The truth just escapes the post-modern illiterate generation

There is a root of evil that the modern world readily embraces. That is the evil of parents allowing others to bring up their own children. Most parents are allowing our educational system and our media to produce a generation of young people who cannot function in society without someone telling them how to think and what to do. A third of the people in this nation are now functionally illiterate. They cannot discern the truth about anything because they know almost nothing. When you push their talk button they just respond like a mindless chatty Cathy doll. The air heads you see on the Jay Leno show would be funny if they were not the norm.

So now you know why people go to the polls and vote the way they do and why America is now in great moral and economic decline. All truth in this post-modern generation of illiterates is relative because the truth just escapes them.

Anyway, the following article fully describes the whole sorry story about the post-modern illiterate generation

America the Illiterate   : Information Clearing House – ICH

November 16, 2008 “Truthdig” — – We live in two Americas. One America, now the minority, functions in a print-based, literate world. It can cope with complexity and has the intellectual tools to separate illusion from truth. The other America, which constitutes the majority, exists in a non-reality-based belief system. This America, dependent on skillfully manipulated images for information, has severed itself from the literate, print-based culture. It cannot differentiate between lies and truth. It is informed by simplistic, childish narratives and clichés. It is thrown into confusion by ambiguity, nuance and self-reflection. This divide, more than race, class or gender, more than rural or urban, believer or nonbeliever, red state or blue state, has split the country into radically distinct, unbridgeable and antagonistic entities.

There are over 42 million American adults, 20 percent of whom hold high school diplomas, who cannot read, as well as the 50 million who read at a fourth- or fifth-grade level. Nearly a third of the nation’s population is illiterate or barely literate.

The ability to magnify these simple and childish lies, to repeat them and have surrogates repeat them in endless loops of news cycles, gives these lies the aura of an uncontested truth. We are repeatedly fed words or phrases like yes we can, maverick, change, pro-life, hope or war on terror. It feels good not to think. All we have to do is visualize what we want, believe in ourselves and summon those hidden inner resources, whether divine or national, that make the world conform to our desires. Reality is never an impediment to our advancement.

As we descend into a devastating economic crisis, one that Barack Obama cannot halt, there will be tens of millions of Americans who will be ruthlessly thrust aside. As their houses are foreclosed, as their jobs are lost, as they are forced to declare bankruptcy and watch their communities collapse, they will retreat even further into irrational fantasy. They will be led toward glittering and self-destructive illusions by our modern Pied Pipers—our corporate advertisers, our charlatan preachers, our television news celebrities, our self-help gurus, our entertainment industry and our political demagogues—who will offer increasingly absurd forms of escapism.

The core values of our open society, the ability to think for oneself, to draw independent conclusions, to express dissent when judgment and common sense indicate something is wrong, to be self-critical, to challenge authority, to understand historical facts, to separate truth from lies, to advocate for change and to acknowledge that there are other views, different ways of being, that are morally and socially acceptable, are dying. Obama used hundreds of millions of dollars in campaign funds to appeal to and manipulate this illiteracy and irrationalism to his advantage, but these forces will prove to be his most deadly nemesis once they collide with the awful reality that awaits us.

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5 thoughts on “The truth just escapes the post-modern illiterate generation

  1. Some thoughts from an old American ‘literate’:

    “Some keep the Sabbath going to Church-
    I keep it, staying Home –
    With a Bobolink for a Chorister –
    And an Orchard, for a Dome-

    Some keep the Sabbath in Surplice –
    I, just wear my Wings –
    And instead of tolling the Bell, for Church,
    Our little Sexton – sings.

    God preaches, a noted Clergyman –
    And the sermon is never long,
    So instead of getting to Heaven, at last –
    I’m going, all along.”

    -Emily Dickinson, 1861

  2. Don,

    Here’s a truth hat to try on for 2009…..

    Just as you can easily see that the Prosperity Preachers work their work in greed….

    Can you see that Rapture Preachers work their work in fear…

    Fear and Greed: Two sides of the same coin.

    You can see what’s wrong with the Prosperity Preachers, they sell greed.

    But can you see what’s wrong with the Rapture Preachers? They sell fear.

    Fear and Greed: two sides of the same coin. And this coin is not the coin of God’s kingdom.

    What, pray tell, is the coin of God’s kingdom?

    Glad you asked. It is truth. (Hard truth, actually. The kind that allows us to spiritually see the greed or fear behind erroneous doctrines, doctrines of the Devil, actually. And hard truths allow us to see spiritually when Jesus comes in others, which rapture folk can’t see.)

    Hoping all in Christ,

    Robert Winkler Burke
    Reno, Nevada

  3. I do not know what you mean by Rapture teachers are teaching fear? The Rapture – the taking of the Church to be with the Lord – is clearly taught in the Bible. The only difference between Christian teachers on the Rapture is the timing of the event. You would have to throw away much of the Bible to disclaim that Jesus will not someday come for His Church in the air.

    This has always been a blessed hope for believers and if it causes some to fear for their soul because they know they are living in sin then it ought to be taught for that reason as well.

    One side of your two headed coin is apparently unreadable and you are seeing things that are not there. Many claim they have the truth and call the truth of others doctrines of devils. First make sure your own truth lines up with scripture before you accuse other Bible teachers of preaching doctrines of the Devil..

  4. Dr. Francis Schaeffer warned us about Post Modernism (before it was called that) and fought for the what he called “true truth.”

    He had a way of explaining things that was uncommonly clear.

    It’s sad that it has become so difficult to find his books these days, even in Christian bookstores.

    I have heard that “apologetics is dead;” that’s too bad because we need it more than ever these days.

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