The Temple Institute’s and the Jews postmodern relativism and revisionism.

First of all, this article is not exactly true, the Temple Institute did not just begin preparing for the Third Temple by making priestly garbs. The Temple Institute has been preparing for the building of the Third Temple for decades. It is interesting to watch the effort continue but remember, these Jews do not believe in Jesus and what they say is often self serving and scripturally just plain wrong. For Example: Rabbi Yehuda Glick in this article says the prophets say that all the nations will be coming to Jerusalem and take part in building the Third Temple and that it will unite the nations around one central house of prayer.

What prophets wrote that I might ask? The ones I read in the Bible actually said that all the nations will come against Jerusalem to destroy it in an attempt to cut off Israel from being a nation.

All nations will be judged at Jerusalem when God stands up for Israel for the sake of His own holy name and his unbreakable Covenants to Israel. After that period of nearly complete destruction on earth a fourth Kingdom Temple will be set up when Jesus comes to rule and reign in His Kingdom on earth. The Kingdom Temple will be north of the Temple mount area (Ezekiel chapter 40 – 48) it is too big for Mt Moriah. Even Ezekiel in these passages on the Millennial Kingdom did not say anything about the nations coming to Jerusalem to build the Kingdom Temple. Although the wealth of the nations will be used toward that end. The only thing the nations will be coming to Jerusalem for prior to the establishment of the Millennial Kingdom will be for their judgment.

There are indications in scripture that indicate that a third temple will be built on Mount Moriah and that the daily sacrifice will be started again but the same passage says the daily sacrifice will be stopped and that the Antichrist will enter this temple and defile it claiming to be above anything called God. Scriptures also indicate that this period will start the worst time on earth that ever was or ever will be (Mt 24:21). So in reality when they start building the temple they will really be setting the stage for the fulfillment of the prophecy about the time of Jacob’s trouble (Jer chap 30). Perhaps these Rabies should read these scriptures and the destruction that all their prophets talked about instead of skipping over that part and telling us that all nations will come to help build their Third Temple. Only a minority remnant of Jews will even survive the time after the desecration of the Third Temple.

It is interesting how the religious Jews spin the scriptures to read what they want to read into it. Postmodern Christians are now doing the same thing but make no mistake, judgment will come before any lasting restoration of Israel and the Church is not going to bring the Kingdom on earth by Christian social actions.

Another thing I wish to point out is that Glick and other Rabies like him like the support that the Christian Evangelicals give but they have also heard from the Evangelicals about the second coming of Jesus. They have heard what we say scripture says about the judgment coming to Israel but they have rejected that message and substituted it with their own postmodern relativism by reading into scripture what they want to hear rather than what it actually says. All religions in the world can talk about religious pluralism and how the world will all become one but that is not what God says in the Bible. There will be no uniting of the world until the King of Peace comes, and He judges the nations and sinners and establishes His Kingdom on the earth.

Third Temple preparations begin with priestly garb | Jerusalem Post

On Monday, the Temple Institute started preparing to build a Third Temple on Jerusalem’s Mount Moriah, the site of the Dome of the Rock and the Aksa mosque, by inaugurating a workshop that manufactures priestly garments.

Priestly garments have not been worn since the destruction of the Second Temple by Rome in 70 CE and cannot be functional until a Third Temple is constructed.

The secret of the correct shade of blue has been lost since the destruction of the Second Temple, as the identity of chilazon, the snail from which it was extracted, was uncertain until the Ptil Tekhelet nonprofit organization identified it as the murex trunculus, aka hexaplex trunculus, the banded dye-murex found near the Mediterranean Sea.

“The Temple is not a message [just for] the Jewish people. It reunites the world all around one central prayer house. All the prophets say that at the End Times all the nations will be coming to Jerusalem and take part of building [the Temple],” Glick says.

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16 thoughts on “The Temple Institute’s and the Jews postmodern relativism and revisionism.

