The outcome of the election will not change the antichrist agenda

With just 60 days left before the American presidential elections it now seems to be a dead heat. However, the President has much power to manipulate events in his favor. The trick is while doing so, not to make it totally obvious to the American people. Many think something will happen between now and the election that will give Obama a boost or even make it possible for the election to be postponed. They may be correct, but no matter who wins the election the antichrist agenda will continue.

A military event or something similar that will boost Obama at the last minute probably should be expected. For the Far Left the end justifies any means. I do not think you can rule out some action that will make Obama look like a stronger leader and have people rally around the flag. An October confrontation with Iran by America is the most logical candidate to do this but there are other possibilities as well.

I could be way off, but perhaps all the rhetoric toward Israel to delay bombing Iran, is so that Obama can get the credit for taking out Iran’s nuclear program before the election, rather than Israel getting the glory.

Within days we will have three aircraft carrier groups in the gulf. There recently was a recall of navy personal attached to the USS Stennis carrier group and this carrier group has been rushed to the Gulf. The Stennis will be the Gulf area next week just before the September new moon (dark skies). We also have other forces in many areas of the Middle East. More is going on than what we are led to believe.

I might even be so distrustful about this administration that I could conjecture that the U.S.S. Enterprise will be ordered to take unusual risks. I do not think a sacrificial “Remember the Maine” incident would be beyond some sinister people in high levels of our government. The Enterprise could be the sacrificial lamb because she is scheduled to be decommissioned after this mission anyway. Hopefully sane people will prevail, but the history of how we got into past military actions does not exactly give one a high degree of confidence that our government will not do something deceptive again.

If the Far Left controlled national Democratic Party does turn over power to the Republicans in January, they will turn on Obama as an amateur. Then a person with Clinton’s experience will become their next idol. Reportedly, words about Obama being an amateur, came from no less than Bill Clinton, in spite of his public support at the convention. The public record already indicates that Obama had no experience worthy of his attaining to the position of President, so why should anyone expect Obama to be a seasoned professional politician and liar like Bill Clinton?

If Obama is voted out of power, the goal of the Far Left will be to hinder Romney so that he can get nothing accomplished and then to destroy his power base in the 2014 election. If Obama wins, I think Joe Biden will step down after two years so that Hillary Clinton can be fully groomed for the Presidential position. No one will accuse Hillary of being an amateur. With her experience and with the help of Bill, she will be unbeatable in 2016 and when in office she will be very effective in bringing in the total global UN agenda.

There are very powerful demonic people behind removing the US as the leader of the world and spreading the antichrist agenda in the world. This is much bigger than just Obama, he is just one tool to bring America down so that a consensus of the world elite will control the world. The Far left elite have nothing less in mind than control over everyone and everything on this planet.

It is not just a political movement, it is humanistic philosophy and a religion where the collective consciousness of man becomes all important and individualism and personal liberties becomes a hindrance to the world ant colony. They will allow baser trivial freedoms and diversions like promiscuity, porn, drugs, gambling etc, because those bound to the fallen flesh nature are their base of support.

The Far Left elite with there utopian humanistic religion is not going away if Romney is elected. This humanistic philosophy or worldview has infiltrated all levels of most nations. They are doing the work of Satan and they will eventually join up with his Antichrist and he will become the god of their world system. Once that happens they will try to stop the Kingdom of God from coming through the Jews and the return of Jesus, and you know the rest of the story. The outcome of this election is simply not going to change the antichrist agenda in this satanic world system.

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48 thoughts on “The outcome of the election will not change the antichrist agenda

  1. Don,
    I received an email a couple weeks ago stating that a Homeland Security source claims Obama may stage a false assassination attempt on his life in order to rally last minute support. I tend not to believe all the circulating emails, however, this one sounded reasonable for someone who believes the end justifies the means. Have you seen or heard anything about this?

  2. Doug,

    I heard about it. That claim apparently came from a Tennessee politician, you can Google it. I doubt that there is any truth in it, and if there was it won’t happen now. Of course the real thing is always possible.

