50 ways Americans have cooked their own goose.

America has cooked its own goose and here are fifty ways how she accomplished it. I am sure you could come up with many more of your own. It seems to me that about the only thing left is to stick a fork in us because America is about done as a nation. Its probably too late to save the golden goose once the meat is already falling off the bones.

  • The Bible directs parent to train up their children in the way they should go. Parents did not, they allowed secular humanist Marxists in schools and media to train up their children in the way they shouldn’t go.
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Saving America from selfishness by extending the American dream to others

Abortion and birth control is the destroyers of nations. It was allowed to reign in the mid to late 20th century to destroy new life but it will likely lead to the destruction of all life in the first part of the 21st century.

The economic problems we now have in America and the world are largely because we eliminated our next generation. Many in our nation have now reached the age to retire but there will not be enough young people to support our aging population. Other nations have even far worse demographic problems than America due to abortion, infanticide, and birth control.… continue reading

2 Ch 7:14: If My people read the context there would be less presumption

I have written on the misapplication of 2 Ch 7:14 before, but when I see a whole local Baptist conference trying to apply this verse to the Church in America I think it is the duty of those who know better to correct that false presumption.

Sometimes Christians will use a few words of scripture or a verse or even a passage to support a position but then if you check out their position against what the scripture actually says you see that either they never read the context or they do not have understanding of the passage. Therefore they misapply it.… continue reading

Committing treason for the greater good?

I have mixed feelings on the leaks of classified and sensitive information that is now being displayed to the public. My first response was that this is treason and it is. But WikiLeaks did not commit treason. After all they really exist to expose secrets that traitors send to them. If they did not do it someone else world. It really is those that are giving classified information to WikiLeaks that are committing treason. They are committing treason even if they are compromising state secrets for what they think is the greater good. In the real world a nation cannot have national security without secrets.… continue reading

Rule by we the people, or rule by a dictator and appointed judges?

A federal judge has now told the government that the Don’t-Ask-Don’t-Tell law for people serving in the military is unconstitutional after being in effect in this nation for 17 years. So now the military is suddenly told to allow open homosexuals to serve. However, before that DADT law was even passed, homosexuals were not allowed in the military for the whole prior history of this nation. So if this seventeen year old DADT law was stuck down it seems to me that the previous rule of law for the military should remain in effect. That law was that anyone found to be engaging in homosexual activity in the military would be disciplined and probably given a discharge.… continue reading

Halloween economics and scary figures bringing October surprises

October has always been a scary month. There is always talk about some unexpected October surprise. Of course we also know the great fright night of Halloween will arrive and insure that many of us will not escape October without seeing scary figures that look like Nancy Pelosi and Barney Frank pounding on our door. It might not be so fighting if it were not for the fact that Pelosi and Frank have been scaring sane people silly even before BO became a national obsession.

I bet if someone told Americans a few years ago that someone named Barrak Hussein Obama would become President they would have just rolled their eyes.… continue reading

Spiritual problems in America resolved through secular tea parties?

America has a national election coming up in a few weeks and many are excited about the change that they think is coming. I hate to rain on anyone’s tea party but spiritual problems in America cannot be resolved through secular tea party ideals. How do people expect any real change for the better in America, when America is still becoming progressively more amoral as I speak? For example:

  • The top box office hits are now movies about vampires, witches, sex and mass slaughter.
  • Parent allow their public schools to indoctrinate their children with textbooks full of lies.
  • The main stream media news is filtered through liberal spin doctors and the comedy and drama on the main networks are written to socially engineer gullible minds to conform to a secular humanist and anti Christian worldview.
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Fascist dictators and cults stole the envisioned Utopian age of Aquarius

Remember this song? It was inspired by the post World War II spoiled undisciplined Spock babies of the Boomer Generation. They became the counterculture hippie generation of the 1960’s. They were deluded enough to think that they could end war on earth by rebelling against the establishment. They envisioned that they would bring in the Utopian Age of Aquarius of New Age pagan lore.

When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
Age of Aquarius

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Troubled days ahead for the Middle East and America

There are troubled days ahead for the Middle East and America. It is not like this nation really deserves anything less. The Marxists could never have taken over our educational system, the media, our government and even many of our churches if those that call themselves Christians in this nation really believed, lived a Christian lifestyle and kept a Christian worldview.

Believe it or not, with all the talk of a take over by the conservative Right it still looks like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reed and John McCain will all get reelected and stay in power. With that information in mind, how much do Americans really care that they have allowed socialist idealists to reshape America into their ideal of America being a secondary colony on the world collective ant farm?… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues, August 2010

Its already August and time for my second monthly perspectives article. In case you got here by a search engine with a keyword search these perspectives are posted on the World Trends and Bible Prophecy Blog of Don Koenig. There is a category on the side bar and a tag on the bottom of this post that will bring you to prior monthly perspectives.

It now looks like team Obama is about to turn on the simulation money printing machines again. We were told that the stimulus would soon end but it now is evident to even the Obamanable Far Left, that they did not get the high that they were expecting from their 3 trillion dollar stimulus.… continue reading

Any American recovery in practice will go back to the American way

Forget all the theory that the economists and socialists keep peddling to us. Any American recovery in practice must go back to the American way! The American way is one of self reliance and reliance on community not reliance on big government and its entrenched bureaucrats. I really do not think America will choose to go back to the American way but if they did the following is probably the way to do it.