  1. It is interesting that a christian would speak of revisionism. Considering your alleged messiah meets none of the criteria for Messiah and you had to custom write translations like the King James to make things work right. Where is there any mention of a messiah saving from sins and leaving us all to rot for 2000 years, or letting his church massacre Jews in the crusades? It seems you are able to preach th the choir too much to criticaly examine your stance. The temple institute while spending too much time interfacing with non-Jewish groups is following the direct bible and preserved instructions dating back to the temple periods. I understand you feel that Temple Institute rabbis have been well informed of your beliefs but they have the word of G-d on their side. The 3500 year old religion given at Sinai is hardly post-modern.

  2. Jesus meets all of the criteria of your Messiah and no one else ever could. Someone has been lying to you about custom translations. Our Old Testament translations come from the Jewish texts.

    The proof that Jesus was the Messiah is obvious if you read the link with a opened mind.

    The prophets predicted God would leave you Jews until you return to Him in many places. You were not cast out of the Land because you were so God fearing. All the way from the start God promised Israel a blessing and a curse. It is you that choose the curse by not obeying God and even now you are still under the curse because you will not return to God so that He can give you a blessing. Israel today is mostly unbelieving and its leadership is made up of secular humanists and atheists.

    You also confuse the Catholic Church with Christianity. Some Catholics may be Christian but those that are do not massacre Jews.

    The Temple Institute ought to read all the prophetic scriptures and not just pick and choose which ones they want to believe. In all the scriptures about a restoration of Israel there is always a last days literal and descriptive time of judgment just prior to God’s end time favor and mercy on Israel. Those that wish to keep their blinders on do so to their own peril. The thinking is postmodern because prophetic truth is what the Temple Institute rabbis want it to be rather than what the scriptures they have clearly indicate it is. One cannot read these scriptures in a literal sense and come to their conclusions.

  3. Since I do read the text in the real Hebrew it is easy to catch the errors in side by side comparison, big one off the top of my head in all christian translations, almanah being translated as a virgin in Yishiah(Isiah), that means young woman. I read the text without new testemant blinders, if you can read Hebrew I highly recommend reading by whole chapter, if not get out a pen and dictionary and mark it up, it is worth the effort. It was easy to write a story to match what the Jewish bible appears to say, but the bad scholarship can be seen where the authors of the NT mistranslated words and then worked these mistranslations into the text as prophecies. As a good frend of mine once quoted “Don’t let your mind be so open that your brain falls out” recognise that ours was the first and yours would have to be compatable to be belived. The links you sent have several translation errors read as prophecy.
    I suppose the post-modern feeling is the Temple Institutes reading future events for the good, you do understand that prophecy for good is always fufilled but like in Ninveh in megilla Yonah the harsh decree by the Almighty was overutuned because the inhabitants repented. If the nations of today repent they do not have to be destroyed at the hands of their Creator, many Egyptians were spared because they chose to follow Hashem and were blessed to be present at Sinai.
    It is only modern America where Jews have been safe among christians, even protestant Europe is not safe, even post WW-II, not a problem to me, it is part of the exile, we are also promised a return to our land.
    see for some easy Jewish Messiah FAQ’s that you could attempt to refute, I would be interested to read your scholarly take on them.
    This discussion is of course only in defense of the Temple Institute position and in no way an attempt to sway you from whatever belief you choose to follow.
    And you have me on the disgusting secular Israeli leadership, but the lefties have no kids, we do, there is also a big teshuva movement, secular Jews are also returning. Even with the rampant secularism we are immensly blessed both spiritualy and in physical ways. Even though we may have little cash for entertainment we miraculously are ALWAYS fed, make rent, and get a proper education for our many children.

  4. David, I know this is a conversation between you and Don but I just wanted to provide you this Christian apolegetics link because it addresses many of the issues raised on the site you linked to. I hope you may be interested to check it out – this is the url: I’m giving you this link so you can see for yourself. I personally have found it to be an astute Christian ministry.