  3. Hello Don,

    I think your absolutely correct. Most likely, there will be a Romney win as Obama is losing support from his hard core lefties, as well as moderates. It seems to me that your scenario of a leftist agenda on the part of the Senate, that will tie up any changes Romney wants to make, and that are necessary such as cutting entitlements and spending, is most likely to occur.

    I have read numerous articles that indicate our economy is so far in debt, and committed to entitlements, that reduction to stop the slide will be impossible without throwing the economy into a significant depression, and the nation into riots and possible civil war. Whoever gets into office will not be able to change the path we are on in a manner sufficient to alter the end result. This is an economic reality. Events in Europe and the rest of the world are also taking place that will keep the U.S. from being able to return to economic dominance.

    I am a generally optimistic person, and avoid the overly conspiratorial doom and gloom scenarios, but this is a serious problem where a significant amount of the population has become dependent to either drugs, entertainment, debauchery, or entitlements, making change from this path unlikely.

    I have heard there are soon to be 4 carrier groups in the middle east.. Have you heard this? If so, that only happens when we are gearing up for war. So perhaps your false flag or preemptive strike idea may be coming…

    Rod in Oregon
    Thanks for your work Don

  4. Rod,

    I think there will only be three within strike distance of Iran within the next 60 days but if someone knows something I don’t let me know. I believe we only 5 aircraft carrier groups deployed in the world at this time and that is more than usual.

  5. Don,
    Iv’e been reading political articles all morning .Your column makes more sense than any of them.One did say that electing Romney “might” slow our decline down,but it will still come.
    This writer also said that “no one is going to come riding in on a white horse and save America.”Thought that was an interesting quote.

  6. I am in agreement with you Don, I believe this president is waiting and or conspiring for a major event in order to get re-elected. It almost seems to be obvious. I mean it would be a classic move to declare war before the election, be it in Syria, Iran, or both.

  7. I hope I am not too pessimistic, but I too have been having a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach that “something” major will occur before November 6. Guess next hurdle to jump will be another approaching Tuesday, 9/11. I remember so vividly everything I did on that Tuesday, eleven years ago. A bit worrisome too that so much of America’s war power will be concentrated in the Middle East while Russian nuclear submarines patrol the Gulf of Mexico and Iranian warships patrol off our Eastern coastline.

  8. Satan’s agenda through his “son” the anti-Christ is more powerful than any human agenda. His power on this earth trumphs the U.S. President and the entire Democratic party. Satan can also defeat Romney and the whole Republican party. The Bible is quite clear who will be running the world in the future and it never uses the word Republican or Democrat!

    Don is spot on in saying whoever wins the election Satan will still be the winner. It is too late in the last days for the Evil One to not be emerging as the true power behind ALL world politics (it has already become supreme in the Muslim and Atheist worlds). Certainly a false flag attack could go a long ways towards cementing Obama in office – just as easily as a worldwide recession beginning in Europe as a result of Germany not backing the bailout fund could also slide Romney into the nominal driver’s seat. That being said – does anybody feel that either one of them could trump the coming anti-Christ’s agenda?

  9. To Doug and Don,

    Did you know that history shows that every 4th ELECTED President has been shot since Lincoln, not all have died but every 4th is a valid historical fact, Obama is the 4th from Reagan who was shot but did not die…before that was Kennedy etc.


    About this article…

    If we lived in a truly righteous society, the leaders we choose would be as close to defining integrity, honesty, a “by the people, for the people, government”, and, most of all a strong rooted standing in The Word Of God.

    Instead, it’s all upside down, with leaders who are intent on their own personal power to desperately maintain their “elite” status to fulfill their own agenda’s with no regard for country or its citizens.

    History shows that man cannot ethically rule over man without becoming tyrannical before its demise…this young nation, The United States, is a prime example…founded on Godly principles, now telling The Lord, “We don’t need you or want you”…is it any wonder why this is all happening ?

  10. ~David said,

    Did you know that history shows that every 4th ELECTED President has been shot since Lincoln, not all have died but every 4th is a valid historical fact,

    David what is the source of this historical fact that you claim?

