What chimeras and diseases will now come out of Pandora’s box?

This is a significant development. Man has been given the green light to create creatures that are part human and part animal. Now that they have opened Pandora’s box they have no clue what might come out of it. Once the science is developed what monstrances might be created in countries that have little regulation or who might even promote the creation of chimeras? What door are they opening for diseases to jump species from animal to man and possibly create the greatest plagues on earth? I could also argue that this is very similar to what the angels did in the days of Noah when all flesh was corrupted so that God had to bring the flood and start over. Now these angels may be chained but the demons they produced may be behind this new corruption of God’s creation. This is just another sign that God is about to put all this to an end.

MPs back creation of human-animal embryos – Times Online

Edward Leigh, Conservative MP for Gainsborough, moving the amendment to ban all admixed embryos, said that mingling animal and human DNA crossed an “ultimate boundary”. He said that exaggerated claims were giving patients false hope and that the dangers of the research were unknown. “In many ways we are like children playing with landmines without any concept of the dangers of the technology we are handling,” he said.

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