    Btw, I don’t believe it’s my job to convert a person to “Christianity.” I believe it is God who draws people to Him, the Holy Spirit who convinces of sin, and our task as individual Christians and as a Church to spread the Gospel of God’s Kingdom; not force “Christianity” as a religious system upon people as it happened so often in the past by people who were more concerned with power and lust than Biblical truth. Just look at for what reasons the Church of England was created, and you’ll see what I mean.

    However, if I may add this critical observation: I respect Torah-abiding Jews, but I really regret that Messianic Jewish people in Israel report being harassed by orthodox Jews in Israel. Why are secular Israeli atheists that flat-out reject God, Torah and their Jewishness apparently less offensive to them than fellow Jews that have accepted Christ as the Messiah and keep Torah and Kashrut laws?

    God bless you.

    PS: sorry for being off-topic

  5. el nasrani
    Many misunderstand what a secular Israeli really is, it is someone observant at the level of a regular American christian. Yom Kippur services for some but they mostly keep kosher, although they are often not strict on shabbat observance they will not work. This is a fixable situation, they belive although at a low level, they just need to upgrade their level with hard work. To work in G-ds holy land to convert His people to idolatry and false gods is apostacy and a very serious matter indeed attempting to lead lost souls to their destruction.
    It appears that most refutations of Judaism I have seen are based on the authors being unable to read Hebrew and check their work, this is also why j-for-j has so little success in Israel where people can read the bible except among poor ex-Soviet athiest or non-Jewish Russian immigrants who can’t read Hebrew very well. This is also why every few years you see pastors of large churches convert to Judaism(a difficult path) after much in depth bible study but it is unheard of for a real Rabbi to convert to christianity.
    carm seems to be a large site, but I see nothing explaining the textual errors included in the NT with Jewish Bible.
    Again find those messiah verses you claim, sit down with a pencil and an english-hebrew dictionary and work it out. You still have to get past the verb tenses and prefixes but with work you can spot the mistakes the church made in translation. Without the translation errors and verses taken out of their context the prophecies are nonexistant.

  6. David,
    I find your statements about Christian translations to be arrogant beyond belief. The best Hebrew scholars in the world have translated the Hebrew scriptures into the Christian Bible but just because you can read modern Hebrew you think you know better. Your Hebrew now is not exactly the Hebrew as it was then. We are not talking about the meaning of one word like a “young woman and a virgin” which have been argued about for centuries. We are talking about major portions of the writings of the prophets. I suppose you would say the Hebrews that translated the Hebrew into the Greek Septuagint also could not read Hebrew? They say much the same thing?

    Where was God’s written word ever broken because of repentance? The only place where there was repentance it was also recorded in the passage that there was repentance. You have a mighty small God if you think He does not know in advance what nations will do or else you do not believe that your scriptures are His word. Besides that, where do you see repentance in the leaders of Israel when they are mostly secular humanist atheists? You really think you can go back to Temple worship now when most of the nation does not even believe or obey the Jewish God? He would just cast you out of the Land again.

    The fact of the matter is that you still have a time coming called Jacob’s trouble Jer 30:7 and that 2/3 of all Jews in the land will be killed Zec 13:9 and through the fire a remnant 1/3 will finally repent. Only then will God save Israel. I would think that third that is refined through the fire is mostly the religious Jews in Israel today. Nevertheless, you will still go through the fire.

    There will be no uniting of the world until all happens that your own prophets foretold. The Temple Institute can just pick the good scriptures and deny the scriptures about the future chastisement of Israel in the Land but it will not change the truth one iota.