  11. I read about the “every 4th president” then checked it out myself…you cannot include the presidents that took over for the assassinated presidents, they were not elected…do you want me to compile and post a complete listing of every 4th ELECTED president from Lincoln ?

  12. ~David, asked?

    do you want me to compile and post a complete listing of every 4th ELECTED president from Lincoln ?

    Yes, with those shot and don’t skip any elected presidents, There once was this twenty year theory but it failed, so now we have this.

  13. Hello Don,

    After looking at the Presidential elections, and assassination attempts etc, the once per four year theory doesnt hold up. At least as far as I can tell. I am wondering, if Romney is elected, will he follow the Obama suit and turn his back on Israel as well?

    Rod in Oregon

  14. Hi Rod,

    I don’t believe Obama was ever with Israel. The claim about supporting Israel is just for political gain. Romney will have the same foreign policy as George Bush and probably even have C. Rice as his Secretary of State.

  15. Rod and Don,

    The every 4th President does have caveats, I forgot about that…it’s once every 4th President shot or died in office.

    Just like the every 20th year, it went from 1840-Harrison and ended at 1980-Reagan or 2000-GB2, depending on how you define it.

    They both have holes in them and are a stretch.

  16. Hi Don, I would agree, Obama has made his rejection of Israel pretty clear.. I was just wondering if Romney would back Israel, or continue the process of leaving Israel high and dry. I see that Jews in America continue to support Obama… I don’t get it?


  17. With the exception of Andrew Johnson not being elected as president, the every 4th presidency shot or died in office does work out quite well.

    #16 Abraham Lincoln – Assassinated

    #17 Andrew Johnson
    #18 Ulysses S. Grant
    #19 Rutherford B. Hayes

    #20 James Garfield – Assassinated….Theory works if Johnson is counted (Interim President).

    #21 Chester Alan Arthur
    #22 Grover Cleveland
    #23 Benjamin Harrison
    #24 Grover Cleveland

    #25 William McKinley – Assassinated … Theory works if Arthur isn’t counted (Interim President).

    #26 Theodore Roosevelt
    #27 William Howard Taft
    #28 Woodrow Wilson

    #29 Warren G. Harding – Died in office of heart attack.

    #30 Calvin Coolidge
    #31 Herbert Hoover
    #32 Franklin D. Roosevelt
    #33 Harry S Truman
    #34 Dwight D. Eisenhower

    #35 John F. Kennedy – Assassinated…Theory works if Coolidge and Truman are not counted (Interim Presidents).

    #36 Lyndon Johnson
    #37 Richard Nixon
    #38 Gerald Ford
    #39 Jimmy Carter

    #40 Ronald Reagan – Shot But Lived…Theory works if Lyndon Johnson isn’t counted (Interim President).

    #41 George Bush
    #42 Bill Clinton
    #43 George W. Bush

    #44 Obama ?

  18. The theory above does have debatable stretches in it for sure…there is bound to be those who say that Calvin Coolidge and Harry Truman were Interim Presidents, but then, elected in their own right.

  19. ~David

    You mean some like me would debate it.

    I don’t see the point anyway are you saying this is by divine appointment or something? I see five groups here so if everything remained the same based on the past stats there would be a 1 in 5 chance of the present President being shot. (Of course modern security techniques would probably make it less than that.) If you flip a coin sometimes you are going to come up with 5 heads in a row, it does not predict the next flip.

  20. Don,

    I have no faith in the trendy table of former presidents.

    I became interested in it to test what someone said about the “every 4th presidents” scenario.

    The point of the table was to show that the “Every 4th Presidents, really from Garfield”…does have some manipulative merit to it…in the past.

    I look to the Bible if I truly want to know the future.

  21. There are more monkey wrenches left out of the trending table equation than that but Roosevelt died, which is why Truman was an incumbent Interim President.

    On a different note…

    Truman is the one who stood behind Israel in its May 14, 1948 being declared a nation…he had major opposition by many in the U.S. government for this stance, history reads.

