Who Shall Watch the Watchers?

This is where the world is heading and it is starting big time in China because the government already has all power in China. There is a time of war coming to the free world where governments will be given power over the people for security. In the coming surveillance society that will result we can ask who will watch the watchers? The answer will not be inherently noble figures, at least not for very long. Tyrants and control freaks will rise to watch the watchers who are watching us.

China: Who Shall Watch the Watchers? – HUMAN EVENTS: “In “The Republic” Plato’s lead character, Socrates, describes a perfect society as being one where there is reliance on laborers, tradesmen and slaves. There is then a guardian class to protect the city and the question is put to Socrates, who will guard the guardians? Who shall watch the watchers? Plato’s answer was simply that the guards would guard themselves against themselves because they were inherently noble figures.”

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