  7. Please do not misunderstand my confidence in divinely inspired scripture for personal arrogance, I am sorry if this bluntness angers you. I am speaking of course in my comments of biblical Hebrew which since I grew up in America I am better versed in than the recent nearly identical modern Israeli fork of the language, my street language is more biblical I suppose, not a bad thing. The KJV was translated by English church, they had to keep it compatable with their gold standard, the NT and so included the translation errors found in the NT quotes. These are often errors where the word in the Hebrew Bible is correctly translated several lines above prooving the point, look at it yourself. It is really possible to use a dictionary, your English translation, and a Hebrew Tenach, you can do the research yourself if you take the time. The Hebrew work was only of the five books of Moses, it is lost to the world, the current Torah, prophets, and writings were done by Gentiles. Please challenge my assertations from the hebrew biblical text, there web resources to help you.

    Just a few places I think of as I type where G-d overturned his wrath because of repentance
    golden calf, levite uprising, Cozby and Zimri, David after Batsheva, Ninveh, etc. My G-d is ONE and perfect almighty creator and he forgives, please read about when G-d passed by Moses when he was hidden in the cleft of the rock. If you belive in our Torah as divinely inspired by the only Creator and King of all then you must also belive that Hashem is a loving and forgiving G-d in the many accounts where he is first slow to anger and then forgives and turns back his wrath. This is why even though we become weaker ever generation our Maker counts not only our merits but those of our fathers, he also accepts our penitance to cleanse our sins.
    The time of Jacobs trouble may have been covered by the Holocaust, perhaps not, We pray we have merit to avoid that troubling prophecy. Even if not we will serve as we always have our Creator and will enjoy our comfort in the ressurection. In any case that will almost surely be quite soon.
    The Temple Institute clearly focuses on the rebuilding of the temple, its job is to inspire Jews to hurry and do teshuva in love for their Maker, they think this works better than fear of punishment. There is no reason to berate them for choosing this angle. Repentance primarily out of love for G-d is greater than that of fear. If asked any Rabbi at the TI would verify the prophecies of great peril as well as those of the rebuilding and restoration.

    All of Israel has a place in the world to come, our people are rightous and will inherit the land forever. For all of their faults and stumblings including that of our corrupt leadership class I think you see the Jews of today as evil, I see their potential, much of it being actualized even today, for much teshuva even under duress. That is one of the jobs of the Messiah, to inspire repentance. Most of the nation belives in G-d about half are observant, the rest are weak or ignorant and our job is to strengthen them.

    To restate an earlier question, Why in the Jewish scriptures is G-d described as one and in yours as a trinity, and also why is there no mention of part of g-d breaking off to become a humanized g-d-messiah?

    It may interest you that at next sundown we will begin the festival of Sukkot the feast of little huts and the taking of the 4 species during which 70 bulls were and will again be brought for the 70 nations of the world. Truly a celebration we can all enjoy when the creators plan is fully executed.

    This is your board and I assume you can delete this whole conversation at will, I am only interested in a scholarly debate and clarification on what has always been a difficult to understand religion.

  8. What makes you think you know more than Hebrew scholars with PHD’s? Most astute people know the KJV is not perfect. No translation is perfect but there are better translations such as the NKJV and the NASV but the Bible has been directly translated into many versions and languages. So all the scholars are wrong and only you are right? Nonsense! And just what does a few minor differences in the texts have to do with the Temple Institute not believing what their prophets said? And what does you knowing street Hebrew have to do with understand ancient Hebrew texts?

    I guess you do not think the account of your own prophets are scripture? No wonder Jews are so blind. Also don’t give me the crap about gentiles writing everything but the Tenach. You come here acting like some text scholar but you do not know what in the hell you are talking about. I suppose you think Gentiles wrote the dead sea scrolls as well and disguised themselves as Hebrews when they translated the Hebrew into the Greek Septuagint. You just are not credible.

    Are you claiming that God changed His written word at the places you mentioned? So why even use them as examples? I specifically said show me one place where God changed HIS WRITTEN WORD because of repentance! The prophecies are His written word so you think God tells lies in His own written word?

    God has written in His word that Israel will repent so He can restore them, so it is not like God does not know the future. Nevertheless, everything that God said will happen will occur before Israel’s repentance. It will all come to pass because God knows the end from the beginning.