  22. ~David

    So how many monkey wrenches does it take to dismantle this cart?

    Truman was a 33rd degree Mason, so He probably thought he was supporting one of the religions of the Grand Lodge.

  23. Don, first off, I want to say how happy I am that you opened up the comments again and Hello to all the regulars. Secondly, in regards to the speculated “assasination” attempt on O and to the possibility of the path being paved for Shrillary to be POTUS, I throw this nugget out to the crowd; was this the plan all along? I know…I know…don’t go down the conspiracy rabbit hole, but think about it for a minute. All the worshipful, idolatrous adulation this unknown received a couple of years ago, the speech in Berlin, the bogus Nobel Peace prize, tied in with a recovery from a fatal looking head wound from a botched whack (undoubtly, if it happens, the shooter will either be an “evil” fundie or Jewish) and Voila!!!! Ladies and Gentlemen, meet our new “savior”….hope you guess his name. I know…crazy talk, but I’m just sayin.

  24. If I had read this post 30 years ago I would have concluded that they were the rantings of a lunatic. That your analysis of the presidential election seems so incredibly plausible to me is another sign of just how far down the prophetic calendar we have traveled…I pray that we will be equipped and empowered by the Holy Spirit to deal with these events as they unfold.

  25. Hi Don,

    I am thinking about your response to Michael. My sense is that Satan is looking for the right “host’ if you will to attempt his plot against God’s plan. Those that were in the Upper Room did not begin to work signs and wonders until the Holy Spirit “entered” them. Could it not be the same way that while the person that Michael suggests is a shadow so to speak of the Antichrist, it is only when Satan enters him that person would begin to exhibit the supernatural powers and lying signs and wonders associated with “the” Antichrist.

  26. Hi Michael Angelo,

    I am of the opinion that the U.S. will have no bearing on bringing forth the anti-Christ…if the U.S. is even a nation by then.


    That is my prayer also.

    I do feel fortunate that we, believers in Christ, will not be shocked at the future events…it’s the people who don’t know and don’t want to know what is in the future that concern me.

  27. Hi Ron

    That is possible. He offered it to Jesus but Satan knew that Jesus was a unique human and the Messiah. Satan offered Jesus a short cut to ruling the world rather than getting it through God’s plan. Now a man may come that will accept it but it won’t be someone less then a unique Genius. On the other hand, Some think he won’t even be fully human and is genetic creation of Satan. He could be the creation of this false god. Perhaps that is why he is called the Beast. If that is true, than he already has special powers and probably is growing up somewhere today, but he is not in the white House.

  28. Hi Don,
    I recently read an article (I think it was re-printed from American Thinker) exploring the possibility of President Obama losing the election, then creating a scenario in the last two months of office (since Romney would not be inaugurated until January)in which he refuses to step down. The idea being that staying in office would be the purpose for the nature of all these executive orders he has signed. I have always wondered about this since my parents came from a communist country (I was 4 when we came to America)and dictators are often voted in
    by a majority, then the people are stuck with them “forever”. Anyway, what thinkest thou?

  29. Anna,

    I think that unless there was a dire national crises in progress that this is not possible. He would be removed. The military would do it if the justice department or the U.S. marshals would not take action to remove a President that was no longer legally the President.

  30. Wow Anna,

    Now that would be an interesting scenario.

    One which I would think could very well throw this country into serious chaos very quickly.

    A president who refuses to step down with the support of racially motivated people fighting for him.

    I wonder, in a scenario like that, even if executive orders were enacted, if force would be used to get him out of office.

  31. ~David

    It makes for good science fiction but this is not going to happen. He would be escorted out of the White House within hours and the racially motivated people would be limited to rioting in their own domain. Now, if it was a real close election and the outcome of the election was still in doubt by January it might be a different story. However, that would only last until the issue was solved by some constitutional procedure or ruling.

  32. Don,

    I wouldn’t think it would be beyond Obama to try to create or instigate some dire national crisis to then, execute some executive orders to stay in power.

    What a day that would be…wow.

