The right God is the only God that can be God

The only God we need to concern ourselves with is the one who made it possible for us to fellowship with Him through His own doing. Any God that would allow someone to fellowship with Him because of their own doing would have to trade places. On the other hand, if you cannot even have a personal relationship with your God what good is He? No Oprah, you do not qualify.

How do you know you have the right God?” – CWN

Here’s the promise of the gospel. Upon my repentance and faith in Jesus, my guilt will disappear. All of it. Not for lust only, but for all of my sins–for ingratitude, rebellion, greed, unbelief, lying, stealing, fornication, etc. All the guilt disappears upon repentance and faith in Jesus. Oprah can’t do that. The great religions can’t do that. Neither can Mormonism. No other god can wash away my sins, because no other god answered by the fire of His wrath and consumed the sacrifice. That happened 2,000 years ago when Christ died on the cross. God accepted His sacrifice.

All manmade religions still offer sacrifices. That’s the altar upon which they are built–the sacrifice of prayer, of giving money, of giving time, of doing good works, of doing penance, of fasting, etc. They have to sacrifice, because they still have guilt, because the conscience demands a continual sacrifice. Not so with Christianity. The guilt is removed because the sacrifice was accepted. Completely. And our guilt is dismissed through simple repentance and faith in Jesus. (Again, I’m not talking about a sense of guilt, but our actual condition–we’re no longer lawbreaking criminals before a holy God.) It’s so simple a child can understand it. Obey the gospel, and the guilt is replaced by absolute assurance of everlasting life. Death loses its sting . . . “and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32).

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