Was Germany a Christian nation prior to World War II?

Many unbelievers who do not understand Christianity like to talk about the atrocities of Christian Europe as if Europe was ever truly Christian. Being baptized into a state church does not make one a Christian. You have to believe in Christ and obey his teachings to be a Christian. Most of Europe was never Christian by any biblical definition of a Christian. That is why many true Christians were persecuted in Europe and fled to America. Pre-World War II Germany was not Christian any more than Germany is Christian today.

AD: Pre-Nazi Germany was an Unchristian Nation – Bruce Walker – Jun 15, 08

Few myths warm the hearts of Leftists as much as the myth that Germany was a Christian nation which voted Adolph Hitler and his National Socialists into office. This allows Leftists who hate Judeo-Christian moral traditions, which almost, all Leftists, to cow Christians into silence (didn’t you Christians let Hitler take power?) And it allows Leftists to spread the seeds of distrust between Christians and Jews(see what happens when Christians have power?) Also, because of the doctrinal divisions within Germany, Protestants and Catholics too often tried to defend only their branch of Christianity and leave the other undefended from defamation. So it is that even books written by Christian authors that explore the relationship between Nazism and Christianity blithely assume that the German people, before the Nazis came to power, were predominately Christian – and that these Christians only belatedly discovered the depth of Nazi evil.

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2 thoughts on “Was Germany a Christian nation prior to World War II?

  1. Weimar Germany, Berlin in particular, was a hotbed of decadence. The ineffectual government was unpopular, and the people wanted to blame someone or something for their ills. They wanted change.

    The parallels to America today are, frankly, disturbing.

  2. A good orator coming out of nowhere who’s main message is “yes we can” and “change”. A neo-Marxist that identifies with a racist organization that rails against Jews. Yeah, if Obama reflects the people who vote for him there are many parallels. And there is no question about the decadence and the lukewarm Christianity among the people..

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