The real story about the rising CO2 global warming religion and scam

You may want to know the real story about how the global warming scam got started and how Al Gore got to be a leader in it. You may also want to know that the person who started the global warming theory also cautioned everyone that the data for global warming was not conclusive and told people to use caution because much more research had to be done. But Al Gore dismissed this mentor of his as if he was a senile old man and pushed his own radical catastrophic global warming religion to foster his idea of global governance and also to make himself filthy rich.

You may want to know what this has to do with world trends and Bible prophecy? Simply this. The scam is setting us up for global governance and socialist fascist controls over everyone on earth. Now you know why Obama and why all liberals politicians of the world are pushing this loony religion as some world crises. It really is all about one world global politics and management and control over everyone on earth.

There is no real science to support AGW. Almost all the reports that attempt to support it are funded by those who will only accept AGW outcomes. There is no scientific method, it is not science, it is junk science. The grant money is determining the outcome. Those making a living on the AGW gravy train are not going to run the train off track.

Meanwhile for over a decade now the world has been actually trending colder while CO2 has been rising. Proving that rising CO2 does not cause global warming. That fact is also totally documented in the earth’s geological record. Global warming in past eras always preceded rising CO2 on earth because a warmer earth releases more CO2 from the oceans like a bottle of warm soda releases more CO2 bubbles than a cold soda.

So what does that mean to you. If you allow your representatives to pass carbon legislation’s you can expect all your energy costs to double in price in very short order. If your electric bill is now $100 a month it will soon be $200. If it costs you $500 to heat your house in January it will soon cost you a $1000. You will pay the billions for very high cost windmills that will only be torn down when future environmentalists report on their huge impact on birds, and the mined resources such as copper and iron needed to make them. Not to mention that they are annoying and are not a dependable source of electricity. You can also expect the price of almost everything you buy to go up. It will be like a Value Added Tax was added to everything you buy. The cost of the forced government regulations at all stages of production will simply pass on carbon costs to the consumer. It really will be just another huge hidden tax.

And where will all this carbon tax money go? It will go to carbon schemes that will only line the pockets of those on the global warming gravy train. Then in a decade we will all have a lower standard of living but that is what they want anyway since liberals think we all consume too much and that are high living standards are not sustainable. Meanwhile if global climate conditions continue the earth will grow colder. Then after the social and economic damage is already done your children will still have to pay the social and economic costs of the greatest scam and power grab in human history.

The Amazing Story Behind Tho Global Warming Scam | KUSI – News, Weather and Sports – San Diego, CA | Coleman’s Corner

The Amazing Story Behind Tho Global Warming Scam

By John Coleman
January 28, 2009

The key players are now all in place in Washington and in state governments across America to officially label carbon dioxide as a pollutant and enact laws that tax we citizens for our carbon footprints. Only two details stand in the way, the faltering economic times and a dramatic turn toward a colder climate. The last two bitter winters have lead to a rise in public awareness that CO2 is not a pollutant and is not a significant greenhouse gas that is triggering runaway global warming.

How did we ever get to this point where bad science is driving big government we have to struggle so to stop it?

The man who had inspired Al Gore and given the UN the basic research it needed to launch its Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was having second thoughts. In 1988 he wrote two cautionary letters to members of Congress. He wrote, “My own personal belief is that we should wait another 10 or 20 years to really be convinced that the greenhouse effect is going to be important for human beings, in both positive and negative ways.” He added, “…we should be careful not to arouse too much alarm until the rate and amount of warming becomes clearer.”

And in 1991 Revelle teamed up with Chauncey Starr, founding director of the Electric Power Research Institute and Fred Singer, the first director of the U.S. Weather Satellite Service, to write an article for Cosmos magazine. They urged more research and begged scientists and governments not to move too fast to curb greenhouse CO2 emissions because the true impact of carbon dioxide was not at all certain and curbing the use of fossil fuels could have a huge negative impact on the economy and jobs and our standard of living. I have discussed this collaboration with Dr. Singer. He assures me that Revelle was considerably more certain than he was at the time that carbon dioxide was not a problem.

Al Gore has dismissed Roger Revelle’s Mea culpa as the actions of senile old man. And, the next year, while running for Vice President, he said the science behind global warming is settled and there will be no more debate, From 1992 until today, he and his cohorts have refused to debate global warming and when ask about we skeptics they simply insult us and call us names.

So today we have the acceptance of carbon dioxide as the culprit of global warming. It is concluded that when we burn fossil fuels we are leaving a dastardly carbon footprint which we must pay Al Gore or the environmentalists to offset. Our governments on all levels are considering taxing the use of fossil fuels. The Federal Environmental Protection Agency is on the verge of naming CO2 as a pollutant and strictly regulating its use to protect our climate. The new President and the US congress are on board. Many state governments are moving on the same course.

We are already suffering from this CO2 silliness in many ways. Our energy policy has been strictly hobbled by no drilling and no new refineries for decades. We pay for the shortage this has created every time we buy gas. On top of that the whole thing about corn based ethanol costs us millions of tax dollars in subsidies. That also has driven up food prices. And, all of this is a long way from over.

And, I am totally convinced there is no scientific basis for any of it.

Global Warming. It is the hoax. It is bad science. It is a high jacking of public policy. It is no joke. It is the greatest scam in history.

John Coleman

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