Total dependence on the grid god of electrical forces could be civilization’s Achilles heel.

What if you woke up tomorrow and there was no more electricity for the foreseeable future? If you think that is not a real possibility the experts say you are wrong. I already have written about the possibility of a nuclear EMP weapon that could put America back to conditions in the 19th century. Now a study by NASA and the US National Academy of Science (NAS) tells us that it is just a matter of time before a solar storm will make a similar event happen on at least part of the earth. They are not talking about some possibility of a storm some millions of years in the future. They are saying it can happen in our time. We had such a solar event just before the electric age.

So why do Gore-buffoons run around shouting that the sky will fall if man does nothing about carbon emissions when man caused global warming is not even real or a real danger to civilization? A solar storm is a sure event for people to be worry about because it will bring the collapse of civilizations. There should be no doubt that all advanced civilizations on the earth are now totally enslaved to the grid god of electrical forces.

Although electricity is now necessary for civilization’s survival you hear nothing about this enslavement from the elite that run this world. They do not care to tell us how to minimize the damage and prepare for this real world threat. Nevertheless, when a solar storm occurs like the one that occurred 150 years ago it will have an impact on civilization like nothing anyone imagined in Al Gore’s worse nightmare.

Those who live in modern civilizations are totally dependent on electricity. Can you imagine what it would be like if suddenly there was no more electricity?  Think about it… read the article… what would you do? How would you survive? I assure you once electricity is no longer transmitting the number one priority for everyone will be their own survival.

Today there are a few astute people preparing for a time of civil strife caused by man. Those things can happen and those prepared for that will also better survive a solar storm causing an extended power outage. The developed world has put their survival in the hands of the electrical transmission grid god. Total faith in a unfailing grid god for survival that we should know can easily fail may be as naive and dangerous as honoring the “god of forces” of the Antichrist (Dan 11:38).

One of the reasons the article that I quote below mentions the year 2012 is because we will be at a sun spot maximum in that year for this latest solar cycle. That does not mean that a solar storm could not happen in any other year. It just means that when the sun is the most active is when it is more likely to occur.

Bible prophecy talks about a time when something radical happens on the sun. First it talks about great darkness and then a time of heat so great that people blaspheme God (Rev 16:8 – God caused global warming). This will probably be a nova which is just a larger explosion on the sun then the explosion that these scientists suggest in this report.

I guess some people think if that Revelation event should happen they can just turn on their air conditioners but what good are air conditioners if no one on earth has any electricity? A major solar event could also be the reason why the last battles on earth appear to be low tech. If the armies even had generators if the electronics are fried nothing high tech will work.

So I said all that to say this, a EMP or a solar storm could happen at anytime. Most of us have become enslaved to a god of forces called electrical forces and it could become our Achilles heel. Perhaps all wise people need to think about how they could survive apart from the grid god for a number of months or years. We might take some lessons here from the Amish here.

Space storm alert: 90 seconds from catastrophe – space – 23 March 2009 – New Scientist

IT IS midnight on 22 September 2012 and the skies above Manhattan are filled with a flickering curtain of colourful light. Few New Yorkers have seen the aurora this far south but their fascination is short-lived. Within a few seconds, electric bulbs dim and flicker, then become unusually bright for a fleeting moment. Then all the lights in the state go out. Within 90 seconds, the entire eastern half of the US is without power.

A year later and millions of Americans are dead and the nation’s infrastructure lies in tatters. The World Bank declares America a developing nation. Europe, Scandinavia, China and Japan are also struggling to recover from the same fateful event – a violent storm, 150 million kilometres away on the surface of the sun.

It sounds ridiculous. Surely the sun couldn’t create so profound a disaster on Earth. Yet an extraordinary report funded by NASA and issued by the US National Academy of Sciences (NAS) in January this year claims it could do just that.

Over the last few decades, western civilisations have busily sown the seeds of their own destruction. Our modern way of life, with its reliance on technology, has unwittingly exposed us to an extraordinary danger: plasma balls spewed from the surface of the sun could wipe out our power grids, with catastrophic consequences.