    God gave you His Son to cleanse you of your sins but Israel rejected Him and until you find out who your Messiah is and repent and say blessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord you will die in your sins. All the merit in the world is not going to save you when you have already rejected Gods salvation. People are not saved by merit. People are not saved by their own good works. People are saved by believing in God’s good works through His Son. The exact Image of God was sent into the world to show us God’s nature but the leaders of Israel did not know Him. Think of Jesus as the only visible Image of God. The Father has been seen by no man. How can Rabbis love God when they reject His only begotten Son who is His exact Image. They cannot know God, what they are doing is expecting vain religious works to save them like all religions in the world. If you miss the whole focus of everything that God gave Israel in the scriptures how can you claim to follow Him or love Him? It is vain delusion.

    The Temple Institute have their reasons for building a Temple but Christians ought to know they are building a temple for a man of sin who will enter it and claim to be above anything called God. So I do not think Christians should be overjoyed about helping them out and promoting their temple especially when the people building the temple are preaching a false hope about the world uniting around the temple before the return of Jesus Christ. The Temple actually will bring the worst time on this earth that ever was or ever will be. So much for wishful religious unity!

    Your people are not righteous you are sinners like everyone else and Israel only inherits the land because God made that a unconditional covenant to your forefathers. It certainly is not because of your righteousness it was because of their faith in Him.

    The comments section of a post on the Temple Institute is not the place to get into the mysteries of the Christian faith. Let me just say that God is one with both Jews and Christians. But if you were a text scholar you would know that the word “one” can also mean that God is “one” in Unity. Christians say God is revealed in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. All one in unity but three distinct persons. You are body soul and spirit yet you are one. You become one with your wife at marriage yet you are two people. Having said that, there are no perfect examples of the trinity to explain how God can be three and one with our limited minds and that is why it is a mystery. Yet this triune God is integrated throughout the scriptures.

    God did not break off to become human as you say. The Son of God always existed with the Father from eternity past. The Son became flesh and dwelt among us in order to save us from sin that Adam’s disobedience brought into the world. This Son also was the Creator of all things visible and invisible and He came to shed His blood and die as a sinless lamb to pay the blood price required in the law and He fulfilled the role of the Kinsman Redeemer. Jews do not even understand their own passover. Death could not hold the Creator and He arose from the dead and spoke a new creation into existence called the Body of Christ. Now all those who enter His Body by believing in His righteousness to save will be covered with His blood and saved from the coming wrath that is coming upon this world because of sin.

    What you fail to understand is that Christianity is not a difficult religion it is very simple. It is simply having a personal relationship with the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. Jesus was the one that led your forefathers out of Egypt before He became a man. If you understand that, you would come into His fellowship like the Jews that believed Jesus and founded Christianity did. You will find all this out one day.

    Those that are believing what the Temple Institute are preaching will find the next holocaust where not a third of the world’s Jew’s will be killed as during the Second World War period but two thirds will be cut off like your own prophet declared.

  9. This will be my last comment since I agree that this is not the medium for this discussion.
    The majority of hebrew scholars agree with me, only a few christian bible translators object in some places because it would conflict with the NT. Even your alleged expert university PHD scholars will point out the translation errors and they are G-dless gits! I do not trust PHD bible scholars any better than evolutionary PHD bioligists.
    I am sorry you misunderstood me, I have said I am not well versed in street Hebrew and get by in Israel with biblical Hebrew and some yiddish I work in real Hebrew and Aramaic.
    The Prophets are scripture and true, have I ever disputed this?
    I do not know why you will not consider consider the cases I mentioned as Hashem overturning a decree for destruction when the people repented and begged for forgiveness it is in clear text. G-d does not lie but he reduces or forgives a decree, because he is the True Judge.
    The Esenes in Kumran while a celebrity case paraded around museums were a weird cult by most accounts, it is of interest to see what they had in their posession and I am surprisesd a cult of mostly Jewish membership would even want Greek texts but that prooves nothing.

