World and Church Trends Perspectives July 2014

The main event in world news this month has been the rocket attacks on Israel and Israel’s military response on the terrorists that are firing the rockets from Gaza. Unless there is some new major unforeseen offense by the terrorists, I think the response by Israel will be limited. Israel’s main mission probably is to find and destroy the rockets and the tunnels. I do not think Israel will launch the type of military campaign that would be necessary to take down Hamas.

Iran supplies the terrorists in Gaza with weapons and it is Iran that told the terrorists to reject the Egyptian brokered cease-fire and to continue to fire rockets at Israel. Iran probably wants them to divert attention from the nuclear talks that were supposed to be worked out by July 20th. After Iran quietly gets another six month extension to continue to keep working on their nuclear weapons program they will probably tell the Gaza terrorists to accept the Egyptian brokered cease-fire.

Some people wonder why Israel does not take more effective military action, but the answer is obvious. It is for the same reason that they gave Gaza independence in the first place. Israel is still trying to appease the world. It is the same old story. After thousands of years, Israel still has not learned that its only true defense is in the God of Israel. Therefore, Israel trusts in allies that prove not to be trust worthy, or she hopes to appease her enemies. It never has worked in the past and it will not work now. In any case, the government of Israel will now probably move more toward the Right since the people of Israel are getting fed up with the facade of having peace talks with those that vow to kill them.

Some are always looking for the prophetic significance of the current scrimmage as if Israel has reached the time of Psalm 83 or Ezekiel 38. The blood moon proponents are drooling in anticipation that this scrimmage in Gaza will lead to some fulfillment of their conjectures, but it will be a non event in the broad prophetic picture. The Gaza operation actually will even weaken Hamas somewhat and delay further any wider action against Israel by the Arab nations.

North of Israel, Shia-Hezbollah is now in no position to fight Israel. They have their hands full with the rise of Sunni-ISIS. What is left of Assad’s Syria also is in no position to fight Israel. South and  east of Israel, Sunni Egypt and Jordan still have a peace treaty with Israel. They have no desire to fight Israel at this time. Iran also is very concerned about the rise of ISIS. ISIS puts a Sunni monkey wrench in Iran’s objective to establish a Shia Crescent from Iran to the Mediterranean Sea.

So the good news is that the end of the world tribulation is not upon us yet. The players are not yet in place. The bad news is that since the United States is supporting the Shiite government in Iraq and is also supporting the Sunnis elsewhere, we can be sure that we will become militarily involved no matter what happens.


Iraq is now all but a failed state. Even the U.S. special forces sent to support the government of Iraq said that the Iraq military is completely infiltrated by Sunni-ISIS and Shia-Iranian fighters. Since the government of Iraq does not control their own military, our special forces do not see how they can help train the Iraq military to fight the insurgency.

The Kurds of Northeastern Iraq also no longer support the present government. Therefore, for the foreseeable future, it is inevitable that Iraq will be divided into three independent regions. The Sunni (ISIS at this time) will control Northwestern Iraq. The Kurds will control Northeast Iraq, and the Shia with military support from Shia-Iran will control Baghdad and most of South Iraq.

This all started because Sunni fighters supported by Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey, the U.S., and some others came to Syria to defeat Assad. This was done to stop Iran from controlling the Fertile Crescent. However, extreme radicals got control of the Sunni opposition in Syria. They now go by the name of ISIS and claim to be an Islamic State (IS), the legitimate Sunni Islamic Caliphate. They claim as they get more Sunni grass-roots support they will take over all lands that were ever controlled by Muslims. (The Sunni make up about 87 percent of Islam.) In reality, the take over of Islam by ISIS will not happen. Even the Sunni people will reject them because these terrorists are much too extreme.

Those nations that were supporting these Sunni volunteers hoped that it would bring about the quick demise of Basshar Assad, but it has not turned out that way. Instead, they created their own Frankenstein. Once ISIS came out of al-Qaeda it took over the Syrian eastern deserts and then quickly expanded into Western Iraq to threaten the government of Iraq. They now claim to be the legitimate Islamic Caliphate and that makes them a threat to all the existing rulers of Muslims nations.

Those that created this Frankenstein now see IS as a threat to their own kingdoms, so now they are trying to figure out how to kill their own creation without handing the Fertile Crescent over to Iran.

So, it gets interesting. The Sunnis created a monster to stop the Shia, but the monster that they created is out of control and is now turning against its creators. Therefore, this Frankenstein must be destroyed before it makes more conquests and gets too powerful. That really should not be hard to do because ISIS numbers are still only about 20 thousand fighters. Even so, what will fill the gap in this state sized area if ISIS is destroyed? From the perspectives of the Sunni states it certainly cannot be Shia-Assad, Shia-Hezbollah, or any Shia-Iraq under the control of Iran.

