Why Christians should believe in Premillennialism

Dr. Norman L. Geisler gives his expert arguments for premillennialism. Each reason below is fully explained in the full article.

Christian Worldview Network – Brannon Howse – Why Hold to a Pre-Mill View?

Why Hold to a Pre-Mill View?By Norman L. Geisler

Arguments for Premillennialism

There are many arguments for premillennialism and several are noteworthy.

Unless Premillennialism is True, God Lost the Battle in History
Unless Premillennialism is True, History Has no End
Only Premillennialism Employs a Consistent Hermeneutic
Premillennialism Adds Urgency to Evangelism
Premillennial Immenency Adds an Incentive for Holiness


Our spiritual forefathers did not put this in our doctrinal statement because they thought it was unimportant. To the contrary, premillennialism is based on a hermeneutical (interpretation) fundamental. The literal historical/grammatical fundamental on which it is based underlies all the salvation fundamentals of the Faith. Giving it up belies to serious problems for the future of the church. First, we are giving up the very basis for all the fundamental Christian doctrines. Second, there is the underlying tendency to sacrifice important doctrines for the sake of unity, fraternity, or multiplicity (growth). Yielding to this tendency set a bad precedent for future deviation on even more important issues. One final thought. It is of more than passing significance to note that few, if any, evangelical groups slide from premillennialism to liberalism. However, this is not true of non-premillennial views. It is not accidental that premillennialism is a safeguard against liberalism for some of the reasons already given.

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