible versions to get his points across. The one that is used the most is the New Age MESSage book (it’s not a Bible). These last days of the latter days can get you down with what we as discerning Christians see our faith going through.

    I don’t always agree with you Don, but thanks for the blog !

  5. Hello Don;

    I saw a sign during the 9/12 ,march in Washington, DC that said, “Ephesians 6:12”. I quick looked it up, and here it is:
    “Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
    That says it all. We can’t trust anyone, and that includes Fox News as well. After all, it’s owned by porn king Rupert Murdoch! Those who are watching Fox News, be careful. My wife and I sit back and acknowledge that what is reported is mainly true, but It seems to us that the American people are being played against each other in a Hegelian dialectic playground. Did you know that the terms ‘left wing and right wing’ originated with the Russian Bolsheviks? The right wing wanted to take over by force, but the left wing wanted to take over by subverting the people, especially the youth, as they did with “My Generation” of the 60s. and continue to do so.
    No political party will save this nation or any nation. These are the times that try mens’ souls, and we need to be praying always that we be counted worthy to escape all the things that will happen soon, and not get tied up in political activity which is one of the ways of the world. We need to rely on Jesus Christ to deliver us, and He will, soon.
    “Proverbs 21:6 The getting of treasures by a lying tongue is a vanity tossed to and fro of them that seek death.”

  6. Hello again Don;

    Sorry to be off topic here, but I need to know if it’s just me? Has anyone noticed the over use of the word “Vetted”? As in Van Jones not being ‘vetted’? I looked up the word and it’s a veterinarian term referring to an animal being fully examined! So now we’re all animals! We’re not ‘investigated’ or go through a ‘background check’. We’re now vetted! Welcome to the evolutionist animal world!

  7. I would not believe everything on Fox either but at this point the people working for Fox have more freedom to report the actual news and to give their own commentaries. Spiritual forces have always played people against people in order to bring about some end result. Nothing is new.

    Political parties only reflect and speak for segments of people in the nation. The problem right now is that we have no party that speaks for those that still believe in literally following the Constitution and no party that speaks for those who still believe the Bible is the word of God and should be taken literally. If we had such a party and there were still enough people who believed these things it would reshape the nation.

  8. You have to admit the term applies to many being “vetted” in D.C. 😀 Seems to me that the vets doing the vetting need to have their license revoked.

  9. LOL!…I agree Don! I didn’t think about that. And you’re right in your reply to my previous post. As I said, We do watch Fox News because they do still have the freedom to report the news correctly, but I’m at a point where I don’t trust anyone these days.

  10. Boy Don you’ve hit the nail on the head on this one. I’ve long thought it subversive, this progressive education stuff of 2+2 being whatever you feel. Also the story awhile back about the pregnant man and on and on. All designed to muddy the waters of truth I believe. To get people to question what is true and what is false.

    After all, isn’t it all satan needed to do? Convince Eve, and therefore Adam, to believe him and NOT God. Ye shall not surely die. But we’ve been dying ever since. Whose the liar!

  11. In order to reshape this nation.
    The goofs that allow pastors and church leaders to decide for themselves what they
    want to believe today or this year or next week need to call these apostates to repentance.
    Stop being goofs.
    Start reading the Bible for what it says. When you want to know the Bible is extremely clear.
    Stop giving money to these liers.
    Some Christians are weak because they are letting themselves be led by apostate leaders.

  12. Lies are everywhere. You can sense that your friend, officemate, or even your brother lies. Lies even run in the government and this is the saddest part. Once lies run in the government, many people are affected.

  13. I think Government lying has been going on long before the U.S. was founded.

    We see in all examples given in the this article that lying leads to not trusting.

    I think Christians who lie should feel a twinge in their soul and correct that…or they’re not really Christians.

    Then again…

    Liars don’t go to hell, they go to Washington !

  14. One great example of this new trend is the internet. Everyone tend to believe whatever information they find in the internet and whats worse, some of them doesn’t even bother researching in the info is true or not.

  15. Hi Jonathan Millet,

    I don’t think you meant everyone as literally “everyone”…but I think the majority who are uninformed don’t know any better than to believe what’s popular, in vogue, and will provide them with the least resistance in their personal lives.

    In this quick information age, it’s common to get the uncomfortable facts from mainstream media with the liberal slant.

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