The Temple Institute’s and the Jews postmodern relativism and revisionism.

First of all, this article is not exactly true, the Temple Institute did not just begin preparing for the Third Temple by making priestly garbs. The Temple Institute has been preparing for the building of the Third Temple for decades. It is interesting to watch the effort continue but remember, these Jews do not believe in Jesus and what they say is often self serving and scripturally just plain wrong. For Example: Rabbi Yehuda Glick in this article says the prophets say that all the nations will be coming to Jerusalem and take part in building the Third Temple and that it will unite the nations around one central house of prayer.… continue reading

One of the last patriots standing today.

The Last patriot” is a new book that points out that their are major known discrepancies in manuscripts of the Quran. That takes a lot of guts. Brad Thor may be one of the last patriots standing today. I think Muslims will eventually re-examine their faith with a modern, 21st century perspective, as are other religions. It will probably occur after a great war with Islamic fundamentalism. It will lead to a pluralist one world religion. But that will not turn out to be good either, because contrary to postmodern thinking there really is only one truth. That truth is found in the Bible when properly translated.… continue reading

When the bell tolls for you don’t be found on Tolle’s New Earth

Due to overwhelming interest on my Oprah and Tolle Blog post I am posting another opinion of Tolle’s “A New Earth” book, by Debra Rae.
The teaser quotes that I am putting below is just a small sample of what is in the articles. I cannot do justice to Debra Rae’s article here you have to read the full articles.

I just want to make it clear to everyone that Tolle’s teaching in ” A New Earth” is totally contrary to the fundamental truths of Christianity and Christian Orthodoxy. It is Old Age and New Age paganism originated with the lie of the Serpent and man’s rebellion.… continue reading

Best links to the Todd Bentley demonic circus act.

I have spoken about this deceiver before so I am not going to add anything except to say check out the many links in this article if you really want to see what the Todd Bentley demonic circus act is all about and see how many gullible people will pay the price of admission. Remember a picture is worth a thousand words so this is worth millions.

Is Todd Bentley a False Prophet? – CWN

Is Todd Bentley a False Prophet? –
Is Lakeland a False Revival?

How gullible can people possibly be to support and/or defend this clown?!

Someone might say: “How can you imply that Todd Bentley is a false prophet?!”

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Christians yoking up with swine will bring in the kingdom?

what we have are Evangelicals who really think that the Church will be influencing government to help bring in the social actions of a Christian kingdom on earth. What they do not understand is that you do not get into the pigpen if you want to yoke up with those that will pull on clean fertile ground. They also do not understand that there will be no Christian taking of the earth before the return of the King. What they will end up with is amoral secular socialism using them until the godless decide they want to get the religious monkey off their back.… continue reading

So called Conservatives and heterosexuals destroyed marriage.

This article was an eye opener on how heterosexuals destroyed marrage. You might not want to hear what Dr Johnston has to say but what can you say when he documents the truth? So we can make a big thing out of homosexual marriage as if that is the chief problem but if we are not seeing the big spiritual problem in the church and in the West toward the covenant of marriage and what God said in the Bible we are never going to get to the root of the marriage problem and all the other garbage that goes along with the destruction of marriage.… continue reading

The “new age” of pagan enlightenment

There is nothing new under the sun. When man thinks he is moving toward new enlightenment he really starts moving back to the same old pre-Christian paganism. We see that happening today in post-Christian society that is starting to look like the pagan barbarism of the past. We are on our way to the “New Age” of pagan enlightenment which really will bring the world into satanic bondage.

Good thinking!

the secular way station

The most recent European outrages seen in the media are just the beginning. Whether it is British schoolchildren being forced to pray to Allah by their teacher, government judges declaring the valid jurisdiction of Talmudic and Shariah law, or the simple breakdown of peaceful, rational society, it is clear that post-Christian society is far more likely to resemble pagan pre-Christian society than it is to develop into the godless vision of an equalitarian, sexually androgynous workers’ paradise so often sold to the masses by secular prophets of one form or another.

