The Obama administration recovery contains toxic bubbles

Talk about the Obama recovery makes me want to wear tall boots. The recovery seems to me to be designed to last until after the 2010 fall election. I think the Obama recovery has bubbles filled with toxic tax, toxic debt and toxic economic policies that will burst on America insuring there will be no meaningful recovery during this democratic administration. On the contrary, economic bottom is not even on the horizon.

Even most in government are blind to this because since the days when Vice President Al Gore was tasked to reinvent government, critical thinking among government employees has been frowned upon. Our ever expanding government gives early retirements at great cost so that individualists and critical thinkers can be replaced with the young postmodern Borg being churned out by the government-controlled educational systems. Decisions in government are made by team consensus not by individuals anymore. By the way, the same thing has occurred in most multi-national corporations and even in some churches. It is nothing but Marxist collectivism.

Now you know why Al Gore is so fond of the word “consensus” when he talks about the scientific consensus on global warming. Al Gore and his elitist clones stacked the teams, the teams then cherry picked the data to please management and they made the lie of anthropogenic global warming become reality.

Team facilitators and team leaders exist to steer the teams so that their decisions please management. Pleasing management means that no one derails the gravy train. The government teams could be descending on a railroad track to Hell but the facilitators and team leaders would say that under a godless administration Hell cannot exist. The team would then brainstorm and come up with ideas to try to change that reality. At the end of the day they would have consensus to paint the windows black and turn up the air conditioning as they descend into the abyss.

Having said that, forget what the government teams are now telling you about the economy. The recovery is full of toxic bubbles that will burst upon America. By late this fall everyone will know that we are not in a recovery. If the government does not start the printing presses again by then we will go into a depression. If it does start printing more funny money we will go into a currency collapse before long.

(Perhaps we will be in a war with Iran by then and the toxic bubbles will be blamed on another war rather than on the toxic economic policies of the democratic Obama administration).

Things look up today with the Dow is at 11,000 and mortgages at 5 percent and consumer spending up a bit. But, the Dow is at 11,000 only because gamblers never win enough to quit. They love blowing bubbles until the day it bursts and then they blame the system they used.

The stock market bubble will burst soon enough and put toxic lye in the eyes of those gullible enough to believe you can have a recovery while the debts of millions of people are not being paid. The Obama administration policies discourages debt collection and foreclosures and that allows and entices people to live in homes without making mortgage payments. With no mortgage payment is it any wonder why millions of people suddenly have more money to spend on other things. When the lenders finally evict them they will walk away from their loans and receive a healthy bribe from the lenders for not destroying their homes upon leaving.  🙄

Many of the banks holding this toxic waste dump of debt know it really does not matter anymore because government policy will force them to go broke and be taken over by the banks that are too big to fail that all the taxpaying suckers bail out. Banks hold so much toxic paper that EPA should declare most banks hazardous waste dumps. Government policy is allowing them not to disclose their toxic dump until after 2012. Why after 2012?… Duh! The presidential election.

Ever wonder why most of the costs of Obamacare does not kick in before 2012 and 2014? See any trend here?

So if we are in a recovery why is it that banks and lending institutions are lending less money than last year? How can the nation have a business expansion when lending institutions continue to lend less? There will be few loans for expansions or new businesses so high unemployment is not going away anytime soon.

You think happy days will be here again under Obama? Let’s look at reality. Lending is drying up, personal income is still falling, millions of people cannot find jobs, foreclosures are rising again in spite of the loan bailouts, and 12 trillion in investments has been wiped off the books. I think government will now go beyond two years of unemployment benefits to try to keep the cities from burning this summer? Some Obama recovery!

Who is going to bail out the states and the cities that have had such a huge decline in revenue that they cannot possibly keep local services going? I am sure the taxpayers will have to do that, but do sane people think that increased local taxes will not negatively impact the economy? I suppose we should also believe that the rise in federal taxes next year with the repeal of the Bush tax cuts will not impact the economy negatively and that inevitable rising interest rates will not impact the economy? Lets get real! You cannot have a economic recovery when government creates tax and spend policies that makes recovery impossible.

Even if the bubbles continue to blow up and not burst because the government somehow fortifies the bubbles with government made spandex, oil prices would rise so high that it would suck the life out of any recovery. We could have been drilling for oil for years but thanks to misguided government we will have a toxic oil bubble hanging over our heads for decades to insure that there can be no real recovery in America.

Next, comes the carbon tax, the illegal amnesty costs, the failed Obama war and foreign policies, etc., if the the people allow.

So what happens when productive people in a nation keep getting poorer, but taxed more, and government is elected by and represents government dependents?  You are about to find out very soon.

Here are 12 reasons why Americans will get even more angry about the state of the US economy.

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2 thoughts on “The Obama administration recovery contains toxic bubbles

  1. Don:

    Thanks for being a “watchman on the wall.” It is scary to see how many people continue on with their lives oblivious to the coming storm of consequences that is coming upon America. Unfortunately, I believe that God has given America the leadership we deserve. Although I trust that God is in control, I still grieve for the decline of our country.

    Again, I appreciate your willingness to point out that the bill will come due for all of us…


  2. I’m not American.. but my wife and I see the writing on the wall.. Every shopping trip we are buying a few extra staples which are building into a nice little (edible) nest egg in the shed. We have also divested ourselves of all shares and have simplified our finances by paying off all but one debt (the mortgage). God willing we would pay that off, but its a little bit beyond our human power at the moment! 😉 The chickens are at full steam producing eggs, and we have a little mini barter economy going up and down the street swapping eggs for bread etc and generally forging strong ties with the neighbours. I’d prefer to be raptured out of here before it becomes too bad, but no matter what happens I want to be prepared. Our politicians say the Australian economy is going great guns (and to be fair we weathered the GFC with very little impact), but I know our robust economy is built on the shifting sands of the Chinese resources boom and that in its turn is based very much on the American economy. Gods plans will prevail and human kind will be humbled before him. I pray it will be soon!

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