The West needs to see the present world realities

It’s time that people in the West opened their eyes to the present world realities that they live in. The present economic threat to the West is caused by socialism, living beyond one’s means, high energy prices and trading with China. The present military and stability threat to the West is Islam. The primary religious threat to the West is not Islam, it is secular humanism, religious pluralism and New Age spirituality.

Most in the West will learn to find a job if the West stops paying people to do nothing, and stops giving people entitlements that they have not earned.… continue reading

Progressive Liberal race riots are predictable and inevidable

Even though most media will not dare mention that many blacks are racists and that the latest riots are mainly race driven. It does not change the fact that these violent civil upheavals are race driven as well as the result of an amoral undisciplined people. These are people that largely grew up without fathers but instead were mentored by government and media Marxist social engineers. They were also mentored locally by a gang rap culture of drug pushing criminals.

Much of these ghettos are now in rebellion against their institutional keepers and the inmates want to attack all those that do not belong in their own mental ward.… continue reading

Restoring Paradise Lost from secular Left or the religious Right?

Restoring Paradise Lost from the idealist secular Left or the presumptuous religious Right is not possible. Paradise Lost can only be restored after Jesus returns.

The Left worldview believes humankind can restore Paradise Lost through the collective efforts of man led by the most evolved human elite. Most on the Left believes that God is a creation of man, or is man, or at the very least, God is impersonal and detached from His creation. Therefore, in their worldview, God is not a factor in restoring Paradise Lost. They believe man must restore paradise through his own efforts.

There is a similar worldview that actually comes through world religion.… continue reading

A Memorial Day reflection for those that gave their life for me

We might take time this Memorial Day to reflect on why it is that people died so that Americans could remain free, because It seems to me, that we are rapidly losing the freedoms that all these men fought and died for. Statist Marxists enemies of individual freedoms took over our universities, corporations and most media and armed with their godless socialist worldview they began brainwashing the people and they have put America on a downward spiral toward it’s destruction. We must restore America to the Judea Christian values that these men fought and died for, or God will not bless the USA.… continue reading

New world disorder will bring riots and civil insurrections even here

The world is going into a new world order of disorder. On one side you have the tyrannical power elite with all the money and weapons and on the other side you have the oppressed, the Marxist’s and the Islamist’s. No matter which of these end up in power the outcome will be the attempted destruction of the opposition. I think the world is heading into a great time of disorder. What you have been seeing so far is in the Middle East and North Africa is just act one of a long drama.

Even if many of these nations now in turmoil somehow achieve Democracy, that Democracy will just become a tyranny of the majority with the majority imposing Islamic law, Socialism or Fascism on everyone.… continue reading

Muslim people need to throw off their taskmasters and choose peace

The Muslim people need to hear the truth, for if they continue on the road that their taskmasters are taking them they will never have peace in this world or attain everlasting life from the Creator in the next.

Muslim leaders talk about Jihad and taking the world for Allah so that Sharia law will reign in the world where everyone will submit to Allah and everyone does what is lawful and right. Yet, even in the most Muslim of countries, is that a reality? I think if you are a honest Muslim you know that even where Sharia law reigns, so do the control freaks and the taskmasters.… continue reading

Wishing all in Christ a joyful new decade but a Happy one is doubtful.

Its is hard to believe that 2011 is already upon us. It was not so long ago that futurist projections for the year 2000 had people working 20 hour work weeks, traveling in flying cars, and using moving sidewalks for mass transit in the cities.

Yet, here it is 2011 and the only reason why people are working 20 hour weeks is because they cannot find full time jobs. The flying cars have not got off the ground and if they ever did EPA would ground them in the name of junk science. The moving sidewalks are only moving because they are cracking and crumbling and sliding out of place.… continue reading

Fantasyland has progressed to become much of California

Fantasyland was once confined to Disneyland in California but it has now progressed to become much of California. People in California continually vote to do more harm to themselves. So, you have to believe that most of the people living there are out of touch with reality and the state has become suicidal.

California in many ways has become a schizophrenic “Hotel California”, little it does makes any logical sense. Can the air and water be blamed for the insanity that rages in California? They themselves seem to think so because they just keep making more costly environmental laws when they are already dead broke.… continue reading

Anyone in America seeing the rising fascism yet?

Webster dictionary: Fascisma political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

Government and government partnered multinational corporations are in the process of taking over every aspect our our lives. American constitutional freedoms are being taken away while most live in apathy distracted by free bread and circus’. Fascism is being implemented in the name of safety, security and prosperity. But make no mistake, if we continue in this direction the end results will be tyranny.… continue reading

Chuck Baldwin Draws the line in the sand (or snow) of Montana.

I think this article by Chuck Baldwin draws the line in the sand (or should I say the snows) of Montana that the government need not attempt to cross. These items should be non negotiable to any real American patriot. I am posting this because I just happen to agree with all the lines in the sand that Baldwin has drawn in his article. I am sure I could add some more, but I think what he has here is a fine start.

Here is an except from his article it gives the opening statement for his non negotiables.

I would argue that we, like our patriot forebears, have also endured “patient sufferance.”

