Learn the parable of the fig tree.

We have had quite a bit of discussion in the comments section about the fig tree of Matthew chapter 24 and Mark chapter 13 because of certain teachers interpretations put on it that imply all end time events will be fulfilled by 2018 (a normal lifespan from Israel being back in the Land). It therefore probably should be something I should discuss in more depth since I do not agree that Jesus was saying that all will be fulfilled by 2018.

The Parable Jesus told us to learn is almost certainly referring to His cursing of the fig tree which also represented a curse on Israel.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues, July 2010

I decided to start a monthly series on my perspectives on world and church issues. Some will have some bearing on end time Bible prophecy.

For those who do not know me and found this post through a search engine. I have had a website called The Prophetic Years for over ten years. For the last three years the site also hosts a Blog named World and Church Trends and Bible Prophecy. This blog is where these monthly perspectives are posted along with other posts of interest usually related to the Blog title. I will create a special category on the sidebar for these perspectives so you can find them all in one place.… continue reading

The Mahdi 2012 Antichrist is delayed his head got stuck in the well.

Some Bible prophecy teachers and their disciples are looking for some Islamic Antichrist to appear in 2012 and most of them think it will be the Islamic 12th Imam Mahdi figure that Shia religious lore says will ascend out of a well. I think this Antichrist figure should be getting a swelled head by now with all the expectations for him coming from these Bible prophecy teachers. Therefore, their Mahdi figure will never get his swelled head up the well in time for some 2012 Antichrist.

Granted, that there are others that think Obama is the Antichrist but these people are only grasping at a strawman for their 2012 date.… continue reading

2010 hurricane season predicts stormy U.S. ties with Israel!

There are certain people in the Bible prophecy field that blame every single natural disaster in the United States on some negative action of the United States toward Israel. Thus, if their tit-for-tat physics is valid using reverse logic the scientific prediction of a very active 2010 Hurricane Season predicts that the United States will have very stormy ties with Israel from June through November.

People on the coast better prepare by telling the Obama administration to give Israel the red carpet treatment this summer or they will get tarred and feathered with wind blown gulf oil and pigeon feathers.

Believe me, I would not expect smooth sailing on the coast this summer even if we gave Israel the Middle East.… continue reading

Meanings of parables and Bible prophecy are only for the astute elect.

Some wonder why Bible prophecy is so cryptic? The answer is that understanding of  both parables and Bible prophecy are only for the astute elect. Jesus taught in parables at His first coming so that those wise in their own understanding would not understand the things of God. The Scribes and the Pharisees did know the scriptures but they lacked understanding and could not properly discern the scriptures they knew. They would not see that Jesus was clearly taught in the scriptures because in their own self righteous religious understanding, the Messiah would enable them and not correct them.

It was also obvious from what we have been told in scripture that even the disciples of Jesus did not understand many of the parables.… continue reading

Dangerous theology grows on fig trees!

Certain Bible prophecy teachers are saying certain things that can only be labeled as dangerous theology.

The dangerous theology I am talking about comes from subjective interpretations of the Parable of the Fig Tree mentioned in three gospels. The problem is that they teach their conjecture as truth and that is what makes it dangerous theology. When they say the Rapture has to occur before the end of next year based on their own subjective interpretation of the Parable of the Fig Tree they are teaching dangerous theology.

I am speaking of  those that say the Rapture has to occur by next year because of their conjecture that the Parable of the Fig Tree has to be talking about Israel’s rebirth in1948 and their conjecture that a generation or a lifespan is seventy years.… continue reading

Nephilim, Aliens and Satan’s angels have a common connection in end time prophetic events

If you look on my blog side bar you will see by far the post that is being hit on the most frequently is The Book of Enoch and Bible prophecy. That fact probably has more to do with keyword rankings in Google then it does with the interests of the readers of this Blog, but even so, the account in Genesis of the Son’s of God taking the daughters of men as wife’s and producing an offspring called the Nephilim seems to be of great interest to a whole lot of people. Perhaps that is because people sense that there is more to the story than what they were taught in Sunday school on this topic.… continue reading

Jesus must return before 2012-2019 you say? Then hurry send me a million bucks to expand The Prophetic Years Ministry

I really love these people who tell me that they really believe the world is coming to an end in 2012, or they are certain that the Rapture has to happen within a year or two, or that they have the date of the second coming all figured out, or that Jesus has to come before 2019 because of their interpretation of the “Fig Tree Parable”, or based on some pagan prophecy, or the sayings of  Jack Van Impe, etc., etc., but they continue to retain all their wealth like they are going to live here forever or take it with them.continue reading

The 2012 cult: End of the world hysteria and deception from Satan

Here are a couple of good articles for people that are part of, promoting, or want to know more about the rapidly growing 2012 cult that is fueling end of the world hysteria.

2012: Tsunami of Stupidity why the latest apocalyptic cult is a silly scam, by Ron Rosenbaum

The article is good but especially follow the links in the article if you wish to be deprogrammed from the 2012 cult.

My own perspective of this 2012 cult is that it is a sinister deception from Satan. There are just two many spokes on this 2012 wheel for this not to be a deception from Satan.… continue reading

Jesus is not coming to rule the earth between 2012-2019

I am certain that this post will upset some people but with all the hype and speculation about Jesus coming between 2012-2019 the truth has to be said by someone. I will say dogmatically that Jesus is not coming to rule the earth between 2012-2019 as some Bible prophecy teachers are now saying.