ISIS is now an immediate threat to the Hashemite Kingdom of Sunni-Jordan. So I think you will see a U.S., Jordan, Saudi and perhaps even an Israeli action against ISIS. Jordan has a peace treaty with Israel and Israel already said it would help defend Jordan from ISIS.

While these nations are fighting ISIS, they probably will also finish off Assad in Syria. Then at some point, Israel will defeat Hezbollah and Lebanon will once again become a free prosperous state. If that happens, Iran will pretty much be forced out of the Arab middle east and will align with Russia as Ezekiel 38 indicates. Instead of Islamic states run by Islamic clerics, in the Arab nations you are likely to continue to see secular rulers like already exist in all Arab states. I think they will have the incentive to move the region toward a Mediterranean Union that abides by international law.

With the eventual defeat of the Islamist radicals and terrorism in the Middle East, there could be a Mediterranean Union that includes West Europe, North Africa, Israel, and much of the Middle East. That area of the world will become much like it was in the days of Jesus.  Believe it or not, this is probably where all this violence in the Middle East will eventually lead them. Leaders will get tired of war and form a Mediterranean Union to help bring about peace. That could be why there is peace and security in Israel before the Ezekiel 38 war. I also can see the Vatican ruling over the holy sites of the three Abrahamic religions because that allows for peace. Rule over the middle east religious sites has been the Vatican Harlot’s main objective.

Whether I have this right or wrong, I don’t think you should sell the farm yet. Those thinking that we are now entering the tribulation period will be proven premature as usual.


I have my opinion on the how’s and why’s of the youth invasion of the United States by Central America. As I said last month, it was orchestrated. I think those that want open borders are involved. We know that Homeland Security was aware that this invasion of children would happen months before it started. They even solicited venders to take care of the youth and transport them to various locations in the United States.

Just before this started, Obama went to Mexico to talk with their President. At that time, I suspect that he made an agreement with the Mexican President to allow the children to pass through Mexico. We now know that Mexico has been complicit in allowing the youth to travel to our borders. They even have been aiding these children so that they reach the U.S. border. Our own operatives in Central America planted disinformation in Central America media so that these kids would come to the United States. It did not happen by osmosis.

The real question is why did the Obama administration want these kids to come? There are various theories and many probably have some truth to them. I personally think that this is only part one of a much larger plan by Obama to give general amnesty to illegals. This is in spite of the fact that the vast majority of the people in the United States are against any amnesty to illegal aliens, at least until the borders are made secure. Exactly what laws Obama will disregard, and what his end plan is, is hard to say, but you can be sure you will find out too late to do much about it.

History tells us that socialist Fascist and Marxist tyrants first influenced the youth. Make no mistake, the radicals now running this country are of the same mold. The radicals in control are just following the rules for radicals of those that mentored them.

Obama’s terrorist acquaintance (Bill Ayers) said that 25 million Americans would need to be killed because they could not be reeducated into Marxism. This was said around 1970. Ayers and ilk have not repented. With our population today, he must think more like 50 million would have to be killed. Ayers was not alone in his radical Marxist beliefs and some of those people now have a great deal of influence in education, media, government, and religion. What happened in Russia, China, and Cambodia could happen here if these radicals ever got the communist revolution that they have been working towards all of their lives. Keep in mind that Obama was brought up and mentored by communists.

These youth have not been recruited here to pick beans. They will be sent to the cities and inevitably will join with gangs that already are well established in all of our big cities. If you have been in the cities you should know that the youth are becoming increasingly radicalized. There is something brewing in the inner cities of our nation and the brew that is being cooked up by the American haters is deadly.

What is now happening in Venezuela, will happen here, if Americans do not grasp where the radical Left intend to take them. Amnesty by legislation or decree will only accelerate the La Raza socialist agenda. The demise of America as a world power by destroying her middle-class and by bringing division between her races and cultures is the real agenda of the globalist puppet masters running the show.

There is a revolution or civil war brewing down the line. However, the first danger is that hardened terrorists will be coming across our border to bring terrorism here. When the attacks take place, as they inevitably will, the government will tell us why they need to take away more of our freedoms for our own safety. They will then finish establishing their police surveillance state and they will outlaw any resistance or guns. Do not underestimate what these radicals will do to bring about their antichrist Borg Kingdom on earth. Hundreds of millions of people were put to death in the 20th century when the socialists came after middle-class people and Christians. It can happen again here in the 21st century.