  33. -David,

    It won’t be any executive order that would keep him in power, it would be the dire national crisis. There still would be a transitional government even if that happened. Now, a dire national crises that would postpone the election would indeed keep him in power. That is far more likely to occur than anything happening after the election.

    I doubt if Obama even needs to consider that way to stay in power. He is leading in all polls and he has a few aces up his sleeve. By their collective voice of approval the nation shows that they are getting the leaders that they deserve.

  34. Obama is just a puppet. Just a face for the powers that be. Romney is a just a new face. In fact Romney is worse! Obama we know little about. Romney we know much. The man is an anti-Christ; his cult is pure heresy in the highest order. Mitt is an elder of the highest order and a bishop. Any higher than this and he would be a living Prophet!
    A Bishop is the highest priesthood office of the Aaronic priesthood in the Latter Day Saint movement, and is leader of the Aaronic priesthood in a given ward or congregation. It is almost always held by one who already holds the Melchizedek Priesthood office of high priest and who serves as the leader of a local congregation of church members. Having read Don’s commentary on “Religion not Government is the big danger….. “ I’m not sure America (The world) would be better off with Romney in control. This Hegelian dialectic process being implemented and administered through the puppets of the hidden powers has been at work for over a century or more. One obvious sign of that is that one can scarcely see any difference anymore between Democrats and Republicans – The regular lip service is paid to Christian conservatives for votes… but that’s about it.

  35. Al, I think I know ALL I want to know about Obama. Four more years of his Marxist, socialism will have us in Gulags. As an evangelical, Romney’s religion will not keep me from the voting booth. Your post here is a bit far out. Sorry.

  36. obama supports abortion and homosexuals, but he say’s “god bless you”. i wonder who is this god that obama mentions all the time? does anybody know?

  37. Thanks, Don, for your prompt reply and everybody else’s feed back too.
    I don’t know what it is about this election, but I just feel like it’s going to be very different, and at the back of my mind the thought is always there: “This guy is not going
    anywhere. Period.” But at least we know with absolute certainty that God is completely in control.
    If we belong to Him, he will never leave us no matter who the leaders of the land are.

  38. Jake,

    sure, Obama’s God is just a three letter world. Obama believes in all paths universalism


    your last post was going down a Antichrist rabbit trail so I did not post it. I intend to keep my comments on the post topic as much as possible.

  39. I think this election is like watching a boxing match between a thief vs a liar.

    Who are we to root for ?

  40. Hi Jake,

    Lets see..

    Obama celebrates Ramadan every year in the White House, but one time scorned the “National Day of Prayer”, and told Franklin Graham that he could not lead the Day of Prayer because Franklin previously spoke out about the 9/11 hijackers.

    Obama has spoken out against “the radical” Paul in The Bible.

    Obama continues to play a dangerous game at the expense of Israels security.

    Early in Obama’s presidency, Obama promised that “HE” would give Jerusalem to the Arabs.
    I do have to wonder if Obama does win, if this might be part of the game plan with Israel…after the election, promote giving Israel military support vs Iran in exchange for giving Jerusalem to the Arabs.

    I think Obama prays to Allah.

  41. ~David,

    Obama has a globalist agenda and does not want world Islam.

    Obama has done interviews about what he believes before he was even running for President, it is a matter of record. Obama clearly believes in all paths theology. He would not have went to Jemimah’s Wright’s church for 20 years if he was a Muslim. People say he is a Muslim since he never denied Islam. Why would he do that when he believes that Islam is one path? The only other possibility is that Obama is a closet Agnostic and just pretends to believe in some personal God to pray to for political reasons. That then makes him like most national politicians.

    Frankly, Obama does not care much about what church he goes to, he hardly ever attends one anyway, even when he was going to Wright’s church.

    Most of Christiandumb thinks that Israel has no right to the land and the Jews should just go back from wherever they came from and all the problems in the world would be solved. The “Christian” Harlot thinks that she is Israel. Certainly black liberation theology sees no future for Jews in Israel. They claim to be the chosen people, as do the Mormons.