    Why was a trinity only revealed in the NT along with a human form of god? How can you explain your messiah as quoting psalms asking G-d why has he forsaken him? The trinity mystery concept is a fair answer but a stretch considering it is not present in the tenach(Bible).

    To clear up a common mistake the purpose of the korban pesach(passover offering) it was a korban shlumim(offering of peace) not a korban chattas(sin offering) it was a celebration of closeness to G-d hence we are required to eat from in a nice banquet it is not a sin offering which the sinner is not permit benifit from.

    This is the end of my part in this thread, It has been an interesting and somewhat enlightening exchange. In the end you are bound to the NT as I am bound to the Torah Prophets and Writings and we both use these texts to see the rest of our world, this being the case there will be no easy solution to our differences.

  10. I understand that you will not comment anymore but your last comments do beg a reply.

    It does not even matter if Hebrew scholars agree on various word differences. I do not even know why you brought this issue up in relation to the prophets. For in the prophecies we are talking about huge passages not single word differences like “a young woman” vs a “virgin”. By the way, I believe the commissioned Hebrews translated the word as “virgin” in the Septuagint. But both are true. She was a young woman and a virgin.

    You said the prophets were done by the Gentiles so I figured you did not consider them scriptures since Gentiles are so error prone according to Jewish Hebrew scholars. You can’t have it both ways.

    Again you have not shown me one written example of a future prophecy not being fulfilled because someone repented. All prophecy are fulfilled exactly. God knows the end from the beginning. The places in the Bible where God does not carry out His judgment as He said He would it is also recorded why He did not and they are recorded for our example. You confuse God’s historical account with His future all knowing word. His prophets would have recorded in future prophecies that people repented if that was the case just like they did when the prophets wrote about the repentance of Israel just before their future restoration. The prophecies written cannot be wrong because God knows everything and His written word is unchangeable.

    Why was the trinity only revealed in the NT with a human form of God you asked? The trinity is revealed in the Bible. God said let US make man in OUR own image. He was not talking to Himself. There are other examples but why waste my time? The New Testament is clearer because it is the Old Testament revealed. The Messiah had to come to show the truth in the Old Testament concealed. That is why you were waiting for the Messiah to show you all things. There are many things that you cannot see because your forefathers rejected your Messiah and twisted the eye witness accounts of Jews who died to give the testimony of Jesus. Your not going to see the things concealed until you accept your Messiah. Fortunately for you He will reveal Himself the second time like Joseph did to his brothers.

    How do I explain God forsaking Jesus on the cross.? Jesus took our sins upon Himself and God cannot look upon sin and it is written “cursed is anyone who hangs on a tree”. The curse of sin is death. Jesus died and then sin was paid for. But death could not hold the Creator and He made an open display by rising from the dead. Now all who trust in the righteousness of God to fulfill the blood requirement for sin fulfilled in His Son Jesus will be saved. You well know that your scriptures declare that God would send Israel a Messiah who would be a man and yet more than a man.

    Mark 12:35 And Jesus answered and said, while he taught in the temple, How say the scribes that Christ is the Son of David?
    36 For David himself said by the Holy Ghost, The LORD said to my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool.
    37 David therefore himself calleth him Lord; and whence is he then his son? And the common people heard him gladly.

    Psalm 110:1 The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.

    Who can sit at God’s right hand but someone without sin and who could be David’s Lord but the Messiah? Notice also we have the Holy Spirit in the picture. So right here you also have the trinity: the Lord, David’s Lord and the Holy Spirit.

    Jesus was still the Lamb sacrifice given by God for sin no matter how you spin the passover offering. You cannot benefit from the death of a lamb because God would provide His own and did.

    I am not bound, I am free in the Jewish Messiah but you are totally correct that you are bound by the law. The only solution is to find freedom in the Messiah promised.


  11. Tu., 11/23/10 common era

    G-d has enacted the 7 Noahide Laws for all Gentiles. The numbers of Noahides, mostly former Protestants and Catholics, is growing in the U.S. and worldwide.