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Anglicans rejecting the nation who brought them the gospel because British Anglicans now have a false gospel.

Well it has come full circle. The African natives that the Anglican’s converted are now rejecting the seat of power of the Anglicans because the Anglicans in Britain now reject the true gospel for a false one.

It is obvious that The Christian Church is more healthy in third world nations then it is in Britain and everyone knows it except for the British who generally could care less about Christianity anyway.

Its time for the Africans to send missionaries to convert the new generation of Brits.

Anglican Church conservatives move to form power bloc – International Herald Tribune

Anglican conservatives, frustrated by the ongoing stalemate over homosexuality in the Anglican Communion, declared Sunday that they would defy the church’s historic lines of authority and establish a new power bloc within the church that will be led by a council of predominantly African archbishops.

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Another conference to tell Christians how to tap dance around the gospel!

I find this article and the conference that Jonathan Falwell is promoting at Thomas Road Baptist Church to be almost beyond belief. Just take a look at some of the people leading the conference. Some of them happen to be part of the problem.

I have news for Jonathan Falwell the Church is not to blame for pseudo Christianity being in crisis. The Church is doing quite fine as always. Pseudo Christianity is in crises because it has no salvation message. They are telling the world what they think they want to hear instead of what they need to hear. They want to tickle their ears instead of telling them the simple salvation message in the gospel of Jesus Christ.… continue reading

Colorado and California are a preview of a coming national agenda to censor Christians.

Just wait a couple of years until what they are doing in Colorado and California becomes national laws. Think not? Give Democrats complete control of all branches of government and I assure you national hate speak laws and school and corporate sex indoctrination laws will be passed and enforced.

Just look at the recent vote on the second amendment to the Constitution. Any idiot can read that it forbids the disarming of the people. Yet four of nine Supreme Court Judges did not see it that way. All of them were Liberals and these four always vote against any literal interpretation of our constitution.… continue reading

The lettuce believe Oprah generation.

This is a pretty good survey of what American’s believe today about religion. The lettuce believe whatever does not clash with Oprah’s fruit salad generation.

Survey: More have dropped dogma for spirituality in U.S. –

Religion today in the USA is a salad bar where people heap on upbeat beliefs they like and often leave the veggies — like strict doctrines — behind.

There are so many ways of seeing God, public policy expert Barry Kosmin says, that “the highest authority is now the lowest common denominator.”

“Americans believe in everything. It’s a spiritual salad bar,” says Rice University sociologist Michael Lindsay.

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Shack full of deception

Jan Markell put a nice article together on the “Shack”. Popular Book’s like the Shack with a very twisted Christian theme is how Satan is subtly working in the Church today to redefining Christianity to an all inclusive all ways to God world religion. So you can see why most who call themselves Christians in the U.S. today do not believe that Jesus is the only way to God. And all of God’s people are just saying…Amen!

The Seductive and Subversive “Shack” – CWN

The Seductive and Subversive “Shack”
By Jan Markell

Many have asked me to comment on William P.

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Are you a Christian or just a great pretender?

Cal Thomas has it right. You have denied the faith if you think there are other paths to God besides through Jesus Christ. So are you a Christian or just a great pretender? If you find yourself believing there are many paths to God you really should remove yourself from the Christian faith and quit corrupting our churches. Also, evangelical pastors and leaders need to take heed and teach the gospel often because 60 percent who attend evangelical churches have not heard it or understood it. Not to mention that in the mainline churches it is 83 percent. So is it any wonder that these “Christians” pick politicians who actually oppose the faith.… continue reading

Emerging emergent heretics

This is a good article on the emerging Emergent Movement that sums up things quite accurately. They are a bunch of emergent heretics that the Bible clearly warned us would come in these last days to tickle the ears.