    Keep in mind, that Obama visited Billy Graham and also occasionally attends Christian functions and has all paths Christians as advisers. He is not anti-Muslim because Islam is just another way for him.

    If Islamist clerics actually thought Obama was once a Muslim there would be a price on his head for switching to black liberation Christian theology (which is a Christian cult). Certain things are required of all Muslims Obama does not do any of them.

    Now don’t tell me they know that he is really a Muslim, pretending to be a Christian, they know no such thing.

    Obama may pray to Allah, but if he does, it is because he thinks that Allah and God are different words for the same being. There is enough truth about Obama to bring him down if the MSM would just expose all the fraud, but we just lose more credibility when we try to make Obama something that he clearly is not

  42. Hi Anna,

    (Ref your post of 9/10) I think the Mormon Escort Service will be available should Romney win. The Mormons are heavily represented in many agencies and the military. Plus, many domionist/NAR devotees will gladly assist them, if needed – IMHO

  43. I’m glad I found this website. Thank you Mr. Koenig for giving the truth in a no-nonsense fashion.

    Obama as an ALL-PATH new ager does seem more plausible then the closet muslim belief. I don’t know why people continue to think he is muslim.

    People also seem to think ROMNEY is a true Christian. Even people who are bible believers, believe that some mormons are indeed saved. OH REALLY? Well, yes, he’s a good person and he’s pro-life and pro-Israel. (oh, and he’s got binders full of women too – insert laughing face)!!

    If Koenig is right about the possibility that Romney may be the anti-christ, (mason and mormon horns!), I don’t want to help put him in office. Both of these candidates reek of anti-christ stench.

    If Romney wins, I can easily see how the Mormon beliefs would mix perfectly into the cauldron of the one world religious SYSTEM of the new age beastly brew. It just fits the agenda. Come one, come all. Love and Light. We are tolerant and peaceful people. We will agree to disagree on religious dogma/doctrines, for the sake of kumbaya. We are evolving. Evolve with us! All are welcome to obtain higher spiritual consciousness.

    If you read the fine print however, you’ll see the disclaimer, “EXCEPT all unenlightened pesky bible believing homophones or Jesus Christ is the ONLY WAY folks. They will “tolerate’ all but the uncompromising true blue, bible obeying, disciples of Jesus Christ. They of course will provide their definitions of love, light, tolerance, peace and those definitions will be warped perversions of the sound biblical teachings of our Lord and savior, guar-ron- tee!

    With Romney running the show, he could work his magic of reaching his goals of ruling the earth in order to obtain God like status and when the prophetic time is right, claim to BE god. We ARE in the LAST DAYS and it’s nearing the time for the end time show down. This would make perfect fulfilling of prophecy sense. Romney has HIGHER goals — eternal goals. His ultimate goal is to be a cosmic God and the presidency is just a stepping stone. Even if he loves America and the constitution, his ultimate goals are DEMONIC in nature. How could we who know the truth, ever trust him. Even if he is NOT the anti-christ, his dark delusions make him dangerous. It’s sorcery. The fact that he’s a “do-gooder” makes him even slimier. The world will see a “good man, upright, a man of integrity”. No one would suspect he’s actually working for Satan. It’s the perfect cover. Look at his handsome good looks, perfect wife and family and all those children and grandchildren. This is how Satan operates!

    There’s one little problem however. The bible says the man of sin will be stout. Large, fat, stocky, big boned, muscular. That doesn’t fit Romney as he’s trim and looks physically fit. Given the sad American diet, that’s could easily change….

    Obama is a classic, textbook, full blown narcissist, but this ROMNEY guy is seriously demonically deceived!!! I believe he could possibly be even MORE DANGEROUS than Obama. Imagine helping put him in office. Who would the joke be on???

    We need to pray and ask God who to vote for, or if we should vote at all. I’m an ex-patriot (became idolatry for me), but I still care about the world that God created and all of his creation. I care about lost souls and pray down the dragon scales from their spiritual eyes when God directs me too, but I don’t hold my breath.

