The road map into insanity

It now looks like there will be a cease fire and foreign troops will occupy the border of Lebanon. As if that will really solve anything.

I really have to wonder what the point of the war really was? I guess it was to make Israel appear weak and to destroy the infrastructure of Lebanon to stir up more hatred against Israel in the world.

The liberals in control of Israel just made a few thousand Hezbollah look like a formidable foe against Israel. The terrorists have just proved to all Moslems that Israel does not have the leadership or the will to take any decisive military action. So the bullies now own the playground.

This indecisive action by Israel will only firm up the enemies of Israel and it will lead to another war in the near future when Israel’s enemies will be stronger then they are today.

Israel and the world have their head in the sand and think all this will go away if they just make enough concessions to fascist parties and states. Sadly the leaders of Israel do not read Bible prophecy or even believe in their own God.

The UN action pushed by the US is par for the course. They claim a war on terrorism or Islamic fascism but they really do nothing to rid the world of the disease. All they really do is use this as an excuse to take away constitutional freedoms in the United States. It will continue.

Israel and the US had a unique opportunity to rid the world of the sponsors of Islamic fascism but now there will be no end to the violence fostered by Syria and Iran. It may also push Iraq into open civil war.

The steps Israel should have taken was rear flanking Hezbollah and cutting off their escape. Then they should have used massive ground forces to completely annihilate their military capabilities.

If Syria or Iran got involved it would really have solved the next major problem the world will soon have. It would have given us an excuse to take out the Islamic fascist WMD capabilities. Instead we will be visiting this issue again within a few years or else Russia will prevent us from taking action against Iran at all. In that case we might as well get used to the idea of a nuclear Iran and the paradise that this will establish on the world.

Israel will continue in denial until the war of Psalm 83 or Ezekiel 38 and 39 takes place. Israel now dances to the tune of secular humanists and never dances with the One who brought her. She will continue dancing into Armageddon.

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