They will do whatever they think they can get away with, and from the reaction of most Americans it looks like they can get away with just about anything they want. All this may be coming before this present American hating president is out of office. He has 2.5 more years and why should he obey any law if he knows Congress will not remove him? He certainly already proved that he thinks he is above the law and that he can lie with impunity to the people of America.


Every month a new government scandal surfaces. Better stay tuned for what is coming in August.

If you are going to see any movie in the next few weeks see “America: Imagine the world without her

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48 thoughts on “World and Church Trends Perspectives July 2014

  1. Interesting post. I sort of zone out of the Middle East news, as I believe that everything that happens to Israel, at this point, is scripted by God. That said, when you mention the likelihood of US involvement, I agree, but hope you are wrong. I have had ancestors and relatives that fought in every major war in our history. I served as an officer on a Polaris submarine (while Carter was president). Today I would discourage any young man or woman from joining the US military. What purpose would BO apply them? It is one thing to risk one’s life to protect your country. It is quite another to be deployed to protect terrorists in Iraq.

  2. Regarding the flood of “children” crossing the border, you better believe this is being done on purpose. When John Milnius made Red Dawn in 1985 (as well as Chuck Norris’s movie Invasion U.S.A. done in the same year) most people regarded it as fantasy and paranoia. Really? Then what would you call this travesty? It also reminds me of the Marieletas Castro let go in the 80’s, because along with some children, there was a slough of mental patients and criminals he was more than happy to get rid of. I have an irritating habit of using movies and songs to make a point, but does Scarface ring a bell? I have a question, however that has been bugging me for quite a while. I mean absolutely NO disrespect to any active or retired military guy, but my question is this…exactly what have all of our brave, valiant soldiers, marines, sailors, etc., been defending the U.S.A. from these past 13 years? As a Police officer who has never served but is petrified at the militarization virtually every Police department in this country is being subjected to, WHO is the enemy we are being defended from when we WILLINGLY let them in and embrace them? Are the citizens of this country really that hypnotized to chant “U.S.A.!” and whoop it up when the National Anthem is being played over and over all the while the back AND the front gate of the house is open? I say the front gate too because as sure as I am typing this, the NORTHERN border is ripe to be burst open.

  3. Michael,

    You are correct about the Canadian border and the military has been fighting for the American people that voted for the politicians that send them there.

  4. I am surprised you stated “So the good news is that the end of the world tribulation is not upon us yet”. The thought of the return on my Savior is what gives me peace, joy and the ability to almost stay obedient (darn flesh)!! Psalm 21:1 tells us our Father is in complete control in our world and we are reaping what we have sown in the double election of our great dear leader. I know you do not subscribe to the possibility of the greatest Awakening occurring in our country but I have been moved for the last few years to pray for it daily for the Word tells me to never stop knocking and righteous prayers will be answered. I do realize that our future has been written and if this prayer is not in His will, I just fall back on my second sentence. I have read that Netanyahu attends weekly Bible study and find it hard to believe he continues to rely on the Assyrians (US) to defend him. How could he believe a word out of Obama’s mouth and why did he not try to attain some sort of guarantee on the 6 month time line for the Iran nuclear talks which has already been agreed to be extended. Just like you said, the bombs have stopped right as the extension was reported. I am pretty sure that Iran was trying to use the missile attacks to not only push this extension but to analyze the Iron Dome which would explain the drone shot down. Anyway, back to looking up with peace and joy.

  5. So much sorrow and darkness these days. I become overwhelmed and have a hard time following the news anymore. For believers, it’s best to focus on the work directly in front of us – to “occupy until He comes”. My husband is not a believer and I have a baby and a toddler. This family is MY mission field and I will not allow myself to be distracted from the responsiblity I have here and now to pray for my husband and children’s salvation and anything that can work in that direction. All the more because we don’t have much time left. I urge all believers to take a look at the people in your day to day life right now and evaluate who is on the fence regarding salvation. A neighbor, the cashier at the grocery store you barely talk to but recognize, a troubled teenage niece or nephew … only the Lord knows who has yet to come into grace and some may not place their faith in Jesus until after the rapture. Either way, there is still a LOT to keep us busy. Who cares if there is or not a ‘great awakening’, if so – great, if not – there are still the one or two individuals who we may be used to reach. Let’s take as many home with us as we possibly can!

  6. Don, I still fail to see how Babylon, Iraq can be THE Babylon mentioned in Revelation: I feel this is impossible if we are only 10, maybe 20 years from THE tribulation period – your mention of the speed cities were built in China notwithstanding. I went back to your article: Don Koenig’s projection table as to the timing of the second coming of Jesus Christ, and I’ve either forgotten the times laid out by you or you have changed them – the dates seem alot later than I remember them.