    Our KING is coming soon and he’ll come as avenger before setting up his kingdom of real peace. Until then, uncompromising Christians are just going to have to tolerate this the new age garbage of tolerance.

    Watchman, watch on, warn on!

  44. Sherry,

    Just for the record, I don’t think Romney will be the Antichrist and there is nothing in the Bible that says “the man of sin will be stout. Large, fat, stocky, big boned, muscular”.

  45. Sweet Sherry your a tad wrong on this one. Romney is much more of a moral man than Obama. We have elected men of strange beliefs before and did alright. John F. Kenndy was a Roman Catholic and they also have beliefs that are not in the bible. Our third President Thomas Jefferson even went so far as to tear out whole chapters of the bible in the N.T. because he did not believe in any of the miracles of Jesus, but he is often listed as one of our greatest, and perhaps our smartest of Presidents. Although what he did to God’s Word wasn’t so smart…lol. His torn bible is still to this day on display. They call it the Jefferson Bible.
    So Chill a bit Sherry. Romney is an OK kind of guy. We, as a nation, have a chance to cruise a bit further down the road if he’s elected. If Obama is elected I think things are going to wrap up rather quickly. Jesus did say in Matthew 24: 20 that we should, “Pray that your flight does not take place in the winter or on the Sabbath. So you see, we Christians can pray and fast, and perhaps effect the actual “Times” of these last days events. We cannot stop them from happening but we can effect the seasons in which they come. A Romney vote does just that. It helps to slow down the clock a bit, so we can prepare for the worst, and the woes of Revelations are coming…for sure!
    My daughter who lives in Florida is still undecided. I told her in an email today…only two days now before the election, that Romney is the way to go. I hope she listens to her dear old dad. I think the church in America is quite asleep. I have lived in South Africa now for almost 5 years. I cried the first time Obama got elected. My tears were from deep sorrow. Now..I wonder…will I cry again, if Americans choose to re-elect him? Maybe I won’t cry this time because of sorrow, because I’ll know that my fellow Americans who live so very far away from me…knew this time for whom they were voting for, and they knew what he stood for. They have no excuse! We know Romney is against abortion and gay marriage. We know that his party. The Republican party is the party of Lincoln and Reagan. We know that it stands up more..for moral issues. It is far from perfect, but it’s right now – all we have…to stop Obama and the far liberal left.
    So yes Sherry…Like JfK and Thomas Jefferson…Romney may be a bit touched when it comes to his church and his personal beliefs in God, but I think we can survive that. What America can’t survive is four more years of Obama. What religion is he anyway? Do we even know? He doesn’t go to church much, and at least Romney is a faithful man of his church and gives his 10% which is more than most mainline Christians do. Gosh.. we don’t even know for sure if he’s an American!
    The book of James tells us that Faith without works is dead. We need to be people of action and not just of faith. Grace is good, but you know…God also expects us to be the salt of this earth. We will one day be judged for whom we have voted for. I don’t want the blood of the millions of unborn babies at my doorstep. Voting for a man like Obama is saying…it’s ok…kill the babies…give in to gay marriage…it’s ok…I need my college loan and my free cell phone! The Democrats love to promise us everything for free. But like I told my daughter today by email. There is no Free ride. We will have to pay the piper, and the crash is coming folks! When the economic crash comes would you rather have a man like Romney… a good moral family businessman who respects the Constitution, or would you rather have Obama who will perhaps use his new Obamacare law to implant a small chip in your hand or on your forehead…so you will be marked, as being a good American? We don’t really know the future and all it holds, but just looking into the eyes of Romney… I know he’s an OK guy. Maybe even a bit better than Jefferson. I doubt he’ll tear up any King James Bibles, and since Proverbs tells us – the eyes are the windows to the soul. I think that’s the best thing I know of…to guide me. If Romney does win…don’t let down your guard. Obama still could come back to run again in 2016, but that’s another letter.

  46. Thommy my brother,

    Iron sharpens iron and I was sharpened by your comments.