According to the NAS report, a severe space weather event in the US could induce ground currents that would knock out 300 key transformers within about 90 seconds, cutting off the power for more than 130 million people (see map). From that moment, the clock is ticking for America.

First to go – immediately for some people – is drinkable water. Anyone living in a high-rise apartment, where water has to be pumped to reach them, would be cut off straight away. For the rest, drinking water will still come through the taps for maybe half a day. With no electricity to pump water from reservoirs, there is no more after that.

There is simply no electrically powered transport: no trains, underground or overground. Our just-in-time culture for delivery networks may represent the pinnacle of efficiency, but it means that supermarket shelves would empty very quickly – delivery trucks could only keep running until their tanks ran out of fuel, and there is no electricity to pump any more from the underground tanks at filling stations.

Back-up generators would run at pivotal sites – but only until their fuel ran out. For hospitals, that would mean about 72 hours of running a bare-bones, essential care only, service. After that, no more modern healthcare.
72 hours of healthcare remaining

The truly shocking finding is that this whole situation would not improve for months, maybe years: melted transformer hubs cannot be repaired, only replaced. “From the surveys I’ve done, you might have a few spare transformers around, but installing a new one takes a well-trained crew a week or more,” says Kappenman. “A major electrical utility might have one suitably trained crew, maybe two.”

Within a month, then, the handful of spare transformers would be used up. The rest will have to be built to order, something that can take up to 12 months.

Even when some systems are capable of receiving power again, there is no guarantee there will be any to deliver. Almost all natural gas and fuel pipelines require electricity to operate. Coal-fired power stations usually keep reserves to last 30 days, but with no transport systems running to bring more fuel, there will be no electricity in the second month.
30 days of coal left

Nuclear power stations wouldn’t fare much better. They are programmed to shut down in the event of serious grid problems and are not allowed to restart until the power grid is up and running.

With no power for heating, cooling or refrigeration systems, people could begin to die within days. There is immediate danger for those who rely on medication. Lose power to New Jersey, for instance, and you have lost a major centre of production of pharmaceuticals for the entire US. Perishable medications such as insulin will soon be in short supply. “In the US alone there are a million people with diabetes,” Kappenman says. “Shut down production, distribution and storage and you put all those lives at risk in very short order.”


“I don’t think the NAS report is scaremongering,” says Mike Hapgood, who chairs the European Space Agency’s space weather team. Green agrees. “Scientists are conservative by nature and this group is really thoughtful,” he says. “This is a fair and balanced report.”


The world will, most probably, yawn at the prospect of a devastating solar storm until it happens. Kintner says his students show a “deep indifference” when he lectures on the impact of space weather. But if policy-makers show a similar indifference in the face of the latest NAS report, it could cost tens of millions of lives, Kappenman reckons. “It could conceivably be the worst natural disaster possible,” he says.

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3 thoughts on “Total dependence on the grid god of electrical forces could be civilization’s Achilles heel.

  1. Good Morning Don!

    So nice to drink my coffee and read the latest potential catastrophe, LOL

    Actually, I am grateful for it, it reminds me where my hope and strength and security lie, and will serve to increase my worship as I prepare for church.

    Science and space have always fascinated me, and there has been talk of this very real threat for years. It came to mind immediately when I read your EMP article the first time I stumbled upon your site.

    I thought I was somewhat prepared for some type of disaster, but after reading survival blog, which I thought I had found through a link on your site(?), I found we were grossly unprepared.

    It would probably be prudent to take another look. As I said on another thread, my father always told us to be prepared for a disaster of epic proportions. As teens we barely took him seriously, and even as young adults we thought he was among the lunatic fringe. My own wisdom has never been worth boasting about, I pray that God will continue to increase my wisdom to do all I can to prepare.

    I do rest in the knowledge that if we do not survive, we are going to a much better place. But also believe God has a plan for the survivors. I believe that if this knowledge is on my heart, it behooves me to be prepared, and do all I can to reach out to those around me…

    …I just really want to move south first 😀

    Have a Blessed Day!!

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