The radical views of Barack Obama and the stupidity of the American electorate

I think this article and many other articles that I have read makes it abundantly clear that Obama is a racist and a Marxist. You do not join with a racist church for 20 years if you do not agree with its core teachings, or marry a wife that agrees with its core teachings, or make friends and mentors out of those who agree with its core teachings.

Even on resigning from the church due to political pressure all Obama could say was good words about the pastor who invited the speaker that forced him to resign (and was also one of Obama’s mentors). Even Obama’s voting record makes him left of Karl Marx. That a man like this could be nominated to be President by a major party is just beyond belief. And we have not even got into his lack of qualifications for the job. I guess saying “yes we can” solves everything in some peoples mind. Forget about rational thought! The support Obama is getting proves that the Democratic party has been hijacked by the Far Left.

All this shows to me how dumbed down America has become. People vote for Democrats for very stupid reasons. They think Democrats are still for the poor and working class. No, they are the class of rich elite socialists that want a two class system of themselves ruling you slave peons. Go to any socialist nation and you will see this in play.

The democrats have had control over congress for most of modern times. They are the ones that shipped your good paying jobs overseas and are selling us out to world globalism. They are the party of big government and big taxes to support a permanent government supported underclass that is totally dependent on government and reelect their oppressors.

Others just vote Democrat because there parents did or because their race does. Do you people not have a mind of your own? The Democrats have changed radically since the days that your parents voted for them because they were the party of the working man.

We fought against communism for most of the 20th century but now the “better red than dead” crowd have gained power thanks to a socialist educational system and media. Now the “better red than dead” people should change their slogan to “better spiritually dead, red and perverted

Much of America just says, Lets not offend these perverted people with our own moral beliefs. That would not be Christian. We need to be tolerant and love these people. While the perverts they are loving are perverting the mind of their children and sending them to hell. Most churches might just start an adopt a demon club because that is exactly what all this tolerance of sin is leading to.

Well kids, I have news for you. If Obama and his crowd gain control of the U.S. Your going to soon think that you have moved to Cuba. You have about four months left to gather any part of your mind that has not been brainwashed before you make your fatal mistake. Frankly, if America becomes Obamaland I will be looking for a Mayflower or a new union of states because Christian freedoms and the bill of rights in Obamaland will cease to exist.

Don’t say you were not warned about the radical views of Barack Obama!


Combining “Black Liberation Theology” with “Kingdom Now Theology” produces one very spiritually mixed-up presidential candidate. Christians who insist that Barack Obama is a committed Christian need a reality check. Neither his former pastor nor Trinity Church is biblically sound. To be frank, they are frighteningly radical, dangerous, and unbiblical.

As Stanley Kurtz ends his article in National Review Online, “So it would appear that Obama’s own writings solve the mystery of why he stayed at Trinity for 20 years. Obama’s long-held and decidedly audacious hope has been to spread Wright’s radical spirit by linking it to a viable, left-leaning political program, with Obama himself at the center. The revolutionizing power of a politically-awakened black church is not some side issue, or merely a personal matter, but has been the signature theme of Obama’s grand political strategy.” However, it no longer serves him well.

Obama said he resigned his membership from Trinity United Church of Christ “with some sadness.” Obama said he was not going to denounce the church, and that the church and its new pastor were suffering from all the attention because of his presidential campaign.

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One thought on “The radical views of Barack Obama and the stupidity of the American electorate

  1. Thanks for this, it’s an interesting article. I agree with you that people seem to like Obama because he’s young and says “Yes we can” and “I will change America” a lot. And we all know that that stuff doesn’t mean anything. By your standards he’s probably marxist too, although I think he and Marx would disagree over an awful lot. His church is frankly slightly bizarre. My suspicion is that he’s not such a strong Christian and probably pretends he is more committed to religion than he really is, just to get some votes. He has said how attached he is to this church because he wanted to be seen as being deeply religious, but it’s come back to bite him because his church has such a racist pastor.

    Be careful when you talk about people voting for him simply on race or “how my family votes” lines though. All candidates have their core vote, who are people who don’t think about anything and vote the same way every time. That’s why elections are rarely won by 50% or anything like that. No matter how good one party is over the other, there will always be a core vote for each. And that goes for Obama and everyone else too.

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