A Christian & Missionary Alliance Preacher Speaks Against Emergent Movement Heresy – CWN

To the Emergent Movement there is no systematic theology. The questioning of the absolute truth of the central doctrines of Christian teaching is sinful. Why you ask? Because it is not that they ask questions in order to gain greater understanding that would be fine. They ask for the purpose of calling into question the need to hold to the sacred teachings of the central doctrines of Christianity.

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Most people in the U.S. say there are many ways to God, even among Evangelicals!

Did you catch ABC news today? 3/4 of people in the U.S. do not believe their religion is the only way to God.

If I remember right about 56 percent of Muslims also said that – Which explains why many Muslims say they are moderate although there is no such concept taught in the Quran.

I do not recall the percent of the Jews but it was very high. 60 percent were not sure they believed in God at all.

Catholics were at 79 percent – How do the people who claim that Catholicism is the one true Church believe there can be other truths and many ways to God?continue reading

Keep walking in the wolves footprints and see where that leads you!

Jan Markell makes it clear that Todd Bentley is a wolf even if she does not want to demonize Bentley I think it is a bit too late. He is demonized and if that steps on your latter rain theology, good.

Two decades ago I said that the Charismatics and Pentecostals will continue to split into two major camps. One camp will become biblically grounded and do all things in order, for example, the Calvary Chapels. The other group will continue to move away from sound doctrine into questionable mysterious experiences. I was correct. The leadership moved even beyond what anyone could foresee.… continue reading

Lakeland’s latest outpouring of demonic Bentley dung

This is a pretty good analysis of Todd Bentley with some good links to youtube so you can get to see the WWF act for yourself. Frankly, any Christian that believes that what is coming from Todd Bentley and LakeLand is from God might just skip the whole act and just check themselves into their local mental ward. That includes you pastors and media who promote this satanic blasphemy. From Brownsville to Toronto to Kansas City to Lackland all the false prophets that have opened up Christianity to ridicule and make a mockery of God with their blasphemy should be stoned.… continue reading

Don’t call America a conservative society it has proven that is is now Liberal

The article makes the case that America is post Conservative and post Christian. Even the Republican party that most Conservative and Evangelical Christians have supported in he past have gone Liberal and conservatives are now the minority and are marginalized by the party. The fact that there are few true conservatives to oppose the liberals or to start a third party movement makes it clear that the American society has drunk the leftist socialist globalist Kool-aid.

AD: ‘A Conservative Society?’ – David Tatosian – Jun 15, 08

There’s no shortage of pundits, commentators and scribblers who’ve convinced themselves that the United States is a conservative society

For example, according to the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life Survey conducted this year, 78.4% of Americans (approximately 220 million people) are Christians.

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SBC says keep your kids in public schools so they can be indoctrinated by liars and perverts

I said last week that nothing would come of this resolution at the Southern Baptist Convention because we have girlie men in leadership. Many parents are out of touch with what is going on in our schools but nevertheless any Christian leader ought to know that the state is now indoctrinating and perverting children in public schools California and elsewhere. They just do not want to do what it takes to fix the problem.

The SBC has just given the government a blank slate for it to continue and then they wonder why they have lost most of their youth. The SBC excuse is that they need to focus on the same sex marriage issue.… continue reading

A manifesto to marginalize us old style evangelicals by calling us fundamentalists

Berit Kjos wrote a well document article on the problems she finds in the Evangelical Manifesto and the “new evangelicals” involved in the project. This is what you are not hearing from those who are pushing the Evangelical Manifesto. The real intent of the Manifesto is to marginalize us old style evangelicals that they are now calling us fundamentalists as if biblical fundamentalists carried the plague. The goal of many is to promote the way to an interfaith world.

Berit Kjos — An Evangelical Manifesto For an Interfaith World

“THERE ARE NOW TWO KINDS OF EVANGELICALS…. The old is the authentic, biblical position.

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