Taxes – Do away with the IRS. Get rid of all income taxes on corporations and individuals. Get rid of all payroll taxes on employers. There would be no deduction for employees other than a 15 percent deductions for all health and social programs (see below).… continue reading

There is no Union, Jack!

Many still talk about America being united but where is the union, Jack? We are still called The United States of America, nevertheless where is the Union Jack? I simply am not seeing much unity in America. This nation under Obama has become more divided than any time since the Civil War.

  • Some American politicians are on the far left and some are on the far right, but the majority are controlled by special interest money brokers.
  • In American Christianity we have the social reformers and the great commissioners, but the majority are the latter day Laodiceans.
  • In American economics we have the Keynesian school and the Austrian school, but the majority is in the “what’s in it for me” school.
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A terminally insane world suggests realistic Christian expectations.

For two-hundred-thirty-four years the American people had largely been living in a bubble of sanity in a world that is terminally insane. Those that are still sane in America tend to think the world should want the Christian ethics and morality that America was founded on. The foundational truths of Christianity made America the most sane and prosperous nation on earth. But, even in the history of America we see times when the sanity bubble collapsed and insanity reigned in those living according to the flesh. It now looks like we have entered the terminal period of insanity for our nation, all world empires do, when they no longer fear God and people are allowed to prey on the innocent.… continue reading

America jumped the shark when they replaced God with man’s perversions.

I guess Americans are not quite as dumb about the economy as they are about politics or the majority would never have voted Marxists and Fabian socialists into office. Almost 80 percent of Americans believe the economy might collapse and believe that politicians in Washington do not have a clue how to fix this problem. They of course are 100 percent correct. The economy will collapse and I think the fall is coming sooner than anyone wants to believe. America jumped the shark when they replaced God with man’s perversions.

Trends forecaster Gerald Celente still says the second phase of the collapse will take place this year.continue reading

Demonic nations under judgement

Had what happened in Haiti this week occurred on the same scale in America many people would be saying that Bible prophecy was being fulfilled. They would be saying that America was Babylon and it has now fallen. Haiti is not in Bible prophecy and neither is America but throughout history God has only put up with evil nations for so long.

Haiti has been a nation that has sold itself out to Devil worship through Voodoo for two centuries and the consequences have been turning what should be a resort Island into a hell hole with the lowest standard of living on earth.… continue reading

Delusional American Illusion

I just read two profound commentaries that I think everyone should read. I clipped some statements from them to wet your appetite but you really need to read the full articles. I have no delusional illusion that the average America would actually even take the time to read what was said in these two articles but I do hope there are some above average people reading my blog.

The first article is written by James Quinn. It contains quite a history lesson and presents information that I am sure that 99 percent of Americans never learned. This article gives no delusional American illusion about the future.continue reading

Virus epidemic that infects the mind spreads out of control

I fear there is another virus worse than the H1N1 swine flu that is taking over America. It is a virus epidemic that infects the mind and it has now spread out of control.  There is something fundamentally wrong with the thinking in America and much of the West today. It is as if a computer virus has spread to humans and has infected their minds.  Specific examples of the symptoms probably are not being noticed because they are rapidly becoming the norm. The virus seems to hinder the ability to process data; the ability to comprehend; to understand and profit from experience, and to think rationally. continue reading

Stinking is normal to children that grew up in a cesspool.

The conservatives and Christian right might even win a battle or two these days against the Secular Humanism and Marxism coming from the godless left but unless Christian parents take charge over the education of their children they cannot win this war against their minds. The next generation will reflect a worldview that is clearly anti-Christian.

Read this article and tell me how Americans can send their kids to our public schools and then still expect them to come out of that anti-Christians indoctrination cesspool system with Christian views on anything? Do you understand why the church pews in America are generally full of white haired people?… continue reading

I confess I do not pray God bless America.

Saying I do not pray God Bless America might sound like a unpatriotic unchristian heresy to some. However, there was a time when God told Jeremiah not to pray for Judah because the peoples hearts were far from Him and they loved to believe lies. America is not even a called out nation like ancient Israel and Judah but America certainly is just as evil as they were just before their destruction.

Can anyone even come up with a passage that tells the Church to pray for Gentile nations on the earth anyway? The Bible tells us to pray for those appointed over us for the sake of the Church, so that the Church can live peacefully on the earth.… continue reading

Rick Warren apologizes to homosexual leaders because some thought he was against homosexual marriage.

Seems Rick Warren was not against California’s Proposition 8 and homosexual marriage after all. Quoted below is the exact words Rick Warren made on “Larry King Live”.  Also in the same article that I quote and link to at the bottom of this post is Joseph Farah’s appropriate view of this wishy-washy pastor.

Why is Rick Warren always in the news? If he was actually preaching the gospel of Christ he would not get on the worldly media. He is CFR member for a reason and he has a Global Peace Plan because it conforms with the CFR globalist socialistic agenda.… continue reading