The night that brought the old Yankee gravy train down

Pat Buchanan sees the economic fix by our government the same way I do. Bush, Obama and the entire Congress are now making the same mistakes that brought us to this crises in the first place and they are now multiplying those mistakes exponentially. Their misguided unconstitutional treasonous policies can only bring this nation down. Within two years the United States will either default on its debts or within five years the USA will inflate their way to the same end result. The consequences to this nation will mean the loss of its superpower status in the world, a break up of the Union and a living standard for most in North America that is comparable to that of Mexico today. People of the world will all soon be singing in bitter sweet memory about the economic night the Keynesians brought the Old Yankee gravy train down. Without the U.S. their own nightmare will have just begun.

Socialist Republic

With U.S. homeowners, consumers, companies and banks now going bust, why must the nation borrow trillions more to bail them out? So we can maintain our status and standard of living as the last superpower.

Bush and Obama are competing to shovel out trillions of dollars, so we can return to the good times of yesterday.

But wasn’t yesterday the root cause of today? Didn’t saving nothing and spending more than we earn, purchasing what we cannot afford in cars, consumer goods and houses, buying far more from abroad than we sell abroad – didn’t that cause this crisis and crash?

A family man in America’s condition, awash in debt, spending more than he makes, would cut back consumption, find a second job and get out of debt. Or declare bankruptcy, accept the shame and humiliation, change his wastrel ways and start anew.

Is it different for a nation?

Yet we seem to believe we can borrow and spend our way out of a swamp of unpayable debt into which borrowing and spending have plunged us.

We are headed either for default on our debts and bankruptcy as a nation, or something less honorable: a quiet cheapening of the debts we have incurred by inflating and destroying the dollar, robbing our creditors
of what we owe them and robbing our own people of the value of what they have earned. And so it has come to this.

What would the Founding Fathers think of us now?

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