    Assuming Iraq remains a failed state for another 5 years (2019), I feel it is impossible for Iraq to be so strong to the point where merchants are weeping because of lost revenue potential and they are leading the charge against the saints where God destroys them. Even if Satan, the Bilderberg, Rothschild, USA, EU, UN… were to throw everything behind it, 11 years (2030) is not enough time! I was going to ask if you felt it were time to revise your projection on Christ’s return or reconsider Babylon, Iraq as THE Babylon, but I believe you may have already revised the time line in your projection chart – please confirm. As I mentioned, it may be that I have forgot the likely years mentioned in the chart – please do not take offence.

    I believe you are spot on with the US and where they are taking her. A police state and communism is where it ends, and it is bewildering the speed and ease this is happening. Who knew Americans would roll over so easily? The country with the most informed and best armed citizens give up without any resistance. If it were not happening I wouldn’t believe it possible.

    Thank you for your articles; I miss the days when you published much more often.

  7. Michael, no offence but as a Canadian I want the northern border protected from you, the USA. With the US now more socialist the we Canadians, I don’t think you have to worry about people wanting to leave Canada (citizen or not) to go to AmeriKa!

  8. Wayne,

    I have not changed any dates in my projection table since I created it. I did add a few timelines that were suggested to me since I created it but it did not change my projections. I have always suggested in all my articles that the most likely time for the the start of the 42 month great tribulation is between 2025 and 2035.

    I think what you fail to understand is that the Antichrist will be like God and he will have Satan and his angels behind him. The whole world will be paying tribute to him and will be ruled by him. It is not impossible to build a world class city in a few years if the world government complex is built there. Perhaps Iran will take over the area where Babylon is located now that Iraq is breaking up or perhaps it will be the headquarters of the Mediterranean Union and the world after the Harlot in Rome is burned.

    Also keep in mind that Babylon is where pagan religion started. They were trying to ascend to heaven and they were worshiping fallen angels. The occult is involved and those into these dark arts put great significance on certain locations. There very likely is a alien connection, although the aliens really will be fallen angels. Let the world tell Zeus and Apollo that they cannot rebuild Babylon for them.

    I could post more when I created this blog because back then I mainly was quoting the writings of others in my posts. Now I write almost everything. I also hate to repeat myself. I have written a couple of million words on this website that cover hundreds of topics. New information on Bible prophecy and biblical discernment that other teachers have not already adequately covered is getting hard to come up with. The main thing that keeps changing is current events and perspectives on them.

    I suggest that people use the search box near the bottom of the home page for topical subjects that I wrote about that probably still apply.

  9. Wayne,

    The fact is that many foreign terrorists come into the United States through Canada. I do not think Michael or anyone is implying that Canadian Citizens are going to migrate to the United States.

  10. Don, Bravo Zulu to your response. Canadians would be nuts to come here, but Mustapha or Haqmed? They would relish it. Now, the two burning questions are who shot the SECOND Malayasian plane down, and how long will the entire world demonize Israel for taking pre-emptive actions, AFTER they gave the “Palastinians” warning that they were going to smoke Gaza, in an attempt to protect Isralies?

  11. Hi Michael,

    To answer your first question, it is my understanding that the Russian rebels fighting the Ukrainian forces shot the missile that downed the jet. They probably mistook the passenger Jet for an intelligence gathering Jet. These passenger Jets are not supposed to be flying over this war zone area. The pilot screwed up by taking this short cut.

    The answer to your second question is until Jesus returns to deal with those that hate Israel without cause.

  12. Don, since much of the article deals with Israel and Islam I’d like your opinion. I am conflicted on where to stand on Israel. I know the scriptures that say I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you, and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem/ all those who burden themselves with Jerusalem will be cut to pieces. Having said that, I hear a lot about Zionism and that Israel is every bit anti God as anyone, and may even be involved in manipulating the U.S. to do their bidding (dirty work).

    What do you believe is a healthy view of Israel for Christians? Surely, they deserve no free pass just because their Jews do they? In fact, I’ve heard that many Orthodox Jews are extremely racist to all who are not Jewish and even hate secular Jews. I would like to settle this in my own mind.

  13. Wayne,

    A nation should be judged by the world on its overall merits. The modern nation of Israel would not be waring against anyone if they were not being attacked by those that want to cut them off from being a nation. The U.S. is not being manipulated by Israel, she is a democratic ally of ours and it is in our interest to see that Israel continues to exist in the middle east.

