Wright, Plegar, Obama’s Black Liberation Theology and what it might mean to America

It makes no sense for the Catholic Church to retain the demonic “Father” Pleger as a priest. Priests of God do not teach hate. But there is a much deeper issue than “Father” Pleger here.

We have now heard three leaders speak from that pulpit all preaching heretical hateful Black Liberation Theology. The whole congregation was whipped in a frenzy by “Father” Pleger obviously they were in full approval of his very hateful message.

Obama can say what this church teaches is not his views but then why would he continue to attend a church that produces and promotes leaders in Black Liberation Theology? It is not just Jeremiah Wright that is rotten in this church it is the whole congregation that is rotten. If any of those attending this church had one ounce of Christian discernment they would have left many years ago. All who attend there now could only be classified as racial bigots.

So now should the American people elect a man to President who attends a bigoted church and will not even take a stand against the evils being spouted from it by departing from it?

Should we make such a flawed man President so he can bring his well known Far Left Marxist all ways theology the focus for America for the next four years? Should we elect Obama so we can listen to his wife’s hatred toward America from the White House? Will that bring the nation to the unity that Obama claims he will bring to American?

If you want to see total disaster and disunity come to America go ahead and vote for Obama and people like him to positions of power in the government. If you do you will have yourself to blame when socialism brings economic disaster and black racism gives black people more excuses for their continued ” whitey owes me a living” immorality.

America is at a tipping point and if it tips toward where these people are planning to go it will not be pretty when America wakes up. The backlash could look like a civil war. Much of the Christian heartland of America is simply not going to put up with where the Far Left godless want to take America.

American Thinker Blog: The demonic Father Pfleger

Father Pfleger sounds like Jeremiah Wright on a really bad acid trip. He is hateful; he is sadistically gleeful; he preaches a vicious anti-White race hatred; and he has the congregation screaming with joy. This is a sight and sound to behold, something out of the worst parts of the Middle Ages, with priests demagoguing their congregations to go out and kill Jews, or Protestant infidels, Catholics, or Orthodox Christians. But this is right here in America, brough to you by the compassion of Black Liberation Theology.

Father Pfleger could be faking his race-baiting, taking as his “prophetic preaching” model his good friend the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. No doubt his act is thoroughly rehearsed. But that only makes his race-baiting worse, a premeditated act of evil that will end up killing human beings, as the message spreads that it’s OK to prey on Whitey.

Does the Catholic Church recognize any responsibility to deal with Father Pfleger? Do the words of Vatican II mean anything in practice? The civil authority in America is committed to free speech, including free hate speech. It should not do anything. But the Church does not have to implicitly validate Father Pfleger’s message by continuing his ordination. It brings even more scandal upon the Church, which is already reeling.

As for Senator Barack Obama, it does bring his history and political backers into sharper and sharper focus, doesn’t it?

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