United Church of Christ cult (UCC) backs same-sex marriage

Which continues to show that the UCC denomination has no regard for Biblical truths. I think it would only be fair to the cults if they also were now labeled a Christian cult.

BBC NEWS Americas US Church backs same-sex marriage: “The million-strong United Church of Christ (UCC) has become the first major US Christian denomination to come out in support of gay marriage. The million-strong United Church of Christ (UCC) has become the first major US Christian denomination to come out in support of gay marriage. “

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9 thoughts on “United Church of Christ cult (UCC) backs same-sex marriage

  1. You are an idiot reporting 2 year old news as if it just happened. Did you look at the date of the article?

  2. No, I did not check the date on the article.

    I go through over a score of news and alternative news websites each day.I generally expect these articles to be current news.

    The date of the article does not change a thing unless what was written is no longer true.

    I did not call the UCC a cult just because of this article. It was the proverbial straw.

  3. Don Koenig,
    You obviously are going by your opinion and not by fact. ~ Per Website: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Church_of_Christ ~~ You will learn That “The United Church of Christ (UCC) is a mainline Protestant Christian denomination primarily in the Reformed tradition,[1] in “historical continuation of the Congregational churches founded under the influence of New England Puritanism.”[2] The Evangelical and Reformed Church and the Congregational Christian Churches united in 1957 to form the UCC. These two denominations, which were themselves the result of earlier unions, had their roots in Congregational, Evangelical, and Reformed denominations. The UCC’s 5,287 congregations claim 1,080,198 members, primarily in the United States.[3]

    The UCC maintains full communion with other mainline Protestant denominations. Many of its congregations choose to practice open communion.[4] The denomination places high emphasis on participation in worldwide interfaith and ecumenical efforts.[5][6] The national settings of the UCC have historically favored liberal views on social issues, such as civil rights, gay rights, women’s rights and abortion rights. However, United Church of Christ congregations are independent in matters of doctrine and ministry and may not necessarily support the national body’s theological or moral stances. It is self-described as “an extremely pluralistic and diverse denomination”.[7] ~~~ Therefore, The United Church of Christ is NOT A CULT !! ~~~ I am a member of, ( http://www.unionucc.com ) Union Congregational, United Church of Christ in Green Bay, WI. ~~ Our Bond is stated ” We accept the religion of love and service which Jesus lived and taught, and declare it our purpose to strive to do the will of God, and to make the Christ Spirit dominant in our lives and in all human relations. ~~ WE ARE an Open & Affirming Congregation where all persons are precious children of God without qualification or discrimination because of ability, age, ethnicity, gender, race, or sexual orientation. ALL are welcome here, equally. ~ OUR Mission is to Serve Christ, Love Each Other, and be Affirming to all. ~~~ BY THE WAY: We at Union Congregational believe in the doctrine of “Holy Trinity” which says that God is a family (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer), and that it takes all three members of the family to be God. Just so, we can ONLY be fully and faithfully Christian when we are together in community as God’s family. ~~ I challenge you to research the Correct Information instead of researching the False Information. ~~ If you do that you will be able to State the FACTS, rather than just Your OPINION !!

    May Holy Trinity Bless You,

    Chantel Jessica Lace ~ 02-27-13

  4. I am using the word “cult” in the theological sense that the UCC in general (there are always local exceptions) has departed from the faith and is a humanistic outfit that has a different Christ with a different gospel. The scriptures teach that Christians are saved through grace through faith and not through works in the guise of humanistic love.

    The history of the UCC does not represent what the UCC stands for today, which for the most part is some counterfeit gospel of humanism that retains a Christian name.

    All people are not precious children of God, some are evil tares of Satan doing his agenda but pretending to be wheat (Mt 13).

    Father Son and Holy Spirit does not equate to Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer. Each person in the Godhead is all three.

    And when you say you want to make the Christ Spirit dominant in your life, you probably are not talking about the Holy Spirit, you are talking about trying to put on and achieve the Christ nature or consciousness through your own good works. In fact, there is not much different between what you believe and what Unity believes and what the New Age believes. Therefore, you very much are in a cult.

    By the way, Holy Trinity is not a person and blesses no one. The Father blesses those that know Him through baptism into the spiritual Body of His Son.

    Do not be deceived. the commission of the Church is not to establish what you think is social Justice. It is to give the gospel of Grace so that people can hear and be saved by faith out of this already condemned evil Satanic system.


  5. Again your Opinion, I will answer back more on another day. I Have one half an hour to shovel my driveway And get to a Wednesday Night service at http://www.unionucc.com/ . ~ BTW ~ What is the religons group that you follow ? ~~~ Also I quote you as “you probably are not talking about the Holy Spirit, you are talking about trying to put on and achieve the Christ nature or consciousness through your own good works. We do NOT believe what you stated. ~~ That sounds like the Catholic Church. ~~ Wes I Am talking about the Holy Spirit PLUS THE ONLY WAY TO GET TO HEAVEN is through Jesus Christ !! Please Read all of John 14.

  6. Gary,

    My blog is all about my biblical positions and worldviews, what else would you expect on a blog titled “World and Church Trends and Bible prophecy”, progressive (communist) propaganda?

    United Church of Christ churches are independent congregational churches so not all agree with the UCC national position. Hopefully, you go to one of those that do not agree with the national position. My post and statement was limited to two sentences based on the marrying of same sex people by the UCC and I linked to an article that verified that position.

    God ordained marriage and it is between a man and a woman. Anyone that thinks differently is reading a different Bible and has a different foundation for their belief than the revealed word of God. Therefore, it is only fair to other cults that also deny biblical truths that the UCC is also labeled a theological cult if you embrace unnatural same sex marriage which God makes clear is an abomination to Him.

    That was the crux of my whole post statement. I also know that UCC generally believes in Replacement or Supersession Theology among other theologies that I consider heretical but I did not bring them up in my post.

    I do not have the time to teach you the Bible on the comment section of a post, but if you read all of my articles you might learn a lot about what the Bible really teaches on many issues.

    Obviously, you do not know what the Catholic Church believes. I was once a Catholic and they believe no such thing.

    I have read the whole book of John well over one hundred times and have read through the whole Bible scores. Have you?

    The group that I follow is called the inspired prophets and the apostles of YHWH that pointed us to the coming Messiah Son. Told us about things to come after the fulness of the Gentles come in, recorded the earthly life of the only begotten Son and why he reflected the Father. Taught about the blood He shed for us to pay for sin and justify believers before the Father. The Apostles of Jesus also taught the foundational truths for new covenant believers so that they could present the good news to the world and occupy until He comes.

    If you are really asking where I attend. I try to attend the most biblical church in the area where I live. The denomination or non denomination they identify as varies.

  7. In reading Gary’s comment, the use of the term “the Christ Spirit” jumped out at me. This is a red flag! This term is used in New Age teaching. It is not referring to the Holy Spirit, nor to Yeshua! Christ is a title, not a name, and means “the anointed one”. Test the spirits. There are many false Christs in the world, anointed by unholy spirits. The one world religion to come is not of Yahweh, but of Satan. Babylon! We are to put on the mind of Yeshua and be filled with the Holy Spirit of Yahweh! And we are to come out of the world and be separate, and holy according to the commandments of Yahweh.

  8. Lori,

    Great observation. That “Christ Spirit” term is used by some of the most creepy minions of satan out there!

    Rod in Oregon

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