    I too am deeply troubled over our nation’s sin, and sickened by the continued slaughter of the unborn. I despise the mockery being made of the sanctity of marriage, and I believe God knows it all. These are heavy issues indeed, and many people are waking up to the reality that we are in deep spiritual battle. God, have mercy on us all.

    I still believe however that true bible obeying Christians have an obligation to expose “false gospels” and “false teachings” because we’re going to be targeted into believing in “another Christ” and “another gospel” in these latter days. It’s important we know the REAL God of the bible, so we won’t fooled by the phonies. True believers cannot compromise anymore. There’s no more middle ground. Battle lines have been drawn. Our faith must be defended and contended for, unto death if necessary. People cannot afford to dwell in the land of the liars any more. We must know the truth.

    Mormons are not Christians. Their doctrines and additional bibles are ANTI-christian. Please research and discover for yourself who their founder was, who his assistant was, the history of the church, their additional bibles, their beliefs, their rituals, their oaths, their secret ceremonies, their “missions” and recruiting efforts, their wealth, their political and spiritual agenda, and you’ll be surprised. No matter how good and moral they appear, or how sincere they are, their foundation is build on a sandy structure of lies and deception.

    In my research, I discovered that one of the churches personal goals is to advocate for the preservation of the U.S. constitution, which they believe is currently “hanging by a thread”, which is true enough. It’s a lofty goal and sounds honorable, but look deeper. They are passionate on this issue because mormons believe that the constitution was/is divinely inspired. They also believe that there will be a mighty one, a mormon leader, who they predict will rise to political power in the LATTER DAYS to help FIX the problems and restore the constitution (google the White Horse Prophecy – Mitt Romney). They believe that the ascendancy of the Mormon church to the pinnacle of U.S. power would give them the leverage and influence necessary to overthrow the current U.S. gov’t in favor of a mormon-ruled theocracy. From that vantage point, they would rule from their “Zion/Israel” Temple in St. Louis Missouri. From that perch, they would be at liberty to re-distribute wealth, restore law and order, and revive us again. Seems barbaric, and science fiction like, I know.

    I believe Mormonism is a FRONT for darkness. I believe the CORE of the inner circle of elite mormon elders and “apostles” of this cult, are invoking powers via the dark arts. I’m not saying Romney is at this level. I’m saying this is used at the inner CORE level. I’ve heard several speakers and read many articles and I must say, it’s creepy. I would guess that the regular members have NO CLUE to the true nature of the mormon beast. I believe most mormons believe they serve the true God, and are sincere devotees to their faith, but it’s tragic that they are unaware of who they are really, albeit unwittingly, serving. The Mormon organization must appear as christian to maintain the veneer, but they have fangs under them falsies. The devil is the most cunning, clever beast of of the field, per the bible, and this is a good front, you must admit. It’s so good that most Christians today, even in an age of bible prophecy, still didn’t know anything about mormonism and what they believed. I didn’t know nothing either, except that they believed in Christ.

    We’ll, I pray God I’m wrong about all this, but knowing how the beast operates, this seems too obvious to me now. If the core is wicked, the fruit will be rotten, no matter how good it looks or performs. God abhors Mormonism and that’s the bottom line. It’s “another gospel” and “another Christ” and people enslaved in this cult will lose their precious soul unless we love them with the truth. God’s word is True. Jesus Christ is the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE. Can’t get to God but by his Son Jesus Christ.

    Lastly, I think that what motivates many in that cult to be morality good, is their doctrine that if a person lives a good moral holy, early life, they will be deified upon death and given their own planet over which to rule and reign. SAY WHAT? They will be rewarded and blessed for living a moral life and will be blessed with multiple celestial wives to have lots of cosmic spirit children to populate the universe, and they will be the GOD of their own planet in the God family. Joseph Smith was a freemason and a wizard and was deceived by a deviant fallen angel Moroni, and together they conjured up this hybrid false beliefs system, with mixed up doctrines, a lot of Christian lingo and moral values, mixed with freemason secrets, and there you have it.

    The deception continues to this very day. Something is very wrong here.

    God’s Blessings.

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