    What Martin Luther King said about judging people based on the content of their character applies to more than just race. Jews are not exempt and neither are those calling themselves Christians or Muslims. Having said that, Christians should favor Israel, for we know salvation is of the Jews (Joh 4:22).

  14. Hi Don,

    Enjoying the polar vortex? I know I am here in NW AR.

    Iran has not shown any inclinations suggesting they desire to expand their territory, please give reasons for what you said about them wanting to do just such a thing.

    Glad I don’t support the state of Israel as a nation, they look really bad right now, even Christians are waking up to their evil. Conditions are being set up for the beast to make a play for world wide domination, the middle east is exploding, and the Bear is getting angry.

    Any thoughts on a rumored surprise thermo-nuclear attacks NATO has planned simultaneously against Russia and China by the year 2016, believing missile defense can prevent an effective retaliation and that such a war is winnable? One tidbit on this idea is the fact that China launched a submarine last year with strike capabilities that can’t be prevented.

    I understand your end-time timeline is drawn out for quite a few more years, and perhaps you are/were right with the pace the world was on at the time you wrote your predictions. Thing is, it seems like sometimes, somebody pushes the fast forward button and events happen really fast, the fall of the middle east from secular to religious hands in a couple of years as an example. I can easily foresee WW3 that has been long time in the planning, developing very quickly under the present conditions.

    Personally, I wonder if events are going to keep happening faster and faster until the world is fully ripened for the return of our King, shortening your realistic time table. I hate the suffering that peoples of all skin colors and religions have to endure, the numbers that would perish in most apocalyptic narratives would be in the billions, but am I wrong to rejoice as I anticipate His soon return?

  15. David V,

    Like usual you are wrong about nearly everything and I am not going to waste my time explaining it all to you.

  16. You shouldn’t have published if that is the way you feel. I will play the bigger person and not respond to insult with insult. I do find it amazing that you place rights and wrongs on what is opinion, you would be more accurate saying I disagree with some of your opinions on differing topics.

  17. David V,

    I almost did not post what you said but I am pretty lenient in my monthly perspectives posts. I thought you wanted to be heard. So that others can respond to what you said if they wish, you already know my positions so why should I waste my time responding to your nonsense.

    I did not intend to insult you. You simply have a history on this Blog of taking the wrong side of every issue as you do with Israel.

    The speculations you mention about a surprise first strike on Russia and China have no foundation in fact, so they are not worth me commenting about.

    As for my timing of events, sure world war will alter timings but you should know from my writings that I already factored in a third world war that would occur before the rise of last seven years. Since I think that last seven years will play out between 2025 and the 2030’s we only have a decade for that third world war and the aftermath to set the stage for the Harlot persecution, the Gog war and the Antichrist. I do not see how all this can occur in a timeline much sooner than what I suggest.

    Since I am responding a bit to what you said. I will mention Iran since you brought it up. There is no question from what the clerics of Iran have said that they intend to lead Islam and that the first stage of that is to establish a Shia crescent from Iran to the Med sea. If you do not think Iran’s providing weapons and hundreds of thousands of rockets to Shia proxies in Hezbollah, Hamas, and other terrorist groups is working toward that end you are blind.

  18. Don,

    Regarding world war III… I am curious as to your thoughts/speculation on the timing of what we’re labeling as world war III, especially related to prophecy (presumably most related to the breaking of the first few seals). I don’t know if you have talked about this elsewhere on your site (I just did a quick check). Closer to home, I’m more interested in what happens to America (I have to live here… or try to live here).

    I’m sort of running under the impression that America will be a prophetic non-mention before this decade is out. And I’ve/we’ve speculated as to how that can occur (people can see your “imminent dangers” link). With that said, my thoughts are that America is taken out prior to world war III proper (depending on what might constitute world war III).

    I guess my first question would be, somewhat of a real open question, “what is world war III?” Depending on that, then I would have some follow on questions. I’m thinking that world war III predates the breaking of the first seal? I know the first set of seals are observations of world war and very hard times on earth, but the way I read even the first seal, world war and very hard times predate that? Rev 6-1 has a phrase that I have contemplated for a long time:

    Rev 6-1. … and I heard,as it were the noise of thunder

    I’m thinking America is taken out before this, possible long before this ?

    Well, my mind is starting to draw a blank, other than to ask further questions that illustrate my ignorance. But if you have some speculation on where (or, better yet, when) you see world war III fitting in (better, yet, what sort of constitutes world war III).

    Thanks again, much appreciated. (by the way, I probably go through Rev and the commentary about every two months, along with other readings, of course).

  19. “Glad I don’t support the state of Israel as a nation, they look really bad right now, even Christians are waking up to their evil.”