First let me make it clear that I am not talking about the Rapture. The Rapture of the Church is not the second coming of Jesus Christ to rule the earth. The Rapture is always imminent and it can occur anytime even quite some time before the seven year tribulation.… continue reading

Take a chill pill, the world will not end in 2012 in spite of Pagan Mayan, Mahdi, Planet X speculations.

Think the 2012 date setters are not having a negative effect on many in the Church? Obviously this speculation based mostly on Mayan ages and a Mahdi coming out of well is attracting many followers. Some such as the “Gospel Tract Society” now take the position that we are already in the tribulation. H E L L O… what tribulation? I will say it as gently as I can, those who think we are already in the tribulation have lost their marbles.

I do not see a good end result coming from all this date setting nonsense. By 2013 Bible prophecy teachers will be mocked.continue reading

I am not setting a date for the Lord’s return but I am seeker friendly.

Well meaning Christians that even sense that the time of the Lord’s return is near have offered their higher criticism for what they think is date setting on my timeline projection table. They imply that I should not have complied this projection because the Bible says no one can know the day or hour of the Lord’s return. Actually, I am not setting a date for the Lord’s return on this table, at most I imply a general season for Jesus seekers looking for the Lord’s return. My view on the no one knows the day or hour topic is just about the same as what Jack Kelly wrote in a recent article, so just read the above link.… continue reading

The Bride of Christ put a light on for students of Bible prophecy

I think one of the reasons why some students of Bible prophecy get way off the mark is that they do not understand the nature of the Bride of Christ. The Church is the betrothed Bride of Jesus Christ. Even those who do seem to understand that concept often completely miss how God showed us the future of His blood bought Church in the process of obtaining a wife in the culture of the ancient past. I think Jack Kelly explains this as good as anyone I know in this article. I hope it will help you understand that God has a unique role for the Church apart from Israel and that the bride of a soon coming King would rule with the King but would not replace the King’s Kingdom.… continue reading

Telling the truth to Israel in these last days

While reading Carla’s excellent and always discerning More Books and Things blog I came across an article that I think needs further attention by those who study world events and Bible prophecy. I might not agree with every single point in this article but I certainly agree with Prof. Malan’s major concepts.

Bible prophecy teachers seem to convey that Israel today is in the will of God. Therefore they suggest we better not do anything that could be conveyed as touching the apple of God’s eye. Some even suggest that if we do not bless this largely atheist nation that God will judge our nation.… continue reading

Seven dispensations all result in failure to save those who will not believe

This is another good teaching by Jack Kelley on the seven dispensations and why mankind fails in all of them. Dispensationalism is sometimes misunderstood. Dispensationalism is not different ways to find salvation; it is different rules for living in each dispensation for those who can be saved on the basis of their faith in God. Man is saved by God’s grace through man’s faith in all seven dispensations.

These seven different ways of God dealing with man on earth are probably demonstrations to man, angels and all creation about the sin nature of man and Satan. No matter how God deals with man on earth Satanic deception comes and most of mankind rejects God.… continue reading

The Church like Enoch was born on Pentecost and may be Raptured on Pentecost.

I believe that it is very possible that the Church will be taken alive to Heaven on Pentecost on the very same feast day when the Bride of Christ was born. The Church like Enoch was born on Pentecost and tradition tells us Enoch was taken on Pentecost. Enoch was taken because he walked with God before the judgment of the flood. The bride of Christ will also not reap the coming judgment of God because she is the Bride of Christ. Only after Jesus takes his rightful role as King of Israel and takes a Gentile bride can Israel’s promised restoration come.… continue reading

Will the Antichrist be a Jew or a Gentile? – A bakers dozen different views.

I ran across this interesting interview by Dr. Reagan.

At a Bible prophecy conference Dr. Reagan interviewed 11 well known people in bible prophecy and asked them if they believed the Antichrist will be a Jew? Along with Dr. Reagan’s own view point on this topic there are twelve viewpoints given in this article. It is always interesting to read the different answers you will get from some of the top Bible prophecy speakers on the same subject. Like I said in a recent comment, I looked at 20 websites and got twenty completely different interpretations for the seven heads on the Beast in Revelation. continue reading

Positions on the Ezekiel 38-39 war and the Rapture

Although I have seen this study posted in several different parts on a re-posting site elsewhere, the complete study is available on the link. This is about the best study I have seen on all the possible timings and positions on the Ezekiel 38-39 war. It gives all the different views and the pros and cons of each position. Nathan Jones position is quoted below. To read all the other views on this you will have to read the whole article.

By the way, Nathan’s position is the same as mine except for a couple of timing differences. I am not sure this war is before the Rapture and I do not see how Israel could be burning the weapons of war for 7 years during the great tribulation? … continue reading

Is the Parable of the Fig Tree about the generation that saw the rebirth of Israel?

About every other week I get a email telling me in one way or another that the parable of the fig tree means that all will be fulfilled by 2019 AD. Thus they believe the start of the tribulation or rapture has to be by 2012. There are well known Bible prophecy teachers teaching this today. I am tired of answering questions on this over and over so I am writing my own position on the “Parable of the Fig Tree”. In the future if anyone asks me about it or suggests that the Rapture has to occur within two or three years they will get a link to this post.… continue reading

Constitutional aliens are destroying the United States of America

The Keystone Cop routine in Washington would be pretty funny if the consequences were not so devastating to the future of America. People that are aliens to our constitution and the Bible have now taken over America.

Washington liberal politicians and the head of America’s corporations and financial institutions are a product of the Spock baby boom generation that never experienced discipline. Nobody ever said no to these people and they got what they wanted because the alternative was their temper tantrum. They are used to getting their way. In other words they are really spoiled brats who really needed a good whipping behind the shed.continue reading