    Given the standard Christian defintion of “Satan,” why does G-d permit Satan to get away with his evil deeds? Isn’t G-d infinitely more wise and more powerful than this alleged “fallen” angel? The theology is really polytheistic.

  12. The Noahide laws like the ten commandments cannot be perfectly kept by fallible men. That is why all men must be saved from sin through the atonement sacrifice that a rightious YHWH gave for all sin. Nobody can be saved by keeping the commandments or the Noahide laws. All fall short. You must be saved by the righteous God that provided the only path to salvation.

    Satan has a purpose. In his rebellion God is using Satan to bring forth a people that trust him and live by faith in God’s own righteousness. The son of light can be distinguished from the son’s of darkness by faith in the only Begotten Son that He sent. Satan is not getting away with anything. He can do nothing unless God allows.

    There is nothing polytheistic about the Christian religion. We believe there is one God but also know that God is a trine being. The Son of God is really the visible Image of YHWH and that is why you must have no idols. Jesus and YHWH are one and the same except Jesus is visible. He is the unseeable God is His own Image. That is why you must worship no other Image.

  13. Sa., 03/05/11 common era

    This John 14:6-uber-alles theology has caused hell on earth. Did Matthew 27:25 excuse or even justify the acts of the evil Stalin, Eichman, and Doktor Mengele? Gentiles should start learning about the 7 Noahide Laws that G-d designed for them. Also, the concept of “Satan” being the “god of this world” directly contradicts Genesis 1:1. Has G-d subcontracted His earthly “job” to this supposed fallen angel? If G-d is infinitely more powerful and wise than this supposed fallen angel, then why does He ALLOW “Satan” to work his evil ways? Sounds polytheistic to me. . .

  14. Alfonz
    The God of creation is the Almighty Spirit and if we are to worship him we must worship him in spirit AND in truth. We cannot worship God with our intellect alone but also from within our soul; and on this point I would ask you the question, Are you at peace with God? Do you have within your soul assurance of an eternal relationship with God, a relationship that transcends time and will continue on into eternity?
    Do you have such spiritual things as love, even for your neighbour, joy and peace that is beyond understanding, these belong to those who worship God in spirit and in truth.
    These are questions that I pray will touch your soul and bring great pressure upon you to seek the answer that will bring you peace etc, an answer that has its roots in Isaiah 7:14; 9:6-7; and Chapter 53.

  15. Alffonz,
    Sorry, you make no sense and pretending that you are a Jew when more likely you are one of those Anglo Hebrew roots cult members tells me that you are brainwashed and that you can’t possibly understand Christian teaching.

    There is no conflict with Genesis 1:1. Man does not have the spiritual or even the physical capabilities to do what God said because he is now sinful and he soon dies. Therefore the earth is being administrated by angels until the Kinsman Redeemer comes. Satan just happens to be the lead Angel administrating the earth until the time that he is judged. He still has to answer to God for anything he does, so God is in control.

    God probably has purposes for temporally allowing Satan to work his evil ways that are beyond human comprehension, so I cannot get into the mind of God to figure them all out. I will suggest that He allows Satan to work his evil ways because that will expose Satan’s evil to the heavenly host and it also allows the Sons of light that He is creating to overcome evil through faith.

    I warn you that we are not going to go down the road to your Christian bashing legalistic self righteous Hebrew Roots heresy here

  16. I see this is an old post but I still want to respond. One of the posts mentioned the noahide laws. These so called laws are not in the Bible but in the Talmund, which is not the word of God. The Bible clearly states that we are not to add to the word of God (Bible) nor take away from it. It is also very disturbing to me that death by decapation is the punishment for breaking these so called laws. According to the talmund to call Jesus God would be breaking one of these laws. Could this be a work in the last days spoken of in the bible about christians being beheaded for the name of Christ. I don’t know for sure as I’m just a laymen in the body of Christ. But I can tell you that it causes me to think.

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