    It is clear David V and HIS circle of ‘Christian’ friends read only what the socialist press (Main Stream Media) want them to hear. Israel is not the aggressor as the ungodly press so consistently and maliciously portray, and to soak up those lies without seeking Christian sources of information is to show a willing ignorance and similar bias against Israel.

    Such a bias should not occur in those who claim to be Biblical Christians; a sound Biblical understanding should produce a love for Israel (not a slavish adoration for the Jewish people) but a desire for God’s purposes for Israel. God is the ultimate Zionist seeing he intends to purge Israel of sinners, bring the remnant to recognition and acceptance of Christ, and re-establish their nation once again in the land he promised Abraham and his seed (In Isaac shall thy seed be called); and He intends to restore David’s kingdom as an everlasting kingdom in that land and in eternity to come.

    But this requires eyes to see and ears to hear.

  20. MyraBird

    I was moved by your comment and can only encourage you in the principles you have stated.
    I do pray for your husband; may he see Christ in you.. the hope of (your) glory.

  21. Hi Craig,

    We can have any number of world wars before the tribulation. I personally think the next war that could fitting be called world war III will be against the Jihadists that are threatening the whole world. In fact, it has already started but the world has not woke up to that fact yet.

    There are two wars in the first four seals and I think they both happen before the last 7 years even start. Since the pale horse involves a quarter of the earth it could be a war against Islam or a war mainly fought in Asia or both.

    The wars during the time of the great tribulation are described in the last part of Daniel 11 and in Revelation after the sealing of the 144,000.

  22. Hi Brian,

    It is clear to me that you know nothing about me, if you did, you would realize I rarely read/watch news originating in this country other than the local news. But wait, I got a reply for you, you and your group of “Christian friends” must watch Fox News.

    If you paid attention to the bible you would see that God is through with Israel as a Nation, or didn’t you catch the whole Jerusalem being destroyed thing back in 70AD.

    I challenge you to show anything from the new testament supporting the claims you make about the Jews, instead you will find just the opposite.

  23. David V,

    How many times have we been over this? Read my commenting policy! This a premillennial website. Preterism with its Replacement Theology is heretical theology as far as I am concerned. I can make a case against your views from the Bible but you will not accept them just like other Preterists. It seems to me that you only come here to pick arguments with those that do have your aberrant theology and heretical Replacement Theology worldview about Israel. There really is no Christian reason for you commenting here as far as I am concerned.

  24. Sorry David V, but I only needed to read your attitude to the NATION of Israel to know a great deal about you… Don has just enumerated what it is so I don’t need to.

    So many Christians who comment adversely on this blog either do not read or could care less where Don stands on Biblical issues and feel justified in pushing their own barrow on his blog. To express your differences once is perfectly agreeable but to constantly do so is an arrogant assumption. And I don’t watch Fox News.

  25. David V.,
    Wow, your anti-Jewish comments surprise me on a site like this. Have you forgotten even our Lord was born Jewish. All the people who wrote the Bible were Jewish. Jesus is returning to set up his Kingdom in Israel. I can go on, but what is clear to me is I strongly encourage you to reread the Bible with an open mind. Yes, the Jews have consistently turned their back on God and yes they have suffered from such disobedience, but don’t forget the promises God made to Abraham. They still apply to ISRAEL. Eventually the remnant Jews will bow their knees and acknowledge Jesus as Lord to the glory of God.

    If you think the church has replaced the Jews, start by reading Romans chapters 9-11. Read the words without an agenda. Shalom.

  26. Hey Don,
    You’re a better man than I am gunga din, granting David V. (vitriolic) all that ink to spread his anti-Israel venom.

  27. Hi Don,

    In my opinion, airing opinions now and again such as DavidV is helpful. It clearly demonstrates how pervasive the growing sickness within the church really is. False teachings have so intruded much of the American churches. Is this “replacement theology” something new within the last 20 years? Or has it been around much longer?

    In addition.. In case DavidV reads this.. I am not a “Don minion” that simply believes every typed word and does not research the Word for myself.

    Rod 🙂

  28. To all,

    Once gain David V wants to make discussions on my Blog about his own aberrant theology, which If I remember correctly is very similar to a Church of God sect descended from Armstrong’s teaching.

    David will not abide by my commenting policy that specifically says “Clearly heretical views are not likely to get posted so that others will not be misled.”

    Therefore, any posts form David V, that continues down the Replacement Theology line will not be posted, neither will comments that attack me for not addressing arguments that he knows we have already been over before on other posts. Like I said, there is really no point in David V commenting here other than to cause division.

