There is a time for war and a time for peace. Islamic fascists have brought us to a time for war.

It is time that the world woke up and realized that most in Islam insist that the world convert to Islam so we become as much the miserable slaves to their theocratic fascist religion as they are. Many in Islam want us dead and most Muslims in one way or another support those who want us dead. Even if the world converted to Islam today that would not stop the violence because then the Islamic fascists would be fighting each other over various theological differences.

A world religion led by those who breed hate cannot become a religion of peace. Those in the world that are now appeasing Islam for peace will become their future victims at a time when they are even more powerful a force in the world then they are today. Let’s face it, evil can never be appeased. Only when most of the evil people in an area are eliminated can there be a period of relative peace. That is the reason for wars. God uses wars to cut off evil people on both sides and when most of the evil people are eliminated He establishes a time of peace. The whole world obviously is once again entering a time for war.

If Hitler and his Nazis were only appeased and today they controlled the world would the world be a better place to live? Only if you love being slaves of evil tyrants. The Nazis controlled all of Europe with a small minority. Those controlling Islam have many parallels to Nazis. The evil Islamic fascists leading Muslims down this path might be a minority but they certainly already have control over the majority in Muslim areas of the world. They also are much more a danger to the people of the world then the Nazis ever were. So the world’s mobilization against this evil must happen again sooner or later but the longer the cancer is allowed to spread the bigger the danger to the patient. Putting down various terrorist attacks is only like putting Band-Aids on tumors. The evil cancer must be eradicated if the world is to survive.

Benjamin Shapiro says enough is enough in this excellent article.

Enough is enough of radical Islam

Enough with the lies. Stop telling us that Islam is a religion of peace. If it is, prove it through action. Stop telling us that President-elect Obama will fix our broken relationship with the Muslim world. They hate Obama just as much as they hated President George W. Bush, although they think Obama is more of a patsy than Bush was. Stop telling us that we shouldn’t worry about the Islamic infiltration of our economy. If the Saudis own a large chunk of our banking institutions and control the oil market, they can certainly leverage their influence in dangerous ways.

Enough. After the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, the plane downed in Pennsylvania, the endless suicide bombings, shootings and rocket attacks in Israel, the Bali bombings, the synagogue bombing in Tunisia, the LAX shootings, the Kenyan hotel bombing, the Casablanca attacks, the Turkey synagogue attacks, the Madrid bombings, the London bombings, and the repeated attacks in India culminating in the Mumbai massacres – among literally thousands of others – it’s about time that the West got the point: We’re in a war. Our enemies are determined. They will not quit just because we offer them Big Macs, Christina Aguilera CDs, or even the freedom to vote. They will not quit just because we ensure that they have Qurans in their Guantanamo cells, or because we offer to ban “The Satanic Verses” (as India did). They will only quit when they are dead. It is our job to make them so, and to eliminate every obstacle to their destruction.

So enough. No more empty talk. No more idle promises. No more happy ignorance, half measures, or appeasement-minded platitudes. The time for hard-nosed, uncompromising action hasn’t merely come – it’s been overdue by seven years. The voice of our brothers’ blood cries out from the ground.

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