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Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues, August 2010

Its already August and time for my second monthly perspectives article. In case you got here by a search engine with a keyword search these perspectives are posted on the World Trends and Bible Prophecy Blog of Don Koenig. There is a category on the side bar and a tag on the bottom of this post that will bring you to prior monthly perspectives.

It now looks like team Obama is about to turn on the simulation money printing machines again. We were told that the stimulus would soon end but it now is evident to even the Obamanable Far Left, that they did not get the high that they were expecting from their 3 trillion dollar stimulus.… continue reading

The Americian tyranny of a conglomeration of minorities

When a Government serves and gives special rights to a conglomeration of minorities against the will of the American majority the nation is under a tyranny of the minorities. Apparently we are now under such a tyranny in America. There is a way this can be changed politically by electing a Republican super majority.

If we are a government of the people, the majority will have to stand united against this conglomeration of minorities that now controls American government, education, media and often religion. Of course, if the Republican revolution is successful we will then have to guard against a tyranny of the majority against minorities.… continue reading

We need Tea Parties in Wonderland far beyond the Potomac.

Those coming to the tea parties to change Wonderland needs to realize that all the problems in Wonderland are not caused by the Red Queen that controls the White House on the Potomac, nor the Mad Hatter party that control the Hill. They are the results of the abdication of Wonderland by its citizens. If the people of Wonderland really wanted to restore it to what it was before the reds took over, a great many changes need to be made far beyond the Potomac and Mad Hatter Hill.

One of the problems in Wonderland came to me today while shopping at Wal-Mart.… continue reading

Government health care – Divide and conquer America by prescription

Supposedly on Sunday Americans are going to get a nation health plan shoved down their throat whether they like the medicine or not. As of this writing Fox News is saying that the House is still two votes short of passing the Senate bill. However, I am sure that leading Democrats will prescribe underhanded means to get those two votes or they will delay the health bill vote again (you did not think they would actually vote on a bill they could possible lose, did you?).

Most of the American people want Congress to start over on a health bill. Americans do not trust government on this health bill and for good reason.… continue reading

The world is very unstable we have reached the unraveling point.

Have you noticed that the world is becoming extremely unstable on every front? The only nation that kept the world fairly stable since the Second World War now is projecting a great deal of instability to the rest of the world. Because of our own unraveling the whole world is about to unravel into a third world war and all sorts of evils. Obama with his lame brain foreign policy that projects weakness reflects a major aspect of this national unraveling.

This is the first America president that acts and thinks like a third world president. Will the nation be made into his image? … continue reading

Americans should learn the real sorry state of the Union

I am sure Obama will spin his own scripted story of the state of the Union at his State of the Union Speech but the state of the Union is not going to be as stated by our lying politicians.

I think Americans should learn the real sorry state of the Union as painful as that news may be. The economy of the Union is not going to recover any time soon, in fact it is going to get much worse. The American economy is really going into an economic black hole. The link gives 20 darn good easy to understand reasons why we are not on the road to recovery.continue reading

Audacity to commit high crimes and misdemeanors through unconstitutional actions!

This administration has the audacity to blatantly commit high crimes and misdemeanors as if they are above the constitutional law of our land. They think that the American people are too stupid or too apathetic to do anything about it. They are in for a rude awaking when the inevitable backlash comes.

When enough people in this country catch on that criminals have been running this nation for quite some time there will be real change. The Tea Party is just the start of this “fed up with government” movement.  The latest batch of criminals in Washington seem hell bent on destroying this nation as fast as they can.… continue reading

Collective Insanity on Planet Earth

The reason the world needs saving is because mankind is clearly insane in his fallen state. Mankind will somehow always make the collective choices that will bring a type of hell on earth. A study of Bible prophecy and world history or the collective actions of our present world leaders makes collective insanity on earth a undeniable fact.

Man without God will make all the wrong choices over and over again.

like a very wise man once said, “there is nothing new under the sun”. If you think that man’s collective insanity is not being played out on earth today it is probably because you are an inmate of the collective insane asylum named planet earth.… continue reading

Support the Oath Keepers they are American patriots protecting us from global governance.

The “Oath keepers” are in the news and being painted by some as right wing radical nuts. Your going to hear more about this rising movement of oath keeping patriots that only intend to obey the oath they once took to uphold the Constitution of our land. You better believe that the elitists running our government and media will attempt to demonize them.

The liberal elite running our nation are being controlled by globalist world power brokers and the Bill of rights in our Constitution is an affront to their ideal of a secular socialist global governance that controls everyone and everything.… continue reading

The United States income tax system is controlled by a tyranny of the majority.

John Stossel brings up some interesting points about our income tax system that you may or may not know. We have now reached the point where half the households in the United States pay no income taxes. Many of these will actually get tax rebates on taxes that they never paid.

The top twenty percent of earners in the United States pay over ninety percent of the income taxes!

Obviously these facts raises some issues.

If half the households in the United States pay no income taxes or are receiving money from those paying incoming taxes why would they ever vote to change a tax system that would not continue to favor themselves?… continue reading