    My comments section is opened as a curtsey for those with Premillinnial Theology to add information to the articles expressed. It is not a place where heretics or non believers will be entertained.

  29. Hi Rod,

    It might be useful for premillennial believers to be aware that many in Christendom think like David V. But for a proper understanding of the issues it might be more useful to go to a blog topic that deals with the Preterist and Replacement Theology errors. For example:

    Or why Replacement Theology fails.

    Replacement Theology has been around at least as long as the Roman Church but is again increasing even among the New Evangelicals with their soft or hard Dominion Theology.

  30. Thank you for not including David V’s comments in the future. He is only trying to get us all off track from the main, biblically-based ideas being posted. Such are the tactics of heretics.

  31. There is a book that I am reading that has an alternative view on whom, what and where Babylon is. It’s title is THE FINAL BABYLON America and the Coming of Antichrist. Authors are Krieger McGriff and Woodward. Instead of omission from Bible prophecy as many major eschatology scholars have taught for decades, what if America were at the center of Bible prophecy? What if America rather than Europe, Rome, or Babylon, were the power base of Satan’s conspiracy against the Kingdom of God? Has anyone read this book or given it any thought?

    Here is a review link:

  32. Scott,

    Theories are a dime a dozen. The scriptures say what they say and America simply does not fit into the prophecies about Babylon. Read my Revelation Commentary chapters l7 and 18 to find out why. It can be found on the top bar.

  33. Scott,

    I am certainly not an authority on Biblical Prophecy, however, it seems to me that at the current rate of decline in our U.S., it doesn’t seem to me that we’ll be a power base for much of anything in the near future unless something changes radically.

    We seem to be headed to an economical and moral pit of no return which could lead what’s left of the U.S as being more of a nation that goes along with a UN type world governance out of necessity…if that be the case, then perhaps Satan will consider his job done here, and move onto other areas of influence.

    That is just a thought, and I have nothing to back that up with.

  34. you probably wont post this, and I understand; however, I just cannot contain myself. David V, in the most Christian way I can possibly muster up (and I know most will chastise me for this should it get posted), regarding your trolllike method of coming here and trying to rake up as much dissention and doubt as you possibly can, for whatever perverse jolly you get for doing so, I can only say PISS OFF!!!

  35. Michael,

    You have that reaction and you have not seen the innuendos and questions that I have not posted

  36. This whole illegal alien debate is really making me angry because this should not even be a debate. We are a sovereign country with our own culture and language. We are not the dumping grounds for foreigners in unfortunate circumstances. These people are mostly poor, uneducated, and have no desire to learn American history or culture. The end result will be millions of new democrat voting government dependents who don’t have a clue what their government is doing.

    I cant believe there is nobody that is willing to go toe to toe with these leftists and challenge them and call them out for their actions.

  37. Hi,

    I guess I’ll wade in to the America discussion. Not that anyone is suggesting this, or not, as the case may be, but I cannot buy in to the notion that Satan et al would leave America alone or otherwise untouched simply because it/she is in Satan’s “camp.” Frankly, the whole world is pretty much in Satan’s camp about now anyway.

    I don’t think Satan is interested in the world being in his camp. Satan’s agenda is not only to bring the world to destruction, but all people to death (Don – step in if you feel I am errant).

    I can’t even see America being brought to non-mention by the time of the breaking of the first seal based just on the action of civil war or financial ruin. I do think the financial ruin aspect, along with energy shortages [not to mention global cooling] is a lead cause of the catastrophe to follow. I see a loss of the continental power grid as an immediate (relatively speaking) or sudden cause of catastrophe/peril and a clear removal of any power status in the world, super or otherwise, for America. The government is not in any position to deal with this looming catastrophe – there is no way to ensure the survival of the populous simply by bying up bullets and MREs (talk about short sighted).

    My two cents.

  38. Jim,

    When you call a U.S. company on the phone, haven’t you learned to press one for English ?

  39. The way we are going that soon will be one for Spanish, two for Chinese, three for Arabic, and four for broken English.

  40. Don and All,

    re: Israel and Islam

    All this continued “talk” and idea of bringing the two (Israel and Islam Proxies) together for talks is beyond insane to me, it defies every kind of logic…and it’s making a complex situation out of something that is very basic.

    Quite simply, Islam and their proxies need to stop firing rockets into Israel, that’s it, not complicated !

    Why have talks about this ?….talk about what ?

    Just stop with the daily routine of rockets already !

    They already went through a “truce” and it lasted until Israel stopped firing back, then the rockets continue from Gaza (and even from Lebanon to a small extent).

    The Gazan Palestinians clearly want their people to die so they can get world condemnation from the world press against Israel…and they are getting it.

    I hope Israel completely takes over Gaza, destroys every single bit of artillery, and turns it into a police state…and yes, that means that many Palestinians will die because that’s what the head of the Islamic snake wants.

    And, if the Gaza Snakes find a way to start firing at Israel again afterwards, then rinse/repeat the process….ONLY solution.

    If anyone wants to say that I’m being unsympathetic or a monster…if Israel or any other nation was doing what the Palestinian’s are doing, I’d say the same about them…one cannot expect to endure constant rocket fire with no response.

    Israel is being way, way too thoughtful and nice about all this in my opinion…once this standoff is over, just one rocket into Israel, then Israel needs to decimate that area again even though the cowardly Palestinians place them in schools, hospitals, nurseries, private homes etc…until they (Islam) get the message.

    I am not a bloodthirsty war-monger, I do not like violence…but there is no other choice, is anyone seeing this as I am ?…or does anyone really think any kind of talking will solve anything ?

    This is such basic logic that even a liberal should be able to understand this.

    Go Israel, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

  41. Amen, David. My thoughts and prayers are with Israel. As far as our country goes, it seems to me that none of the afore-mentioned “disasters” have to happen to our country as just the apathy will suffice. Never have we seen the unwillingness to stand up and fight. Perhaps God’s hand is holding back the powers that be. Everyone I come across is saying they have never seen such a time as this. We know Truman was appointed by God for such a time as Israel being declared a nation and perhaps God has appointed Obama for such a time as this when we don’t come to Israel’s defense. We don’t know God’s ways but we can be more than sure that He is sovereign and in complete control as He works out His perfect plan to bring Israel back to Him. I pray constantly for the peace of Jerusalem and the soon return of Jesus.

  42. David,

    I agree. I think most level headed people are against violence. I think the same analogy can be used in the illegal alien border situation. Sure we want to be hospitable to others when we can but we have to put our foot down or else we will eventually be overrun and bankrupt. Call me heartless or racist or whatever but I support what Rick Perry is doing by sending troops to the border. Maybe there should be signs saying “TRESPASSERS WILL BE SHOT”.

  43. Jim,

    I completely agree, however just for the record, I also do not think it’s fair to blame all this on Obama…though, I am certainly not a supporter of our current disaster of a president.

    This goes all the way back to GB1 and his NAFTA agreement and every president since…Clinton and GB2 also had a big hand in this as well.

    If you are keeping up with the latest news, some of the border agents who used to enforce the “no crossing zones” are now processing these illegals into the country now, in which case, the illegals are appointed a court date for their amnesty, which they rarely attend…and then are considered “lost in the system”.

    Instead of putting up a sign that says, “Trespassers will be shot”…if we are going to be honest, we should put a sign that says…

    “All Illegal immigrants and terrorists are welcome into the U.S. including drug cartels and gangs, then you will be given free healthcare, government housing, and the U.S. police force is not allowed to confront you for political correctness reasons and our current administration….also, don’t worry about paying taxes, it’s all on us, thank you for coming”.

  44. Don:
    Thanks again for your research and thoughtful approach to your writing. You are doing a good job of trying to educate Christians on a pre-mill, pre-trib dispensational approach to living in the last days. Most times after reading your blog I am encouraged to keep fighting the good fight. I usually like reading the comments section as well but there are times when I have to stop and exit out of the blog.

    To me, this is your blog so you can exclude anyone one that you choose too or engage them in dialogue or post their comment and ignore it. If I can offer you a little encouragement; relax, breathe, and be confident in how God is helping you view last days events. But know you are putting yourself out there and people will take shots at you. But your labor for the Lord will not be in vain.

    I find your 2025 to 2035 position interesting. It could work out that way. Personally, I think things will get so bad socially, economically and politically before the rapture that many so-called Christians will fall away. I do not think the U.S. will exist as a superpower at that time either. Too many Christians are led by their emotions and not an understanding of Scripture.

    This is probably a little off topic but some of the comments got to me. I will try to respond more because I do read your blog postings, the comments and usually do not comment at all. Thanks again.

  45. Thanks Bill,

    The comments do not have to be on topic in my monthly perspectives articles because they are not read much after a few months anyway.

  46. Hi Brian,

    That was an astute article from Wendy Wippel. There are many voices in Russia including the Russian Orthdox Church leaders that are saying they want a Russian Orthodox Empire with a Czar like they had in the past. I don’t know if Putin or Zhirinovsky will lead it, but it really has to take place. Russia comes down with many nations. To do that, they must have great influence on them, so an empire is likely.

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